Question For Normal People.Does Anyone Actually Believe There Was A Hillary Bounce?

I believe that Trump has always had a 8/10 point lead over Hillary from the start. I never believed any polls coming from leftist networks that over sample the rats

What did you believe it BASED ON?
national polls are very hard to take. how can a pollster talk to, lets say 3000 people in the 50 states and come up with conclusion? If anything, they only really need to concentrate on is the rust belt. we all know thats where its going to come down to.

I will repeat my question to you, because you haven't actually answered it:

You say Trump has always had 8-10% margin on Clinton and I'm just asking what do you believe it BASED ON?

I'm genuinely curious about the surely revolutionary methodology you employ that is more accurate than standard polling and statistical confidence intervals....though my expectancy is that you do NOT actually have a better methodology, you have much dumber methodology. The fact that you are a Trump supporter makes that assumption right near certainty.
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I believe that Trump has always had a 8/10 point lead over Hillary from the start. I never believed any polls coming from leftist networks that over sample the rats

What did you believe it BASED ON?
national polls are very hard to take. how can a pollster talk to, lets say 3000 people in the 50 states and come up with conclusion? If anything, they only really need to concentrate on is the rust belt. we all know thats where its going to come down to.

I will repeat my question to you, because you haven't actually answered it:

What did you believe it BASED ON?
you mean my theory that Trump has always been ahead of Hillary?
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:
Vacinnes are bad for you, too. Really Rexx, it's real. LOL
I believe that Trump has always had a 8/10 point lead over Hillary from the start. I never believed any polls coming from leftist networks that over sample the rats

What did you believe it BASED ON?
national polls are very hard to take. how can a pollster talk to, lets say 3000 people in the 50 states and come up with conclusion? If anything, they only really need to concentrate on is the rust belt. we all know thats where its going to come down to.

I will repeat my question to you, because you haven't actually answered it:

What did you believe it BASED ON?
you mean my theory that Trump has always been ahead of Hillary?

but that's because you're really stupid and live in a fact-free bubble.
you mean my theory that Trump has always been ahead of Hillary?

Ok I think we can safely conclude that you are a nutter pulling numbers out of your ass and that reasonable, fair minded people should ignore your baseless assertions and instead look at the best data we have - polling data.
Oh but yes he will. Never talk defeat. That is what Wall Street wants. They want you to give up. No...he will.
If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
Oh but yes he will. Never talk defeat. That is what Wall Street wants. They want you to give up. No...he will.
If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.
I just resent the baby boomers who had job security, good pay and benefits, pensions, savings, good interest, affordable college, cheap healthcare, social security, Medicare, and now say we can't afford all that stuff.

And many of them didn't even go to school! My parents. Both worked 20 years dad at Ford mom was medical biller. They are worth $700k. How many people in this generation will have that when they retire?

But on a positive note corporate profits are thru the roof and CEO pay is up

What do Baby Boomers have to do with Government diverting monies taxed to fix roads and bridges to pay for entitlements?

Your parents were members of the UAW, a union that kept demanding increases in wages and benefits until it was no longer possible to make a profit on a car made in America. You want to blame someone for our inability to afford stuff now? Ask your parents what their pension is!
Way to kick an American worker for demanding that their wages keep pace with the cost of living. People like you like to blame unions when it was really a bunch of very rich people and their pet politicians who thought it would be really cool to make our working class compete directly with Chinese peasant labor without a hint of protectionism.

I'm "kicking" American workers when I point out that UAW union demands for ridiculously high pay and benefit packages helped make it impossible to build cars in the US and make a profit? Those wages didn't keep pace with the cost of living and your claim that was all they wanted is laughable!
So because they wanted high pay you took your ball and went home and now you are saying you want to bring those jobs back home? How much will those jobs pay when they come back? $10 hr?

Why would you pay uneducated blue collar any more than that?

Im having a hard time believing you

You're the one who can't bring themselves to honestly look at WHY jobs left, Sealy! If an auto worker made high pay and the auto company still made a profit producing a car then it's a good thing for everyone including the UAW because that job is worth that wage! That isn't what happened though. We reached an absurd point where US car companies were losing money on each vehicle that rolled off an American assembly line and only making money on vehicles that were made elsewhere! Jobs have to pay what jobs are worth in a free market. When a wage is set artificially by either the government or by union extortion it eventually leads to problems like job exportation. You are NEVER going to get those jobs back if you don't let the market determine the wage.
Not true. Google 1999 Ford record profits. The big 3 got fucked by the great recession and $4 a gallon gas
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:

I don't have to claim anything. reality does.

how is president Romney doing? you idiots did the same thing then.
They're in denial. Republicans aren't voting for trump. Independents aren't voting for trump. Bernie supporters aren't voting for trump.
Oh but yes he will. Never talk defeat. That is what Wall Street wants. They want you to give up. No...he will.
If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.
He is just a total ignoramus, typical product of our public school system.
Oh but yes he will. Never talk defeat. That is what Wall Street wants. They want you to give up. No...he will.
If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.

Are you REALLY this stupid???? Of course NAFTA pisses me off. What on earth made you think I was ever FOR NAFTA????
If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.

Are you REALLY this stupid. Of course NAFTA pisses me off. What on earth made you think I was ever FOR NAFTA?
Didnt you say you would give Hillary back rubs, foot massages and any other personal service if it would get her elected?

If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.
He is just a total ignoramus, typical product of our public school system.

Piss up a rope moron. You are as stupid as Trump. You have never brought a shred of 411 that I am a liberal yet like some robotic parrot you continue to spew your venom that I am a supporter of dems. Fuck off ignoramus.
If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.
He is just a total ignoramus, typical product of our public school system.

Piss up a rope moron. You are as stupid as Trump. You have never brought a shred of 411 that I am a liberal yet like some robotic parrot you continue to spew your venom that I am a supporter of dems. Fuck off ignoramus.
No, I am pretty sure you said you would give Hillary some great foot rubs, and you look forward to it....oh, yeah, and something about 'Ruby Fruit'?

What is that?
Quick update: Betting odds have Clinton up 7% this week and Trump down 8% - a 15 point swing putting Trump's chances now at less than 25% and falling fast. He's sabotaging his campaign, no question about it.
If you we cannot sell products in China...then those ports on West Coast will be closed to them. If Wall Street investors lose $$$$ too fucking bad. Nobody cared about U.S. Workers who lost jobs.
Huggy doesnt care if American workers have jobs come back or not.

He is a partisan hack who will happily say the most ludicrous things with a straight face if the thinks it helps Hillary get elected.

Jimmy, You are unhinged. I spent much of my life in manufacturing. I have been a machinist, manual and CNC. Why on earth would I want American jobs to go overseas? That's crazy. I've posted HUNDREDS of times railing against Walmart and the big box club stores. All I got was sniveling replies from people like you how wonderful it was to save a few bucks. Ya, I WAS partisan until Bush nearly destroyed our country.
NAFTA never bothered you? You have been brainwashed by DNC.

Are you REALLY this stupid. Of course NAFTA pisses me off. What on earth made you think I was ever FOR NAFTA?
Didnt you say you would give Hillary back rubs, foot massages and any other personal service if it would get her elected?


No, but I would love to sucker punch you and your butt buddies for allowing this POS Trump to win the primaries.

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