Question for Republicans


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2018
I'm not afraid to admit that I'd be open to good ideas on education and healthcare. Would you guys consider national plans under any circumstances? On healthcare, some have suggested there are still ways to have competition to lower prices under a national plan. I've been rethinking what the role of the government is. Primarily, it is defense from foreign adversaries. I'm think better public education and and a national health plan could make us better. The trick would be the corrupt asshats who would be in charge of creating and running these things. I'm not sure it would be a nanny state for people not to have to worry about medical expenses and an education. You would still have to pay the bills, and you would still be responsible for yourself. I don't think it would have to foster dependency.

A few quick things. I'm onboard with charter schools, but I'd fervently love to have a superior public education system. It is a mystery why education never gets better. Pay the teachers, cut athletics, and offer courses that teach actual skills. I know where I live, that many do not respect teachers, view them as babysitters. This to me is tragic. As for higher education, I think to be eligible for national help, you should have to meet some basic standards in high school. Failing high school, and then saying the government will pay me to go to archeology school sounds flawed. There must be some merit to move up to the next level. Maybe only have degrees that lead to work should be available under a plan. I'm sorry the democrats have gone over to environmental scams, race hustling, and supporting crime. I could have seen working with them if they were sane. With all the money and corruption, I realize that we can't successfully create a national plan, this is just a what if question.
I'm not afraid to admit that I'd be open to good ideas on education and healthcare. Would you guys consider national plans under any circumstances? On healthcare, some have suggested there are still ways to have competition to lower prices under a national plan. I've been rethinking what the role of the government is. Primarily, it is defense from foreign adversaries. I'm think better public education and and a national health plan could make us better. The trick would be the corrupt asshats who would be in charge of creating and running these things. I'm not sure it would be a nanny state for people not to have to worry about medical expenses and an education. You would still have to pay the bills, and you would still be responsible for yourself. I don't think it would have to foster dependency.

A few quick things. I'm onboard with charter schools, but I'd fervently love to have a superior public education system. It is a mystery why education never gets better. Pay the teachers, cut athletics, and offer courses that teach actual skills. I know where I live, that many do not respect teachers, view them as babysitters. This to me is tragic. As for higher education, I think to be eligible for national help, you should have to meet some basic standards in high school. Failing high school, and then saying the government will pay me to go to archeology school sounds flawed. There must be some merit to move up to the next level. Maybe only have degrees that lead to work should be available under a plan. I'm sorry the democrats have gone over to environmental scams, race hustling, and supporting crime. I could have seen working with them if they were sane. With all the money and corruption, I realize that we can't successfully create a national plan, this is just a what if question.
Do you think the hacks that run each of the 50 Departments of Education would give up even a micro gram of their power?

We need to not have the government involved in health care.

You need to be responsible for your health care and I be responsible for my health care and the government stay out of it.

The last thing we need is for the government to regulate the free market of health care and for the oppressive government to take the money I make to pay for your health care.

I trust the free market of health care to provide the best care at the lowest possible cost a lot more than I would trust any government system, run by stupid bureaucrats that don't give a shit about me whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.
1. Healthcare was better before Obamacare, free markets work. Medicaid covers the losers
2. Education is a STATE responsibility, read the Constitution
3. Colleges need their "endowment funds" taxed, and student loans co-signed so the colleges are responsible for loan defaults
4. The Feds need to "fix" Medicare and Social Security
5. We need another government audit from top to bottom, a "Grace Commission II" to find a few $trillion

We need to not have the government involved in health care.

You need to be responsible for your health care and I be responsible for my health care and the government stay out of it.

The last thing we need is for the government to regulate the free market of health care and for the oppressive government to take the money I make to pay for your health care.

I trust the free market of health care to provide the best care at the lowest possible cost a lot more than I would trust any government system, run by stupid bureaucrats that don't give a shit about me whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Do you trust the oil companies and the corporate farmers to provide the best product at the lowest cost with no government involvement too?

We need to not have the government involved in health care.

You need to be responsible for your health care and I be responsible for my health care and the government stay out of it.

The last thing we need is for the government to regulate the free market of health care and for the oppressive government to take the money I make to pay for your health care.

I trust the free market of health care to provide the best care at the lowest possible cost a lot more than I would trust any government system, run by stupid bureaucrats that don't give a shit about me whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Do you trust the oil companies and the corporate farmers to provide the best product at the lowest cost with no government involvement too?

I trust the private sector to give me the best product at the lowest price.

I don't trust government assholes for anything.

I don't know about you but I am actually paying less for gas in constant dollars than I did in the 1970s. It is also plentify. If the fucking government assholes were providing fuel I would be riding around on a bicycle with a solar panel on top.
I'm not afraid to admit that I'd be open to good ideas on education and healthcare. Would you guys consider national plans under any circumstances? On healthcare, some have suggested there are still ways to have competition to lower prices under a national plan. I've been rethinking what the role of the government is. Primarily, it is defense from foreign adversaries. I'm think better public education and and a national health plan could make us better. The trick would be the corrupt asshats who would be in charge of creating and running these things. I'm not sure it would be a nanny state for people not to have to worry about medical expenses and an education. You would still have to pay the bills, and you would still be responsible for yourself. I don't think it would have to foster dependency.

A few quick things. I'm onboard with charter schools, but I'd fervently love to have a superior public education system. It is a mystery why education never gets better. Pay the teachers, cut athletics, and offer courses that teach actual skills. I know where I live, that many do not respect teachers, view them as babysitters. This to me is tragic. As for higher education, I think to be eligible for national help, you should have to meet some basic standards in high school. Failing high school, and then saying the government will pay me to go to archeology school sounds flawed. There must be some merit to move up to the next level. Maybe only have degrees that lead to work should be available under a plan. I'm sorry the democrats have gone over to environmental scams, race hustling, and supporting crime. I could have seen working with them if they were sane. With all the money and corruption, I realize that we can't successfully create a national plan, this is just a what if question.

Here's my issue with everything you said. You are looking at all the things that government has screwed up.... and saying... well more government is the answer. If only we had even more of what screwed up everything, then it would magically unscrew up.

Government is the cause of all the problems in all those areas. And this is just a fact.

So like when you say, "all we need to do...." to fix public schools.... right, that's not going to happen. We all know how to fix public schools. There are dozens of brilliant ways to fix public schools.

But government caused public schools to be the crap that they are. Adding more government control on public schools, when they caused public schools to suck, isn't going to fix public schools.

You say why not? Well put simply, democrats do not want the schools fixed. People that are able to fix their own lives.... don't need Democrats. They need people to be useless and helpless, and stuck in misery. That's their only selling point as Democrats is.... you need us.

You doubt that? Look at Obama and the charter school system in Washington DC.

Washington DC schools are some of the worst schools in the entire nation.

Under Bush, they adopted a massively widely supported Charter school system, that all the public supported, especially blacks and minorities.

Obama came into office, and worked for years to end the charter school system. Notice.... he didn't do anything to try and improve the public schools. He only worked to end charter schools.

More government, is like saying to a cancer patient, a little more cancer will improve things.

Yes, other countries with a less ideologically corrupted government, would do better. Finland has a better school system than us. Portugal, even Slovakia has better educational results than we do, while spending less money.

So that is my issue with all of this.

The problem in health care, is government. More government, will simply result in more problems.

The solution to health care, is privatization. Privatize the system, and deregulate.
The solution to education is privatization, and deregulate.
I'm not afraid to admit that I'd be open to good ideas on education and healthcare. Would you guys consider national plans under any circumstances? On healthcare, some have suggested there are still ways to have competition to lower prices under a national plan. I've been rethinking what the role of the government is. Primarily, it is defense from foreign adversaries. I'm think better public education and and a national health plan could make us better. The trick would be the corrupt asshats who would be in charge of creating and running these things. I'm not sure it would be a nanny state for people not to have to worry about medical expenses and an education. You would still have to pay the bills, and you would still be responsible for yourself. I don't think it would have to foster dependency.

A few quick things. I'm onboard with charter schools, but I'd fervently love to have a superior public education system. It is a mystery why education never gets better. Pay the teachers, cut athletics, and offer courses that teach actual skills. I know where I live, that many do not respect teachers, view them as babysitters. This to me is tragic. As for higher education, I think to be eligible for national help, you should have to meet some basic standards in high school. Failing high school, and then saying the government will pay me to go to archeology school sounds flawed. There must be some merit to move up to the next level. Maybe only have degrees that lead to work should be available under a plan. I'm sorry the democrats have gone over to environmental scams, race hustling, and supporting crime. I could have seen working with them if they were sane. With all the money and corruption, I realize that we can't successfully create a national plan, this is just a what if question.
This is around 3 years old. I have posted it times. I believe it to be a good idea.
I was in public schools from 1945-1957. At that time states and counties were responsible for education. I and my classmates were given an excellent education by very competent and dedicated teachers. Teachers were not paid the best wages but their love of teaching kept them in the profession until retirement. Students graduated with all the skills needed to go to college or find a decent job. But things were about to change almost overnight.

In 1965, LBJ created the system that started off bad and ballooned into the clusterfuck we have today. By the mid 70s, people were graduating from high school and college who could not read above a third grade level or do basic math. Students were not taught proper history or basic civics. Only the ones who wanted to excel would strive to learn. Those are the exceptions.

The most disturbing case I saw was a U. of Minnesota graduate who played football for four years. He could not read or write and was an Army draftee. I was curious as to how he got a degree and asked him what was his major. He told me, "Basket Weaving." I found it hard to believe and told him so but a couple of his classmates, also draftees, told me it was true. Now it's 2020 and we are in a world of hurt.

Here is an article that explains what happened and where we are today. God help us.

I so don't trust the private sector to do the right thing...most of the time.

That is a ridiculous comment. Really? If you drive a car, you do. The private sector made all the parts for that car, and the roads it drives on, and the fuel it used. If you live in a house you do. Every single material used, and the construction tools used, and the production of that house, was all because of the private sector.

And if you think the government has any hand at all, in the safety of your food you eat, you are crazy.

And worse if you think that government is better than the private market, that is even more insane.

Did you miss the VA scandal where they were people were simply being deleted off the list, so they could pretend they were meeting their goals?

And that's normal. That *IS* normal for socialized government controlled systems. We saw the same thing in Canada, where they were making up that people were not waiting years for basic surgeries. We saw the same thing in the UK, and elsewhere.

I think everyone should watch that HBO series on Chernobyl. The lies and secrets that the Soviets hid, to pretend that their power plant was just as safe as any in the west. That whole concept of "We'll have our own truth". That is normal for government.

That's not a Democrat or Republican thing. That's a government thing. I could list you dozens of examples in our own government. In the 1970s, Carter was pushing that we were running out of coal. He asked the USGS, to determine how much coal was left, and they found 200 years worth. That didn't work for Carter who was pushing this was an emergency now. They got rid of those guys, and had new people do the report, with more politically acceptable answers.

That's normal.

And trust those people, over the free-market? Based on what?

When you look at all the different areas of our economy... which areas have the MOST problems? Which areas have the BIGGEST problems?

Free-market areas, with low government oversight...... or....
The banks... with literally thousands on thousands of regulations on every aspect of banking?
Health care, where nearly every single aspect of health care, and health insurance, are regulated by millions of laws at the local, state, and federal level?
Home mortgages, where they have two massive government sponsored enterprises that dominate the entire market?

Can you explain why areas with the absolute most government involvement, have the most problems?

You remember before Bush had the FCC auction off spectrum? Remember that big boom in cell phones and wireless communication in the 1990s? No? Me neither.

Remember when they auctioned off the spectrum, and suddenly without government controlling it, we had a crisis of wireless communication? No? Me neither.

Based on what, do you claim the market is worse than government? Based on what?
It is kind of what I feared. The people who get elected are so corrupt and incompetent, that education will always stink and national programs will always be epic boondoggles. We'd have to clean up our representatives before we could ever hope to have something useful from them. Add this to cultural decay, and it is depressing. Having kids you can't afford is just dandy, and being able to take care of yourself is racist. At the same time, I think it is misleading to say all national programs cause dependency and nanny states. We should be accurate and say the programs would just suck and line corrupt people's pockets.
The gov't has been trusted to fix shit for generations- and it hasn't. More of the same won't fix shit.
Where I come from, digging a hole deeper is not how to get out of a hole.

The gov't's role in "domestic" issues is clearly laid out in the constitution and NO WHERE is there anything about education or health insurance. The clearly laid out about domestic issues is The Bill of Rights- of course, reading comprehension of simple English is a prerequisite- wonder why it is there is so little of that?
But, to be fair, it isn't just Democrats- Republicans subscribe to Public Education too- they just want their particular tweak to make it look better- again, results speak for themselves. They too went through the Public Education SYSTEM- any and all systems will fail as they are only as good as their weakest link- the so-called elite who went to Ivy League higher education colleges are who call the shots- they are evil incarnate. They actually believe they're better than you, or me, or any voter- we are but "stinky tourist" who interrupt their games with trivial concerns. Trivial to them.

Educate yourself. I stopped going to school in 1963- but, I can read, quite well, and have a handle on English comprehension- am I rich? No. But that was never a concern. I just want to live and be left the fuck alone and dimwits employed by the fed gov't know that, but it is beyond their comprehension why.
Healthcare insurance should be on the open market like any other service.

It should not be tied to employment and price shouldn’t be determined by income level.
I so don't trust the private sector to do the right thing...most of the time.

But they cant be tyrannical like the gov can be.
They at least have to compete or they go out of business.

With the massive subsidies and give aways that oil companies and corporate farms enjoy, you can't really say they are competing with anybody. The government pays if their profit drops below a certain minimum
With the massive subsidies and give aways that oil companies and corporate farms enjoy, you can't really say they are competing with anybody. The government pays if their profit drops below a certain minimum
That doesn't change what he said- it merely proves godvernment favors one over another.

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