Question for sailors: How could a destroyer be rammed broadside by a supertanker?

I assume that it was 2:20 am since so many sailors were sleeping in their berths when it happened? Also in daytime even if collision warning systems failed, there would be plenty of eyeballs spotting the oncoming tanker you would think.
Yes, 2:20 am
I assume that it was 2:20 am since so many sailors were sleeping in their berths when it happened? Also in daytime even if collision warning systems failed, there would be plenty of eyeballs spotting the oncoming tanker you would think.
Has trump made a statement about the deaths of 7 US sailors?


Has he called the families?

Cmon, you KNOW he KNOWS because, if he's not golfing or eating, he's watching and yelling at the TV.

So? Has he said anything?
Has trump made a statement about the deaths of 7 US sailors?


Has he called the families?

Cmon, you KNOW he KNOWS because, if he's not golfing or eating, he's watching and yelling at the TV.

So? Has he said anything?
idk...............and quite frankly don't it.
Is this gonna be another "terrorist" speculation thread like the one about the fire in London?
I didn't say a word about the fire in London. If you can offer any sort of explanation how this happens accidentally and why the Destroyer couldn't avoid the tanker then by all means do.
Has trump made a statement about the deaths of 7 US sailors?


Has he called the families?

Cmon, you KNOW he KNOWS because, if he's not golfing or eating, he's watching and yelling at the TV.

So? Has he said anything?
Not that I have heard. Yes I agree a statement from Trump is late in coming. The thread is about how this even happens and why the Destroyer could not evade the Tanker.
Is this gonna be another "terrorist" speculation thread like the one about the fire in London?
I didn't say a word about the fire in London. If you can offer any sort of explanation how this happens accidentally and why the Destroyer couldn't avoid the tanker then by all means do.
To standers weren't doing their job. The RDO and OS's in Combat CIC should have seen the ship on radar well before it got close. Collision alarms on the radars should have went off.........unless they were over ridden.

If good weather..........the lookout should have seen the Navigation lights..............It sounds like they were half asleep or not doing their job.........I don't see any other way.
He did yesterday
Trump: 'Thoughts and prayers' for missing crew members of USS Fitzgerald
Has trump made a statement about the deaths of 7 US sailors?


Has he called the families?

Cmon, you KNOW he KNOWS because, if he's not golfing or eating, he's watching and yelling at the TV.

So? Has he said anything?
Not that I have heard. Yes I agree a statement from Trump is late in coming. The thread is about how this even happens and why the Destroyer could not evade the Tanker.
Supposedly there are 14 minutes missing in the reporting from the ACX Crystal, according to marine traffic sites.
Is this gonna be another "terrorist" speculation thread like the one about the fire in London?
I didn't say a word about the fire in London. If you can offer any sort of explanation how this happens accidentally and why the Destroyer couldn't avoid the tanker then by all means do.
To standers weren't doing their job. The RDO and OS's in Combat CIC should have seen the ship on radar well before it got close. Collision alarms on the radars should have went off.........unless they were over ridden.

If good weather..........the lookout should have seen the Navigation lights..............It sounds like they were half asleep or not doing their job.........I don't see any other way.
This tanker has a speed upwards of 25 knots. According to its reported speed it was around 18 knots when it collided.
A destroyer has a top speed of maybe 35 knots (or more), a tanker 12 knots though a tanker would usually travel at 8-10 knots. As soon as I heard of this I thought there was something not right. Even if a crew on a tanker were hell bent on ramming a US navy ship it should never get close. Worst case scenario is the tanker didn't respond to warnings from the destroyer, the destroyer could have just gunned the engines and moved.

Unless of course it was in 'the Japanese Bermuda Triangle'!

It is a container ship, not a tanker.

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