Question for the Lefties

I wonder how Willow feels about the white TX rich kid teen who got probation for driving drunk and plowing into four people resulting in their death? The defense argued that he should get therapy because he was "a product of wealth" and was used to getting "whatever he wanted". The judge agreed.

the large uproar over the white kid.....caused him to receive more probation...

So he still got probation...for killing 4 people

Both he and his parents should be in prison for life
How about the knock out game? would that be a good reason even if the dude was black? or should we give him a pass for being black? There's a dead white guy and black dude gets 10 years, Dunn gets life.. Really?

The teen you're referring to claims it wasn't the knockout game. Somebody hit his car and he mistakenly believed it was the guy he ended up punching resulting in him falling and hitting his head. He was convicted of second degree unintentional murder, which is unlike the Dunn case because Dunn was convicted of the attempted murder of 3 people, each conviction being worth 20 yrs each, and firing a deadly missile into a car, worth 15 yrs.

Claim be dammed, he murdered the white kid, if you don't allow Zimmerman to claim then don't allow it in this case lest you be a big assed liberal hypocrite
When someone is trying to kill you.

It's not a tough question. Why did you need someone to explain it to you? If someone is just disrespecting you, as in the Dunn case, that's clearly not a SYG situation.


And, would add, neither is having to chase down your victim.

I'd say if the (black) kid runs away, its not SYG.
How about the knock out game? would that be a good reason even if the dude was black? or should we give him a pass for being black? There's a dead white guy and black dude gets 10 years, Dunn gets life.. Really?

The black guy should've gotten life. That was a terrible decision.

So when he gets out we should stalk and harass him until the end of his days just as you pray happens to GZ Yes?

I would've been fine with GZ getting 10 years

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