Question for the Never Trump folks

Do YOU and the ESTABLISHMENT not realize that if you screw Trump out of the nomination once he has the numbers or is the closest to the numbers that he will simply run independent and the GOP STILL LOSES!? Is it that hard to comprehend? Cutting off your face to spite your nose..I mean personally you screw Trump I will still vote for him and I will sit back and watch the GOP establishment whine and bitch and moan for 4 years of Hillary Clinton running the country into the ground.
Trump hasn't earned my vote. It's as simple as that.

If I voted for him, I would be telling him he is doing something right, and I'll be damned if I will do that.

I understand how a whore like yourself would expect other people to be as whorish as you are, but we aren't.

Being part of a team carries the contract of working with the team for the team.

Whether your guy is the team leader or not.

Accepting the support of the team when you are getting your way, and then NOT when you are NOT, is you being a Freeloader.
Nice try.


You think Trump is a team player? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Do YOU and the ESTABLISHMENT not realize that if you screw Trump out of the nomination once he has the numbers or is the closest to the numbers that he will simply run independent and the GOP STILL LOSES!? Is it that hard to comprehend? Cutting off your face to spite your nose..I mean personally you screw Trump I will still vote for him and I will sit back and watch the GOP establishment whine and bitch and moan for 4 years of Hillary Clinton running the country into the ground.
Trump hasn't earned my vote. It's as simple as that.

If I voted for him, I would be telling him he is doing something right, and I'll be damned if I will do that.

I understand how a whore like yourself would expect other people to be as whorish as you are, but we aren't.

Being part of a team carries the contract of working with the team for the team.

Whether your guy is the team leader or not.

Accepting the support of the team when you are getting your way, and then NOT when you are NOT, is you being a Freeloader.
Nice try.


You think Trump is a team player? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I'm a team player. I voted for McCain when he won the Primaries Fair and Square, despite him not being my choice.

When you sign up with a team, you sign up with the whole team.
considering about 98% of Trumps promises have no chance of ever working out he only has a 2% chance of being elected POTUS.

One vote shy of 1,237 and the nomination will be taken from him. Primary voters don't elect the nominee, the delegates do. Too much is at stake folks and if Trump gets in office the gravy train/courruption/$$$/influence will end. The Washington elite will not let that happen.

Trumps only chance is to reach 1237 and anything short of that will result in some one else being the nominee. I've reserved myself to this fact. Will it result in 'riots' (not of the violent kind)? Absolutely..but it will not matter. The GOPe only care about preserving the status quo and their livelihoods. Losing to Hillary is the very least of their concerns--ranks dead last.
Do YOU and the ESTABLISHMENT not realize that if you screw Trump out of the nomination once he has the numbers or is the closest to the numbers that he will simply run independent and the GOP STILL LOSES!? Is it that hard to comprehend? Cutting off your face to spite your nose..I mean personally you screw Trump I will still vote for him and I will sit back and watch the GOP establishment whine and bitch and moan for 4 years of Hillary Clinton running the country into the ground.

They're in denial. They think that if Trump and his 13,000,000 voters walk....that 13,000,000 independents will step up and fill the gap.

Despite the fact that the GOP has *never* seen a shift of anything close to that magnitude in the history of the GOP or American politics.

But with a 61% disapproval rating and even Rassmussen finding that 54% of the general electorate would never vote for Trump, its not like the results will change much if they don't.
One vote shy of 1,237 and the nomination will be taken from him. Primary voters don't elect the nominee, the delegates do. Too much is at stake folks and if Trump gets in office the gravy train/courruption/$$$/influence will end. The Washington elite will not let that happen.

Trumps only chance is to reach 1237 and anything short of that will result in some one else being the nominee. I've reserved myself to this fact. Will it result in 'riots' (not of the violent kind)? Absolutely..but it will not matter. The GOPe only care about preserving the status quo and their livelihoods. Losing to Hillary is the very least of their concerns--ranks dead last.

I'm slightly more pragmatic about it. The GOP's 'big tent' is collapsing. The Tea Party faction is fundamentally incompatible with the GOP. With republicans having effectively refused to co-govern.

Given that in 2016, they're fucked either way....they have 2 choices. Hurt now and more and control their own branding for the future. Or hurt later and less.....and have Trump control their branding for the next decade or so.

Emotions are running high. If they pull the pin out of the grenade at their convention, their party splits in dramatic fashion. But they can plausibly repudiate the Trump dumps alienating everyone from hispanics to women to Muslims to veterans. And establish their own brand and message even as they fall this election. However, the high emotion fuels an ugly break larger and more herniating than it might otherwise be.

If they let Trump have the nomination, they'll keep their coalition......for a while. But Trump's an awful candidate. From Birtherism to all the stupid shit Trump has ever said about women, muslims, hispanics or whatever group he adds to the mix.......Trump is their poster child. His comments define the GOP. Which will cause them problems for at least a decade, even with a Trump loss.

As there's no plausible narrative that doesn't include the GOP backing the shit that Trump advocates.

I suspect that the defining issue for when this split takes place is going to be the Senate races. If they think their odds of holding the Senate are better with Trump....he stays. If they think its better without him....he goes.
somewhere in the back of their mind Trump supporters honestly believe they're the majority.

the loud [[[[[[ THUD ]]]]]] you'll be hearing is their jaw hitting the floor when it drops like a rock off a cliff.
considering about 98% of Trumps promises have no chance of ever working out he only has a 2% chance of being elected POTUS.


Considering the polls, your confidence is the Willful Blindness of a Fool.

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