Diamond Member
On the issue of transgenderism, leftists seem to deny some aspects of the science and enshrine others: the existence of sex chromosome abnormalities and other disorders of sexual development (DSDs) are seen as "proof" of multiple genders....despite the fact that most people who carry these abnormalities do not suffer from gender dysphoria (the DSM 5 diagnosis assigned to transgenderism).
Why do the leftists here completely ignore the fact that the vast majority of the people who have these abnormalities do not suffer from gender dysphoria and try to pretend as if the science is settled?
Also why do you guys lie and say Transgenderism a.k.a Gender Dysphoria is not in the DSM?
What benefit do you get from lying and denying scientific facts and statistics?
Because it's NOT just chromosome disorders. It's varying magnitudes of hormonal production, size or variance in genitalia, etc. It could be actually psychological as well as physical. There's a LOT to sort out before you can DECLARE a patient an actual candidate for transgender status.. From the Psych view of it ------
Diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria
By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD
Gender dysphoria is a condition where then person identifies himself or herself with the opposite of their original biological sex. This is not a mental disorder. However, some people may need therapy.
Diagnosis of gender dysphoria is thus important to rule out other concurrent or underlying mental disorders like anxiety, depression etc. (1)
A multidisciplinary team is required for diagnosis
Assessment of persons with gender dysphoria and diagnosis of the condition is a multidisciplinary action.
A detailed psychiatric history, psychosexual development and behavior history, neuropsychological testing and behavioral analysis may be needed.
The team may comprise of:
Endocrinologists (who specialize in hormonal functions)
Urologists (who specialize in the urinary tract and its abnormalities)
Behavioral and occupation therapists
Counsellors etc.
Gender dysphoria must be separated from homosexuality. Not all persons with gender dysphoria are homosexual. (1, 2)
Two phase diagnosis
Diagnosis may be a challenge since results of psychological testing may not be conclusive.
The International Harry Benjamin Gender Dysphoria Association lays down guidelines for a two phase diagnosis. (1)
Phase I – Diagnosis is based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders IV (Text Revision) or DSM – IV TR.
Phase II – Here the patient is assessed if he or she can live in the desired sex role permanently. This involves family information and counselling and name change. Hormonal therapy, gender re-assignation surgery and psychotherapy is administered as needed.
Ruling out other diagnosis
Differential diagnosis or other diagnosis that need to be ruled out during assessment of a suspected person with gender dysphoria include (1):–
Nonconformity to stereotypical sex role behaviors
Transvestic fetishism – The person may have a sexual fetish with cross dressing
Concurrent congenital intersex condition – The person may have ambiguous genitalia
So to GET to a clinical diagnosis as a TRUE Transexual candidate --- you must first rule out fetishes, simple behavioural issues, Schizoids, Depression, anxiety OR ACTUAL PHYSICAL birth conditions..
People with actual OBSERVABLE and MEASURABLE physical abnormalities have to have a medical team decide the feasibility of moving in EITHER direction. Improving the BORN condition -- or transitioning to the OPPOSITE condition.
Lots of moving parts. ALL of them SANE and somewhat scientific. No yelling and screaming required..
Yes, gender dysphoria, they changed the DSM diagnosis of GID (Gender Identity Disorder) because of pressure from extreme left wing groups because they didn't want them to be "stigmatized" with a mental illness, but it is a mental disease with one of the most prominent and common symptoms which is "delusion."
No they are not actually REQUIRED to see a licensed clinical psychiatrist. They only have to see a "gender specialist" and have been living as a woman for a couple/3 years. That is ALL that is required for them to be able to have surgery.
I'm sure there (in fact I KNOW) there are other treatments other than genital mutilation. These people were fine before the extreme leftist groups involved themselves. Just look at suicide rates before the 1950s and 1960s. That should clear up any "confusion" you have on this issue.