Question for those who actually believe 'transgenderism' is a real thing?

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I have a now 28 year old gay nephew.
We were around this boy a great deal when he was young. I doubt there was any 2-3 days that went by where we did not see him. We babysat for him 100's of times, numerous weekend visits when his parents were out of town etc.
I knew this boy was going to be gay by the time he was 3-4 years old. He was effeminate. He covered his mouth when he smiled, he would do that swing back and forth girly thing when he wanted something like a little girl does...he was just simply "more girl than boy".
I have zero belief that he "chose to be gay" - that is simply dumb and closed minded to think otherwise.
Equal for transsexuals. A TRUE transsexual, which is actually rare, DO exist. It is dumb and closed minded to believe otherwise.
I would agree that for every transsexual, there are 100 transvestites. Hence the problem with the whole "bathroom argument".
You knew this how?

Did you read the post?
I said how I knew. He was very effeminate.

I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.
Does the OP make a distinction between "knowing" and "believing" or, in his mind, are they interchangeable?
I have a now 28 year old gay nephew.
We were around this boy a great deal when he was young. I doubt there was any 2-3 days that went by where we did not see him. We babysat for him 100's of times, numerous weekend visits when his parents were out of town etc.
I knew this boy was going to be gay by the time he was 3-4 years old. He was effeminate. He covered his mouth when he smiled, he would do that swing back and forth girly thing when he wanted something like a little girl does...he was just simply "more girl than boy".
I have zero belief that he "chose to be gay" - that is simply dumb and closed minded to think otherwise.
Equal for transsexuals. A TRUE transsexual, which is actually rare, DO exist. It is dumb and closed minded to believe otherwise.
I would agree that for every transsexual, there are 100 transvestites. Hence the problem with the whole "bathroom argument".
You knew this how?

Did you read the post?
I said how I knew. He was very effeminate.

I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.

Maybe he "swung" both ways? :p
I have a now 28 year old gay nephew.
We were around this boy a great deal when he was young. I doubt there was any 2-3 days that went by where we did not see him. We babysat for him 100's of times, numerous weekend visits when his parents were out of town etc.
I knew this boy was going to be gay by the time he was 3-4 years old. He was effeminate. He covered his mouth when he smiled, he would do that swing back and forth girly thing when he wanted something like a little girl does...he was just simply "more girl than boy".
I have zero belief that he "chose to be gay" - that is simply dumb and closed minded to think otherwise.
Equal for transsexuals. A TRUE transsexual, which is actually rare, DO exist. It is dumb and closed minded to believe otherwise.
I would agree that for every transsexual, there are 100 transvestites. Hence the problem with the whole "bathroom argument".
You knew this how?

Did you read the post?
I said how I knew. He was very effeminate.

I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D
These people are absolutely clueless.

Naw, he's cool. I just dont agree with that assessment about a toddler.
One of my nephews grew up around nothing but women, single mother who refused to date after her husband died and 3 sisters. He had effeminate mannerisms and everyone thought he was going to be gay. Nope, he's never been attracted to men, married a woman, has 2 kids, and has lost the effeminate mannerisms.

Folks read way too much into things. That's not to say no effeminate acting boy is gay....but its not a given. And there is zero concrete evidence anyone is " born gay". Absolutely none.
I have a now 28 year old gay nephew.
We were around this boy a great deal when he was young. I doubt there was any 2-3 days that went by where we did not see him. We babysat for him 100's of times, numerous weekend visits when his parents were out of town etc.
I knew this boy was going to be gay by the time he was 3-4 years old. He was effeminate. He covered his mouth when he smiled, he would do that swing back and forth girly thing when he wanted something like a little girl does...he was just simply "more girl than boy".
I have zero belief that he "chose to be gay" - that is simply dumb and closed minded to think otherwise.
Equal for transsexuals. A TRUE transsexual, which is actually rare, DO exist. It is dumb and closed minded to believe otherwise.
I would agree that for every transsexual, there are 100 transvestites. Hence the problem with the whole "bathroom argument".
You knew this how?

Did you read the post?
I said how I knew. He was very effeminate.

I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.

I am not sure how I feel about not even knowing what a sex swing is....
You knew this how?

Did you read the post?
I said how I knew. He was very effeminate.

I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.

I am not sure how I feel about not even knowing what a sex swing is....

I have a now 28 year old gay nephew.
We were around this boy a great deal when he was young. I doubt there was any 2-3 days that went by where we did not see him. We babysat for him 100's of times, numerous weekend visits when his parents were out of town etc.
I knew this boy was going to be gay by the time he was 3-4 years old. He was effeminate. He covered his mouth when he smiled, he would do that swing back and forth girly thing when he wanted something like a little girl does...he was just simply "more girl than boy".
I have zero belief that he "chose to be gay" - that is simply dumb and closed minded to think otherwise.
Equal for transsexuals. A TRUE transsexual, which is actually rare, DO exist. It is dumb and closed minded to believe otherwise.
I would agree that for every transsexual, there are 100 transvestites. Hence the problem with the whole "bathroom argument".
You knew this how?

Did you read the post?
I said how I knew. He was very effeminate.

I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.
Nah, you just love the kid so you have developed a belief system that you are comfortable with regarding his homosexual lifestyle. Its not based on any scientific fact, it's your own faith based belief, sort of like a religious belief.
Did you read the post?
I said how I knew. He was very effeminate.

I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.

I am not sure how I feel about not even knowing what a sex swing is....


Yeah I would probably run to. :D
My reaction would be "WTF is that??"... I guess I am way to alpha to allow myself to be retrained in any manner.
I have a now 28 year old gay nephew.
We were around this boy a great deal when he was young. I doubt there was any 2-3 days that went by where we did not see him. We babysat for him 100's of times, numerous weekend visits when his parents were out of town etc.
I knew this boy was going to be gay by the time he was 3-4 years old. He was effeminate. He covered his mouth when he smiled, he would do that swing back and forth girly thing when he wanted something like a little girl does...he was just simply "more girl than boy".
I have zero belief that he "chose to be gay" - that is simply dumb and closed minded to think otherwise.
Equal for transsexuals. A TRUE transsexual, which is actually rare, DO exist. It is dumb and closed minded to believe otherwise.
I would agree that for every transsexual, there are 100 transvestites. Hence the problem with the whole "bathroom argument".
You knew this how?

Did you read the post?
I said how I knew. He was very effeminate.

I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.
Some studies make a solidly good claim that most homosexual men are actually bisexual. I'll dig it up for you if I can.
Nah, you just love the kid so you have developed a belief system that you are comfortable with regarding his homosexual lifestyle. Its not based on any scientific fact, it's your own faith based belief, sort of like a religious belief.

I am not religious. I pretty much reject all organized religions. I do not like the judgemental attitudes and closed minded belief systems.
Why do the leftists here completely ignore the fact that the vast majority of the people who have these abnormalities do not suffer from gender dysphoria and try to pretend as if the science is settled?

Ok, but that doesn't mean in the least that a guy who gets his dick cut off is "faking it". Don't you believe your eyes?

Man lives his life as a woman. Clothes, boobs, ridicule and all that...just to what?
I'm not saying they're faking their delusion. Especially if they go through with the operation..clearly those people aren't faking it.

The question is , is it right to normalize their delusion? To feed into it?

I say no.

How is anyone attempting to normalize it? By acknowledging they exist?
Activism to normalize gender transitioning now comes at children’s expense

So your answer to how is this an attempt to normalize it is to say normalization as much as you can without explanation?
Nah, you just love the kid so you have developed a belief system that you are comfortable with regarding his homosexual lifestyle. Its not based on any scientific fact, it's your own faith based belief, sort of like a religious belief.

I am not religious. I pretty much reject all organized religions. I do not like the judgemental attitudes and closed minded belief systems.
That doesn't mean you don't use the same part of your brain that religious people use for their faith. Its the same part of the brain that you use to justify your faith based beliefs as well.

Not trying to be a jerk, just saying.
Why do the leftists here completely ignore the fact that the vast majority of the people who have these abnormalities do not suffer from gender dysphoria and try to pretend as if the science is settled?

Ok, but that doesn't mean in the least that a guy who gets his dick cut off is "faking it". Don't you believe your eyes?

Man lives his life as a woman. Clothes, boobs, ridicule and all that...just to what?
I'm not saying they're faking their delusion. Especially if they go through with the operation..clearly those people aren't faking it.

The question is , is it right to normalize their delusion? To feed into it?

I say no.

How is anyone attempting to normalize it? By acknowledging they exist?
Activism to normalize gender transitioning now comes at children’s expense

So your answer to how is this an attempt to normalize it is to say normalization as much as you can without explanation?
Did you read the source I provided?
I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.

I am not sure how I feel about not even knowing what a sex swing is....


Yeah I would probably run to. :D
My reaction would be "WTF is that??"... I guess I am way to alpha to allow myself to be retrained in any manner.

He must have been a real swinger! :lol:
Nah, you just love the kid so you have developed a belief system that you are comfortable with regarding his homosexual lifestyle. Its not based on any scientific fact, it's your own faith based belief, sort of like a religious belief.

I am not religious. I pretty much reject all organized religions. I do not like the judgemental attitudes and closed minded belief systems.

Dontcha just love how total strangers who've never met you or anyone in your family "know" more about them than you do?
Ok, but that doesn't mean in the least that a guy who gets his dick cut off is "faking it". Don't you believe your eyes?

Man lives his life as a woman. Clothes, boobs, ridicule and all that...just to what?
I'm not saying they're faking their delusion. Especially if they go through with the operation..clearly those people aren't faking it.

The question is , is it right to normalize their delusion? To feed into it?

I say no.

How is anyone attempting to normalize it? By acknowledging they exist?
Activism to normalize gender transitioning now comes at children’s expense

So your answer to how is this an attempt to normalize it is to say normalization as much as you can without explanation?
Did you read the source I provided?

Why would I? I asked you a question. Not the link.
I don't really that means anything when the child is a toddler. Lol. :D

Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.

I am not sure how I feel about not even knowing what a sex swing is....


Yeah I would probably run to. :D
My reaction would be "WTF is that??"... I guess I am way to alpha to allow myself to be retrained in any manner.

It was for her, not him. Lol. :D I don't blame her for leaving either though.
Nah, you just love the kid so you have developed a belief system that you are comfortable with regarding his homosexual lifestyle. Its not based on any scientific fact, it's your own faith based belief, sort of like a religious belief.

I am not religious. I pretty much reject all organized religions. I do not like the judgemental attitudes and closed minded belief systems.

Dontcha just love how total strangers who've never met you or anyone in your family "know" more about them than you do?
I didn't say he was religious, did I?
Sure it does. I have both a daughter and a son. Boys and girls even at a very young age are very different. (generally speaking)
Having said that, maybe I should have said I suspected it when he was 3-4. Definitely by the time he was school age.

I knew a boy I went to school with, and he was pretty feminine. Well, a friend of mine met up with him a few years back. He asked her out, and they went out, and he invited her back to his place afterwards. She went and she told me had a sex swing all set up and stuff. Lol. She was totally freaked out and left. :lol: Obviously he didn't turn out gay or transgender. He wanted to get it on with her in the sex swing.

I am not sure how I feel about not even knowing what a sex swing is....


Yeah I would probably run to. :D
My reaction would be "WTF is that??"... I guess I am way to alpha to allow myself to be retrained in any manner.

It was for her, not him. Lol. :D I don't blame her for leaving either though. looking at it again...I get it.
I am pretty open to things...but...chains...leather...domination...not for me. Bleh.
I'm not saying they're faking their delusion. Especially if they go through with the operation..clearly those people aren't faking it.

The question is , is it right to normalize their delusion? To feed into it?

I say no.

How is anyone attempting to normalize it? By acknowledging they exist?
Activism to normalize gender transitioning now comes at children’s expense

So your answer to how is this an attempt to normalize it is to say normalization as much as you can without explanation?
Did you read the source I provided?

Why would I? I asked you a question. Not the link.
Well you wanted to know how anyone was trying to normalize it, so I provided a source of info to satisfy your curiosity. A piece of evidence if you will. Now if you would kindly go to that link and read up, instead of moving the goal posts and expecting me to do your work for'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks my friend.
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