Question for Trump supporters: Did Hillary Clinton's deleted emails contain classified material?

If so, why does Donald Trump want Russia to find them? :dunno:

I don't know why Trump would want to find them, it's kind of a stupid question, but I do know why I want to know.

If they did contain sensitive info, and Russia hacked the account prior to the deletion, then they have information that could lead to the impeachment of a sitting president.

I don't want my President to be a lap dog to a foreign power.

Why are the Dems so unconcerned?

Seems odd to me
You need flow charts, Tiny? Trump didn't put us at risk, Hillary did. You jackals trying to change the facts won't work.

Jackels??? LOL!! This from the people who don't give a shit about their right-wing hero starting two wars causing the deaths of 4,500 Americans, but scream blue murder over four deaths in Benghazi. They give a flying fuck that Hillary kept a server that might have lead to secrets being leaked to the opposition (not only has this not been proven, but there was no way in hell Hillary wanted enemies of the US to view them), but don't give a fuck that their poster boy actively hopes that enemies of the US have said secrets??? guys are hilarious.

Have any of Hillary's emails caused the US to be any less secure?
[QUOTE="Iceweasel, post: 14891972, member: 46539"
You need flow charts, Tiny? Trump didn't put us at risk, Hillary did. You jackals trying to change the facts won't work.

Jackels??? LOL!! This from the people who don't give a shit about their right-wing hero starting two wars causing the deaths of 4,500 Americans, but scream blue murder over four deaths in Benghazi. They give a flying fuck that Hillary kept a server that might have lead to secrets being leaked to the opposition (not only has this not been proven, but there was no way in hell Hillary wanted enemies of the US to view them), but don't give a fuck that their poster boy actively hopes that enemies of the US have said secrets??? guys are hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Have any of Hillary's emails caused the US to be any less secure?[/QUOTE]

That's the question you democrats don't want answered.....
No longer active....that there is some funny shit.....which one of her many hombrew servers is no longer active? :lol:

Oh, so they are still active. So, therefore Trumplethinskin was wishing that the Ruskies found bad stuff to nail the US? Cool. Got it.
Tiny, you wouldn't know logic if you tripped over it. Trump didn't put national secrets on his home brew unsecured server.

Think more, fart less.

So Hillary might have put secure stuff on her server that might put the US at risk somehow. And that's really bad.

However, Trump hopes that Russia has them. And if they, please release them to the world. And he's a good guy? And a patriot?

Swear to god, I couldn't make this shit up.

First of all, Trump was joking about it. you fricken libs have no understanding of humor. everything to you fools is deadly serious, unless it has to do with your female messiah putting the country at risk.

Which would be better, for Russia to release them now, or hold them to blackmail Hillary if she somehow manages to continue to fool a majority of American voters?

You traitors would rather have them hold them because releasing them now might hurt her chances.

I could not make this shit up------------liberalism is truly a mental disease.
Russia either has them or it doesn't. There is no getting them now, as the server is defunct. You get that, right?

I believe you should direct that question to Donald Trump. Because it's his idea, not mine.

While not a joke, I think find was "in quotes." Like when mom wants her stuff back and tells the kids whoever "finds" it wont get punished.

I dont like Trump. Hillary and the left are really grating my nerves and pissing me off, though. Hillary left her shit open to be hacked, not Donald. Every nation tries to hack, even our allies, just as we do to them, even our allies. This charade that Trump is the bad guy for wanting the emails released is ridiculous. Of course they need to be released! Otherwise they are leverage against Hillary. It is clear as day, and all the deflection backed by media, is f'ing insulting.

She put us at risk to avoid oversight. She is the one taking cash for favors. The DNC is thd one inciting violence. The DNC is the one approving or tweaking media pieces before publication. She is the one paying women 80% of what she pays men. She is the one who further victimized her husband's victims, destroying them.

Donald may be an ass, but she has already proven she uses her position to get what she wants, even if it weakens and/or harms the US. Every time she or the left point their finger at Donald about something, they have done the same only magnified.

You do not care about national security or you would care about her server BEFORE Donald "invited" Russia to "find" her deleted emails. You would have cared when Kennedy and the DNC asked Russia, in writing, to influence the election Reagan won.

If you look at my posts, you will see that 2 years ago I would have voted for Hillary under these conditions. Now, I am furious with her, the DNC and the media. How the fuck is it not a HUGE deal that our media is actively picking a side and influencing a presidential election?!?!? How is it a HUGE deal that Russia has been invited to influence the election (but wasn't the last time they were invited to do so by the left) but Mexico, Canada and the UK don't even get a mention?!?!?

The left views voters as stupid sheep. Every email released proves that, from the ACA ones to the DNC ones. Hillary is ripe for blackmail from our adversaries and bought & paid for from our "allies." That is the biggest, most damaging security risk of all. Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining!
If so, why does Donald Trump want Russia to find them? :dunno:

Don't think so.

Don't really care anymore because we'll never know the full truth.

What I did see was the same machinations that went on during the Bill Clinton years. Stonewalling.

You can see that if you elect her, that tactic hasn't changed.

I don't like Trump.

I will be so happy when this is over.
While not a joke, I think find was "in quotes." Like when mom wants her stuff back and tells the kids whoever "finds" it wont get punished.

False. Completely false. Completely, utterly, false. That is 100% manufactured in your own mind.
The issue here is the ability of a foreign government or radical group to blackmail an American president.

And Russia seems to already be blackmailing Trump in his candidacy. How does that bode for him in the Oval Office?
How badly do you think hitlery will be blackmailed because of her hombrew server? Think she will launch a nuke strike to protect herself?

She won't be. Clinton is evil. She'd simply dispatch the CIA to assassinate the blackmailer. Trump, on the other hand, is both evil and stupid. He would make a business deal to make a buck at the expense of the American people.
You mean like UraniumOne? Oh wait, that was your hitlery....think she was blackmailed to make the Deal?

You seem to think that I support Clinton. You are wrong.
I am pissed that you f'ers are going to make me vote for a blowhard like Trump rather than protest with a 3rd party vote in order to keep us safer. I am pissed that you think I'm stupid enough to blame Donald for Hillary's deception. I am so pissed I will actively vote AGAINST the DNC at state and federal levels, even if the R I have to vote for is a religious nutjob. At this point, I'd vote for David Duke or Vitter if they were running against Hillary and this DNC machine, and that pisses me off even more! WTF is wrong with you people?
Nice troll....but she said they were deleted and the server is gone.....right? So Trump was joking because they ALREADY have them.....but how do you known it's russia?
You actually believe what Hillary says? :cuckoo:
The issue here is the ability of a foreign government or radical group to blackmail an American president.

And Russia seems to already be blackmailing Trump in his candidacy. How does that bode for him in the Oval Office?
How badly do you think hitlery will be blackmailed because of her hombrew server? Think she will launch a nuke strike to protect herself?

She won't be. Clinton is evil. She'd simply dispatch the CIA to assassinate the blackmailer. Trump, on the other hand, is both evil and stupid. He would make a business deal to make a buck at the expense of the American people.
You mean like UraniumOne? Oh wait, that was your hitlery....think she was blackmailed to make the Deal?

You seem to think that I support Clinton. You are wrong.

Oh stop, if you don't know he was fucking with the press....then you're a retarded Clinton supporter
The issue here is the ability of a foreign government or radical group to blackmail an American president.

And Russia seems to already be blackmailing Trump in his candidacy. How does that bode for him in the Oval Office?
How badly do you think hitlery will be blackmailed because of her hombrew server? Think she will launch a nuke strike to protect herself?

She won't be. Clinton is evil. She'd simply dispatch the CIA to assassinate the blackmailer. Trump, on the other hand, is both evil and stupid. He would make a business deal to make a buck at the expense of the American people.
You mean like UraniumOne? Oh wait, that was your hitlery....think she was blackmailed to make the Deal?

You seem to think that I support Clinton. You are wrong.
No, I don't think so.....
If so, why does Donald Trump want Russia to find them? :dunno:

If they didn't why are Democrats claiming his comments are a threat to national security?

Why is it a threat to national security for a Presidential candidate to invite a foreign state to undertake hacking operations where the objective is to locate material government business. Hmmm.....let me think about this one. Think, think, think.

Any objective person with a modicon of common sense knows his comments were tongue-in-cheek.

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