Question for Trump supporters....why are you comfortable with lies?

Reason A...All presidents lie. Obama was an incredibly bold and prolific liar. I wish Trump were perfect and never did anything wrong but what he has done is commendable in the interests of America.

Reason B...What's the alternative to Trump? You people with your vile unhinged rants are just butt hurt whiners.
I'm glad to see he causes so much anguish for you. Face it...there is no alternative.
What the fuck has Trump won, besides a bunch of clueless rednecks who slobber over his every word? Has gas prices gone down, is the deficit shrinking, has the cost of goods gone down, housing, what the fuck has this guy done, beside making white motherfuckers more stupid than they are??? Just askin

So why does the left want to impeach him, if he didn't do anything?

Why you asking me, ask Putin
Reason A...All presidents lie. Obama was an incredibly bold and prolific liar. I wish Trump were perfect and never did anything wrong but what he has done is commendable in the interests of America.

Reason B...What's the alternative to Trump? You people with your vile unhinged rants are just butt hurt whiners.
I'm glad to see he causes so much anguish for you. Face it...there is no alternative.
Lets keep this shit 100 shall we.....the left is no gotdamned different from the racist Tea party bastards that made Obama's life a living hell for 8 years. Like what fuckin planet do you people live on? Why is it okay for you morons to rant and rage hell on the left when we're in office, but can't take the fuckin heat when its your turn? Either grow a fuckin pair or shut the fuck up. Trump is a fuckin nightmare and you mindless fucks no it.
The GOP once again, has straddled tax payers with the biggest deficit in US history, has ignored the working class and middle class and is now trying to hook a sista up with tax cuts, backs a president that wouldn't know the truth if it came gift wrapped in a naked Ivanka box. Why do you continue to support a man that lies all the fuckin time, all the time???
For the same reason Obama supporters supported him when he lied, the same with Bush, Clinton ( Bill and the hag). Etc.
What the fuck has Trump won, besides a bunch of clueless rednecks who slobber over his every word? Has gas prices gone down, is the deficit shrinking, has the cost of goods gone down, housing, what the fuck has this guy done, beside making white motherfuckers more stupid than they are??? Just askin
If those are the conditions for Trumps success, I want to ask you what Obama accomplished using the same criteria?


Which the Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to demolish...still.
Not much of an accomplishment.
What the fuck has Trump won, besides a bunch of clueless rednecks who slobber over his every word? Has gas prices gone down, is the deficit shrinking, has the cost of goods gone down, housing, what the fuck has this guy done, beside making white motherfuckers more stupid than they are??? Just askin

So why does the left want to impeach him, if he didn't do anything?

Why you asking me, ask Putin

What does Putin have to do with it!
You are
Reason A...All presidents lie. Obama was an incredibly bold and prolific liar. I wish Trump were perfect and never did anything wrong but what he has done is commendable in the interests of America.

Reason B...What's the alternative to Trump? You people with your vile unhinged rants are just butt hurt whiners.
I'm glad to see he causes so much anguish for you. Face it...there is no alternative.
Lets keep this shit 100 shall we.....the left is no gotdamned different from the racist Tea party bastards that made Obama's life a living hell for 8 years. Like what fuckin planet do you people live on? Why is it okay for you morons to rant and rage hell on the left when we're in office, but can't take the fuckin heat when its your turn? Either grow a fuckin pair or shut the fuck up. Trump is a fuckin nightmare and you mindless fucks no it.
You are incapable of keeping anything real.
The GOP once again, has straddled tax payers with the biggest deficit in US history, has ignored the working class and middle class and is now trying to hook a sista up with tax cuts, backs a president that wouldn't know the truth if it came gift wrapped in a naked Ivanka box. Why do you continue to support a man that lies all the fuckin time, all the time???

Coming from the party whose president lied under oath and was impeached for lying about cheating on his wife in the White House with a college intern really has no room to talk about being comfy with lies.
The GOP once again, has straddled tax payers with the biggest deficit in US history, has ignored the working class and middle class and is now trying to hook a sista up with tax cuts, backs a president that wouldn't know the truth if it came gift wrapped in a naked Ivanka box. Why do you continue to support a man that lies all the fuckin time, all the time???

He promised to send Hillary Clinton into retirement. That's a big promise kept in my book.
Reason A...All presidents lie. Obama was an incredibly bold and prolific liar. I wish Trump were perfect and never did anything wrong but what he has done is commendable in the interests of America.

Reason B...What's the alternative to Trump? You people with your vile unhinged rants are just butt hurt whiners.
I'm glad to see he causes so much anguish for you. Face it...there is no alternative.
Lets keep this shit 100 shall we.....the left is no gotdamned different from the racist Tea party bastards that made Obama's life a living hell for 8 years. Like what fuckin planet do you people live on? Why is it okay for you morons to rant and rage hell on the left when we're in office, but can't take the fuckin heat when its your turn? Either grow a fuckin pair or shut the fuck up. Trump is a fuckin nightmare and you mindless fucks no it.
Your "shouting" and naughty angry words show you are truly distressed and should probably move to a nation where you would be better off and nothing could ever trigger you.
Perhaps you should crawl into a panic shelter and reside for the next several years.

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