Question for white mass you survive a cop arrest?

These mass shooting hillbilly fuck heads, have got to get together and educate the black man under 25 on how to just get arrested and have a day in court, with out all the spine twisting and 16 bullets to the torso and the choking for selling e-cigs on the corner, ya know, the murdering type of arrest...CAUSE IF ANYBODY IS DUE A CHOKING, A EMPTY YOUR GUN AND THEN RELOAD TYPE OF ARREST, its these corn fed, blue eyed devil worshiping with a God twist to it, hillbilly white motherfuckers out here.

I actually want to vomit, when I see our gallant hero's all slapping each other on the back for a job well done in bringing in these hardens dangerous criminal, PROVIDED THEY DON'T KILL THEMSELVES FIRST...something your NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER SEE, WHEN THEY SLAUGHTER YOUNG BLACK MEN...we're animals, we're a danger to the public, where's the high five Mr.Cop when you bring Tyrone in? Oh, I forgot, Tyrone's black and chances are he's proboally dead because that yellow crayon he had in hand, looked like A-K 47 assault bad!!

Well, when I go on my sprees, and it's getting late in the episode and I find myself holed up and the cops are closing in, I wait until they are within about ten feet and I simply pull out my white privilege card.

"White Privilege Card" accepted in all places you want to be !


. My White Privilege card is gold. I've been at this longer.

Enjoy, cause your days in this country dominating the masses, will soon, very soon end. The old guards are dying off, your women, are mating with damn near anything that isn't white, a irony within itself, since slavery was prolonged to keep Tryone and Becky at arms length and all it did was make us more desirable.....and both the political and the social landscape of this country is tanning by the enjoy the card, keep up the mass anger shootings, do what ever it takes to hang on to yesterday, because tomorrow is coming like a bullet.View attachment 55841

It's "tanning" because of an influx of Latinos, you clueless poser! If you really were black you'd grasp the fact that you are rapidly losing influence to a demographic shift that has power concentrating in the hands of Hispanics. But you're not black so you don't have the faintest idea what's going on.

Listen, moron that was my point, latino's and thier demographics and as a black person in this country I could give a damn, as long as your white ass race deminishes.

In the meantime..........................................:dance:

When White Girls Deal Drugs, They Walk

Sarah Furay was called “adorable” and “photogenic” for allegedly selling ecstasy, cocaine, and weed. Would that have happened to a black girl?
Twenty-four hours after authorities arrested Sarah Furay on charges of drug possession and manufacture charges, the 19-year-old Texan was safe at home.

Inside the bedroom of her College Station apartment police found large amounts of Ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and an LSD analogue. They also found packing materials and two digital scales. Following the seizure, Furay was taken to Brazos County Jail, where the evidently unruffled teen smiled for a mugshot. After posting $39,000 bail, she left.

In the days after her arrest, multiple news organizations ran stories focusing not on her crimes as much as her “photogenic smile.” Her picture was coined the "happiest mugshot in America" by some; the "jolliest mugshot in reent history," by others. Rather than a criminal act, her offense was called “an entrepreneurial approach to avoiding student loan debt." The icing on the cake was news that her father is a “head honcho” at the local DEA office—a fact that was treated more as a potential TV plot line than a damning fact.

Death and Taxes, the first to run a story calling Furay “adorable” wrote a formal apology for the mistake, admitting that the story “missed the mark.” The apology is genuine, with the editor conceding that her smile is likely related (at least in part) to the fact that “the criminal justice system works to her favor.”

The editor says the article was not meant to be malicious. Indeed, the story itself is far from the worst manifestation of this phenomenon. There’s no need to use the coddling of a white teenage drug dealer in the news as proof that racial disparity in the war on drugs exists when there are real life examples of African Americans spending their lives in prison for mere possession of $20 worth of pot.

In a 2009 report, Human Rights Watch found black adults to be arrested for drug charges at rates 2.8 to 5.5 times higher than those of white adults in every year from 1980 through 2007—the most recent for which there was data. One in three of those arrested in that time period was African American.

When White Girls Deal Drugs, They Walk
Well, when I go on my sprees, and it's getting late in the episode and I find myself holed up and the cops are closing in, I wait until they are within about ten feet and I simply pull out my white privilege card.

"White Privilege Card" accepted in all places you want to be !


. My White Privilege card is gold. I've been at this longer.

Enjoy, cause your days in this country dominating the masses, will soon, very soon end. The old guards are dying off, your women, are mating with damn near anything that isn't white, a irony within itself, since slavery was prolonged to keep Tryone and Becky at arms length and all it did was make us more desirable.....and both the political and the social landscape of this country is tanning by the enjoy the card, keep up the mass anger shootings, do what ever it takes to hang on to yesterday, because tomorrow is coming like a bullet.View attachment 55841

It's "tanning" because of an influx of Latinos, you clueless poser! If you really were black you'd grasp the fact that you are rapidly losing influence to a demographic shift that has power concentrating in the hands of Hispanics. But you're not black so you don't have the faintest idea what's going on.

Listen, moron that was my point, latino's and thier demographics and as a black person in this country I could give a damn, as long as your white ass race deminishes.

In the meantime..........................................:dance:

When White Girls Deal Drugs, They Walk

Sarah Furay was called “adorable” and “photogenic” for allegedly selling ecstasy, cocaine, and weed. Would that have happened to a black girl?
Twenty-four hours after authorities arrested Sarah Furay on charges of drug possession and manufacture charges, the 19-year-old Texan was safe at home.

Inside the bedroom of her College Station apartment police found large amounts of Ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and an LSD analogue. They also found packing materials and two digital scales. Following the seizure, Furay was taken to Brazos County Jail, where the evidently unruffled teen smiled for a mugshot. After posting $39,000 bail, she left.

In the days after her arrest, multiple news organizations ran stories focusing not on her crimes as much as her “photogenic smile.” Her picture was coined the "happiest mugshot in America" by some; the "jolliest mugshot in reent history," by others. Rather than a criminal act, her offense was called “an entrepreneurial approach to avoiding student loan debt." The icing on the cake was news that her father is a “head honcho” at the local DEA office—a fact that was treated more as a potential TV plot line than a damning fact.

Death and Taxes, the first to run a story calling Furay “adorable” wrote a formal apology for the mistake, admitting that the story “missed the mark.” The apology is genuine, with the editor conceding that her smile is likely related (at least in part) to the fact that “the criminal justice system works to her favor.”

The editor says the article was not meant to be malicious. Indeed, the story itself is far from the worst manifestation of this phenomenon. There’s no need to use the coddling of a white teenage drug dealer in the news as proof that racial disparity in the war on drugs exists when there are real life examples of African Americans spending their lives in prison for mere possession of $20 worth of pot.

In a 2009 report, Human Rights Watch found black adults to be arrested for drug charges at rates 2.8 to 5.5 times higher than those of white adults in every year from 1980 through 2007—the most recent for which there was data. One in three of those arrested in that time period was African American.

When White Girls Deal Drugs, They Walk
When white women do anything they walk.....why you think black men are desperately trying to align themselves with America's gold goose?
Don't get high, rob people, vandalize property, and run around with a knife.

Think you can handle that?

Oh, but do walk into a black church and by all means shoot motherfuckers up or a elementary school and then kill yourself or a movie theater, abortion clinic, a mall, a school and motherfuckin portridge in a fuckin pair tree....just don't ]Don't get high, rob people, vandalize property, and run around with a knife....and the racist cop might let you live!~!!!

Get the fuck outta here

Yea, I didn't think you'd be able to handle that.

Carry on, dipshit.

View attachment 55792LOLOLOLOLO

are you upset when negros die by the thousands every year by negros or latinos?


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