How to take a simple movement and make it about them....again!!!

so where was your report about the dirty cops then? Exactly what I'm saying, folks afraid to report on what is actually the problem. I don't need to live there. I would never want to live there, and I feel bad for anyone who fears living there and has no choice. But to say the signs were there is disingenuous. There is but only one way to rid the neighborhoods of the crime and that is to demand and point out those doing the crimes. That's it. Expecting that cops will is a dream or nightmare. That's reality.
Who do you report dirty cops to? Oh thats right other cops. Let me get this straight. You expect people to report cops to other cops and magically know they arent dirty? You expect people historically and chronically treated as animals by the cops to suddenly start trusting them?

Yes. You either need to live there or know someone that can give you accurate information. What you chose to do with that information is something else entirely. My feeling is that you want to continue on with your present beliefs which is ok with me because I honestly expect nothing less from people such as yourself.
Aldermen/Alderwomen, your neighbors so they can let the media know. I mean really, you have no clue? Really?
Go to the ghetto and ask someone what an alderman/woman is. This is why you should educate yourself instead of assuming you know what you are talking about. I never heard the term until I was an adult.

Why the hell would anyone go to the ghetto for any reason?
Education for subject they are speaking on. The same reason I have gone into white ghettos.
been in the ghetto BTW, been to a bar in town and drank with a whole bar full of black folks. Nice people, danced and all that back in the late 80 early 90s in St. Louis, MO. You know the area where black live matter came from.

To this day, I can't believe I did what I did. But it was an education and allowed me the opportunity of being the only white guy in a building. The looks I received as I walked in was precious to say the least. But the gentleman I was with knew them and told them I was ok. Hmmmmmmmm.

BTW, you think white folks are specifically welcomed in a ghetto bar. Again, the look I received was very interesting. And all people talk about is a black person walking into a white bar. Funny stuff to tell the truth.
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Who do you report dirty cops to? Oh thats right other cops. Let me get this straight. You expect people to report cops to other cops and magically know they arent dirty? You expect people historically and chronically treated as animals by the cops to suddenly start trusting them?

Yes. You either need to live there or know someone that can give you accurate information. What you chose to do with that information is something else entirely. My feeling is that you want to continue on with your present beliefs which is ok with me because I honestly expect nothing less from people such as yourself.
Aldermen/Alderwomen, your neighbors so they can let the media know. I mean really, you have no clue? Really?
Go to the ghetto and ask someone what an alderman/woman is. This is why you should educate yourself instead of assuming you know what you are talking about. I never heard the term until I was an adult.

Why the hell would anyone go to the ghetto for any reason?
Education for subject they are speaking on. The same reason I have gone into white ghettos.
been in the ghetto BTW, been to a bar in town and drank with a whole bar full of black folks. Nice people, danced and all that back in the late 80 early 90s in St. Louis, MO. You know the area where black live matter came from.

To this day, I can't believe I did what I did. But it was an education and allowed me the opportunity of being the only white guy in a building. The looks I received as I walked in was precious to say the least. But the gentleman I was with knew them and told them I was ok. Hmmmmmmmm.

BTW, you think white folks are specifically welcomed in a ghetto bar. Again, the look I received was very interesting. And all people talk about is a black person walking into a white bar. Funny stuff to tell the truth.
You drank and danced but didnt find out anything about the relational dynamic with the cops and the criminals in Black communities plagued by crime?
Aldermen/Alderwomen, your neighbors so they can let the media know. I mean really, you have no clue? Really?
Go to the ghetto and ask someone what an alderman/woman is. This is why you should educate yourself instead of assuming you know what you are talking about. I never heard the term until I was an adult.

Why the hell would anyone go to the ghetto for any reason?
Education for subject they are speaking on. The same reason I have gone into white ghettos.
been in the ghetto BTW, been to a bar in town and drank with a whole bar full of black folks. Nice people, danced and all that back in the late 80 early 90s in St. Louis, MO. You know the area where black live matter came from.

To this day, I can't believe I did what I did. But it was an education and allowed me the opportunity of being the only white guy in a building. The looks I received as I walked in was precious to say the least. But the gentleman I was with knew them and told them I was ok. Hmmmmmmmm.

BTW, you think white folks are specifically welcomed in a ghetto bar. Again, the look I received was very interesting. And all people talk about is a black person walking into a white bar. Funny stuff to tell the truth.
You drank and danced but didnt find out anything about the relational dynamic with the cops and the criminals in Black communities plagued by crime?
none zero, I didn't state it did. Never once. You asked me If I had been in a ghetto, well I have.
Go to the ghetto and ask someone what an alderman/woman is. This is why you should educate yourself instead of assuming you know what you are talking about. I never heard the term until I was an adult.

Why the hell would anyone go to the ghetto for any reason?
Education for subject they are speaking on. The same reason I have gone into white ghettos.
been in the ghetto BTW, been to a bar in town and drank with a whole bar full of black folks. Nice people, danced and all that back in the late 80 early 90s in St. Louis, MO. You know the area where black live matter came from.

To this day, I can't believe I did what I did. But it was an education and allowed me the opportunity of being the only white guy in a building. The looks I received as I walked in was precious to say the least. But the gentleman I was with knew them and told them I was ok. Hmmmmmmmm.

BTW, you think white folks are specifically welcomed in a ghetto bar. Again, the look I received was very interesting. And all people talk about is a black person walking into a white bar. Funny stuff to tell the truth.
You drank and danced but didnt find out anything about the relational dynamic with the cops and the criminals in Black communities plagued by crime?
none zero, I didn't state it did. Never once. You asked me If I had been in a ghetto, well I have.
My bad. I should have asked what information you had about the dynamics between the cops/criminals/and regular folk while in the ghetto.
Back in the day, when blacks and WOMEN were being systematically look passed when it came to job opportunities in advancement and hiring, the federal government along with states instituted laws and guide lines to remedy these failures, thus the creation of AA. And for awhile it worked...women, ie white women, especially gained great strides in the job market, that was until the white man came along and highjacked the program because Tyrone got a promotion and Tom didn't or Tyrone's son got accepted to Harvard and Tom's son is stuck in community college. Never mind the fact, Tom's son is now Tyrone's boss, but thats another thread.....

Right now we have yet another movement in progress...the Black Lives Matter movement. It wasn't created to piss white people off, to deminish their presence here on earth or even level the playing field in this was simply to expose to grand juries, to law enforement and to a people as a whole, that when we're systematically being profiled in police matters and end up dead and these cops all seem to walk scott free without any consequences of their actions....that hey, black lives do matter and the person you just murdered and we can all list the events....was a human being deserving his or her day in court......

Once again, a movement entending to expose injustices and its failures regarding black men, has now been highjacked by whites demanding that we celebrate all lives, that all lives matter...that all have opportunity in the job market, that all.........a rallying cry that only materializes when minorities demand a voice.

The irony in all this is as follows....prior to AA, does anyone of that period ever recall white men or whites in general demanding that all people are given access and opportunity to jobs and advancements? I don't recall it. Prior to BlackLivesMatter, does anyone recall anyone save for those involved...hearing white people rally for justice for these victims or demanding equal access to justice for all people??? I don't recall any....why then every time we blacks demand fairness, white people always highjack our movements and make it about them?

Really? So why are the chants of these groups about killing cops?
Back in the day, when blacks and WOMEN were being systematically look passed when it came to job opportunities in advancement and hiring, the federal government along with states instituted laws and guide lines to remedy these failures, thus the creation of AA. And for awhile it worked...women, ie white women, especially gained great strides in the job market, that was until the white man came along and highjacked the program because Tyrone got a promotion and Tom didn't or Tyrone's son got accepted to Harvard and Tom's son is stuck in community college. Never mind the fact, Tom's son is now Tyrone's boss, but thats another thread.....

Right now we have yet another movement in progress...the Black Lives Matter movement. It wasn't created to piss white people off, to deminish their presence here on earth or even level the playing field in this was simply to expose to grand juries, to law enforement and to a people as a whole, that when we're systematically being profiled in police matters and end up dead and these cops all seem to walk scott free without any consequences of their actions....that hey, black lives do matter and the person you just murdered and we can all list the events....was a human being deserving his or her day in court......

Once again, a movement entending to expose injustices and its failures regarding black men, has now been highjacked by whites demanding that we celebrate all lives, that all lives matter...that all have opportunity in the job market, that all.........a rallying cry that only materializes when minorities demand a voice.

The irony in all this is as follows....prior to AA, does anyone of that period ever recall white men or whites in general demanding that all people are given access and opportunity to jobs and advancements? I don't recall it. Prior to BlackLivesMatter, does anyone recall anyone save for those involved...hearing white people rally for justice for these victims or demanding equal access to justice for all people??? I don't recall any....why then every time we blacks demand fairness, white people always highjack our movements and make it about them?

Really? So why are the chants of these groups about killing cops?
For the same reason that "terrorist" chant about killing americans. They are being killed by the cops. Of course this is assuming that BLM is making such threats and you have proof.
Because we are ready for race to no longer matter. Ever. In any issue.

We are ready to move on from race.

Unfortunately the left and many blacks are not. They cling to race the way us right wingers cling to religion and guns I suppose.

But until then.....cops will keep saturating HIGH CRIME AREAS (regardless of race).

Oh...and us all the murders committed by cops who weren't prosecuted??? There's 1,000,000 cops doing 3 BILLION hours of cop work per year. If it's "systematic" and should be able to give at least 10,000 incidents of a cop committing MURDER and not being prosecuted. Don't worry...I'll wait....

For race to no longer matter, all races have to be treated equally in all situations. I suspect what you really want is for all discussion of race to stop and things go back to where people accepted their place and didn't complain about inequities.

You're right. So Affirmative Action would need to end....right? OH....that's different you say?
Give Blacks 400 years of AA then we can call it even right?

Or a one way trip to Africa. It isn't too late to enact Lincoln's African Indigent Repatriation Program. Since you people (yes I said that) think this country is so awful, I'm sure you'll eagerly take the opportunity.
You dont have enough funds to catch the bus to your downtown let alone send anyone back to Africa.
It was a federal program Herr Lincoln Über Alles proposed, though if it were a law that depended on private contributions, I'm sure it would be well funded.
Back in the day, when blacks and WOMEN were being systematically look passed when it came to job opportunities in advancement and hiring, the federal government along with states instituted laws and guide lines to remedy these failures, thus the creation of AA. And for awhile it worked...women, ie white women, especially gained great strides in the job market, that was until the white man came along and highjacked the program because Tyrone got a promotion and Tom didn't or Tyrone's son got accepted to Harvard and Tom's son is stuck in community college. Never mind the fact, Tom's son is now Tyrone's boss, but thats another thread.....

Right now we have yet another movement in progress...the Black Lives Matter movement. It wasn't created to piss white people off, to deminish their presence here on earth or even level the playing field in this was simply to expose to grand juries, to law enforement and to a people as a whole, that when we're systematically being profiled in police matters and end up dead and these cops all seem to walk scott free without any consequences of their actions....that hey, black lives do matter and the person you just murdered and we can all list the events....was a human being deserving his or her day in court......

Once again, a movement entending to expose injustices and its failures regarding black men, has now been highjacked by whites demanding that we celebrate all lives, that all lives matter...that all have opportunity in the job market, that all.........a rallying cry that only materializes when minorities demand a voice.

The irony in all this is as follows....prior to AA, does anyone of that period ever recall white men or whites in general demanding that all people are given access and opportunity to jobs and advancements? I don't recall it. Prior to BlackLivesMatter, does anyone recall anyone save for those involved...hearing white people rally for justice for these victims or demanding equal access to justice for all people??? I don't recall any....why then every time we blacks demand fairness, white people always highjack our movements and make it about them?

Really? So why are the chants of these groups about killing cops?
For the same reason that "terrorist" chant about killing americans. They are being killed by the cops. Of course this is assuming that BLM is making such threats and you have proof.

Why is terrorist in quotes? What are you trying to say?
Back in the day, when blacks and WOMEN were being systematically look passed when it came to job opportunities in advancement and hiring, the federal government along with states instituted laws and guide lines to remedy these failures, thus the creation of AA. And for awhile it worked...women, ie white women, especially gained great strides in the job market, that was until the white man came along and highjacked the program because Tyrone got a promotion and Tom didn't or Tyrone's son got accepted to Harvard and Tom's son is stuck in community college. Never mind the fact, Tom's son is now Tyrone's boss, but thats another thread.....

Right now we have yet another movement in progress...the Black Lives Matter movement. It wasn't created to piss white people off, to deminish their presence here on earth or even level the playing field in this was simply to expose to grand juries, to law enforement and to a people as a whole, that when we're systematically being profiled in police matters and end up dead and these cops all seem to walk scott free without any consequences of their actions....that hey, black lives do matter and the person you just murdered and we can all list the events....was a human being deserving his or her day in court......

Once again, a movement entending to expose injustices and its failures regarding black men, has now been highjacked by whites demanding that we celebrate all lives, that all lives matter...that all have opportunity in the job market, that all.........a rallying cry that only materializes when minorities demand a voice.

The irony in all this is as follows....prior to AA, does anyone of that period ever recall white men or whites in general demanding that all people are given access and opportunity to jobs and advancements? I don't recall it. Prior to BlackLivesMatter, does anyone recall anyone save for those involved...hearing white people rally for justice for these victims or demanding equal access to justice for all people??? I don't recall any....why then every time we blacks demand fairness, white people always highjack our movements and make it about them?

Really? So why are the chants of these groups about killing cops?

Give me a break, the tea party is about less gov. and citizens rights and lets not forget the constitution.....yet every rally these nuts have you have a fraction of them calling for the head of Obama and Pelosi...are we to assume the entire movement is based on that type of violence and rhetoric??? Same with the Lives movement....all have a share of bad people with bad grow the fuck up
Who do you report dirty cops to? Oh thats right other cops. Let me get this straight. You expect people to report cops to other cops and magically know they arent dirty? You expect people historically and chronically treated as animals by the cops to suddenly start trusting them?

Yes. You either need to live there or know someone that can give you accurate information. What you chose to do with that information is something else entirely. My feeling is that you want to continue on with your present beliefs which is ok with me because I honestly expect nothing less from people such as yourself.
Aldermen/Alderwomen, your neighbors so they can let the media know. I mean really, you have no clue? Really?
Go to the ghetto and ask someone what an alderman/woman is. This is why you should educate yourself instead of assuming you know what you are talking about. I never heard the term until I was an adult.

Why the hell would anyone go to the ghetto for any reason?
Education for subject they are speaking on. The same reason I have gone into white ghettos.
been in the ghetto BTW, been to a bar in town and drank with a whole bar full of black folks. Nice people, danced and all that back in the late 80 early 90s in St. Louis, MO. You know the area where black live matter came from.

To this day, I can't believe I did what I did. But it was an education and allowed me the opportunity of being the only white guy in a building. The looks I received as I walked in was precious to say the least. But the gentleman I was with knew them and told them I was ok. Hmmmmmmmm.

BTW, you think white folks are specifically welcomed in a ghetto bar. Again, the look I received was very interesting. And all people talk about is a black person walking into a white bar. Funny stuff to tell the truth.

Come to the south, you want to see a black man walking into a bar without a white woman....oh the looks you get
Back in the day, when blacks and WOMEN were being systematically look passed when it came to job opportunities in advancement and hiring, the federal government along with states instituted laws and guide lines to remedy these failures, thus the creation of AA. And for awhile it worked...women, ie white women, especially gained great strides in the job market, that was until the white man came along and highjacked the program because Tyrone got a promotion and Tom didn't or Tyrone's son got accepted to Harvard and Tom's son is stuck in community college. Never mind the fact, Tom's son is now Tyrone's boss, but thats another thread.....

Right now we have yet another movement in progress...the Black Lives Matter movement. It wasn't created to piss white people off, to deminish their presence here on earth or even level the playing field in this was simply to expose to grand juries, to law enforement and to a people as a whole, that when we're systematically being profiled in police matters and end up dead and these cops all seem to walk scott free without any consequences of their actions....that hey, black lives do matter and the person you just murdered and we can all list the events....was a human being deserving his or her day in court......

Once again, a movement entending to expose injustices and its failures regarding black men, has now been highjacked by whites demanding that we celebrate all lives, that all lives matter...that all have opportunity in the job market, that all.........a rallying cry that only materializes when minorities demand a voice.

The irony in all this is as follows....prior to AA, does anyone of that period ever recall white men or whites in general demanding that all people are given access and opportunity to jobs and advancements? I don't recall it. Prior to BlackLivesMatter, does anyone recall anyone save for those involved...hearing white people rally for justice for these victims or demanding equal access to justice for all people??? I don't recall any....why then every time we blacks demand fairness, white people always highjack our movements and make it about them?

Really? So why are the chants of these groups about killing cops?

Give me a break, the tea party is about less gov. and citizens rights and lets not forget the constitution.....yet every rally these nuts have you have a fraction of them calling for the head of Obama and Pelosi...are we to assume the entire movement is based on that type of violence and rhetoric??? Same with the Lives movement....all have a share of bad people with bad grow the fuck up

That doesn't answer the question. There isn't a chant of killing anybody at Tea Party rallies, so there's no comparison. Black Lives Matter promotes violence, the Tea Party does not. No comparison.
Back in the day, when blacks and WOMEN were being systematically look passed when it came to job opportunities in advancement and hiring, the federal government along with states instituted laws and guide lines to remedy these failures, thus the creation of AA. And for awhile it worked...women, ie white women, especially gained great strides in the job market, that was until the white man came along and highjacked the program because Tyrone got a promotion and Tom didn't or Tyrone's son got accepted to Harvard and Tom's son is stuck in community college. Never mind the fact, Tom's son is now Tyrone's boss, but thats another thread.....

Right now we have yet another movement in progress...the Black Lives Matter movement. It wasn't created to piss white people off, to deminish their presence here on earth or even level the playing field in this was simply to expose to grand juries, to law enforement and to a people as a whole, that when we're systematically being profiled in police matters and end up dead and these cops all seem to walk scott free without any consequences of their actions....that hey, black lives do matter and the person you just murdered and we can all list the events....was a human being deserving his or her day in court......

Once again, a movement entending to expose injustices and its failures regarding black men, has now been highjacked by whites demanding that we celebrate all lives, that all lives matter...that all have opportunity in the job market, that all.........a rallying cry that only materializes when minorities demand a voice.

The irony in all this is as follows....prior to AA, does anyone of that period ever recall white men or whites in general demanding that all people are given access and opportunity to jobs and advancements? I don't recall it. Prior to BlackLivesMatter, does anyone recall anyone save for those involved...hearing white people rally for justice for these victims or demanding equal access to justice for all people??? I don't recall any....why then every time we blacks demand fairness, white people always highjack our movements and make it about them?

Really? So why are the chants of these groups about killing cops?

Give me a break, the tea party is about less gov. and citizens rights and lets not forget the constitution.....yet every rally these nuts have you have a fraction of them calling for the head of Obama and Pelosi...are we to assume the entire movement is based on that type of violence and rhetoric??? Same with the Lives movement....all have a share of bad people with bad grow the fuck up

That doesn't answer the question. There isn't a chant of killing anybody at Tea Party rallies, so there's no comparison. Black Lives Matter promotes violence, the Tea Party does not. No comparison.
Back in the day, when blacks and WOMEN were being systematically look passed when it came to job opportunities in advancement and hiring, the federal government along with states instituted laws and guide lines to remedy these failures, thus the creation of AA. And for awhile it worked...women, ie white women, especially gained great strides in the job market, that was until the white man came along and highjacked the program because Tyrone got a promotion and Tom didn't or Tyrone's son got accepted to Harvard and Tom's son is stuck in community college. Never mind the fact, Tom's son is now Tyrone's boss, but thats another thread.....

Right now we have yet another movement in progress...the Black Lives Matter movement. It wasn't created to piss white people off, to deminish their presence here on earth or even level the playing field in this was simply to expose to grand juries, to law enforement and to a people as a whole, that when we're systematically being profiled in police matters and end up dead and these cops all seem to walk scott free without any consequences of their actions....that hey, black lives do matter and the person you just murdered and we can all list the events....was a human being deserving his or her day in court......

Once again, a movement entending to expose injustices and its failures regarding black men, has now been highjacked by whites demanding that we celebrate all lives, that all lives matter...that all have opportunity in the job market, that all.........a rallying cry that only materializes when minorities demand a voice.

The irony in all this is as follows....prior to AA, does anyone of that period ever recall white men or whites in general demanding that all people are given access and opportunity to jobs and advancements? I don't recall it. Prior to BlackLivesMatter, does anyone recall anyone save for those involved...hearing white people rally for justice for these victims or demanding equal access to justice for all people??? I don't recall any....why then every time we blacks demand fairness, white people always highjack our movements and make it about them?

Really? So why are the chants of these groups about killing cops?

Give me a break, the tea party is about less gov. and citizens rights and lets not forget the constitution.....yet every rally these nuts have you have a fraction of them calling for the head of Obama and Pelosi...are we to assume the entire movement is based on that type of violence and rhetoric??? Same with the Lives movement....all have a share of bad people with bad grow the fuck up

That doesn't answer the question. There isn't a chant of killing anybody at Tea Party rallies, so there's no comparison. Black Lives Matter promotes violence, the Tea Party does not. No comparison.

Reporter Injured as Tea Party Rally Turns Violent--with ...

LANSING, MI – A pro right-to-work rally sponsored by a number of Michigan Tea Party groups turned violent Tuesday, as members of the tea party movement ...
Tea Party Protest Turns Violent (VIDEO) | Dawn Teo

Mar 18, 2010 - Tea Partiers tussled with counter protesters during at least two of the nationwide anti-immigration Tea Party rallies on Saturday.
Oct 17, 2013 - Why in comparison did the Tea Party protests look like this? ...... /reporter-injured-as-tea-party-rally-turns-violent-with-racially-motivated-attack/
Teabagger Violence Mars Tax Day Rally With Sen. Marco ...
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"Justified" is subjective. We know this because a white guy can pull a gun and point it at the cops and the cops wont shoot him. If a Black guy reaches for his ID as instructed by a cop he gets shot.
That's bullshit. Learn to debate with some honesty.
I mean, this whole group started over a denial of reality.. shouldn't that tell you enough?
What group is that. #AllLivesMatters?
I have no group, now i asked you a question and you still haven't answered it like a good old boy taking orders.

Why don't black lives matter when blacks kill them? Explain how that works.
. He won't acknowledge the "pigs in a blanket" chant.

The irony in all this is as follows....prior to AA, does anyone of that period ever recall white men or whites in general demanding that all people are given access and opportunity to jobs and advancements? I don't recall it. Prior to BlackLivesMatter, does anyone recall anyone save for those involved...hearing white people rally for justice for these victims or demanding equal access to justice for all people???

Yeah, it's called the constitution you moon cricket. You should get a white person to read it to you sometime. #WhiteLivesMatterMore

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