Question: Should women with children be punished if they knowingly date felons


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
who wind up killing their kids? I keep on reading about these stories all the time. She dates a guy with tattoos all over his face, he kills the kid for crying. These women are knowingly putting their children's lives at risk simply because she's a drama queen. Why aren't there any or more prosecutions of women who put their kids at such risk?
who wind up killing their kids? I keep on reading about these stories all the time. She dates a guy with tattoos all over his face, he kills the kid for crying. These women are knowingly putting their children's lives at risk simply because she's a drama queen. Why aren't there any or more prosecutions of women who put their kids at such risk?
Cripes, the men who do it don't even get hard time. We live in a society where children are expendable, and where women's only value is between their legs. They are encouraged to be open to sex with whomever wants it, and their children are touted as without value.

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