Question to LGBTQ+ supporters

Please tell me why I should use "Preferred pronouns"? I am a "HE" There is no "Choice" involved.

I'm not a supporter, but the thought is that homos want to be publicly recognized, and being called "shim" instead "him" or "her" is just part of their public identity.
Any reason for protecting anyone who is upset because someone did not use their preferred pronoun can be used to keep trans-females (males) out of womens sports!
Please tell me why I should use "Preferred pronouns"? I am a "HE" There is no "Choice" involved.
Common politeness. Also, most companies will fire you if you don't. You've already lost this argument, big corporations are on board with the Pronoun thing.

Any reason for protecting anyone who is upset because someone did not use their preferred pronoun can be used to keep trans-females (males) out of womens sports!

Any reason you can't write a coherent sentence?
Please tell me why I should use "Preferred pronouns"? I am a "HE" There is no "Choice" involved.
The looney left have no use for biology. Male is male, female is female. Idiot candy ass corporate and govt bureaucrats can't seem to handle that.
Common politeness. Also, most companies will fire you if you don't. You've already lost this argument, big corporations are on board with the Pronoun thing.

Any reason you can't write a coherent sentence?
Is there any reason that you have no common sense? There are only 2 genders. Anyone who wants to be identified as Zee (or any other silly pronouns) needs psychological help. Males who identify as females should not be allowed to destroy women's sports!
Common politeness. Also, most companies will fire you if you don't. You've already lost this argument, big corporations are on board with the Pronoun thing.

Any reason you can't write a coherent sentence?
I agree, most companies are on board with it, but, what it all boils down to is one group being able to say “you should be forced to submit to how I think, regardless of how YOU feel”, and they have somehow got all of these companies to get on board.

Not everyone agrees on “the science”
Tell me why people shouldn't walk around calling you Fucktard.
You can absolutely do that and people around you will think you have a mental disorder…

But yes, you can feel free to call anyone what you like, and it’s the other person right to completely dismiss and ignore you…see how that works?

The point here is that one side will demand that you call them by their preferred pronouns, trying to force other people to abandon what THEY believe.

One side doesn’t get to dictate the rules.
You can absolutely do that and people around you will think you have a mental disorder…

But yes, you can feel free to call anyone what you like, and it’s the other person right to completely dismiss and ignore you…see how that works?

The point here is that one side will demand that you call them by their preferred pronouns, trying to force other people to abandon what THEY believe.

One side doesn’t get to dictate the rules.
You can absolutely do that and people around you will think you have a mental disorder…

But yes, you can feel free to call anyone what you like, and it’s the other person right to completely dismiss and ignore you…see how that works?

The point here is that one side will demand that you call them by their preferred pronouns, trying to force other people to abandon what THEY believe.

One side doesn’t get to dictate the rules.
Of course we get to dictate rules you moron. That's what laws are. Try calling your black co-workers the N word and see what happens to your job. Your answer is exactly what I was looking for you bozo. You can call people whatever you want but that's going to have consequences. Maybe social, maybe political, maybe financial. Fuck around and find out. :dunno: I don't have any problem calling Slaver lovers deplorable mutants because I'm proud to do so and I stand by that description, no matter the repercussions.
Is there any reason that you have no common sense? There are only 2 genders. Anyone who wants to be identified as Zee (or any other silly pronouns) needs psychological help. Males who identify as females should not be allowed to destroy women's sports!

Works on the assumption "women's sports' isn't already a scam created by Title IX. Take away those bags of Title IX money, no one will care if the mannish women are beaten by girly-men.
Works on the assumption "women's sports' isn't already a scam created by Title IX. Take away those bags of Title IX money, no one will care if the mannish women are beaten by girly-men.
^^^ Democrats support boys competing against your daughters in sports and sharing their locker rooms.

It's a safe bet this dude is a cross dressing freak
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Of course we get to dictate rules you moron. That's what laws are. Try calling your black co-workers the N word and see what happens to your job. Your answer is exactly what I was looking for you bozo. You can call people whatever you want but that's going to have consequences. Maybe social, maybe political, maybe financial. Fuck around and find out. :dunno: I don't have any problem calling Slaver lovers deplorable mutants because I'm proud to do so and I stand by that description, no matter the repercussions.

Not calling someone by their preferred pronouns and calling someone the N word are two different things. One is a racial insult, the other is a difference of opinion.

I’m not disagreeing with you that there are consequences, because that’s where the left has taken us. We’re at the point of “do what we want or we’ll hurt you”.

You say you have freedom of speech but not the freedom of consequence, I say, if there are consequences, then there is no freedom of speech.

Of course we get to dictate rules you moron. That's what laws are.
What laws? You mean company policies? Yeah, because companies have caved to the woke agenda. They’ve allowed one group to completely take control, demanding things of other people that they may not agree with. It’s literally “my opinion is more important than yours”…that’s exactly what it boils down to.

Try calling your black co-workers the N word and see what happens to your job

As would be expected. The N word is a racial slur, meant to hurt people.

Your answer is exactly what I was looking for you bozo.
You mean someone who disagrees with you? Is that a bad thing?

I don't have any problem calling Slaver lovers deplorable mutants because I'm proud to do so and I stand by that description, no matter the repercussions.
If there are any slaver lovers around, I’m right there with ya, but the fact that you have the freedom to do that, yet expect that others cannot have the freedom to speak THEIR minds on things such as pronouns, is part of the problem.

Again, you all want freedom of speech to go one way.
^^^ Democrats support boys competing against your daughters in sports and sharing their locker rooms.
Except transgender girls aren't boys.

Not calling someone by their preferred pronouns and calling someone the N word are two different things. One is a racial insult, the other is a difference of opinion.

Um, no, they are both meant to demean.

I’m not disagreeing with you that there are consequences, because that’s where the left has taken us. We’re at the point of “do what we want or we’ll hurt you”.

You say you have freedom of speech but not the freedom of consequence, I say, if there are consequences, then there is no freedom of speech.

If I walk up to my boss and say, "You are a complete moron and you don't know what you are doing!!!" I can expect consequences. The notion that you can say whatever you want without consequences is silly. You should anticipate those consequences before you open your damn mouth.

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