Question to Muslims: Do you know how Mercury was worshiped during the Jahilliyah?


Most Bedouin tribes in antiquity carried their gods from place to place in a box on a litter. Usually it contained a meteorite or a piece of a meteor.
Is this what you're talking about? wasn't worshipped at all.

Don't Jewish people have rituals?

Ka'aba itself wasn't worshiped during Jahilliyah?

There's a clear prohibition from adopting foreign practice,
and throwing stones at an altar specifically as example of common idol ritual.
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I'm not insecure at all. IMO that cartoon is especially ugly.

And your first reaction...
to project it on Jews how else.
Not insecure at all, only like in every thread...

Nonetheless since you're already that triggered,
you can admit you don't know if Islamic scholars say,
but why not to even try to address the specific question?
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Chapter Four deals with benefit from the auxiliary items of a markulis/mercury, a Roman deity consisting of a heap of stones whereby worship consisted of throwing stones,
and thus adding to the heap and other idols, the nullification of an idol effected
by an idolater deliberately defacing his/her idol.

Q. It was a commonly known idol ritual before Islam.
Could it really be that Islamic scholars never addressed this?
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Again, you're confusing design with practice.

Even though Ka'aba was made an idol before Islam,
I wouldn't ask if they didn't perform idol worship rituals there today.

Seems that in ancient legend the Kaa'ba was the site where Adam and Eve built an alter to God when they were forgiven and reunited.

Later, Mother Eve was buried in Jidda.. the "grandmother city".
And your first reaction...
to project it on Jews how else.
Not insecure at all, only like in every thread...

Nonetheless since you're already that triggered,
you can admit you don't know if Islamic scholars say,
but why not to even try to address the specific question?

Isn't that poster a Jew? Odd choice of cartoons.
The Kaaba was never worshipped in Islam nor is it an idol that is prayed to by muslim people.
The Kaaba was constructed by Abraham and his son Ishmael during pre-Islamic times as a sanctuary. ... :cool:
Isn't that poster a Jew? Odd choice of cartoons.

"Poster Jew..."

Odd? I don't think so.
More like your typical reaction
to everything you have nothing to say about.
Seems that in ancient legend the Kaa'ba was the site where Adam and Eve built an alter to God when they were forgiven and reunited.

Later, Mother Eve was buried in Jidda.. the "grandmother city".

Don't just say stuff,
what's your established Islamic source?
The Kaaba was never worshipped in Islam nor is it an idol that is prayed to by muslim people.
The Kaaba was constructed by Abraham and his son Ishmael during pre-Islamic times as a sanctuary. ... :cool:

Never worshiped in Islam,
but what about the Jahilliyah period
predating Islam - wasn't Ka'aba worshiped as an idol?

And address the question regarding the altar and Mercury ritual in Mecca.
Never worshiped in Islam,
but what about the Jahilliyah period
predating Islam - wasn't Ka'aba worshiped as an idol?
During the time of ignorance known as Jahiliyyah in pre-Islamic times. I'm sure the people were into all kinds of nonsense.
When Muhammad took control of Mecca, one of the first things he did was clean out and destroy the 360 idols he found inside the Kaaba.
Jahilliyah - "period of ignorance"
term referring to the times predating Islam in Arabia.

I've read about this,
but this is the first time seeing a picture,
to realize this is a whole site they've dedicated...

How do Muslim scholars, if at all,
approach this ceremony?

Betcha they'd get bigger rox for these
Don't just say stuff,
what's your established Islamic source?

There are many old legends.. Like Adam and Eve being 90 feet tall.

Where did the stone of Adam and Eve come from?

It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. The stone was venerated at the Kaaba in pre-Islamic pagan times. According to Islamic tradition, it was set intact into the Kaaba’s wall by the prophet Muhammad in 605 CE, five years before his first revelation.

Eve's tomb in Jidda is 90 feet long and very narrow. Jidda is the "grandmother city".

The Jews have some myths as well.. They may be in the Midash although I don't know much about it.

The Jewish Scientists confirm Islam's claims about Adam ...

The Jewish Scientists confirm Islam's claims about Adam was 90 feet tall: The following article was sent to me by Cyber Mujahid; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.. Note: Prophet Muhammad's Saying is found at the end of this article. Read the following excerpt from the English section of the September 2001 issue of the Hebrew-English Israeli popular science journal "Ha-Mada Ha ...
There were lots of ancient legends.


Lilith – Adam’s First Wife
Why was Eve created later? Why didn’t God already know that Adam would be lonely and create him with a mate from the beginning?

Why did Gen 1 state that man and woman were created together, and Gen 2 pictured the creation of each separately? In the middle ages, the rabbis came up with a fascinating answer to all of these questions by making use of an old ancient near eastern tradition about a kind of female demon, in Akkadian Lamashtu, but in the Persian period, called a “lilith.”

Some texts describe her as a succubus, others as a baby killer. In the Talmud, Rabbi Chanina (b. Shabbat 151b) forbids a man from sleeping alone in a house, since this will make a lilith come.

‍The Alphabet of Ben Sira, a populist style midrash collection, explains the origin of this demon. She was actually Adam’s first wife (from Genesis chapter 1), before God created Eve (in Genesis chapter 2).

The midrashic origin of this interpretation seems simple. Genesis 1:27 says that God created man and woman together, whereas Genesis 2:18 has Adam alone; where did his wife go?

The Midrash answers that she ran away from Adam because the two of them were always fighting, specifically about which one should be on top during intercourse:

...שבשעה שברא הקדוש ברוך הוא את עולמו וברא אדם הראשון, כיון שראה אותו יחידי, מיד ברא לו אשה מאדמה כמותו וקרא שמה לילית והביאה לאדם. מיד התחילו שניהם לעשות מריבה. אומר, את תשכבי למטה. וזאת אומרת אתה תשכב למטה, מפני ששנינו שוין ושנינו מן האדמה. ולא היו משמיעין זה את זה. כיון שראתה לילית כך, זכרה את שם המפורש ופרחה באויר וברחה...[10] …[A]t the time when the Holy One, blessed by he, created the world, he created first man, and when he saw that [this man] was alone, he immediately created another woman from the earth like him, and he called her Lilith, and he brought her to Adam. Immediately, the two of them began a quarrel.

He said: “You will lay on the bottom.” She said, “You will lay on the bottom, since we are both equals since we were both made from the earth.” They would not allow each other to be heard. Once Lilith saw this, she uttered the special name of God, flew off into the air, and escaped…

Since, being equal, they could not live together, God created the more submissive Eve from Adam’s rib (or side) to replace his lost first wife. This also explains why liliths are so aggressive against babies, the descendants of Lilith’s rival, Eve, and why they enjoy seducing poor innocent men while they are sleeping alone.

The Importance of Having a Submissive Wife.
There are many old legends.. Like Adam and Eve being 90 feet tall.

Where did the stone of Adam and Eve come from?

It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. The stone was venerated at the Kaaba in pre-Islamic pagan times. According to Islamic tradition, it was set intact into the Kaaba’s wall by the prophet Muhammad in 605 CE, five years before his first revelation.

See, I've asked for links to authentic Muslim scholars,
if any, addressing the specific questions I've asked,
and you just keep saying stuff...

Is this how they teach in Islam?

Eve's tomb in Jidda is 90 feet long and very narrow. Jidda is the "grandmother city".

The Jews have some myths as well.. They may be in the Midash although I don't know much about it.

The Jewish Scientists confirm Islam's claims about Adam ...

The Jewish Scientists confirm Islam's claims about Adam was 90 feet tall: The following article was sent to me by Cyber Mujahid; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.. Note: Prophet Muhammad's Saying is found at the end of this article. Read the following excerpt from the English section of the September 2001 issue of the Hebrew-English Israeli popular science journal "Ha-Mada Ha ...

Now I just have to figure out,
if merely putting 'jewish' before something
should somehow impress me or other Muslims?

Cmon can't be that there's no authentic Muslim scholar,
that addressed the specific questions I've asked.
There were lots of ancient legends.


Lilith – Adam’s First Wife
Why was Eve created later? Why didn’t God already know that Adam would be lonely and create him with a mate from the beginning?

Why did Gen 1 state that man and woman were created together, and Gen 2 pictured the creation of each separately? In the middle ages, the rabbis came up with a fascinating answer to all of these questions by making use of an old ancient near eastern tradition about a kind of female demon, in Akkadian Lamashtu, but in the Persian period, called a “lilith.”

Some texts describe her as a succubus, others as a baby killer. In the Talmud, Rabbi Chanina (b. Shabbat 151b) forbids a man from sleeping alone in a house, since this will make a lilith come.

‍The Alphabet of Ben Sira, a populist style midrash collection, explains the origin of this demon. She was actually Adam’s first wife (from Genesis chapter 1), before God created Eve (in Genesis chapter 2).

The midrashic origin of this interpretation seems simple. Genesis 1:27 says that God created man and woman together, whereas Genesis 2:18 has Adam alone; where did his wife go?

The Midrash answers that she ran away from Adam because the two of them were always fighting, specifically about which one should be on top during intercourse:

...שבשעה שברא הקדוש ברוך הוא את עולמו וברא אדם הראשון, כיון שראה אותו יחידי, מיד ברא לו אשה מאדמה כמותו וקרא שמה לילית והביאה לאדם. מיד התחילו שניהם לעשות מריבה. אומר, את תשכבי למטה. וזאת אומרת אתה תשכב למטה, מפני ששנינו שוין ושנינו מן האדמה. ולא היו משמיעין זה את זה. כיון שראתה לילית כך, זכרה את שם המפורש ופרחה באויר וברחה...[10] …[A]t the time when the Holy One, blessed by he, created the world, he created first man, and when he saw that [this man] was alone, he immediately created another woman from the earth like him, and he called her Lilith, and he brought her to Adam. Immediately, the two of them began a quarrel.

He said: “You will lay on the bottom.” She said, “You will lay on the bottom, since we are both equals since we were both made from the earth.” They would not allow each other to be heard. Once Lilith saw this, she uttered the special name of God, flew off into the air, and escaped…

Since, being equal, they could not live together, God created the more submissive Eve from Adam’s rib (or side) to replace his lost first wife. This also explains why liliths are so aggressive against babies, the descendants of Lilith’s rival, Eve, and why they enjoy seducing poor innocent men while they are sleeping alone.

The Importance of Having a Submissive Wife.

What does that have to do
with the Mercury altar worship in Mecca?

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