Question to Muslims: Do you know how Mercury was worshiped during the Jahilliyah?

During the time of ignorance known as Jahiliyyah in pre-Islamic times. I'm sure the people were into all kinds of nonsense.
When Muhammad took control of Mecca, one of the first things he did was clean out and destroy the 360 idols he found inside the Kaaba.

Was the Mercury altar re-built later?
And what about the meteorite stone inside Ka'aba?
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Its Greatest God. Stoning the devil is just a ritual.

The Identity of the pre-Islamic Allah [Part 1]
041.037 Among His Signs are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon.Do not prostrate to the sun and the moon, but prostrate to Allah, Who created them, if it is Him ye wish to serve. So the Quran explicitly forbids the Muslims from worshiping the moon, as well as the sun, and it goes on to clearly state that Allah, created the moon!
I have no problem with rituals. Hell, I was raised Catholic. What bothers me is the claim that Islam is a feminist religion, despite the Koran expressly stating in Chapter 4(The Women) that females only get half the inheritance of males and that husbands may beat their wives, if they’re disobedient.
I have no problem with rituals. Hell, I was raised Catholic. What bothers me is the claim that Islam is a feminist religion, despite the Koran expressly stating in Chapter 4(The Women) that females only get half the inheritance of males and that husbands may beat their wives, if they’re disobedient.
Of course feminist...

before Islam, do you know how women used
to cover their faces to distinguish as 'women of profession'?
So toty5, Rigby5
surprisingly, all Muslims here have suddenly gone crickets underwater,
can't be that no authentic Muslim scholar ever addressed these questions, can it?

Why don't you take break for the daily apologetic
and address the questions in the thread with legitimate Islamic sources.

a. The stone throwing at the altar of Mercury in Mecca
- rebuilt later or never destroyed in the first place?

b. Arabian meteorite worship during Jahilliyah
- what about the stone inside Kaaba?
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c. Gays hung, women covered head to toe
- yet Muslim men are encouraged to wear jewlery?

Is Islam monotheism
or Jahiliyah style mambo jambo...

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Of course feminist...

before Islam, do you know how women used
to cover their faces to distinguish as 'women of profession'?
Of course, Islam is anti-feminist.

Throwing Stones at a stone altar -

Worship of Mercury (Merkulis) at Ka'aba

When the Muslims were stopped at the gates of Vienna, the Viennese made up a cookie to symbolize their 'eating the enemy', and what better way than making it look like a crescent.

What does that make the "Hot Cross Bun"?

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