Question to Republicans: Who has more rights?



Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".
I can't help it if your question is faulty. You are comparing Mexicans rights {illegals} to a countries rights. The scale is not even close.
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".

If a liberal's pissing into the wind, I say, let them enjoy it...sooner or later they may figure it out...
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".

If a liberals pissing into the wind, I say, let them enjoy it...sooner or later they may figure it out...
You really do need to introduce expletives into your narrative. :slap:
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".

If a liberals pissing into the wind, I say, let them enjoy it...sooner or later they may figure it out...
You really do need to introduce expletives into your narrative. :slap:
Well I may "insert bad word" get to it after "insert another bad word" as soon as I finish "insert really foul word" I hope.
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".

If a liberals pissing into the wind, I say, let them enjoy it...sooner or later they may figure it out...
You really do need to introduce expletives into your narrative. :slap:
Well I may "insert bad word" get to it after "insert another bad word" as soon as I finish "insert really foul word" I hope.
What in the mother fuck did you just say? :dunno:
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".
I can't help it if your question is faulty. You are comparing Mexicans rights {illegals} to a countries rights. The scale is not even close.
So Republicans think the Middle East doesn't have the right to not want Americans there?
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".
I can't help it if your question is faulty. You are comparing Mexicans rights {illegals} to a countries rights. The scale is not even close.
So Republicans think the Middle East doesn't have the right to not want Americans there?
Look stupid, it's REAL easy. If you want to compare the treatment of ILLEGALS you compare how America treats ILLEGALS to how Mexico treats ILLEGALS.

OR you compare America in the middle east to Russia in the Ukraine. Party has NOTHING to do with the equation unless you are an idiot.
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".
I can't help it if your question is faulty. You are comparing Mexicans rights {illegals} to a countries rights. The scale is not even close.
So Republicans think the Middle East doesn't have the right to not want Americans there?

So what you are saying is Mexicans are waging a war on Americans because we threaten their way of life? It's the only way your stupid analogy makes any sense. I don't accept the premise
I think deannie need to make his quota for the day and just threw this one out there.....
It was getting late and he he needed to get his daily I hate republican shot in.
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?

As a 'citizen of the world' I believe everyone has the right to travel freely anywhere they like except into/onto private property. No lines on the map from orbit.
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?

As a 'citizen of the world' I believe everyone has the right to travel freely anywhere they like except into/onto private property. No lines on the map from orbit.
That sounds like chaos. Is the middle east private or not?
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".
I can't help it if your question is faulty. You are comparing Mexicans rights {illegals} to a countries rights. The scale is not even close.
So Republicans think the Middle East doesn't have the right to not want Americans there?
Look stupid, it's REAL easy. If you want to compare the treatment of ILLEGALS you compare how America treats ILLEGALS to how Mexico treats ILLEGALS.

OR you compare America in the middle east to Russia in the Ukraine. Party has NOTHING to do with the equation unless you are an idiot.
So we invaded Iraq for no apparent reason and they never invited us there and Putin invaded Ukraine which already has lots of Russians living there so who has more "rights"? Us invading Iraq with is over 10,000 miles away and had about zero Americans living there or Russia. Actually, the answer is neither. Both were illegal invasions based on lies. Only ours was worse.
Who has more Rights? The right for Mexicans to come to this country or the rights of Republicans to go to nearly every country in the Middle East?
Your question is invalid. It's an apple vs orange question.
Whenever Republicans don't want to answer a question, it's always "invalid".
I can't help it if your question is faulty. You are comparing Mexicans rights {illegals} to a countries rights. The scale is not even close.
So Republicans think the Middle East doesn't have the right to not want Americans there?

So what you are saying is Mexicans are waging a war on Americans because we threaten their way of life? It's the only way your stupid analogy makes any sense. I don't accept the premise
You can't make something up, say it's my point of view and then insist were are on opposite sides of an issue you just made up. That's so tarded. WTF is wrong with you?

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