Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

He only started one "war of choice." Afghanistan was a necessity. It had to be fought. Iraq was a huge blunder that we will pay for, for generations to come.
I just want Jedi and Dicombob and Sallow to say it.. Tell us that we should kept the Iraqis locked up with a madman while we bombed them daily and took away their economy.. OR do the right thing and let him out of containment. Either choice... THEN we can chat about what Booooosh decided to do to change an awful policy that would have hindered our efforts in Afghan anyway with YOUR preferred choices..

Thats the honesty required to resolve this issue of how we got here.

None of which constituted an imminent threat to our security, there was no compelling reason to make any choice or decide to do anything at all about Iraq. You present false choices.
I just want Jedi and Dicombob and Sallow to say it.. Tell us that we should kept the Iraqis locked up with a madman while we bombed them daily and took away their economy.. OR do the right thing and let him out of containment. Either choice... THEN we can chat about what Booooosh decided to do to change an awful policy that would have hindered our efforts in Afghan anyway with YOUR preferred choices..

Thats the honesty required to resolve this issue of how we got here.

sORRY YOU GOT BRAINWASHED ABOUT POOR iRAQIS BY THE pUBS. tHEY WERE BETTER OFF THAN MOST IN secular Saddam Iraq. Now we've put them back to medieval times...
I just want Jedi and Dicombob and Sallow to say it.. Tell us that we should kept the Iraqis locked up with a madman while we bombed them daily and took away their economy.. OR do the right thing and let him out of containment. Either choice... THEN we can chat about what Booooosh decided to do to change an awful policy that would have hindered our efforts in Afghan anyway with YOUR preferred choices..

Thats the honesty required to resolve this issue of how we got here.

None of which constituted an imminent threat to our security, there was no compelling reason to make any choice or decide to do anything at all about Iraq. You present false choices.

Oh now there's a HUGE cop-out.. You won't actually SAY that we should have continued to bomb Iraq daily and keep it's economy on lockdown. OR -- let Saddam OUT of containment. Did you have ANOTHER PLAN? One that didn't involve another 12 years of guard duty and keeping the Euros from restoring relations with him?

You just want to blame the guy that DID SOMETHING to end the bad policy. Or ignore the bad policy entirely. Which is it ??

I have yet to this day to get a SINGLE critic of the Iraq War to admit that the alternatives included some pretty piss poor choices like letting him out of containment because the WMD charges were fraudulent. Or to justify another 12 years of locking up their economy, destroying their infrastructure and denying them food and medicine.

ANY Bush Bashers got the guts to acknowledge that? To acknowledge that the Euros were done with the embargo and we were the only ones crazy enough to keep Saddam in containment?
I just want Jedi and Dicombob and Sallow to say it.. Tell us that we should kept the Iraqis locked up with a madman while we bombed them daily and took away their economy.. OR do the right thing and let him out of containment. Either choice... THEN we can chat about what Booooosh decided to do to change an awful policy that would have hindered our efforts in Afghan anyway with YOUR preferred choices..

Thats the honesty required to resolve this issue of how we got here.

None of which constituted an imminent threat to our security, there was no compelling reason to make any choice or decide to do anything at all about Iraq. You present false choices.

Oh now there's a HUGE cop-out.. You won't actually SAY that we should have continued to bomb Iraq daily and keep it's economy on lockdown. OR -- let Saddam OUT of containment. Did you have ANOTHER PLAN? One that didn't involve another 12 years of guard duty and keeping the Euros from restoring relations with him?

You just want to blame the guy that DID SOMETHING to end the bad policy. Or ignore the bad policy entirely. Which is it ??

I have yet to this day to get a SINGLE critic of the Iraq War to admit that the alternatives included some pretty piss poor choices like letting him out of containment because the WMD charges were fraudulent. Or to justify another 12 years of locking up their economy, destroying their infrastructure and denying them food and medicine.

ANY Bush Bashers got the guts to acknowledge that? To acknowledge that the Euros were done with the embargo and we were the only ones crazy enough to keep Saddam in containment?

So the solution is to compound a bad policy with an even worse policy. I'm sure that makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.
None of which constituted an imminent threat to our security, there was no compelling reason to make any choice or decide to do anything at all about Iraq. You present false choices.

Oh now there's a HUGE cop-out.. You won't actually SAY that we should have continued to bomb Iraq daily and keep it's economy on lockdown. OR -- let Saddam OUT of containment. Did you have ANOTHER PLAN? One that didn't involve another 12 years of guard duty and keeping the Euros from restoring relations with him?

You just want to blame the guy that DID SOMETHING to end the bad policy. Or ignore the bad policy entirely. Which is it ??

I have yet to this day to get a SINGLE critic of the Iraq War to admit that the alternatives included some pretty piss poor choices like letting him out of containment because the WMD charges were fraudulent. Or to justify another 12 years of locking up their economy, destroying their infrastructure and denying them food and medicine.

ANY Bush Bashers got the guts to acknowledge that? To acknowledge that the Euros were done with the embargo and we were the only ones crazy enough to keep Saddam in containment?

So the solution is to compound a bad policy with an even worse policy. I'm sure that makes perfect sense if you don't think about it.

Is that your answer to his question? Posing another question? I was kinda hoping you had a better solution to prove your point. But I guess not.

Here's another try at it.....since you are so sure that we were wrong about Iraq, what SHOULD have been done? And what would have happened as a result of us doing whatever you can come up with?

Wait...let me get a drink....cuz this should be pretty fuggin good....................

WMDs are not limited to nuclear weapons and the democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Bush took office. You piece of ignorant shit.

Your fucking hindsight being 20/20 has nothing to do with what was being reported and why the UN voted 15-0 for the removal.

Regardless of him not having WMDs, he was in violation of 17 resolutions. That is clearly stated.

Go back to your star wars hack. You are nothing if you do not hold democrats responsible for anything. Stop acting like you did not omit factors.

You are the only ignorant person posting on this board, child. Who cares if he was in violation of 17 resolutions, we are not the world's fucking police. He posed no danger to our country. He was NOT supporting Al-Quaeda. He was just an asshole dictator that kept his country from imploding by being a murderous bastard. I could care less if he kills his own people. Let another country lead the way in if NATO though it was more important. And there is another factoid you are missing. The only other country that supported us in going in was the UK. Even the UN told us, "Fuck you!" Bush went in essentially unilaterally. Remember the whole "freedom fries" bullshit?
I concur, as a Brit I was proud of the cross party support of the rebel amendment in the house of commons to stop the war.
149 MP's voted against war.
This week the most senior Conservative and anti war voter Sir Peter Tapsell is calling for Blair to be impeached.
Boris Johnson the Conservative Mayor of London was far damming,Is Blair mad ? or just defending himself ahead of Chilcot report?| News | The Week UKthe Chilcot report will also cause a lot of collateral to Bush and his supporter.
Saddam's mistake was becoming Raygun's pal....

Yeap, like I said. I was not kidding nor was I exaggerating. The losers on the left not only have showed conclusively that they are all hypocritical, double talking, ignorant, gasbags, but they actually think saddam hussein was a good guy.

Yes, they also think the taliban are good people.

I have proven my point, and there are 28 pages of them proving that they stand for nothing and none of them are worth a bag of shit.

They are the reason this country could never win a war, they are the reason terrorists are able to thrive, and they are the scourge on our planet.
So there are some liberals who think both wars were unwarranted, others that said they never said both were.

Which is it?

Were both wars unwarranted?

Liberals are clueless hacks and I told you they are nothing but hopeless double talking hypocritical hack puppets.

Nothing more. Fucking truthers.

Keep in mind, these are people that voted for Obama twice, brag about it, and thinks every scandal surrounding him is a myth. Like they thought terrorism was a bumper sticker myth then cheer when Obama drones them.

The funny thing is watching think they make sense. Pieces of shit.

So, which is it? Were both wars unwarranted. Have fun with these answers fellow conservatives. There is already 26 pages full of them saying yes both were and no they were on the side of the Afghan one. Now, there is one saying the Afghan one was not justified either.

Yes, they think the taliban are good and decent people. Just like....they think Saddam was a good and decent man.

Liberals are indeed the scourge on our country and in our world. Hopeless ignorant hypocritical know it all hacks.

If you listen to the banging drums beforehand....ALL wars are warranted
They are all about patriotism, retaliation or some perceived threat

When you look back in retrospect you ask....Was it worth it?
VietNam was one of those wars and we paid a heavy price

Except for the extreme right, most of the world agrees that Iraq was unwarranted

Afghanistan is a different story. Our stated purpose of invading was to get the guys who did 9-11. But if that was our purpose, why did we stop so quickly? If we were there to get AlQaida and the Taliban, why didn't we chase them into Pakistan? That was part of the Bush the terrorists wherever they are hiding.
If we were out to wipe out the Taliban, why did we give them back previously captured territory?

In retrospect, it seems our original stated purpose in Afgahanistan was not warranted because we didn't follow it.
In retrospect, was our 13 year invasion/occupation of Afghanistan worth it? I don't think so
Don't target the liberals. The whole world says it. They say it because he did.

Check out all of the truthers that approved this post.

candycorn (06-17-2014), DiabloBlanco (Yesterday), Esmeralda (06-17-2014), I.P.Freely (06-17-2014), Lakhota (Yesterday), Luddly Neddite (06-17-2014), Mr Clean (06-17-2014), PeoplePower (06-17-2014), Sallow (06-17-2014)

They are so pathetic.
Don't target the liberals. The whole world says it. They say it because he did.

Check out all of the truthers that approved this post.

candycorn (06-17-2014), DiabloBlanco (Yesterday), Esmeralda (06-17-2014), I.P.Freely (06-17-2014), Lakhota (Yesterday), Luddly Neddite (06-17-2014), Mr Clean (06-17-2014), PeoplePower (06-17-2014), Sallow (06-17-2014)

They are so pathetic.

Add my name to that list
So there are some liberals who think both wars were unwarranted, others that said they never said both were.

Which is it?

Were both wars unwarranted?

Liberals are clueless hacks and I told you they are nothing but hopeless double talking hypocritical hack puppets.

Nothing more. Fucking truthers.

Keep in mind, these are people that voted for Obama twice, brag about it, and thinks every scandal surrounding him is a myth. Like they thought terrorism was a bumper sticker myth then cheer when Obama drones them.

The funny thing is watching think they make sense. Pieces of shit.

So, which is it? Were both wars unwarranted. Have fun with these answers fellow conservatives. There is already 26 pages full of them saying yes both were and no they were on the side of the Afghan one. Now, there is one saying the Afghan one was not justified either.

Yes, they think the taliban are good and decent people. Just like....they think Saddam was a good and decent man.

Liberals are indeed the scourge on our country and in our world. Hopeless ignorant hypocritical know it all hacks.

If you listen to the banging drums beforehand....ALL wars are warranted
They are all about patriotism, retaliation or some perceived threat

When you look back in retrospect you ask....Was it worth it?
VietNam was one of those wars and we paid a heavy price

Except for the extreme right, most of the world agrees that Iraq was unwarranted

Afghanistan is a different story. Our stated purpose of invading was to get the guys who did 9-11. But if that was our purpose, why did we stop so quickly? If we were there to get AlQaida and the Taliban, why didn't we chase them into Pakistan? That was part of the Bush the terrorists wherever they are hiding.
If we were out to wipe out the Taliban, why did we give them back previously captured territory?

In retrospect, it seems our original stated purpose in Afgahanistan was not warranted because we didn't follow it.
In retrospect, was our 13 year invasion/occupation of Afghanistan worth it? I don't think so

I already dispatched you in pointing out you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You are so fucking simple. I have mentioned and will say it again. You have no idea what logistics are all about, and you thinking that we were there to simply track down bin laden and al qaeda then you are simply clueless. That is what you keep on saying and it is absurd.

What is more, is your liar in chief knows it. Hence the reason he increased the war in Afghanistan, the reason he carried out countless drones on those "mythical terrorists" and the reason he never closed GTMO.

He carries on with his rhetoric in order to placate his ignorant base who always think they are the smartest people in the room and know more than those who are actually privy to intel.

In the meantime, you are not privy to it, and you pretend you are.

What has been proven beyond the shadow of all doubt is killing bin laden was not going to stop ALL terrorism and in this day and age we cannot afford to be so naive as to think this is a simple hit and run. Leave the country to their own devices only to see the exact same problem we had before.

You do not get that or you refuse to see it cause it does not fit into your left wing know it all amateurish narrative. However, that is the narrative the democrats placate to.

All while you blame Bush for everything and ignore all of the things democrats propagated before Bush took office, and what they are carrying out after Bush left office. In the effort of the Obama to placate his moronic constituency (in this election year) who cannot be convinced of anything, the world is running roughshod over our allies. Why? Cause they know they can take advantage of this president in this election year.

You keep on thinking you have a clue and you keep on thinking the war on terror was limited to bin laden. All while never asking the question......Hey bin laden was killed in 2011 and we are still in Afghanistan, why are we still there?

Of course the repeat of Vietnam is what we get where the killing fields are happening. Yes, I do blame the killing fields on the left that put great pressure on the politicians to end that war and leave the South Vietnamese to their own devices. Mass genocide is what ensued with pol pot and the khmer rouge.

That is precisely what we are seeing with this isis group that is committing their own version of genocide. I could swear the left is laughing at those actions and thousands upon thousands of people are being systematically exterminated.

We already know the pot heads did not care what happened to the South Vietnamese citizens at the hands of pol pot. Cause they celebrated that they "ended the war."

You do not get shit.
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Don't target the liberals. The whole world says it. They say it because he did.

Check out all of the truthers that approved this post.

candycorn (06-17-2014), DiabloBlanco (Yesterday), Esmeralda (06-17-2014), I.P.Freely (06-17-2014), Lakhota (Yesterday), Luddly Neddite (06-17-2014), Mr Clean (06-17-2014), PeoplePower (06-17-2014), Sallow (06-17-2014)

They are so pathetic.

Add my name to that list

That is what I thought rightwinger. You already said Bush did not start both wars, and now you are adding your pathetic double talking, hypocritical name to the list that says he did start both wars.

You stupid fucking double talking hypocritical piece of steaming shit.
I just want Jedi and Dicombob and Sallow to say it.. Tell us that we should kept the Iraqis locked up with a madman while we bombed them daily and took away their economy.. OR do the right thing and let him out of containment. Either choice... THEN we can chat about what Booooosh decided to do to change an awful policy that would have hindered our efforts in Afghan anyway with YOUR preferred choices..

Thats the honesty required to resolve this issue of how we got here.

None of which constituted an imminent threat to our security, there was no compelling reason to make any choice or decide to do anything at all about Iraq. You present false choices.

Oh now there's a HUGE cop-out.. You won't actually SAY that we should have continued to bomb Iraq daily and keep it's economy on lockdown. OR -- let Saddam OUT of containment. Did you have ANOTHER PLAN? One that didn't involve another 12 years of guard duty and keeping the Euros from restoring relations with him?

You just want to blame the guy that DID SOMETHING to end the bad policy. Or ignore the bad policy entirely. Which is it ??

I have yet to this day to get a SINGLE critic of the Iraq War to admit that the alternatives included some pretty piss poor choices like letting him out of containment because the WMD charges were fraudulent. Or to justify another 12 years of locking up their economy, destroying their infrastructure and denying them food and medicine.

ANY Bush Bashers got the guts to acknowledge that? To acknowledge that the Euros were done with the embargo and we were the only ones crazy enough to keep Saddam in containment?

No problem whatsoever with letting him out of "containment".

He really wasn't causing any trouble at all.

It was basic conflation to justify gloaming Iraqi oil.
Check out all of the truthers that approved this post.

candycorn (06-17-2014), DiabloBlanco (Yesterday), Esmeralda (06-17-2014), I.P.Freely (06-17-2014), Lakhota (Yesterday), Luddly Neddite (06-17-2014), Mr Clean (06-17-2014), PeoplePower (06-17-2014), Sallow (06-17-2014)

They are so pathetic.

Add my name to that list

That is what I thought rightwinger. You already said Bush did not start both wars, and now you are adding your pathetic double talking, hypocritical name to the list that says he did start both wars.

You stupid fucking double talking hypocritical piece of steaming shit.

Bush did not start both wars?

Then who was commander in chief?

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