Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

1. Iraq was unnecessary because Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11

2. Afghanistan was unnecessary because the issue should have been handled as the isolated targeting of the people who attacked us. We weren't attacked by a nation, we were attacked by a group of people. Declaring war on a nation is a stupid, imprecise big-government solution with massive unintended consequences.

If 15 Irish people had hijacked a plane, we would not have declared war on all Irish people. We would have found the guilty party and brought them to justice. Declaring war on entire nations, regions or religions is fucking insane, unless you trust that Washington has the competence and budget to remake whole continents into western democracies.

The OP is a fucking Fox News nitwit who trusts in the power of Washington to save the world. He and his kind (on both sides of the aisle) have bankrupted this nation.

Government doesn't have the competence to run a laundromat, but you want it to remake whole Arab cultures into modern Western-style democracies? Are you fucking crazy?
You are obviously an arrogant, ill-mannered, narcissistic, ignorant prick who gets nothing about what we are actually facing in regards to this war on terror. I get it, to you it is all a fucking myth. You are a typical ignorant ass who actually thought this war on terror was about targeting one fucking group and one fucking guy.

Congratulations on proving to everyone what a naive moronic liberal looks like. You piece of shit. Now, go pat yourself on that back of yours for thinking you understand more than those who are privy to intel that we are not privy to.

In the meantime you arrogant ass, why don't you with your best fucking explanation to all of us, if the both wars were illegal then why the fuck are there NO charges, and why has there never been any charges brought against Bush or anyone on the Bush administration.

Oh forget it forehead, I do not need to read your left wing propaganda and your never ending shit. Take your hypocritical, moronic disposition and roll it up into a tight little wad and shove it up your loose gay rectum.
You are obviously an arrogant, ill-mannered, narcissistic, ignorant prick who gets nothing about what we are actually facing in regards to this war on terror. I get it, to you it is all a fucking myth. You are a typical ignorant ass who actually thought this war on terror was about targeting one fucking group and one fucking guy.

Congratulations on proving to everyone what a naive moronic liberal looks like. You piece of shit. Now, go pat yourself on that back of yours for thinking you understand more than those who are privy to intel that we are not privy to.

In the meantime you arrogant ass, why don't you with your best fucking explanation to all of us, if the both wars were illegal then why the fuck are there NO charges, and why has there never been any charges brought against Bush or anyone on the Bush administration.

Oh forget it forehead, I do not need to read your left wing propaganda and your never ending shit. Take your hypocritical, moronic disposition and roll it up into a tight little wad and shove it up your loose gay rectum.

Pay attention. I think the wars were unnecessary because they were based on terribly managed intelligence and a flawed policy for the region which underestimated the power of Washington to end a century long conflict, one that Britain couldn't fix with its interwar construction of modern Iraq. I never used the words illegal wars, you did.

Secondly, even though I don't think Bush committed a crime with his use of force, I think your argument is silly. Clinton was not convicted for any of the formal Whitewater charges, despite the fact that I bet he violated many laws. My guess is that he dodged prosecution, but nobody - including the people on your side - thought he was innocent. Also, the Republicans have accused Obama of over 100 crimes, none of which have translated into formal criminal charges. Does this mean you think he is innocent? C'mon man. You can do better.

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