Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

Yup- Like FDR started WWII - shoulda just turned the other cheek - right ? Damn that FDR for getting all those boys killed fighting Japan and Germany.

We had no business invading those countries - it was none of our business - he just did because the capitalists wanted their resources !!!!

Absolutely no comparison.

WWII was the last time we fought a "legitimate" war.
Bush gave up on Bin Laden before invading Iraq.

[ame=]Bush truly not concerned about bin laden - YouTube[/ame]
Really? You never heard anyone say Bush freed Iraq?

Either you're lying or you live in a cave with wifi....which means you're the first option

Bush fucking took a trophy from Hussien.

He got his pistol. much they forget.

Additionally, they were showing degrading photos of Saddam in his underwear all over the news.

The Bush administration also had a habit of releasing gruesome pictures of dead terrorists as well as Saddam's sons after they were killed.

buh buh but...Kaz never heard any of that. Reagan ended the Cold war - Kaz never heard that either.

Seems like Obama is the only POTUS who doesnt get the credit for being the CiC. The only one....weird huh?

What's even more amazing is you can show these folks all the records..

Bush saying he didn't much care about Bin Laden anymore. Newspaper articles showing that Bush disbanded the units looking for Bin Laden. Military folks that saying they had him surrounded in Tora Bora. Al Qaeda folks saying that while in Tora Bora, they SAW American troops and were making preparations to die..

And it doesn't matter.

If you talk to the NeoCons involved in this..and they've popped up again on News shows, they deny EVER doing anything wrong. Or saying these wars would be easy and cheap.

They NOW want America perpetually in a state of war.

It's just amazing.

Everything that's happened in the middle east, from the destabilization of the region to the uptick in terrorist activity..was foretold.

They created this mess..and won't own up to it.
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Eisenhower's about the far right reactionary neo-con military industrial complex becomes appalling more accurate every administration.
Yeah but remember the republicans were too busy calling anyone who questioned their bullshit conclusions as being "for the terrorist" and that little black mail was enough to make republicans blindly follow Bush down that path.

Always remember (Like Palin) republicans value zingers over actual thought and consideration. Then when the shit hits the fan the party of personal responsibility blames it on everyone and everything else.
Bush fucking took a trophy from Hussien.

He got his pistol. much they forget.

Additionally, they were showing degrading photos of Saddam in his underwear all over the news.

The Bush administration also had a habit of releasing gruesome pictures of dead terrorists as well as Saddam's sons after they were killed.

buh buh but...Kaz never heard any of that. Reagan ended the Cold war - Kaz never heard that either.

Seems like Obama is the only POTUS who doesnt get the credit for being the CiC. The only one....weird huh?

What's even more amazing is you can show these folks all the records..

Bush saying he didn't much care about Bin Laden anymore. Newspaper articles showing that Bush disbanded the units looking for Bin Laden. Military folks that saying they had him surrounded in Tora Bora. Al Qaeda folks saying that while in Tora Bora, they SAW American troops and were making preparations to die..

And it doesn't matter.

If you talk to the NeoCons involved in this..and they've popped up again on News shows, they deny EVER doing anything wrong. Or saying these wars would be easy and cheap.

They NOW want America perpetually in a state of war.

It's just amazing.

Everything that's happened in the middle east, from the destabilization of the region to the uptick in terrorist activity..was foretold.

They created this mess..and won't own up to it.

Islam is responsible for the mess. DUH!!
Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

Yup- Like FDR started WWII - shoulda just turned the other cheek - right ? Damn that FDR for getting all those boys killed fighting Japan and Germany.

We had no business invading those countries - it was none of our business - he just did because the capitalists wanted their resources !!!!

Absolutely no comparison.

WWII was the last time we fought a "legitimate" war.

And you don't see paralells between 9-11 and 12-7
Bush Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the Bush Doctrine", as it came to describe other elements, including the policy of preventive war, which held that the United States should depose foreign regimes that represented a potential threat to the security of the United States, even if that threat was not immediate
Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

Yup- Like FDR started WWII - shoulda just turned the other cheek - right ? Damn that FDR for getting all those boys killed fighting Japan and Germany.

We had no business invading those countries - it was none of our business - he just did because the capitalists wanted their resources !!!!

Absolutely no comparison.

WWII was the last time we fought a "legitimate" war.

Look everyone. A liberal claim two UNWARRANTED WARS.

The liberal double talk, hypocrisy, and pure ignorance on full display.

First they claim both wars were unwarranted like they have for 10 years. They then claim that they never claimed both wars were unwarranted. It is all over this thread.

Now here you have another deranged nutjob claiming they were indeed unwarranted followed by more posts claiming they never claimed both were unwarranted.

They make sense to each other folks.

Liberals are slimebags.
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Yeah but remember the republicans were too busy calling anyone who questioned their bullshit conclusions as being "for the terrorist" and that little black mail was enough to make republicans blindly follow Bush down that path.

Always remember (Like Palin) republicans value zingers over actual thought and consideration. Then when the shit hits the fan the party of personal responsibility blames it on everyone and everything else.

There Once was this fella Closed Caps
Who couldn't comprehend Facts
And try as he did
His Intelligence hid
In his crotch -Right under his Slacks.
Yup- Like FDR started WWII - shoulda just turned the other cheek - right ? Damn that FDR for getting all those boys killed fighting Japan and Germany.

We had no business invading those countries - it was none of our business - he just did because the capitalists wanted their resources !!!!

Absolutely no comparison.

WWII was the last time we fought a "legitimate" war.

And you don't see paralells between 9-11 and 12-7

He was told that WW2 was necessary and told that anything GWB did was evil.

I blame the schools.
Yup- Like FDR started WWII - shoulda just turned the other cheek - right ? Damn that FDR for getting all those boys killed fighting Japan and Germany.

We had no business invading those countries - it was none of our business - he just did because the capitalists wanted their resources !!!!

Absolutely no comparison.

WWII was the last time we fought a "legitimate" war.

Look everyone. A liberal claim two UNWARRANTED WARS.

The liberal double talk, hypocrisy, and pure ignorance on full display.

First they claim both wars were unwarranted like they have for 10 years. They then claim that they never claimed both wars were unwarranted. It is all over this thread.

Now here you have another deranged nutjob claiming they were indeed unwarranted followed by more posts claiming they never claimed both were unwarranted.

They sense to each other folks.

Liberals are slimebags.

Nation building was not warranted

Fighting terrorism was
Bush Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the Bush Doctrine", as B-) u it came to describe other elements, including the policy of preventive war, which held that the United States should depose foreign regimes that represented a potential threat to the security of the United States, even if that threat was not immediate

Do you have a Wikipedia article on the Obama Doctrine?
Yup- Like FDR started WWII - shoulda just turned the other cheek - right ? Damn that FDR for getting all those boys killed fighting Japan and Germany.

We had no business invading those countries - it was none of our business - he just did because the capitalists wanted their resources !!!!

Absolutely no comparison.

WWII was the last time we fought a "legitimate" war.

Look everyone. A liberal claim two UNWARRANTED WARS.

The liberal double talk, hypocrisy, and pure ignorance on full display.

First they claim both wars were unwarranted like they have for 10 years. They then claim that they never claimed both wars were unwarranted. It is all over this thread.

Now here you have another deranged nutjob claiming they were indeed unwarranted followed by more posts claiming they never claimed both were unwarranted.

They sense to each other folks.

Liberals are slimebags.

Whatever suits their particular agenda at any given moment passes for truth. A liberal will never ever ever let facts get in the way of their opinions
Eisenhower's about the far right reactionary neo-con military industrial complex becomes appalling more accurate every administration.

There once was this fella named Starkey
Who was full of shit and Malarkey
His first name was Jake
A cheat and a Fake
hit the road pal here's the Car Key
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This thread is a trick question for liberal idiots...

1) They can't tie the war in Afghanistan to Bin Laden because many of them believe the CIA and "Jews" attacked us on 9-11.

2) They can't think very long into the past so they have no clue the entire chain of events with Iraq started when "Saddam invaded Kuwait."

This is all too difficult for their inbred ape brains.
Yup- Like FDR started WWII - shoulda just turned the other cheek - right ? Damn that FDR for getting all those boys killed fighting Japan and Germany.

We had no business invading those countries - it was none of our business - he just did because the capitalists wanted their resources !!!!

Absolutely no comparison.

WWII was the last time we fought a "legitimate" war.

Look everyone. A liberal claim two UNWARRANTED WARS.

The liberal double talk, hypocrisy, and pure ignorance on full display.

First they claim both wars were unwarranted like they have for 10 years. They then claim that they never claimed both wars were unwarranted. It is all over this thread.

Now here you have another deranged nutjob claiming they were indeed unwarranted followed by more posts claiming they never claimed both were unwarranted.

They make sense to each other folks.

Liberals are slimebags.

Show me where I ever said going into Afghanistan in 2001 was unwarranted. Or shut up.

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