Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

9/11 was just an excuse to invade whoever, as proven by Iraq. It didn't matter who actually flew the planes into the towers. The PNAC had an agenda and Bush helped them achieve it.


You'll say anything for that welfare check, won't you?
Still butthurt that a Democrat got him? Tissue?

Sorry I made you cry, man. Man up, here's a hanky. I'm not a Republican, dumb ass. I would say the same to anyone giving credit to a politician.

I haven't heard Republican say W got Hussein, even in reply to your two year old Democratic credit whoring.

The military got him because Obama approved the mission to get him. Obama is the CiC. It was his call and he made it. He deserves all of the credit in the world for making that call.

facts are irrelevant to them.
Still butthurt that a Democrat got him? Tissue?

Sorry I made you cry, man. Man up, here's a hanky. I'm not a Republican, dumb ass. I would say the same to anyone giving credit to a politician.

I haven't heard Republican say W got Hussein, even in reply to your two year old Democratic credit whoring.

The military got him because Obama approved the mission to get him. Obama is the CiC. It was his call and he made it. He deserves all of the credit in the world for making that call.

He is cic now. You holding him responsible for the Iraq debacle?

Thought not.

Double talk everyone.

Btw there is more than enough official testimony that water boarding (our own soldiera are water boarded so it is not torture) led to his location.

Why do you think it has taken Obama so long to close Gitmo? This ought to be good.
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You never heard anyone say Bush freed Iraq?

Either you're lying or you live in a cave with wifi....which means you're the first option

Of course I did, what the fuck is wrong with you? That has nothing to do with what I said. We are talking about whether Obama got Bin Laden. Do you have no logical ability to follow a conversation at all? You're like Sallow. I said Republicans did not give W personal credit for capturing Hussein, they gave it to the military. Just like the give credit to the military for getting Bin Laden.
Have to hand it to liberals. They blame Bush for starting two wars AND brag about Obama killing Bin Laden for starting one of them.

Believe it or not, some how that makes sense to them.

Can you see their double talk. They are so fucking hypocritical and annoying.

He DID start two wars. Afghanistan was warranted; Iraq was not. That is the problem.

Keep painting with that broad brush.

W started the war? He invaded Afghanistan before 9/11? History says you are wrong. Your posts say you're stupid.

Yeah, he did start two wars. 9/11 was purpetrared by terrorists, not by a state. Afghanistan the country did not attack us or support those that did. The Taliban in Afghanistan harbored the terrorists that attacked us. But as I have already said, I supported that invasion.
"What difference does it make?" Where have I heard that before?

Hillary said it for herself to escape blame for her actions. I said it to prevent the Taliban escaping blame for their actions. The context is the reverse. That you don't grasp the difference shows what an empty headed little shill you are.

"Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator."
Same with Obama are completely wrong there.

In the debates, Obama said if Bin Laden was in Pakistan? He'd take him out no matter what the consequences were. McCain said that was juvenile and foolish.


Obama activated a Covert Ops to find and kill Bin Laden.

That was all his doing.

And he was stupid to share credit with Bush..or anyone else, except the people involved.

The military got Bin Laden, not any politician. They looked for him under Bush and under Obama. That they found him under Obama was coincidence.

So maybe Iraq falling apart, as it relates to Obama, is only coincidence.
What difference does that make? The Taliban assisted Al Qaeda. I really thought I couldn't think any less of you big guy. I stand corrected.

Bush started Iraq, no doubt about it. But Afghanistan? You're really a slug of a human being.

Bush failed to examine or propose other options in Afghanistan

Nation building was not his only option. He could have just invaded and swept out the terrorists

As it is, Bush botched the option that he chose. If we invaded Afghanistan to get at AlQaeda, why did we allow them to escape so easily? Why did we not pursue them into Pakistan? Why did we pull our forces who were supposedly fighting terrorists to invade Iraq ?

Liar. That isn't what you said, I would have agreed with that. What you said was that he started an "unwarranted" war.

The war was unwarranted

Especially considering how it was executed. If the purpose of invasion was to rout AlQaeda, Bush made a half assed attempt at doing it. AlQaeda was our true enemy not Afghanistan. If the war was warranted, why wasn't it warranted to follow them into Tora Bora? Why wasn't it warranted to follow them into Pakistan?
So I'm curious. Are you too stupid to remember what the Democrats did to W while he was President and the troops were in Iraq and Afghanistan, or do you just think we are? If it's the latter, you're wrong.

The majority of elected Democrats supported everything Bush did..up until:

A. It was established that Iraq had nothing to do with Al Qaeda..and the Bush administration said it did.
B. It was established that Iraq had no weapons capable of threatening the US homeland or even interests in the region.
C. It was established that Iraq had no nuclear program.
D. It was established that Bush himself had knowingly and falsely represented the Iraq threat in multiple speeches. As well as many of the top officials in the Bush administration.

Yes, Democrats did support him until they decided for pure political purposes they would betray their own country and shirk responsibilities for their own actions for whatever political points they could get from it.

But that once again misses the point, he said that it's tradition to support the President in war. Obama has lied and mislead the country, if that's justification to turn on him, you just supported the right to turn on him.

Wait what?

No they didn't. They decided, and correctly, that the President had lied to them. And they continue to lie today. Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz deny they said there was any connection to between Al Qaeda and Iraq, even though there are video records of them saying just those things. Bush said that Iraq was trying to get Uranium and using aluminum tubing to reconstitution a nuclear program even though our own intelligence and nuclear experts told him that was not the case. This wasn't a case of political expediency it was a case of the President to keep trust with his congress and the people.

President Obama has not "misled" the country in any way. You folks seem not to be able to discern what a "lie" is.

Here's a hint.

Saying Iraq was in collusion with Al Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks?

That was a lie.
Its bad enough that so many fell for their lies the first time but NOW
Sorry I made you cry, man. Man up, here's a hanky. I'm not a Republican, dumb ass. I would say the same to anyone giving credit to a politician.

I haven't heard Republican say W got Hussein, even in reply to your two year old Democratic credit whoring.

The military got him because Obama approved the mission to get him. Obama is the CiC. It was his call and he made it. He deserves all of the credit in the world for making that call.

He is cic now. You holding him responsible for the Iraq debacle?

Thought not.

Double talk everyone.

Btw there is more than enough official testimony that water boarding (our own soldiera are water boarded so it is not torture) led to his location.

Why do you think it has taken Obama so long to close Gitmo? This ought to be good.

Why should Obama be held responsible for the current situation in Iraq? He voted against the war in the first place. As CiC he pulled our troops out as part of an agreed upon timeline. What happens in Iraq now is the responsibility of the Iraqi govt.

Waterboarding or not, the mission that led to the death of OBL was approved by Obama. Nobody else could have made that call at that time. Besides, we all know that you'd give him all of the blame if it had been a failure.

I don't know why you're bringing Gitmo into this. You're kinda all over the place. I guess because you started with a false premise that you quickly got called out on. Time to change the subject, right? But anyway, Obama can't close Gitmo. Congress won't let it close. That's a widely known fact.
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Still butthurt that a Democrat got him? Tissue?

Sorry I made you cry, man. Man up, here's a hanky. I'm not a Republican, dumb ass. I would say the same to anyone giving credit to a politician.

I haven't heard Republican say W got Hussein, even in reply to your two year old Democratic credit whoring.

Really? You never heard anyone say Bush freed Iraq?

Either you're lying or you live in a cave with wifi....which means you're the first option

Bush fucking took a trophy from Hussien.

He got his pistol. much they forget.

Additionally, they were showing degrading photos of Saddam in his underwear all over the news.

The Bush administration also had a habit of releasing gruesome pictures of dead terrorists as well as Saddam's sons after they were killed.
Sorry I made you cry, man. Man up, here's a hanky. I'm not a Republican, dumb ass. I would say the same to anyone giving credit to a politician.

I haven't heard Republican say W got Hussein, even in reply to your two year old Democratic credit whoring.

Really? You never heard anyone say Bush freed Iraq?

Either you're lying or you live in a cave with wifi....which means you're the first option

Bush fucking took a trophy from Hussien.

He got his pistol. much they forget.

Additionally, they were showing degrading photos of Saddam in his underwear all over the news.

The Bush administration also had a habit of releasing gruesome pictures of dead terrorists as well as Saddam's sons after they were killed.

While not allowing photos of our own dead AND lying about the number of American dead and maimed.
So I'm curious. Are you too stupid to remember what the Democrats did to W while he was President and the troops were in Iraq and Afghanistan, or do you just think we are? If it's the latter, you're wrong.

The majority of elected Democrats supported everything Bush did..up until:

A. It was established that Iraq had nothing to do with Al Qaeda..and the Bush administration said it did.
B. It was established that Iraq had no weapons capable of threatening the US homeland or even interests in the region.
C. It was established that Iraq had no nuclear program.
D. It was established that Bush himself had knowingly and falsely represented the Iraq threat in multiple speeches. As well as many of the top officials in the Bush administration.

Yes, Democrats did support him until they decided for pure political purposes they would betray their own country and shirk responsibilities for their own actions for whatever political points they could get from it.

But that once again misses the point, he said that it's tradition to support the President in war. Obama has lied and mislead the country, if that's justification to turn on him, you just supported the right to turn on him.

Actually Camp said '"When America comes under attack" not that " it's tradition to support the President in war."

Words matter.

Democrat most certainly stood behind President Bush on 9-11-2001, very unlike what the Republicans did on 9-11-2012 by trying to turn that attack on Americans into a political chip. Every time I think about that I remember why I'm so glad that Romney lost.
Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

Yup- Like FDR started WWII - shoulda just turned the other cheek - right ? Damn that FDR for getting all those boys killed fighting Japan and Germany.

We had no business invading those countries - it was none of our business - he just did because the capitalists wanted their resources !!!!
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Sorry I made you cry, man. Man up, here's a hanky. I'm not a Republican, dumb ass. I would say the same to anyone giving credit to a politician.

I haven't heard Republican say W got Hussein, even in reply to your two year old Democratic credit whoring.

The military got him because Obama approved the mission to get him. Obama is the CiC. It was his call and he made it. He deserves all of the credit in the world for making that call.

Yes, he OK'd it, but that isn't personally getting him. The military did that. They found him, they got him. He just said OK, get him.

And he could have said 'no too risky'. But he didn't. He took a chance on a 50/50 operation and it paid off.
Sorry I made you cry, man. Man up, here's a hanky. I'm not a Republican, dumb ass. I would say the same to anyone giving credit to a politician.

I haven't heard Republican say W got Hussein, even in reply to your two year old Democratic credit whoring.

Really? You never heard anyone say Bush freed Iraq?

Either you're lying or you live in a cave with wifi....which means you're the first option

Bush fucking took a trophy from Hussien.

He got his pistol. much they forget.

Additionally, they were showing degrading photos of Saddam in his underwear all over the news.

The Bush administration also had a habit of releasing gruesome pictures of dead terrorists as well as Saddam's sons after they were killed.

buh buh but...Kaz never heard any of that. Reagan ended the Cold war - Kaz never heard that either.

Seems like Obama is the only POTUS who doesnt get the credit for being the CiC. The only one....weird huh?

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