Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

Waterboarding had zero to do with getting Bin Laden.

Same with Bush.

Same with Obama are completely wrong there.

In the debates, Obama said if Bin Laden was in Pakistan? He'd take him out no matter what the consequences were. McCain said that was juvenile and foolish.


Obama activated a Covert Ops to find and kill Bin Laden.

That was all his doing.

And he was stupid to share credit with Bush..or anyone else, except the people involved.

The military got Bin Laden, not any politician. They looked for him under Bush and under Obama. That they found him under Obama was coincidence.
"What difference does it make?" Where have I heard that before?

Hillary said it for herself to escape blame for her actions. I said it to prevent the Taliban escaping blame for their actions. The context is the reverse. That you don't grasp the difference shows what an empty headed little shill you are.
They're not liberals. They're ignorant indoctrinated useful idiots. They're told who to hate and they obey because all that matters is the agenda that their mommy government pushes.
Bush had one war of choice. Iraq. It was a poor foreign policy choice but he was a tool of neo-cons. they wanted to invade Iraq back in 1999. Read and educate yourself:

GW Bush was a tool.
Not only did Bush start two unwarranted wars, he botched the execution of both wars and got thousands of Americans and innocent civilians killed
Same with Obama are completely wrong there.

In the debates, Obama said if Bin Laden was in Pakistan? He'd take him out no matter what the consequences were. McCain said that was juvenile and foolish.


Obama activated a Covert Ops to find and kill Bin Laden.

That was all his doing.

And he was stupid to share credit with Bush..or anyone else, except the people involved.

The military got Bin Laden, not any politician. They looked for him under Bush and under Obama. That they found him under Obama was coincidence.

You know that no one is suggesting Obama went there himself. If thats all you got it aint much.

Obama got him, period
When America comes under attack, the tradition has always been to stand behind the Commander in Chief. They are the ones who have to administer the defense of the country

So I'm curious. Are you too stupid to remember what the Democrats did to W while he was President and the troops were in Iraq and Afghanistan, or do you just think we are? If it's the latter, you're wrong.
If it wasn't for the water boarding, your guy couldn't take credit for bin laden. Get over it.

Is that what Dick told you?

You know, that is really an insult to all the men and women who searched for Bin Laden, some of whom gave their lives. Nobody claims water boarding helped get Bin Laden except for the war criminals who implemented it and need an excuse for committing that war crime.

prove your assertion. prove that water boarding had NOTHING to do with bin ladens capture/death.

That's what he wants to believe. Isn't that enough for you, Wildman? are completely wrong there.

In the debates, Obama said if Bin Laden was in Pakistan? He'd take him out no matter what the consequences were. McCain said that was juvenile and foolish.


Obama activated a Covert Ops to find and kill Bin Laden.

That was all his doing.

And he was stupid to share credit with Bush..or anyone else, except the people involved.

The military got Bin Laden, not any politician. They looked for him under Bush and under Obama. That they found him under Obama was coincidence.

You know that no one is suggesting Obama went there himself. If thats all you got it aint much.

Obama got him, period

If Obama got Osama, then Obama is responsible for the fall of Iraq because Obama Bin Biden said Iraq is one of Obama's great achievements.
Is that what Dick told you?

You know, that is really an insult to all the men and women who searched for Bin Laden, some of whom gave their lives. Nobody claims water boarding helped get Bin Laden except for the war criminals who implemented it and need an excuse for committing that war crime.

prove your assertion. prove that water boarding had NOTHING to do with bin ladens capture/death.

Regardless of whether I agree with you or not, you cannot prove something that doesn't exist. Prove that I don't have 15 tigers in my garage right now that are able to perform ballet.

Have you claimed you have 15 tigers in your garage right now that are able to perform ballet?
"What difference does it make?" Where have I heard that before?

Hillary said it for herself to escape blame for her actions. I said it to prevent the Taliban escaping blame for their actions. The context is the reverse. That you don't grasp the difference shows what an empty headed little shill you are.

What actions would those be?

Did she cut funding to the security?
Did she okay the CIA to conduct operations in the Consulate?
Did she make that asshole produce a film designed to infuriate people in the middle east?

Which one of those did she okay?? are completely wrong there.

In the debates, Obama said if Bin Laden was in Pakistan? He'd take him out no matter what the consequences were. McCain said that was juvenile and foolish.


Obama activated a Covert Ops to find and kill Bin Laden.

That was all his doing.

And he was stupid to share credit with Bush..or anyone else, except the people involved.

The military got Bin Laden, not any politician. They looked for him under Bush and under Obama. That they found him under Obama was coincidence.

You know that no one is suggesting Obama went there himself. If thats all you got it aint much.

Obama got him, period

The military got him, period. Obama only spiked the ball and destroyed the chance to use any intelligence found in the process.
"What difference does it make?" Where have I heard that before?

Hillary said it for herself to escape blame for her actions. I said it to prevent the Taliban escaping blame for their actions. The context is the reverse. That you don't grasp the difference shows what an empty headed little shill you are.

What actions would those be?

Did she cut funding to the security?
Did she okay the CIA to conduct operations in the Consulate?
Did she make that asshole produce a film designed to infuriate people in the middle east?

Which one of those did she okay??

Question; why are right wing wack jops like you obsessed with what Dems think of Bush?

Did I say dems? No dems voted for the war and propagated the existence of wmds in Iraq.

They voted unanimously for the first war. Unanimously.

I asked moron liberals who blame him for two wars.

All libs are truthers. All of them.

I don't know where you're getting it from that all liberals think both wars were unwarranted. I certainly never said that. Afghanistan was invaded because the Taliban were harboring the terrorists responsible for 9/11. I supported the US going in there. What I didn't support is a 13 yr long war. What I didn't support was Bush and company taking their eye off the ball and invading Iraq, because 1) Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, 2) it was a distraction from getting Bin Laden, 3) we couldn't afford two wars.

The Iraq war will go down as one of the biggest blunders that any potus made. Bush deserves all of the ridicule and criticism in the world for that fiasco. For lying us into a war that cost the lives of thousands of us troops and innocent Iraqis, he deserves, along with Cheney and Rumsfeld, to be tried as a war criminal.
Same with Obama are completely wrong there.

In the debates, Obama said if Bin Laden was in Pakistan? He'd take him out no matter what the consequences were. McCain said that was juvenile and foolish.


Obama activated a Covert Ops to find and kill Bin Laden.

That was all his doing.

And he was stupid to share credit with Bush..or anyone else, except the people involved.

The military got Bin Laden, not any politician. They looked for him under Bush and under Obama. That they found him under Obama was coincidence.

Have to hand it to liberals. They blame Bush for starting two wars AND brag about Obama killing Bin Laden for starting one of them.

Believe it or not, some how that makes sense to them.

Can you see their double talk. They are so fucking hypocritical and annoying.
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"What difference does it make?" Where have I heard that before?

Hillary said it for herself to escape blame for her actions. I said it to prevent the Taliban escaping blame for their actions. The context is the reverse. That you don't grasp the difference shows what an empty headed little shill you are.

What actions would those be?

Did she cut funding to the security?
Did she okay the CIA to conduct operations in the Consulate?
Did she make that asshole produce a film designed to infuriate people in the middle east?

Which one of those did she okay??

You can stop defending her. She's not going to be the next president.
The military got Bin Laden, not any politician. They looked for him under Bush and under Obama. That they found him under Obama was coincidence.

You know that no one is suggesting Obama went there himself. If thats all you got it aint much.

Obama got him, period

The military got him, period. Obama only spiked the ball and destroyed the chance to use any intelligence found in the process.

And if he was captured and brought back to stand trial, you people would have bitched about that.
When America comes under attack, the tradition has always been to stand behind the Commander in Chief. They are the ones who have to administer the defense of the country

So I'm curious. Are you too stupid to remember what the Democrats did to W while he was President and the troops were in Iraq and Afghanistan, or do you just think we are? If it's the latter, you're wrong.

The majority of elected Democrats supported everything Bush did..up until:

A. It was established that Iraq had nothing to do with Al Qaeda..and the Bush administration said it did.
B. It was established that Iraq had no weapons capable of threatening the US homeland or even interests in the region.
C. It was established that Iraq had no nuclear program.
D. It was established that Bush himself had knowingly and falsely represented the Iraq threat in multiple speeches. As well as many of the top officials in the Bush administration.
The military got Bin Laden, not any politician. They looked for him under Bush and under Obama. That they found him under Obama was coincidence.

You know that no one is suggesting Obama went there himself. If thats all you got it aint much.

Obama got him, period

The military got him, period. Obama only spiked the ball and destroyed the chance to use any intelligence found in the process.

Still butthurt that a Democrat got him? Tissue?
Not only did Bush start two unwarranted wars, he botched the execution of both wars and got thousands of Americans and innocent civilians killed

I worked across Liberty Street at Bankers Trust (now part of Deusche Bank) from the World Trade Center in the 90s. Came up through the WTC subway station every morning and walked across the street. I knew a lot of people in that area. The morning of the attacks I was in Connecticut in the New York Suburbs in training. All of us were frantically calling people to find out if they were OK. I didn't go down to south Manhattan again for over 10 years, I just didn't want to see it.

That we attacked Afghanistan and that it was "unwarranted" just shows what a sick fuck you are. And for what? A pathetic attempt at some Partisan political points? Go to hell, asshole.

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