Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

Bush started two preemptory wars

First time in history
I don't think anyone had a problem with President Bush using military force to attack al Qaeda's bases in Afghanistan in an effort to kill or capture those responsible for the 9-11 attacks.

After Tora-Bora, and bin Laden's escape in to Pakistan, the propaganda to invade Iraq began it's year+ long journey to convince America that Saddam was the next Hitler, had operational ties with al Qaeda, had reconstituted his old WMD programs and was actively producing and stockpiling Chemical, Biological and even Nuclear weapons to give the terrorist to hit us with. While that was going on the mission in Afghanistan changed to an occupation and an attempt at Nation Building. But because the focus had shifted to the upcoming (Planned) invasion and occupation of Iraq, both efforts in Afghanistan took second fiddle to the upcoming Iraq war. Of course the finest military in the world (which had majority support from congress and the people) made quick work of the decimated Iraq military. Once the military was finished, the Bush appointees simply fucked up the occupation and sparked the sectarian civil war, that is still going on. After that all the Bush talking points about the threat Iraq posed began to be exposed for the lies they were based on. That's when the citizens began questioning their support for Bushes two wars.
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Do liberals know or care that democrats voted unanimously for the Afghanistan war? No, they don't.

Especially a truthers like KNB. Imagine how dumb truthers are. How fucking moronic.

You are with us or with the terrorists. Republicans had Democrats backed into a corner. Only the GOP is so slimy to use something like that for naked political aggression.

And I don't know any liberal who said taking out Bin Laden wasn't necessary. It was Republicans who let him go.

Worse, the entire mess in the middle east is laid at the feet of the GOP. They didn't even know a religions war had been going on between the Sunni's and the Shiite's for more than a thousand years. Talk about determined ignorance.
All good Americans from responsible right to the left recognize Bush started ONE unwarranted war and turned a just Afghanistan excursion into an unjustified war.

Yet it was Obama that increased the war in Afghanistan. You know that or care? No you don't.

Either way you just pulled off classic liberal double talk.

I always and I mean always see morons on the left (only morons on the left) blame Bush for two "illegal wars."

You some how managed to say you were on the side of the first first.

Fucking liberals

It is a shame that Obama had to go in and refight the Afghanistan war after Bush blundered in diverting the war on terror into an attack on Iraq

Obama understood you have to go where the terrorists are...Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen

and they weren't in Iraq
I don't think anyone had a problem with President Bush using military force to attack al Qaeda's bases in Afghanistan in an effort to kill of capture those responsible for the 9-11 attacks.

After Tora-Bora, and bin Laden's escape in to Pakistan, the propaganda to invade Iraq began it's year+ long journey to convince America that Saddam was the next Hitler, had operational ties with al Qaeda, had reconstituted his old WMD programs and was actively producing and stockpiling Chemical, Biological and even Nuclear weapons to give the terrorist to hit us with. While that was going on the mission in Afghanistan changed to an occupation and an attempt at Nation Building. But because the focus had shifted to the upcoming (Planned) invasion and occupation of Iraq, both efforts in Afghanistan took second fiddle to the upcoming Iraq war. Of course the finest military in the world (which had majority support from congress and the people) made quick work of the decimated Iraq military. Once the military was finished, the Bush appointees simply fucked up the occupation and sparked the sectarian civil war, that is still going on. After that all the Bush talking points about the threat Iraq posed began to be exposed for the lies they were based on. That's when the citizens began questioning their support for Bushes two wars.

First of all you do not understand one thing about logistics of war, so stop pretending you know something when you don't. It makes look like a hack.

Second there was a lot of evidence of Saddam keeping his programs in place and he violated 17 UN resolutions per UNSCOM. It is clearly spelled out in the report.

Third the democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Bush ever took office, highlighted by Clinton signing the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds.

Fourth, Obama increased the war in Afghanistan not Bush.

I have hardly seen any of you double talking hypocrites talk about the mass drone strikes on terrorists that you all once claimed were myths.

All of the liberals saying Bush started two unwarranted wars are morons. They are truthers. Period.
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Do liberals know or care that democrats voted unanimously for the Afghanistan war? No, they don't.

Especially a truthers like KNB. Imagine how dumb truthers are. How fucking moronic.

You are with us or with the terrorists. Republicans had Democrats backed into a corner. Only the GOP is so slimy to use something like that for naked political aggression.

And I don't know any liberal who said taking out Bin Laden wasn't necessary. It was Republicans who let him go.

Worse, the entire mess in the middle east is laid at the feet of the GOP. They didn't even know a religions war had been going on between the Sunni's and the Shiite's for more than a thousand years. Talk about determined ignorance.

Stop it. You look dumb enough already.
Don't target the liberals. The whole world says it. They say it because he did.

Iraq is one, but what is the second war that Bush started?

Trying to nation build in Afghanistan was certainly a mistake the Russians and British have already proven, but Bush didn't start that war, that war started in lower Manhattan.
All good Americans from responsible right to the left recognize Bush started ONE unwarranted war and turned a just Afghanistan excursion into an unjustified war.

Yet it was Obama that increased the war in Afghanistan. You know that or care? No you don't.

Either way you just pulled off classic liberal double talk.

I always and I mean always see morons on the left (only morons on the left) blame Bush for two "illegal wars."

You some how managed to say you were on the side of the first first.

Fucking liberals

How did the liberals in Congress vote on the AUMF in 2001?

How did liberals vote on the Iraq war resolution?

Obama unwisely followed his generals' advice to continue to fight in Afghanistan.

Yes, I was on the right side and you weren't.

I supported the driving of the Taliban from Kabul into the wilderness. When Bush withdrew helicopter, spec ops, and mountain troops from Afghanistan for Iraq's invasion, I knew we would lose in both places.

Only an immoral and unintelligent cretin could justify the invasion of Iraq.
Why would anyone say that Bush didn't start two wars that he didn't finish and ruined America by torturing POWs like we're the Khmer Rouge?

And can any Republican explain the purpose of the Guantanamo Bay prison?

If it wasn't for the water boarding, your guy couldn't take credit for bin laden. Get over it.

Waterboarding had zero to do with getting Bin Laden.

Same with Bush.
Why would anyone say that Bush didn't start two wars that he didn't finish and ruined America by torturing POWs like we're the Khmer Rouge?

And can any Republican explain the purpose of the Guantanamo Bay prison?

If it wasn't for the water boarding, your guy couldn't take credit for bin laden. Get over it.

Waterboarding had zero to do with getting Bin Laden.

Same with Bush.

Same with Obama
Do liberals know or care that democrats voted unanimously for the Afghanistan war? No, they don't.

Especially a truthers like KNB. Imagine how dumb truthers are. How fucking moronic.

You are with us or with the terrorists. Republicans had Democrats backed into a corner. Only the GOP is so slimy to use something like that for naked political aggression.

And I don't know any liberal who said taking out Bin Laden wasn't necessary. It was Republicans who let him go.

Worse, the entire mess in the middle east is laid at the feet of the GOP. They didn't even know a religions war had been going on between the Sunni's and the Shiite's for more than a thousand years. Talk about determined ignorance.

LMAO----- are you claiming that the republicans shamed the liberals into voting for the war ? Wouldn't surprise me----y'all aren't very quick to assume responsibility for anything.
The Owl supports terrorism when he writes, "You are with us or with the terrorists." We created a more dangerous world in the ME with the Iraqi invasion and the extension of the war in Afghanistan.

We cannot defeat them militarily.

We can aid the Shi'ites and their Iranian allies for a long long time so both sides wear each other down.
Do liberals know or care that democrats voted unanimously for the Afghanistan war? No, they don't.

Especially a truthers like KNB. Imagine how dumb truthers are. How fucking moronic.

You are with us or with the terrorists. Republicans had Democrats backed into a corner. Only the GOP is so slimy to use something like that for naked political aggression.

And I don't know any liberal who said taking out Bin Laden wasn't necessary. It was Republicans who let him go.

Worse, the entire mess in the middle east is laid at the feet of the GOP. They didn't even know a religions war had been going on between the Sunni's and the Shiite's for more than a thousand years. Talk about determined ignorance.

LMAO----- are you claiming that the republicans shamed the liberals into voting for the war ? Wouldn't surprise me----y'all aren't very quick to assume responsibility for anything.


rdean is admitting that democrats make policy decisions based on how good or bad it makes them look....not based on what they truly believe is in the best interest of the country.

I agree.

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