Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

Bush fucking took a trophy from Hussien.

He got his pistol. much they forget.

Additionally, they were showing degrading photos of Saddam in his underwear all over the news.

The Bush administration also had a habit of releasing gruesome pictures of dead terrorists as well as Saddam's sons after they were killed.

buh buh but...Kaz never heard any of that. Reagan ended the Cold war - Kaz never heard that either.

Seems like Obama is the only POTUS who doesnt get the credit for being the CiC. The only one....weird huh?

We started an "unwarranted" war against Afghanistan, we attacked them first. There is seriously no depths of depravity you people won't sink to or hold a circle jerk over.

They were given ample warning and opportunity to hand over bin laden and thumbed their noses at us - Liberal Half Wits completely ignore the 3,000 + Americans killed on 9-11 as the catalyst - it's an inconvenient fact you choose to ignore and do a grave injustice to not only their memories, but our country and the memories of the brave young men who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq -

You're the same genre of socio-fascist scumbags who spit on my brothers and cousins when they came back from Nam .
You are a bull shit artist who isn't half as wise as you fantasize you are. If you were you would not have stopped at Kuwait and would know that the chain began long before Kuwait.

I guess you, too, have a reading comprehension issue.

The reason the treaty with Hussein existed was strictly because of his invasion into Kuwait.

It was his breach of the treaty that prompted the second conflict.

Most think it was strictly because Bush knew for sure there were WMD's....when, in fact, it was because Hussein did not abide by the strict terms of the treaty by allowing UN inspectors access to ALL facilities ANYTIME they wanted.

Now, sure, you and those that simply hate Bush will say "untrue. They had access all they wanted...blah blah blah...

But simply saying it doesn't make it true and it most certainly does not explain why the UN was on board for the second conflict

The war in Kuwait was a response by Iraq to other issues. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait was a symptom generated by other policies. Those who insist otherwise are lacking in background knowledge regarding the history of Iran, Iraq and the Sunni vs Shiite issue.

All of that is true, but irrelevant as it pertains to OUR involvement.

What is relevant was the treaty signed at the end of the first conflict.

It was the breach of that treaty that promoted US and coalition action.

If not for that treaty being breached, we would likely have never gone back in...much less get UN approval for it.
buh buh but...Kaz never heard any of that. Reagan ended the Cold war - Kaz never heard that either.

Seems like Obama is the only POTUS who doesnt get the credit for being the CiC. The only one....weird huh?

We started an "unwarranted" war against Afghanistan, we attacked them first. There is seriously no depths of depravity you people won't sink to or hold a circle jerk over.

They were given ample warning and opportunity to hand over bin laden and thumbed their noses at us - Liberal Half Wits completely ignore the 3,000 + Americans killed on 9-11 as the catalyst - it's an inconvenient fact you choose to ignore and do a grave injustice to not only their memories, but our country and the memories of the brave young men who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq -

You're the same genre of socio-fascist scumbags who spit on my brothers and cousins when they came back from Nam .

If the justification for invading Afganistan was to capture bin Laden:
Why did we stop short in Tora Bora?
Why didn't we follow him into Pakistan?
Why did Bush claim he doesn't think much about bin Laden?
Why did we pull forces who were fighting terrorists to invade Iraq?
Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

The "revisionists" are really pushing that new history they've come up with. I find anyone saying that the Afghanistan war was unnecessary is dishonest beyond belief.
ASSWPE.....Saddam started one war and Bin Laden the other war.


Don't target the liberals. The whole world says it. They say it because he did.

Which war did Saddam start? The one where Iraq was invaded based upon false, even misleading, intelligence?

Good one.

Actually, the ball was in his court.

The Coalition gave Saddam Hussein plenty of warning....and assured him that all he had to do was abide by the terms of the treaty and no one will attack him.

Heck....he was given day, time and location of the attack.

He opted to see if we were "kidding"

But he was well aware that if he is in breach of the treaty he is opening the door to military activity.
Bush fucking took a trophy from Hussien.

He got his pistol. much they forget.

Additionally, they were showing degrading photos of Saddam in his underwear all over the news.

The Bush administration also had a habit of releasing gruesome pictures of dead terrorists as well as Saddam's sons after they were killed.

buh buh but...Kaz never heard any of that. Reagan ended the Cold war - Kaz never heard that either.

Seems like Obama is the only POTUS who doesnt get the credit for being the CiC. The only one....weird huh?

We started an "unwarranted" war against Afghanistan, we attacked them first. There is seriously no depths of depravity you people won't sink to or hold a circle jerk over.

Go ahead, Give Obama credit like you do the other POTUS and stop this foolish change the subject act of yours :lol:
This thread is a trick question for liberal idiots...

1) They can't tie the war in Afghanistan to Bin Laden because many of them believe the CIA and "Jews" attacked us on 9-11.

2) They can't think very long into the past so they have no clue the entire chain of events with Iraq started when "Saddam invaded Kuwait."

This is all too difficult for their inbred ape brains.

Holy shit. You're a complete idiot. Seriously. You fail at life. Just give up.
Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

The "revisionists" are really pushing that new history they've come up with. I find anyone saying that the Afghanistan war was unnecessary is dishonest beyond belief.

Why was it necessary?

What other options did we consider outside of nation building and pulling ourselves into a 13 year war?
We started an "unwarranted" war against Afghanistan, we attacked them first. There is seriously no depths of depravity you people won't sink to or hold a circle jerk over.

They were given ample warning and opportunity to hand over bin laden and thumbed their noses at us - Liberal Half Wits completely ignore the 3,000 + Americans killed on 9-11 as the catalyst - it's an inconvenient fact you choose to ignore and do a grave injustice to not only their memories, but our country and the memories of the brave young men who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq -

You're the same genre of socio-fascist scumbags who spit on my brothers and cousins when they came back from Nam .


If the justification for invading Afganistan was to capture bin Laden:
Why did we stop short in Tora Bora?
Did they capture him there ? Gee where was I when this happenned ?

Why didn't we follow him into Pakistan?

We eventually did - thats where the Navy Seals executed the little slime bucket

Why did Bush claim he doesn't think much about bin Laden?

Running short on time - i'll analyze that later - but my guess is that some liberal hack took something way out of context.

Why did we pull forces who were fighting terrorists to invade Iraq?

Oh and Sadaam wasn't a terrorist enabler - you're so simple minded it's amazing how you survive in this world. Wait don't answer - I don't really need to know.
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They were given ample warning and opportunity to hand over bin laden and thumbed their noses at us - Liberal Half Wits completely ignore the 3,000 + Americans killed on 9-11 as the catalyst - it's an inconvenient fact you choose to ignore and do a grave injustice to not only their memories, but our country and the memories of the brave young men who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq -

You're the same genre of socio-fascist scumbags who spit on my brothers and cousins when they came back from Nam .


Did they capture him there ? Gee where was I when this happenned ?

We eventually did - thats where the Navy Seals executed the little slime bucket

Why did Bush claim he doesn't think much about bin Laden?

Running short on time - i'll analyze that later - but my guess is that some liberal hack took something way out of context.

Why did we pull forces who were fighting terrorists to invade Iraq?

Oh and Sadaam wasn't a terrorist enabler - you're so simple minded it's amazing how you survive in this world. Wait don't answer - I don't really need to know.

If our justification in invading Afghanistan was to fight AlQaida.....why did we pull the plug after Bush allowed bin Laden to escape? Why didn't we follow him and other terrorists into Pakistan?

After Bush diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq, why did we pull our troops back in Afganistan and allow AlQaida to regain lost territory

NONE of that seems to support an invasion whose intent was to fight AlQaida and capture Bin Laden
buh buh but...Kaz never heard any of that. Reagan ended the Cold war - Kaz never heard that either.

Seems like Obama is the only POTUS who doesnt get the credit for being the CiC. The only one....weird huh?

We started an "unwarranted" war against Afghanistan, we attacked them first. There is seriously no depths of depravity you people won't sink to or hold a circle jerk over.

They were given ample warning and opportunity to hand over bin laden and thumbed their noses at us - Liberal Half Wits completely ignore the 3,000 + Americans killed on 9-11 as the catalyst - it's an inconvenient fact you choose to ignore and do a grave injustice to not only their memories, but our country and the memories of the brave young men who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq -

You're the same genre of socio-fascist scumbags who spit on my brothers and cousins when they came back from Nam .

That's not the truth and I wonder if you know it or not. That's revisionist history. They were going to hand over Bin Ladin but Chaney said NO DEAL because they needed that war as an excuse to invade Iraq.

I love republican voters who can't admit bush got hit on 9-11, lied us into iraq making it hard to win in Afganistan because he (almost on purpose) spread us thin and got us into a quagmire so Haloburton and the military contractors could bleed the American people dry and then the GOP could use the fact that "we're broke" to cut social spending.

And now our roads need fixing and the GOP are going to raise our taxes. Why did they give corporations tax breaks even if they moved their operations overseas?

You guys can't admit the GOP fucked the world up let alone they probably did it on purpose. Used it to break unions and renig on pensions. Lowered home values so they gobbled up real estate. Stocks were down and you know what they say, buy low sell high. The rich have never been richer. If you aren't doing better, blame yourself.

The only way small business does well is if the masses have money in their pockets. Obama is getting things back to a new normal but for us to do better we need more unions not less. Our government needs to work for the voters not the corporations. Middle class and poor republicans wake up. You've been tea bagged.

Then we need to tea bag the Democrats. If you are a corporate crony then you go and we put people in like Elizabeth Warren or FDR's. Do you know FDR's policies made the middle class was it (WAS) today, or at least 10 years ago. The destruction of the middle class actually started on Reagan's watch, then Clinton signed NAFTA and Bush took it to a whole new level. THEN the Tea Baggers cut spending on every social safety net and gave corporations tax breaks and now your taxes will go out. Shifted the tax burden more onto us. Said it would create jobs and it has, in CHINA, INDIA, MEXICO, EUROPE.

Wake up white America. You do not belong in the GOP. We only take this country back if the masses wake up, show up to midterms and then vote out our traitors in primaries...Very similar to what happened to Eric Canton, only we do that to Blue Dog Dems.
Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

The "revisionists" are really pushing that new history they've come up with. I find anyone saying that the Afghanistan war was unnecessary is dishonest beyond belief.

There is a misconception and no one is having any luck pointing it out or making it clear. Most everyone agrees that the invasion of Afghanistan was justified and the correct action to take after 9/11.

There were two objectives to the invasion of Afghanistan. First and foremost was to kill, capture and destroy al Qaeda, including and especially those responsible for the planning and involvement in 9/11.

The second objective was to punish the Taliban for allowing al Qaeda to function and and use of Afghanistan as an operation base. The Taliban had to be used as an example of what would befall any nation that harbored a terrorist group like al Qaeda.

When the Bush administration decided to grow the mission to include the total defeat of the Taliban and to build a nation with what the US considered acceptable leaders, a "new" war started. A war was begun against a religious sect with huge numbers of adherents that crossed international borders, the Taliban. Basically Bush declared war on a religion.

The war that was necessary to attempt nation building in an ancient country by conducting an impossible to win guerrilla war with a religious sect to prop up a corrupt government was the unwarranted war America got tricked into with what is commonly known as "mission crawl".
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Did they capture him there ? Gee where was I when this happenned ?

We eventually did - thats where the Navy Seals executed the little slime bucket

Running short on time - i'll analyze that later - but my guess is that some liberal hack took something way out of context.

Why did we pull forces who were fighting terrorists to invade Iraq?

Oh and Sadaam wasn't a terrorist enabler - you're so simple minded it's amazing how you survive in this world. Wait don't answer - I don't really need to know.

If our justification in invading Afghanistan was to fight AlQaida.....why did we pull the plug after Bush allowed bin Laden to escape? Why didn't we follow him and other terrorists into Pakistan?

After Bush diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq, why did we pull our troops back in Afganistan and allow AlQaida to regain lost territory

NONE of that seems to support an invasion whose intent was to fight AlQaida and capture Bin Laden

you are an ass.
ASSWPE.....Saddam started one war and Bin Laden the other war.


Which war did Saddam start? The one where Iraq was invaded based upon false, even misleading, intelligence?

Good one.

Actually, the ball was in his court.

The Coalition gave Saddam Hussein plenty of warning....and assured him that all he had to do was abide by the terms of the treaty and no one will attack him.

Heck....he was given day, time and location of the attack.

He opted to see if we were "kidding"

But he was well aware that if he is in breach of the treaty he is opening the door to military activity.

No they didn't and no he didn't.

Actually Iraq has been America's whipping boy for quite some time. They've been horribly abused. They were used as proxy warriors against Iran and were the "milkshake" of the oil companies.

The type warning he got was "No means Yes and Yes means No, Do you want us to invade".

There was no right answer.

Saddam opened up everything, including palaces in a desperate attempt to appease Bush, and he was working on an exit from Iraq for him and his sons.

Bush wouldn't have it.
Did they capture him there ? Gee where was I when this happenned ?

We eventually did - thats where the Navy Seals executed the little slime bucket

Running short on time - i'll analyze that later - but my guess is that some liberal hack took something way out of context.

Oh and Sadaam wasn't a terrorist enabler - you're so simple minded it's amazing how you survive in this world. Wait don't answer - I don't really need to know.

If our justification in invading Afghanistan was to fight AlQaida.....why did we pull the plug after Bush allowed bin Laden to escape? Why didn't we follow him and other terrorists into Pakistan?

After Bush diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq, why did we pull our troops back in Afganistan and allow AlQaida to regain lost territory

NONE of that seems to support an invasion whose intent was to fight AlQaida and capture Bin Laden

you are an ass.

A lot of things don't add up. Bush was personally warned by the fbi and even said to the guy "ok you covered your ass..." in Crawford TX.

We could have got Bin Ladin but Bush/The GOP/The Corporations/Defense Contractors wanted a quagmire. They let the boogy man go. They could use him as a boogy man. Remember color level threats one day red then orange? They played you playa.

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