Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

We lost 3000 Americans on 9-11

In retaliation we lost close to another 10,000 in nation building Afghanistan and Iraq

In retrospect, was it worth it? I am leaning towards NO

I'm not for the nation building aspect of Afghanistan....and I'm 100% against the Iraq war. But the decision to go to war with Afghanistan (ok really the tribes/groups that were responsible for 9/11), is an easy one.

How was going into Afghanistan unjust?

It wasn't, the planning was, the diversion into Iraq caused great problems IN Afghanistan.
Not only did Bush start two unwarranted wars, he botched the execution of both wars and got thousands of Americans and innocent civilians killed

I worked across Liberty Street at Bankers Trust (now part of Deusche Bank) from the World Trade Center in the 90s. Came up through the WTC subway station every morning and walked across the street. I knew a lot of people in that area. The morning of the attacks I was in Connecticut in the New York Suburbs in training. All of us were frantically calling people to find out if they were OK. I didn't go down to south Manhattan again for over 10 years, I just didn't want to see it.

That we attacked Afghanistan and that it was "unwarranted" just shows what a sick fuck you are. And for what? A pathetic attempt at some Partisan political points? Go to hell, asshole.

Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

Everyone wanted to attack Afghanistan to kill and capture al Qaeda and punish the Taliban for giving them a place to live and operate. The unwarranted war began when Bush left the job unfinished and dedicated the war to nation building the most corrupt government in the world and the worlds leading heroin producer. That was the unwarranted war part of the equation.
Got it, after we kicked the Taliban and al Qaeda ass and had them cowering in defeat, dumb frat boy bush left the Taliban to reform and renew. Left them to re-arm and reconstitute while at the same time he gave al Qaeda a testing ground and recruitment tool in a new county, Iraq.
Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

Bolded logical fallacy: Appeal to Emotion

And what did Saddam have to do with that?

No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

The concept of nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq was sick

It had nothing to do with 9-11 and cost close to 10,000 American lives
Not only did Bush start two unwarranted wars, he botched the execution of both wars and got thousands of Americans and innocent civilians killed

I worked across Liberty Street at Bankers Trust (now part of Deusche Bank) from the World Trade Center in the 90s. Came up through the WTC subway station every morning and walked across the street. I knew a lot of people in that area. The morning of the attacks I was in Connecticut in the New York Suburbs in training. All of us were frantically calling people to find out if they were OK. I didn't go down to south Manhattan again for over 10 years, I just didn't want to see it.

That we attacked Afghanistan and that it was "unwarranted" just shows what a sick fuck you are. And for what? A pathetic attempt at some Partisan political points? Go to hell, asshole.

Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

Settle down. A video of people jumping out of windows is not justification for bombing another country. America became a country with huge financial problems thanks to our out of control military terrorizing third world countries that do us no harm.
Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

We lost 3000 Americans on 9-11

In retaliation we lost close to another 10,000 in nation building Afghanistan and Iraq

In retrospect, was it worth it? I am leaning towards NO

The point is that you're saying W started the Afghanistan war and it was "unwarranted." That has nothing to do with Iraq or nation building in Afghanistan, it has to do with the 3,000 who died in New York that you're too stupid and politically motivated to grasp the connection between that and blowing the crap out of the people who were behind it.

Duh, dar, what did Afghanistan have to do with 9/11? That's what you hang your hat on? You're a pathetic excuse for a human being.

I still say it was unwarranted

Iraq was never warranted in any way
If Afganistan had centered on kicking AlQaida ass and killing bin Laden it would have been warranted. But it became an exercise in nation building

If the invasion of Afghanistan was justified by getting the people who did 9-11, we would have followed them to the ends of the earth. Not giving up the chase because they escaped into Pakistan
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Lets all just agree that it's great that O'Hammer is cleaning up the mess. Over 20 al Qaeda soldiers killed by Drones this week, without a single collateral damage. And one captured in Libya for the Benghazi attack. O'Hammer is kicking terrorist ass.
We lost 3000 Americans on 9-11

In retaliation we lost close to another 10,000 in nation building Afghanistan and Iraq

In retrospect, was it worth it? I am leaning towards NO

The point is that you're saying W started the Afghanistan war and it was "unwarranted." That has nothing to do with Iraq or nation building in Afghanistan, it has to do with the 3,000 who died in New York that you're too stupid and politically motivated to grasp the connection between that and blowing the crap out of the people who were behind it.

Duh, dar, what did Afghanistan have to do with 9/11? That's what you hang your hat on? You're a pathetic excuse for a human being.

I still say it was unwarranted

Iraq was never warranted in any way
If Afganistan had centered on kicking AlQaida ass and killing bin Laden it would have been warranted. But it became an exercise in nation building

Bolded logical fallacy: Appeal to Emotion

And what did Saddam have to do with that?

No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

The concept of nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq was sick

It had nothing to do with 9-11 and cost close to 10,000 American lives

These right wingers are like little kids that watched too many John Wayne movies. Kick ass and ask questions later. Then the adults in the room (democrats), have to clean up their mess.
Iraq invasion was a deliberate "war of choice" based on the false premise that a dictator had WMD and that violated the sovereignty of another nation. The war was unconstitutional because it does not fall under "provide for a national defense." Invading a nation based on a very deliberate ruse to the American people about WMD's is criminal just on the face of it. Now could kill every man, woman, and child over there and I would not give a shit. But sir...I like the Constitution of the United States. "W" took an oath to uphold it, instead he went around it.
Lets all just agree that it's great that O'Hammer is cleaning up the mess. Over 20 al Qaeda soldiers killed by Drones this week, without a single collateral damage. And one captured in Libya for the Benghazi attack. O'Hammer is kicking terrorist ass.

Obama's kill count is far less than bush the dumbers murder count, which was in the hundreds of thousands, with costs in the trillions.
I worked across Liberty Street at Bankers Trust (now part of Deusche Bank) from the World Trade Center in the 90s. Came up through the WTC subway station every morning and walked across the street. I knew a lot of people in that area. The morning of the attacks I was in Connecticut in the New York Suburbs in training. All of us were frantically calling people to find out if they were OK. I didn't go down to south Manhattan again for over 10 years, I just didn't want to see it.

That we attacked Afghanistan and that it was "unwarranted" just shows what a sick fuck you are. And for what? A pathetic attempt at some Partisan political points? Go to hell, asshole.

Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

Everyone wanted to attack Afghanistan to kill and capture al Qaeda and punish the Taliban for giving them a place to live and operate. The unwarranted war began when Bush left the job unfinished and dedicated the war to nation building the most corrupt government in the world and the worlds leading heroin producer. That was the unwarranted war part of the equation.
Got it, after we kicked the Taliban and al Qaeda ass and had them cowering in defeat, dumb frat boy bush left the Taliban to reform and renew. Left them to re-arm and reconstitute while at the same time he gave al Qaeda a testing ground and recruitment tool in a new county, Iraq.

Word games for politics over your country. That isn't what the thread title says, it's just your spin.
Bolded logical fallacy: Appeal to Emotion

And what did Saddam have to do with that?

No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

The concept of nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq was sick

It had nothing to do with 9-11 and cost close to 10,000 American lives

And you're exploiting those lives for political benefit, it's sick.
No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

The concept of nation building in Afghanistan and Iraq was sick

It had nothing to do with 9-11 and cost close to 10,000 American lives

And you're exploiting those lives for political benefit, it's sick.

I get no benefit out of those lost lives

The sad part is that the US got no benefit either.
I worked across Liberty Street at Bankers Trust (now part of Deusche Bank) from the World Trade Center in the 90s. Came up through the WTC subway station every morning and walked across the street. I knew a lot of people in that area. The morning of the attacks I was in Connecticut in the New York Suburbs in training. All of us were frantically calling people to find out if they were OK. I didn't go down to south Manhattan again for over 10 years, I just didn't want to see it.

That we attacked Afghanistan and that it was "unwarranted" just shows what a sick fuck you are. And for what? A pathetic attempt at some Partisan political points? Go to hell, asshole.

Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

Settle down. A video of people jumping out of windows is not justification for bombing another country. America became a country with huge financial problems thanks to our out of control military terrorizing third world countries that do us no harm.

Blame the victim, yeah. Of course your sicko friends are silent.
We lost 3000 Americans on 9-11

In retaliation we lost close to another 10,000 in nation building Afghanistan and Iraq

In retrospect, was it worth it? I am leaning towards NO

The point is that you're saying W started the Afghanistan war and it was "unwarranted." That has nothing to do with Iraq or nation building in Afghanistan, it has to do with the 3,000 who died in New York that you're too stupid and politically motivated to grasp the connection between that and blowing the crap out of the people who were behind it.

Duh, dar, what did Afghanistan have to do with 9/11? That's what you hang your hat on? You're a pathetic excuse for a human being.

I still say it was unwarranted

Iraq was never warranted in any way
If Afganistan had centered on kicking AlQaida ass and killing bin Laden it would have been warranted. But it became an exercise in nation building

If the invasion of Afghanistan was justified by getting the people who did 9-11, we would have followed them to the ends of the earth. Not giving up the chase because they escaped into Pakistan

So what "warranted" the Afghanistan invasion?

If it was to get the guys who did 9-11, Why did we give up so easy?
the adults in the room (democrats), have to clean up their mess.


Democrats are the "adults in the room." LOL, the ice cream for dinner party who will solve all our problems with no-pain common sense solutions, except you never do...

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