Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

So what "warranted" the Afghanistan invasion?

9 fucking 11, what is wrong with you?

If it was to get the guys who did 9-11, Why did we give up so easy?

A 13 year war is giving up easy? Do you even read your own crap or do you just blow it out your ass?

If 9-11 was our justification for going into Afganistan, why did we give up the chase after they escaped Tora Bora?

I wanted to chase those fuckers into Pakistan and hunt every one of them down. Why did Bush quit?
The point is that you're saying W started the Afghanistan war and it was "unwarranted." That has nothing to do with Iraq or nation building in Afghanistan, it has to do with the 3,000 who died in New York that you're too stupid and politically motivated to grasp the connection between that and blowing the crap out of the people who were behind it.

Duh, dar, what did Afghanistan have to do with 9/11? That's what you hang your hat on? You're a pathetic excuse for a human being.

I still say it was unwarranted

Iraq was never warranted in any way
If Afganistan had centered on kicking AlQaida ass and killing bin Laden it would have been warranted. But it became an exercise in nation building

If the invasion of Afghanistan was justified by getting the people who did 9-11, we would have followed them to the ends of the earth. Not giving up the chase because they escaped into Pakistan

So what "warranted" the Afghanistan invasion?

If it was to get the guys who did 9-11, Why did we give up so easy?

Response from the "individual": *&$*& *^*&#! :lol::lol::lol:
I still say it was unwarranted

Of course you do, you're a Marxist, America hating parasite who's in it for handouts and will say or support whatever you believe is the most expedient way to get them.

I will accept that tirade as your concession on the issue

I'll take your inability to recognize why we attacked the Afghanistan government after 9/11 as your concession that you're a stupid fuck who only cares about politics and getting other people's money.
So what "warranted" the Afghanistan invasion?

9 fucking 11, what is wrong with you?

If it was to get the guys who did 9-11, Why did we give up so easy?

A 13 year war is giving up easy? Do you even read your own crap or do you just blow it out your ass?

If 9-11 was our justification for going into Afganistan, why did we give up the chase after they escaped Tora Bora?

I wanted to chase those fuckers into Pakistan and hunt every one of them down. Why did Bush quit?

That doesn't make the war "unwarranted." I'm not chasing you down your rat hole.
I still say it was unwarranted

Iraq was never warranted in any way
If Afganistan had centered on kicking AlQaida ass and killing bin Laden it would have been warranted. But it became an exercise in nation building

If the invasion of Afghanistan was justified by getting the people who did 9-11, we would have followed them to the ends of the earth. Not giving up the chase because they escaped into Pakistan

So what "warranted" the Afghanistan invasion?

If it was to get the guys who did 9-11, Why did we give up so easy?

Response from the "individual": *&$*& *^*&#! :lol::lol::lol:

You wanted to be taken seriously for failing to connect 9/11 and the Afghanistan invasion? Why would anyone do that?
Greenbean Snow, you know nothing.

The USA stayed in Afghanistan long after we had punished the Taliban.

And you are not worthy to talk about those who served in Vietnam and during the Era.

In other words, you got no cred: fuck off.
Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

Everyone wanted to attack Afghanistan to kill and capture al Qaeda and punish the Taliban for giving them a place to live and operate. The unwarranted war began when Bush left the job unfinished and dedicated the war to nation building the most corrupt government in the world and the worlds leading heroin producer. That was the unwarranted war part of the equation.
Got it, after we kicked the Taliban and al Qaeda ass and had them cowering in defeat, dumb frat boy bush left the Taliban to reform and renew. Left them to re-arm and reconstitute while at the same time he gave al Qaeda a testing ground and recruitment tool in a new county, Iraq.

Word games for politics over your country. That isn't what the thread title says, it's just your spin.

Word games and spin? You don't know the difference between academic analysis and spin, that is obvious from your post. You could refute my comment with your own analysis, but you don't even try.
Everyone wanted to attack Afghanistan to kill and capture al Qaeda and punish the Taliban for giving them a place to live and operate. The unwarranted war began when Bush left the job unfinished and dedicated the war to nation building the most corrupt government in the world and the worlds leading heroin producer. That was the unwarranted war part of the equation.
Got it, after we kicked the Taliban and al Qaeda ass and had them cowering in defeat, dumb frat boy bush left the Taliban to reform and renew. Left them to re-arm and reconstitute while at the same time he gave al Qaeda a testing ground and recruitment tool in a new county, Iraq.

Word games for politics over your country. That isn't what the thread title says, it's just your spin.

Word games and spin? You don't know the difference between academic analysis and spin, that is obvious from your post. You could refute my comment with your own analysis, but you don't even try.

We attacked The Taliban because they were behind the attack on us on 9/11. They aided, abetted and hosted Al Qaeda and approved of what they were doing. The inability to see simple truth is anything but intelligence.
Some of these assholes need to watch footage form 9/11 again on youtube. Watching people jump off of the buildings, and the towers falling....and it's "unjust" that we retaliated against that? They're either A) morons B) complete assholes C) will never admit they're wrong about something or D) all of the above.

I'm going with "D".

Bolded logical fallacy: Appeal to Emotion

And what did Saddam have to do with that?

No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

C'mere...need a shoulder to cry on?
Why was it necessary?

What other options did we consider outside of nation building and pulling ourselves into a 13 year war?

The war was fine. The nation building sucked. That's where we screwed up.

Now I have no problem admitting that we were nuts to stay and try to drag Afghanis out of the stone age.

And this is a hard pill for me to swallow. I've been pro women's rights in Afghanistan for almost 20 years now. They've made real progress but you can see where it could flip back to the stone age again very easily.

So I do wonder at the end of the day was our childrens' blood for Afghanistan's freedom.

I truly struggle with this.

I agree

I was all gung ho about Afgahanistan at the beginning. But after 13 years I ask....was it worth it?

The heart breaks to think that one woman or man lost their lives or limbs trying to bring freedom to the Afghan people all to see the progress we've made disappear in a heartbeat with other bin Laden wannabes who just keep on coming and coming and coming.
Bolded logical fallacy: Appeal to Emotion

And what did Saddam have to do with that?

No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

C'mere...need a shoulder to cry on?

Sorry I made you so upset, Girly, here's a hanky, have a good cry and let it out
Bolded logical fallacy: Appeal to Emotion

And what did Saddam have to do with that?

No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

C'mere...need a shoulder to cry on?

It needs a few more brain cells also.:lol:
This war on terror was never just going to be about getting JUST BIN LADEN and anyone thinking that live in fairy tale world. This is essentially an eternal war that is really never going to end. At least not in the near future. It was suppose to be a long term plan, and long term meaning 30 or 50 year plan. Maybe even permanent.

It is not about simple thumping them and then leaving. That is what most of the public did not get and does not get now. Our enemy knows it and takes advantage of our naivety. Of course we have an element here in this country that uses terms like "occupy" or that we "invaded Iraq." No, those are hot button words it is pathetic on the part of those that have no clue what we are fighting. Never did, never will.

Rebuilding the nation is essential in this LONG TERM plan or else everything we are FIGHTING FOR is lost. What are we fighting for? One, gaining allies in the region through education. There are actually several middle eastern countries that are not as backwards as you would think. United Emirates for example. There are also elements in Iran that do not want to have anything to do with these fundamentalist elements that dominate the region.

We still have army bases in Japan and Germany. Not for "occupation" as the left still loves to preach, but for logistical purposes. One, we have gained allies in Japan and Germany. You know how impossible that was to believe in 1942? We protect our allies with our presence from elements that would otherwise want to control the region. Their trade routes and their territory. Our presence creates a buffer between our allies and their enemies. Our ally includes South Korea and if not for us, that entire country would be under tyrannical communist rule. Yeah, I guess our mission was not so unjust as the liberals would have you believe. We also have army bases there.

Again, it is not about occupying the countries but about logistics. Rapid troop deployment is also essential. Most if not all of the American public is so ignorant it is stupid. Trying to think past the pebble in your shoe would help.

The barbarians right now are executing people in Iraq. That, is exactly what would have happened if we had abandoned Japan or Germany and left the people to their own devices. It is ridiculous. The 911 attack was not about stopping just one group called al qaeda or one person named Bin Laden.

It was more of an opportunity for us to try and establish something similar to what we established with South Korea, Japan, or Germany etc etc. Anyone thinking this was about trying to track down ONE PERSON or ONE ELEMENT of these throw back fundamentalist are woefully naive and if you do not see what these people are about after 911 and if you cannot see it now after all of the images we see, then it will never happen.

Us, taking ourselves out of that region and simply abandoning those people to those fundamentalist is so simplistic and illustrates pure ignorance. I am wondering where this beloved UN is. The reason why the League of Nations became irrelevant was because of appeasement. Then again, the League of Nations made a fatal mistake by crushing Germany and insisting on them paying for reparations after WWI.Woodrow Wilson to his credit warned that the harsh treatment was going to result in another war, and he was right. The world left Germany to its own devices and did not even try to help them rebuild. As a result a man got a foothold on the psyche of a desperate people.

If only people had a clue what it is to just abandon these regions after we have spilled our blood. It is unreal, and one of the most common mistakes through out history.

Charlie Wilson states it.....

"These things happened. They were glorious and they changed the world. And the people who deserved the credit are the ones who made the sacrifice. And then we fucked up the endgame."

This is what we always do. What is truly unreal is how we still have no real idea what we are fighting in it is never going to end. Imagine the danger we are, considering if a small group of these people do actually acquire some sort of WMD. It only takes a few ounces of weaponized small pox to create mass devastation.

I know, it could never happen. We were warned for years that terrorists could hijack planes and fly them into the towers. We always said it could never happen, even though it was clear they were targeting them after the 1993 bombing.

Yeah, it could never happen.
No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

C'mere...need a shoulder to cry on?

It needs a few more brain cells also.:lol:

OMG, I think Afghanistan was attacked because of 9/11, what was I thinking?

Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

He started three.

War in Iraq.

War in Afghanistan.

War on Terra™.
The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they were wrong.

The far left became silent on the wars when they took over Congress in 2006.

After that the propaganda ran down and disappeared completely in 2009.

Many lives were lost due to far left propaganda.
9 fucking 11, what is wrong with you?

A 13 year war is giving up easy? Do you even read your own crap or do you just blow it out your ass?

If 9-11 was our justification for going into Afganistan, why did we give up the chase after they escaped Tora Bora?

I wanted to chase those fuckers into Pakistan and hunt every one of them down. Why did Bush quit?

That doesn't make the war "unwarranted." I'm not chasing you down your rat hole.

Like everything else, Bush lied about Afghanistan. It was not about bringing 9-11 culprits to justice, it was about nation building in the Islamic world
Bush also lied about his commitment to bring the 9-11 culprits to justice wherever they were. He gave up the chase as soon as they escaped into Pakistan
Bush always looked at Afghanistan as a distraction from Iraq. He wanted 9-11 to be an excuse to get Saddam and he quickly gave up chasing terrorists in Afghanistan as soon as he was given authority to invade Iraq
If 9-11 was our justification for going into Afganistan, why did we give up the chase after they escaped Tora Bora?

I wanted to chase those fuckers into Pakistan and hunt every one of them down. Why did Bush quit?

That doesn't make the war "unwarranted." I'm not chasing you down your rat hole.

Like everything else, Bush lied about Afghanistan. It was not about bringing 9-11 culprits to justice, it was about nation building in the Islamic world
Bush also lied about his commitment to bring the 9-11 culprits to justice wherever they were. He gave up the chase as soon as they escaped into Pakistan
Bush always looked at Afghanistan as a distraction from Iraq. He wanted 9-11 to be an excuse to get Saddam and he quickly gave up chasing terrorists in Afghanistan as soon as he was given authority to invade Iraq

Wow, if you think so, it must be true, thanks!

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