Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

If 9-11 was our justification for going into Afganistan, why did we give up the chase after they escaped Tora Bora?

I wanted to chase those fuckers into Pakistan and hunt every one of them down. Why did Bush quit?

That doesn't make the war "unwarranted." I'm not chasing you down your rat hole.

Like everything else, Bush lied about Afghanistan. It was not about bringing 9-11 culprits to justice, it was about nation building in the Islamic world
Bush also lied about his commitment to bring the 9-11 culprits to justice wherever they were. He gave up the chase as soon as they escaped into Pakistan
Bush always looked at Afghanistan as a distraction from Iraq. He wanted 9-11 to be an excuse to get Saddam and he quickly gave up chasing terrorists in Afghanistan as soon as he was given authority to invade Iraq

Far left propaganda alert!!

Another truther has been exposed!
The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they were wrong.

The far left became silent on the wars when they took over Congress in 2006.

After that the propaganda ran down and disappeared completely in 2009.

Many lives were lost due to far left propaganda.

Wow. You live in Bizarro World.

The far left has been staging protests against the wars up to the present.

International ANSWER, in particular. And Code Pink.

Take a look: ANSWER Coalition

Anti-war group protests Obama plan

During the 2008 campaign, Obama wrote all kinds of checks that would be paid for from the "savings" of ending the war in Iraq. I have frequently pointed out that Obama was using the proverbial "fuzzy math". Since our federal debt was doubled under the GOP, and the federal budget was operating in the red, the wars were being paid for by borrowed money. Therefore, there would not be any "savings" for Obama to spend on all those promises he kept making.
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Question; why are right wing wack jops like you obsessed with what Dems think of Bush?

Did I say dems? No dems voted for the war and propagated the existence of wmds in Iraq.

They voted unanimously for the first war. Unanimously.

I asked moron liberals who blame him for two wars.

All libs are truthers. All of them.

If you are referring to the Congressional resolution authorizing President Bush to invade Iraq in 2003, a clear majority including large numbers of Democrats (including Senator Hillary Clinton) voted in favor of it.
9 fucking 11, what is wrong with you?

A 13 year war is giving up easy? Do you even read your own crap or do you just blow it out your ass?

If 9-11 was our justification for going into Afganistan, why did we give up the chase after they escaped Tora Bora?

I wanted to chase those fuckers into Pakistan and hunt every one of them down. Why did Bush quit?

That doesn't make the war "unwarranted." I'm not chasing you down your rat hole.

He has a point about invading Afghanistan to kill or capture those responsible. Unless of course when President Bush said:

"And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.

From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime."

was all bull shit and what he really meant was once they crossed a border then will we'll let them go....... - Transcript of President Bush's address - September 21, 2001
No one is disputing that W attacked Iraq, dumb ass. The threat title is that W started "two" wars that were "unwarranted."

Read the quote again regarding the Afghanistan one. You and RW are sick fucks. There is clearly no reason to not question any further your hatred of this country or complete indoctrination into the Democratic party.

C'mere...need a shoulder to cry on?

Sorry I made you so upset, Girly, here's a hanky, have a good cry and let it out

Good job hack...Repeating my joke is soo original
If 9-11 was our justification for going into Afganistan, why did we give up the chase after they escaped Tora Bora?

I wanted to chase those fuckers into Pakistan and hunt every one of them down. Why did Bush quit?

That doesn't make the war "unwarranted." I'm not chasing you down your rat hole.

He has a point about invading Afghanistan to kill or capture those responsible. Unless of course when President Bush said:

"And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.

From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime."

was all bull shit and what he really meant was once they crossed a border then will we'll let them go....... - Transcript of President Bush's address - September 21, 2001

No, he doesn't have a point because that's not what I challenged, I challenged his bull that we attacked them, they were behind attacks on us, and that attacking them was unwarranted, 9/11 made it clearly warranted.

I didn't challenge nation building in Afghanistan, I oppose that too. But that doesn't make it so that we started the war or that attacking them was unwarranted. Nation building is a rat hole for the actual thread title, exactly as I said.
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The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they were wrong.

The far left became silent on the wars when they took over Congress in 2006.

After that the propaganda ran down and disappeared completely in 2009.

Many lives were lost due to far left propaganda.

Wow. You live in Bizarro World.

The far left has been staging protests against the wars up to the present.

International ANSWER, in particular. And Code Pink.

Take a look: ANSWER Coalition

Anti-war group protests Obama plan

During the 2008 campaign, Obama wrote all kinds of checks that would be paid for from the "savings" of ending the war in Iraq. I have frequently pointed out that Obama was using the proverbial "fuzzy math". Since our federal debt was doubled under the GOP, and the federal budget was operating in the red, the wars were being paid for by borrowed money. Therefore, there would not be any "savings" for Obama to spend on all those promises he kept making.

It was more that the "far left".

In New York there was a protest before the invasion that drew 250,000 people.

It never got covered..but it was one of the largest anti-war protests in history.

I saw people from all walks of life there.

Did they capture him there ? Gee where was I when this happenned ?

We eventually did - thats where the Navy Seals executed the little slime bucket

Running short on time - i'll analyze that later - but my guess is that some liberal hack took something way out of context.

Why did we pull forces who were fighting terrorists to invade Iraq?

Oh and Sadaam wasn't a terrorist enabler - you're so simple minded it's amazing how you survive in this world. Wait don't answer - I don't really need to know.

If our justification in invading Afghanistan was to fight AlQaida.....why did we pull the plug after Bush allowed bin Laden to escape?

UNsubstantiated tripe, we were uncertain where he was - there were reports he was in yemen as well .

Why didn't we follow him and other terrorists into Pakistan?

Pakistan is a sovereign Nation to which we were semi-allied - Just ask the guy down at your local 7-11

After Bush diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq, why did we pull our troops back in Afganistan and allow AlQaida to regain lost territory

The Northern Alliance was supposed to pick upthe slack -why the fuck am I even answering question from a half wit imbecile like you anyway - I really want to say you're the dumbest asshole on ths forum, But I think JakeStarkey has aready layed claim to that title - geez Norton you can't be #1 on anything can you ?

NONE of that seems to support an invasion whose intent was to fight AlQaida and capture Bin Laden
You are a MORON
The far left would much rather see the world burn than admit they were wrong.

The far left became silent on the wars when they took over Congress in 2006.

After that the propaganda ran down and disappeared completely in 2009.

Many lives were lost due to far left propaganda.

Wow. You live in Bizarro World.

The far left has been staging protests against the wars up to the present.

International ANSWER, in particular. And Code Pink.

Take a look: ANSWER Coalition

Anti-war group protests Obama plan

During the 2008 campaign, Obama wrote all kinds of checks that would be paid for from the "savings" of ending the war in Iraq. I have frequently pointed out that Obama was using the proverbial "fuzzy math". Since our federal debt was doubled under the GOP, and the federal budget was operating in the red, the wars were being paid for by borrowed money. Therefore, there would not be any "savings" for Obama to spend on all those promises he kept making.

It was more that the "far left".

In New York there was a protest before the invasion that drew 250,000 people.

It never got covered..but it was one of the largest anti-war protests in history.

I saw people from all walks of life there.

It was international, protest across America and the rest of the world.
In your expert, educated, enlightened opinion, did Bush start two wars or not?

Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda started the war in Afghanistan with 9-11-2001 attacks if anyone right, left, or center chooses to deny this then there is really nothing more to say to paraphrase Christian Slater from broken arrow there mind has taken a walk off the map.
We started an "unwarranted" war against Afghanistan, we attacked them first. There is seriously no depths of depravity you people won't sink to or hold a circle jerk over.

They were given ample warning and opportunity to hand over bin laden and thumbed their noses at us - Liberal Half Wits completely ignore the 3,000 + Americans killed on 9-11 as the catalyst - it's an inconvenient fact you choose to ignore and do a grave injustice to not only their memories, but our country and the memories of the brave young men who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq -

You're the same genre of socio-fascist scumbags who spit on my brothers and cousins when they came back from Nam .

That's not the truth and I wonder if you know it or not. That's revisionist history. They were going to hand over Bin Ladin but Chaney said NO DEAL because they needed that war as an excuse to invade Iraq.

No THAT'S Not the Truth .

Before we started bombing Afghanistan, the Taliban had demanded evidence of Bin Laden's involvement in the attack and had offered to try him before their own Islamic court inside Afghanistan . I think we all know what the end result of such a kangaroo court would be.

It was a ploy, a stall tactic, simple minded liberals and indoctrinated mental midgets such as yourself are all too willing to beleive and propogate any cynical negativity directed against American Policy and American Interests , you're the first to bail out when your country needs you , and the first to spit on those who don't -you're a disgrace to Our Country and our proud Heritage - a cynical parasite .

After we started bombing Afghanistan,The Taliban offerred to turn him over to a neutral third country that could not be influenced by the US -[N.Korea perhaps] - and you assholes really think that a compromise was the right thing to do at this point ?

blackhawk: Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda started the war in Afghanistan with 9-11-2001 attacks if anyone right, left, or center chooses to deny this then there is really nothing more to say to paraphrase Christian Slater from broken arrow there mind has taken a walk off the map.

AS for the rest of your post sealybobo - I think you've come unhinged -it's not even worth the space it takes up on my screen. Get back to me after you've put the crack pipe away, .... or as per blackhawk and c. slater perhaps your mind has taken a walk off the map ! . :cuckoo:
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If our justification in invading Afghanistan was to fight AlQaida.....why did we pull the plug after Bush allowed bin Laden to escape? Why didn't we follow him and other terrorists into Pakistan?

After Bush diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq, why did we pull our troops back in Afganistan and allow AlQaida to regain lost territory

NONE of that seems to support an invasion whose intent was to fight AlQaida and capture Bin Laden

you are an ass.

A lot of things don't add up. Bush was personally warned by the fbi and even said to the guy "ok you covered your ass..." in Crawford TX.

We could have got Bin Ladin but Bush/The GOP/The Corporations/Defense Contractors wanted a quagmire. They let the boogy man go. They could use him as a boogy man. Remember color level threats one day red then orange? They played you playa.

Be sure to line the inside of your hat with aluminum foil so Bush, Cheney and the illuminati can't beam their thought waves into your brain .:cuckoo:
You. Are. A. Moron.

Is that the best you got ?

Call me when you have something of substance - actually don't call me - I'll Call You . :lol: :fu: :lol:
blah blah blah


I told you - don't call me - I'll call you - whats the matter can't your read ?!

Suggesting Obama may try to stay in office beyond his constitutionally mandated tenure is the stuff of idiots.

Suggesting that a Kenyan Born Nobody, who has never held a real Job in his life, who is the protege of a deceased Marxist could produce blatantly forged documents and get elected to the Presidency is the stuff of Idiots - But it happenned
All good Americans from responsible right to the left recognize Bush started ONE unwarranted war and turned a just Afghanistan excursion into an unjustified war.

And you forget how many times Democrats claimed credit for Iraq once it was pacified.

That 'unwarranted' war became a political tool to win Obama an election. Most good Americans will know, left or right, that the Democratic party flip flopped on the Iraq War. Oh, lets not forget they voted for it in the Senate. Please, do tell us how Bush and the Republicans are solely responsible for getting us into Iraq and Afghanistan?

Lastly, the Afghanistan Invasion became plenty justified to Democrats when Osama Bin Laden was killed. Democrats and Republicans alike were dancing in the streets when the news came down.

"Al Qaeda is on the run, and Osama Bin Laden is dead!"

-President Obama
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All good Americans from responsible right to the left recognize Bush started ONE unwarranted war and turned a just Afghanistan excursion into an unjustified war.

And you forget how many times Democrats claimed credit for Iraq once it was pacified.

That 'unwarranted' war became a political tool to win Obama an election. Most good Americans will know, left or right, that the Democratic party flip flopped on the Iraq War. Oh, lets not forget they voted for it in the Senate. Please, do tell us how Bush and the Republicans are solely responsible for getting us into Iraq and Afghanistan?

Lastly, the Afghanistan Invasion became plenty justified to Democrats when Osama Bin Laden was killed. Democrats and Republicans alike were dancing in the streets when the news came down.

"Al Qaeda is on the run, and Osama Bin Laden is dead!"

-President Obama

Sadly? Starkey wouldn't know a good American if he was being kicked in the ass by one...and he this post.
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Bush recognized what would happen if we pulled out too early. He called for a surge and it worked. By 2011, Iraq was pacified, that is until Obama ordered a complete withdrawal of US troops from the country. Everything happening now was forewarned against by President Bush in 2007.

As sectarian violence threatened to destroy this young democracy, our coalition faced a choice. One option was to help the Iraqi government tamp down the sectarian violence and provide them with the breathing space they need to achieve reconciliation -- provide them the breathing space they need to take the political and economic measures necessary to make sure our military efforts were effective. The other option was to pull back from the capital, before the Iraqis could defend themselves against these radicals and extremists and death squads and killers. That risked turning Iraq into a cauldron of chaos. Our enemy, the enemies of freedom, love chaos. Out of that chaos they could find new safe havens. Withdrawal would have emboldened these radicals and extremists. It would have confirmed their belief that our nations were weak. It would help them gain new recruits, new resources. It would cause them to believe they could strike free nations at their choice.

Withdrawal would have increased the probability that coalition troops would be forced to return to Iraq one day, and confront an enemy that is even more dangerous. Failure in Iraq should be unacceptable to the civilized world. The risks are enormous.

So after an extensive review, I ordered a new strategy that is dramatically different from the one we were pursuing before. I listened to our military commanders; I listened to politicians from both sides of the aisle. I made a decision. I appointed a new commander, General David Petraeus, to carry out this strategy. This new strategy recognizes that our top priority must be to help the Iraqi government secure its capital so they can make economic and political progress.

-President George W. Bush, CENTCOM Coalition Conference, MacDill AFB, May 1, 2007

President Bush Addresses CENTCOM Coalition Conference
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Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

Actually, most liberals have said that they think the war in Afghanistan was necessary.

Even I think initially, it was.

There was universal support for going into Afghanistan initially. And if Bush had stuck to that, he'd have been fine.

Instead, he stopped the war in Afghanistan to go fight an unnecessary war of choice in Iraq.

Now, where i take issue with Obama is that he called Afghanistan the War of Necessity, and tried to fix what Bush screwed up.

That was a mistake. After 2009, when Karzai cheated in the election, whatever we were trying to do there became pointless.

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