Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

Well the liberals have waved their white flag. I also think it is funny how (other than the fact Obama had a super majority for nearly two years) Obama has bypassed congress several times.

All to the loud cheers of the ignorant hypocrites like rightwinger or the less significant Now all of sudden they claim republicans have stopped him from doing what he supposedly wants with Gitmo. Are they saying he did break the law when he has bypassed congress? Someone decipher that for me please.

They are all over the place. They cannot keep their double talk straight. They of course do an even more amazing thing. They change their spots in the very thread and thank each other for doing it. They deny they saythings in the very thread they say it and thank each other as though they are not constantly contradicting themselves.

Ignorant as hell. Pieces of lying hypocritical shit. All of them.

Do you have any proof showing Obama had a supermajority for two years? I would like to see it

Best I have seen is around six months

Can you point to any of my posts in this thread that were hypocritical?
Well the liberals have waved their white flag. I also think it is funny how (other than the fact Obama had a super majority for nearly two years) Obama has bypassed congress several times.

All to the loud cheers of the ignorant hypocrites like rightwinger or the less significant Now all of sudden they claim republicans have stopped him from doing what he supposedly wants with Gitmo. Are they saying he did break the law when he has bypassed congress? Someone decipher that for me please.

They are all over the place. They cannot keep their double talk straight. They of course do an even more amazing thing. They change their spots in the very thread and thank each other for doing it. They deny they saythings in the very thread they say it and thank each other as though they are not constantly contradicting themselves.

Ignorant as hell. Pieces of lying hypocritical shit. All of them.

[ame=]Vinney - SO confused - YouTube[/ame]

Some words and phrases have multiple meanings and their definitions depend on the context they are used. Super Majority is one of those.
Are you fully aware Obama had a SUPER MAJORITY for over a year? What does that mean in regards to his promise that he was going to close Gitmo in his first fucking year? Who circumvented what?

Ignorant lying asshole.

[ame=""]That's Not True! - YouTube[/ame]

WTF dude, you didn't know Obama had a veto proof, filibuster proof majority? Seriously? That's how he got Obamacare though.

Albeit through coercion, backroom deals in the last minutes like the Cornhusker Kickback Deal...The New Louisiana purchase, etc...
Well the liberals have waved their white flag. I also think it is funny how (other than the fact Obama had a super majority for nearly two years) Obama has bypassed congress several times.

All to the loud cheers of the ignorant hypocrites like rightwinger or the less significant Now all of sudden they claim republicans have stopped him from doing what he supposedly wants with Gitmo. Are they saying he did break the law when he has bypassed congress? Someone decipher that for me please.

They are all over the place. They cannot keep their double talk straight. They of course do an even more amazing thing. They change their spots in the very thread and thank each other for doing it. They deny they saythings in the very thread they say it and thank each other as though they are not constantly contradicting themselves.

Ignorant as hell. Pieces of lying hypocritical shit. All of them.

Do you have any proof showing Obama had a supermajority for two years? I would like to see it

Best I have seen is around six months

Can you point to any of my posts in this thread that were hypocritical?

Oh, so you admit he had a super majority for at least 6 months? I cannot tell where this is going.

I had a feeling one of you would say......naaaa uhhh. He did not have a super majority for two years. It was only for 6 months or so.

Fucking liberals.

They of course move away from the point and get into this technicality that has nothing to do with the point. The point is he had a super majority and he promised to close Gitmo in his first year.

That is the point. It is still open. Oh, and back to the notion that you think Obama could not close it without the approval of congress. Are you saying it is a crime to do that?

Simple yes or no will suffice rightwinger. Is it against the law for him bypass congress?

Either way, he had a super majority, he promised to close Gitmo, and it is still open, and it is 6 years later.
Well the liberals have waved their white flag. I also think it is funny how (other than the fact Obama had a super majority for nearly two years) Obama has bypassed congress several times.

All to the loud cheers of the ignorant hypocrites like rightwinger or the less significant Now all of sudden they claim republicans have stopped him from doing what he supposedly wants with Gitmo. Are they saying he did break the law when he has bypassed congress? Someone decipher that for me please.

They are all over the place. They cannot keep their double talk straight. They of course do an even more amazing thing. They change their spots in the very thread and thank each other for doing it. They deny they saythings in the very thread they say it and thank each other as though they are not constantly contradicting themselves.

Ignorant as hell. Pieces of lying hypocritical shit. All of them.

Do you have any proof showing Obama had a supermajority for two years? I would like to see it

Best I have seen is around six months

Can you point to any of my posts in this thread that were hypocritical?

Oh, so you admit he had a super majority for at least 6 months? I cannot tell where this is going.

I had a feeling one of you would say......naaaa uhhh. He did not have a super majority for two years. It was only for 6 months or so.

Fucking liberals.

They of course move away from the point and get into this technicality that has nothing to do with the point. The point is he had a super majority and he promised to close Gitmo in his first year.

That is the point. It is still open. Oh, and back to the notion that you think Obama could not close it without the approval of congress. Are you saying it is a crime to do that?

Simple yes or no will suffice rightwinger. Is it against the law for him bypass congress?

Either way, he had a super majority, he promised to close Gitmo, and it is still open, and it is 6 years later.
Obama's idea of closing GTMO is releasing them back like the 5 Taliban creeps he gave up for one deserter.
Do you have any proof showing Obama had a supermajority for two years? I would like to see it

Best I have seen is around six months

Can you point to any of my posts in this thread that were hypocritical?

Oh, so you admit he had a super majority for at least 6 months? I cannot tell where this is going.

I had a feeling one of you would say......naaaa uhhh. He did not have a super majority for two years. It was only for 6 months or so.

Fucking liberals.

They of course move away from the point and get into this technicality that has nothing to do with the point. The point is he had a super majority and he promised to close Gitmo in his first year.

That is the point. It is still open. Oh, and back to the notion that you think Obama could not close it without the approval of congress. Are you saying it is a crime to do that?

Simple yes or no will suffice rightwinger. Is it against the law for him bypass congress?

Either way, he had a super majority, he promised to close Gitmo, and it is still open, and it is 6 years later.
Obama's idea of closing GTMO is releasing them back like the 5 Taliban creeps he gave up for one deserter.

Yeah, and he bypassed congress to do it. The morons on the left will not address that point. As poignant as it is.

They will focus on how long Obama technically had a super majority. They will maintain that the republicans blocked all of his attempts to close it, even though Obama could have in his first year. No argument about that. He promised to do it his first year, there was no republican congress that could stop him, and he did not do it.

Either way, Obama has bypassed congress several times, including just recently. Just so happens to obfuscate from the VA scandal and we all know press will not call him on breaking the law. Since Obama has blatantly broke the law and lied about everything since he has been elected, why would he think they would hold him to account?

Instead rightwinger and less significant poster camp holds on to their little point that has no real relation to the discussion. What does that mean? It means they did not care one bit if Obama closed GTMO or not. Like everything else they yell, chant, dance and do whatever else about all of their little issues, they do not care. They never did. They certainly do not care about the fact that water boarding is not torture, since they do not care that our very own soldiers are water boarded in basic training. Of course they are mainly white Americans, so it is not too hard to understand why they scream about brown muslims being water boarded for crucial information.

They are sacks of hypocritical shit.
Did they capture him there ? Gee where was I when this happenned ?

We eventually did - thats where the Navy Seals executed the little slime bucket

Running short on time - i'll analyze that later - but my guess is that some liberal hack took something way out of context.

Oh and Sadaam wasn't a terrorist enabler - you're so simple minded it's amazing how you survive in this world. Wait don't answer - I don't really need to know.

If our justification in invading Afghanistan was to fight AlQaida.....why did we pull the plug after Bush allowed bin Laden to escape? Why didn't we follow him and other terrorists into Pakistan?

After Bush diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq, why did we pull our troops back in Afganistan and allow AlQaida to regain lost territory

NONE of that seems to support an invasion whose intent was to fight AlQaida and capture Bin Laden

you are an ass.

Fact: Bin laden was in Afganistan and Bush allowed him to escape into Pakistan. There is no diputing this

Fact: Even though Bush bragged that he would hunt down terrorists wherever they were hiding, he declined to follow bin Laden into Pakistan

Fact: Bush gave back previously won territory to the Taliban after he decided to invade Iraq
Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

I have no idea what this incoherent word jumble means.

Apparently you are a hypocritical ignorant liberal.

You think Bush STARTED two wars? Tell us which ones.

Wait, you did not understand the OBVIOUS point that even your other morons on the left understood. Which means what? That means you are equivalent to the retard with the lowest IQ. The shortest midget.

Well, at least you have your pot and your money mommy and daddy is leaving you.
Oh, so you admit he had a super majority for at least 6 months? I cannot tell where this is going.

I had a feeling one of you would say......naaaa uhhh. He did not have a super majority for two years. It was only for 6 months or so.

Fucking liberals.

They of course move away from the point and get into this technicality that has nothing to do with the point. The point is he had a super majority and he promised to close Gitmo in his first year.

That is the point. It is still open. Oh, and back to the notion that you think Obama could not close it without the approval of congress. Are you saying it is a crime to do that?

Simple yes or no will suffice rightwinger. Is it against the law for him bypass congress?

Either way, he had a super majority, he promised to close Gitmo, and it is still open, and it is 6 years later.
Obama's idea of closing GTMO is releasing them back like the 5 Taliban creeps he gave up for one deserter.

Yeah, and he bypassed congress to do it. The morons on the left will not address that point. As poignant as it is.

They will focus on how long Obama technically had a super majority. They will maintain that the republicans blocked all of his attempts to close it, even though Obama could have in his first year. No argument about that. He promised to do it his first year, there was no republican congress that could stop him, and he did not do it.

Either way, Obama has bypassed congress several times, including just recently. Just so happens to obfuscate from the VA scandal and we all know press will not call him on breaking the law. Since Obama has blatantly broke the law and lied about everything since he has been elected, why would he think they would hold him to account?

Instead rightwinger and less significant poster camp holds on to their little point that has no real relation to the discussion. What does that mean? It means they did not care one bit if Obama closed GTMO or not. Like everything else they yell, chant, dance and do whatever else about all of their little issues, they do not care. They never did. They certainly do not care about the fact that water boarding is not torture, since they do not care that our very own soldiers are water boarded in basic training. Of course they are mainly white Americans, so it is not too hard to understand why they scream about brown muslims being water boarded for crucial information.

They are sacks of hypocritical shit.


I have posted many times on this board that I believe we should try the prisoners in GITMO or release them. It is what a free republic does
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If our justification in invading Afghanistan was to fight AlQaida.....why did we pull the plug after Bush allowed bin Laden to escape? Why didn't we follow him and other terrorists into Pakistan?

After Bush diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq, why did we pull our troops back in Afganistan and allow AlQaida to regain lost territory

NONE of that seems to support an invasion whose intent was to fight AlQaida and capture Bin Laden

you are an ass.

Fact: Bin laden was in Afganistan and Bush allowed him to escape into Pakistan. There is no diputing this

Fact: Even though Bush bragged that he would hunt down terrorists wherever they were hiding, he declined to follow bin Laden into Pakistan

Fact: Bush gave back previously won territory to the Taliban after he decided to invade Iraq

Where is your proof that Bush "allowed" him to escape?

You were one of those that thought terrorists were a myth conjured by Cheney and Bush. We have already seen how you are a truther.

A hypocrite in that you do not hold Clinton to account for actually ALLOWING bin laden to escape. You already do not hold Clinton to account for signing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Bush took office.

We get it. You are a bloviated ignorant hypocrite.
Obama's idea of closing GTMO is releasing them back like the 5 Taliban creeps he gave up for one deserter.

Yeah, and he bypassed congress to do it. The morons on the left will not address that point. As poignant as it is.

They will focus on how long Obama technically had a super majority. They will maintain that the republicans blocked all of his attempts to close it, even though Obama could have in his first year. No argument about that. He promised to do it his first year, there was no republican congress that could stop him, and he did not do it.

Either way, Obama has bypassed congress several times, including just recently. Just so happens to obfuscate from the VA scandal and we all know press will not call him on breaking the law. Since Obama has blatantly broke the law and lied about everything since he has been elected, why would he think they would hold him to account?

Instead rightwinger and less significant poster camp holds on to their little point that has no real relation to the discussion. What does that mean? It means they did not care one bit if Obama closed GTMO or not. Like everything else they yell, chant, dance and do whatever else about all of their little issues, they do not care. They never did. They certainly do not care about the fact that water boarding is not torture, since they do not care that our very own soldiers are water boarded in basic training. Of course they are mainly white Americans, so it is not too hard to understand why they scream about brown muslims being water boarded for crucial information.

They are sacks of hypocritical shit.


I have posted many times on this board that I believe we should try the prisoners in GITMO or release them. It is what a free republic does

Albeit YOU have stated a plethora of times we are a DEMOCRACY. Which is it LIAR>?
Then deny they are truthers? Real simple questions really. I mean how many times do we see them blame Bush for starting TWO wars?

I have no idea what this incoherent word jumble means.

Apparently you are a hypocritical ignorant liberal.

You think Bush STARTED two wars? Tell us which ones.

Wait, you did not understand the OBVIOUS point that even your other morons on the left understood. Which means what? That means you are equivalent to the retard with the lowest IQ. The shortest midget.

Well, at least you have your pot and your money mommy and daddy is leaving you.

Since President Bush was in office when both wars started that would be the logical conclusion. Perhaps you can elaborate on whatever distinction you believe you're trying to make here.
you are an ass.

Fact: Bin laden was in Afganistan and Bush allowed him to escape into Pakistan. There is no diputing this

Fact: Even though Bush bragged that he would hunt down terrorists wherever they were hiding, he declined to follow bin Laden into Pakistan

Fact: Bush gave back previously won territory to the Taliban after he decided to invade Iraq

Where is your proof that Bush "allowed" him to escape?

You were one of those that thought terrorists were a myth conjured by Cheney and Bush. We have already seen how you are a truther.

A hypocrite in that you do not hold Clinton to account for actually ALLOWING bin laden to escape. You already do not hold Clinton to account for signing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Bush took office.

We get it. You are a bloviated ignorant hypocrite.

1. Bin Laden was in Afganistan and ended up in Pakistan despite Bush having his army in place. That is allowing someone to escape. The fact that Bush declined to enter Pakistan is further proof

2. There were no "terrorists" in Iraq that were involved in international terror. The AlQaida we encountered in Iraq were not international terrorists but a group using terrorist tactics to fight the occupation of US forces

3. Clinton tried to kill bin Laden and was mocked by Republicans who claimed he was "wagging the dog" to divert attention away from the Lewinsky scandal. Prosecuting for a blowjob was more important to Republicans than killing bin Laden

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