Question: why do liberals always say Bush started TWO unwarranted wars?

Obama's idea of closing GTMO is releasing them back like the 5 Taliban creeps he gave up for one deserter.

Yeah, and he bypassed congress to do it. The morons on the left will not address that point. As poignant as it is.

They will focus on how long Obama technically had a super majority. They will maintain that the republicans blocked all of his attempts to close it, even though Obama could have in his first year. No argument about that. He promised to do it his first year, there was no republican congress that could stop him, and he did not do it.

Either way, Obama has bypassed congress several times, including just recently. Just so happens to obfuscate from the VA scandal and we all know press will not call him on breaking the law. Since Obama has blatantly broke the law and lied about everything since he has been elected, why would he think they would hold him to account?

Instead rightwinger and less significant poster camp holds on to their little point that has no real relation to the discussion. What does that mean? It means they did not care one bit if Obama closed GTMO or not. Like everything else they yell, chant, dance and do whatever else about all of their little issues, they do not care. They never did. They certainly do not care about the fact that water boarding is not torture, since they do not care that our very own soldiers are water boarded in basic training. Of course they are mainly white Americans, so it is not too hard to understand why they scream about brown muslims being water boarded for crucial information.

They are sacks of hypocritical shit.


I have posted many times on this board that I believe we should try the prisoners in GITMO or release them. It is what a free republic does

Yeah, rightwinger we get it. I am not blaming Obama for not closing GTMO or taking out terrorists with drones. No I am not.

Then again, I am not a hypocrite and understand there is a distinct possibility he is privy to intel that you and I will never be. You, do not even consider that. No no. You are just a know it all that thinks you understand everything.

The problem Obama has is he needs to placate his retarded voting constituency. Which, is why when the democrats do chant war, you people hardly say shit. In fact, you brag about him doing things to groups of people that you all called myths.

You have no ability to think outside of your own liberal bullshit. Which means you cannot consider that there things in regards to intel that you do not know.

This president in order to placate YOU PEOPLE needs to play both sides of the fence. Either way you support him for everything and make feeble protests when he does not. Where the fuck is code stink?

Oh never mind, keep on thinking you know it all. You already have proven you do not get logistical realities of war. You think it is hit and run. It is far more than that, and when this country cuts and runs like we did, that is when we see what we are seeing.

If we abandoned Japan or Germany to their own devices after WWII, same thing would have happened. We are still there, and they are our strong allies. Could not have imagined them being our allies in 1942. You simply don't get shit.
Lindsey Graham threatened to impeach Obama if he tried to close GITMO. That was four (4) days ago.

GITMO can not be closed by the President, even though he has ordered it through executive order. The congress has forbidden the transfer of captives to federal prisons.
I have no idea what this incoherent word jumble means.

Apparently you are a hypocritical ignorant liberal.

You think Bush STARTED two wars? Tell us which ones.

Wait, you did not understand the OBVIOUS point that even your other morons on the left understood. Which means what? That means you are equivalent to the retard with the lowest IQ. The shortest midget.

Well, at least you have your pot and your money mommy and daddy is leaving you.

Since President Bush was in office when both wars started that would be the logical conclusion. Perhaps you can elaborate on whatever distinction you believe you're trying to make here.

So you do think he started both wars.


Someone explain it to him, about who started at least one of them. I do not have patience with such ignorance.
Lindsey Graham threatened to impeach Obama if he tried to close GITMO. That was four (4) days ago.

GITMO can not be closed by the President, even though he has ordered it through executive order. The congress has forbidden the transfer of captives to federal prisons.

Oh, so in 2009, which when he promised to close it, and there WAS A SUPER MAJORITY.....

OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I hate fucking liberals!!!!!!!!
Apparently you are a hypocritical ignorant liberal.

You think Bush STARTED two wars? Tell us which ones.

Wait, you did not understand the OBVIOUS point that even your other morons on the left understood. Which means what? That means you are equivalent to the retard with the lowest IQ. The shortest midget.

Well, at least you have your pot and your money mommy and daddy is leaving you.

Since President Bush was in office when both wars started that would be the logical conclusion. Perhaps you can elaborate on whatever distinction you believe you're trying to make here.

So you do think he started both wars.


Someone explain it to him, about who started at least one of them. I do not have patience with such ignorance.

You apparently wouldn't care to elaborate then. Probably wise, you wouldn't want to trip yourself up with facts, just stick to rhetorical's easier that way.
I have no idea what this incoherent word jumble means.

Apparently you are a hypocritical ignorant liberal.

You think Bush STARTED two wars? Tell us which ones.

Wait, you did not understand the OBVIOUS point that even your other morons on the left understood. Which means what? That means you are equivalent to the retard with the lowest IQ. The shortest midget.

Well, at least you have your pot and your money mommy and daddy is leaving you.

Since President Bush was in office when both wars started that would be the logical conclusion. Perhaps you can elaborate on whatever distinction you believe you're trying to make here.

And Bush had WIDE support for both in the wake of 9/ What's your point?
Lindsey Graham threatened to impeach Obama if he tried to close GITMO. That was four (4) days ago.

GITMO can not be closed by the President, even though he has ordered it through executive order. The congress has forbidden the transfer of captives to federal prisons.

Oh, so in 2009, which when he promised to close it, and there WAS A SUPER MAJORITY.....

OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I hate fucking liberals!!!!!!!!
well go back to blow up dolls then.
Fact: Bin laden was in Afganistan and Bush allowed him to escape into Pakistan. There is no diputing this

Fact: Even though Bush bragged that he would hunt down terrorists wherever they were hiding, he declined to follow bin Laden into Pakistan

Fact: Bush gave back previously won territory to the Taliban after he decided to invade Iraq

Where is your proof that Bush "allowed" him to escape?

You were one of those that thought terrorists were a myth conjured by Cheney and Bush. We have already seen how you are a truther.

A hypocrite in that you do not hold Clinton to account for actually ALLOWING bin laden to escape. You already do not hold Clinton to account for signing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Bush took office.

We get it. You are a bloviated ignorant hypocrite.

1. Bin Laden was in Afganistan and ended up in Pakistan despite Bush having his army in place. That is allowing someone to escape. The fact that Bush declined to enter Pakistan is further proof

2. There were no "terrorists" in Iraq that were involved in international terror. The AlQaida we encountered in Iraq were not international terrorists but a group using terrorist tactics to fight the occupation of US forces

3. Clinton tried to kill bin Laden and was mocked by Republicans who claimed he was "wagging the dog" to divert attention away from the Lewinsky scandal. Prosecuting for a blowjob was more important to Republicans than killing bin Laden

Clinton was not prosecuted for a blow job moron. Someone else tell this uneducated brainwashed piece of shit what he was prosecuted for.

There were terrorists in Iraq. It was a terror sponsored nation. Was it bin laden? No. That is not what we are at war with, and the simplistic ignorant minds are the only ones that think that.

The paradigm shifted on how to deal with perceived threats abroad. It is clear that Hussein either put out deliberate information that he had these weapons in order to stop Iran from invading, or he did in fact have them and moved to Syria. Either way, his programs were in place, and he violated 17 UN resolutions which is why the UN voted 15-0 security council to use force. You do not get that one of the aspects of the UN was to NOT allow a tryant to become as big as Hitler BEFORE doing something. That was the reason the League of Nations was dissolved. Democrats voted for the war, and democrats propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office. You can feel sorry for Hussein all you want. That, along with everything else, is what makes you a bloviated hypocrite.

You do not get shit.
Apparently you are a hypocritical ignorant liberal.

You think Bush STARTED two wars? Tell us which ones.

Wait, you did not understand the OBVIOUS point that even your other morons on the left understood. Which means what? That means you are equivalent to the retard with the lowest IQ. The shortest midget.

Well, at least you have your pot and your money mommy and daddy is leaving you.

Since President Bush was in office when both wars started that would be the logical conclusion. Perhaps you can elaborate on whatever distinction you believe you're trying to make here.

And Bush had WIDE support for both in the wake of 9/ What's your point?

I haven't made a point, I'm trying to determine the point of this thread....or if it even has a point of any kind.
Yeah, and he bypassed congress to do it. The morons on the left will not address that point. As poignant as it is.

They will focus on how long Obama technically had a super majority. They will maintain that the republicans blocked all of his attempts to close it, even though Obama could have in his first year. No argument about that. He promised to do it his first year, there was no republican congress that could stop him, and he did not do it.

Either way, Obama has bypassed congress several times, including just recently. Just so happens to obfuscate from the VA scandal and we all know press will not call him on breaking the law. Since Obama has blatantly broke the law and lied about everything since he has been elected, why would he think they would hold him to account?

Instead rightwinger and less significant poster camp holds on to their little point that has no real relation to the discussion. What does that mean? It means they did not care one bit if Obama closed GTMO or not. Like everything else they yell, chant, dance and do whatever else about all of their little issues, they do not care. They never did. They certainly do not care about the fact that water boarding is not torture, since they do not care that our very own soldiers are water boarded in basic training. Of course they are mainly white Americans, so it is not too hard to understand why they scream about brown muslims being water boarded for crucial information.

They are sacks of hypocritical shit.


I have posted many times on this board that I believe we should try the prisoners in GITMO or release them. It is what a free republic does

Yeah, rightwinger we get it. I am not blaming Obama for not closing GTMO or taking out terrorists with drones. No I am not.

Then again, I am not a hypocrite and understand there is a distinct possibility he is privy to intel that you and I will never be. You, do not even consider that. No no. You are just a know it all that thinks you understand everything.

The problem Obama has is he needs to placate his retarded voting constituency. Which, is why when the democrats do chant war, you people hardly say shit. In fact, you brag about him doing things to groups of people that you all called myths.

You have no ability to think outside of your own liberal bullshit. Which means you cannot consider that there things in regards to intel that you do not know.

This president in order to placate YOU PEOPLE needs to play both sides of the fence. Either way you support him for everything and make feeble protests when he does not. Where the fuck is code stink?

Oh never mind, keep on thinking you know it all. You already have proven you do not get logistical realities of war. You think it is hit and run. It is far more than that, and when this country cuts and runs like we did, that is when we see what we are seeing.

If we abandoned Japan or Germany to their own devices after WWII, same thing would have happened. We are still there, and they are our strong allies. Could not have imagined them being our allies in 1942. You simply don't get shit.

Obama is a coward when it comes to GITMO

Republicans created a status of prisoner that is neither a POW nor a terrorist/criminal. They are in a legal limbo created by the Bush Justice Department. Obama should have long ago insisted that they be either tried or released

Our Supreme Court is also filled with cowards
The fact that they can look the other way when the human rights of captives of the US are denied is despicable

Republicans? They just are too stupid to know better. I gave up expecting them to act like civilized human beings long ago
Apparently you are a hypocritical ignorant liberal.

You think Bush STARTED two wars? Tell us which ones.

Wait, you did not understand the OBVIOUS point that even your other morons on the left understood. Which means what? That means you are equivalent to the retard with the lowest IQ. The shortest midget.

Well, at least you have your pot and your money mommy and daddy is leaving you.

Since President Bush was in office when both wars started that would be the logical conclusion. Perhaps you can elaborate on whatever distinction you believe you're trying to make here.

And Bush had WIDE support for both in the wake of 9/ What's your point?

The moron is a truther. He still thinks Bush started both of the wars. He does not get what I am saying. He is as ignorant as IP Freely and they are both dumber than rightwinger.

Think about that. :cuckoo:

I have posted many times on this board that I believe we should try the prisoners in GITMO or release them. It is what a free republic does

Yeah, rightwinger we get it. I am not blaming Obama for not closing GTMO or taking out terrorists with drones. No I am not.

Then again, I am not a hypocrite and understand there is a distinct possibility he is privy to intel that you and I will never be. You, do not even consider that. No no. You are just a know it all that thinks you understand everything.

The problem Obama has is he needs to placate his retarded voting constituency. Which, is why when the democrats do chant war, you people hardly say shit. In fact, you brag about him doing things to groups of people that you all called myths.

You have no ability to think outside of your own liberal bullshit. Which means you cannot consider that there things in regards to intel that you do not know.

This president in order to placate YOU PEOPLE needs to play both sides of the fence. Either way you support him for everything and make feeble protests when he does not. Where the fuck is code stink?

Oh never mind, keep on thinking you know it all. You already have proven you do not get logistical realities of war. You think it is hit and run. It is far more than that, and when this country cuts and runs like we did, that is when we see what we are seeing.

If we abandoned Japan or Germany to their own devices after WWII, same thing would have happened. We are still there, and they are our strong allies. Could not have imagined them being our allies in 1942. You simply don't get shit.

Obama is a coward when it comes to GITMO

Republicans created a status of prisoner that is neither a POW nor a terrorist/criminal. They are in a legal limbo created by the Bush Justice Department. Obama should have long ago insisted that they be either tried or released

Our Supreme Court is also filled with cowards
The fact that they can look the other way when the human rights of captives of the US are denied is despicable

Republicans? They just are too stupid to know better. I gave up expecting them to act like civilized human beings long ago

Says the far left Obama drone.

The far left is definitely showing that they have no independent thought and also shows that their propaganda programing is still intact.

I have posted many times on this board that I believe we should try the prisoners in GITMO or release them. It is what a free republic does

Yeah, rightwinger we get it. I am not blaming Obama for not closing GTMO or taking out terrorists with drones. No I am not.

Then again, I am not a hypocrite and understand there is a distinct possibility he is privy to intel that you and I will never be. You, do not even consider that. No no. You are just a know it all that thinks you understand everything.

The problem Obama has is he needs to placate his retarded voting constituency. Which, is why when the democrats do chant war, you people hardly say shit. In fact, you brag about him doing things to groups of people that you all called myths.

You have no ability to think outside of your own liberal bullshit. Which means you cannot consider that there things in regards to intel that you do not know.

This president in order to placate YOU PEOPLE needs to play both sides of the fence. Either way you support him for everything and make feeble protests when he does not. Where the fuck is code stink?

Oh never mind, keep on thinking you know it all. You already have proven you do not get logistical realities of war. You think it is hit and run. It is far more than that, and when this country cuts and runs like we did, that is when we see what we are seeing.

If we abandoned Japan or Germany to their own devices after WWII, same thing would have happened. We are still there, and they are our strong allies. Could not have imagined them being our allies in 1942. You simply don't get shit.

Obama is a coward when it comes to GITMO

Republicans created a status of prisoner that is neither a POW nor a terrorist/criminal. They are in a legal limbo created by the Bush Justice Department. Obama should have long ago insisted that they be either tried or released

Our Supreme Court is also filled with cowards
The fact that they can look the other way when the human rights of captives of the US are denied is despicable

Republicans? They just are too stupid to know better. I gave up expecting them to act like civilized human beings long ago

Keep on thinking you are privy to all of the intel that Obama is privy to. You are that arrogant that you may actually think you know as much as they do.

Hence the actual reason Obama does not close it. Like I said, you or the morons that likes your ignorant blather cannot get that. Why? Like I said. You are blinded by your bloviated, know it all nature.

Obama of course has a problem. He needs to placate dumb brains like your who cannot be convinced of shit.

Keep on thinking you get it all. Considering you do not understand anything ought to tell you a lot.

Which means.....the day you understand that you do not understand a thing, will be the very day you understand a lot.
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Since President Bush was in office when both wars started that would be the logical conclusion. Perhaps you can elaborate on whatever distinction you believe you're trying to make here.

And Bush had WIDE support for both in the wake of 9/ What's your point?

I haven't made a point, I'm trying to determine the point of this thread....or if it even has a point of any kind.
Then you are out of touch I'm afraid...
Since President Bush was in office when both wars started that would be the logical conclusion. Perhaps you can elaborate on whatever distinction you believe you're trying to make here.

And Bush had WIDE support for both in the wake of 9/ What's your point?

The moron is a truther. He still thinks Bush started both of the wars. He does not get what I am saying. He is as ignorant as IP Freely and they are both dumber than rightwinger.

Think about that. :cuckoo:

Who could possibly argue with that kind of eloquence?
Where is your proof that Bush "allowed" him to escape?

You were one of those that thought terrorists were a myth conjured by Cheney and Bush. We have already seen how you are a truther.

A hypocrite in that you do not hold Clinton to account for actually ALLOWING bin laden to escape. You already do not hold Clinton to account for signing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs before Bush took office.

We get it. You are a bloviated ignorant hypocrite.

1. Bin Laden was in Afganistan and ended up in Pakistan despite Bush having his army in place. That is allowing someone to escape. The fact that Bush declined to enter Pakistan is further proof

2. There were no "terrorists" in Iraq that were involved in international terror. The AlQaida we encountered in Iraq were not international terrorists but a group using terrorist tactics to fight the occupation of US forces

3. Clinton tried to kill bin Laden and was mocked by Republicans who claimed he was "wagging the dog" to divert attention away from the Lewinsky scandal. Prosecuting for a blowjob was more important to Republicans than killing bin Laden

Clinton was not prosecuted for a blow job moron. Someone else tell this uneducated brainwashed piece of shit what he was prosecuted for.

There were terrorists in Iraq. It was a terror sponsored nation. Was it bin laden? No. That is not what we are at war with, and the simplistic ignorant minds are the only ones that think that.

The paradigm shifted on how to deal with perceived threats abroad. It is clear that Hussein either put out deliberate information that he had these weapons in order to stop Iran from invading, or he did in fact have them and moved to Syria. Either way, his programs were in place, and he violated 17 UN resolutions which is why the UN voted 15-0 security council to use force. You do not get that one of the aspects of the UN was to NOT allow a tryant to become as big as Hitler BEFORE doing something. That was the reason the League of Nations was dissolved. Democrats voted for the war, and democrats propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office. You can feel sorry for Hussein all you want. That, along with everything else, is what makes you a bloviated hypocrite.

You do not get shit.

Clinton & Wag The Dog | National Review Online!

“Instead of striking a strong blow against terrorism, the action [launching cruise missiles at Osama bin Laden] set off a howling debate about Clinton’s motives. The president ordered the action three days after appearing before the grand jury investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair, and Clinton’s critics accused him of using military action to change the subject from the sex-and-perjury scandal — the so-called ‘wag the dog’ strategy.”
I'll take "What are Democrats and Afghanistan was the only Justified WAR..." for $1,000 ALEX.
Lindsey Graham threatened to impeach Obama if he tried to close GITMO. That was four (4) days ago.

GITMO can not be closed by the President, even though he has ordered it through executive order. The congress has forbidden the transfer of captives to federal prisons.

Oh, so in 2009, which when he promised to close it, and there WAS A SUPER MAJORITY.....

OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I hate fucking liberals!!!!!!!!

The Super Majority thing you are stuck on doesn't even come in to play. You don't understand it and refuse learn the different definitions and contexts that it can be used, but you are just so stuck on stubborn you don't comprehend that this issue was settled back in May of 2009 when Congress overwhelmingly refused to give funding to the transfer of any prisoners to US federal prisons. It was an almost unanimous vote in the Senate. Super Majority didn't even come into play. Not even close. Democrats sided with Republicans. Over 90 Senators voted to keep GITMO open.

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