

Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
How many of you want what this administration is doing on obamacare and literally taking our freedoms from us. How many of you like the spending this administration is doing, while you struggle to pay debts, and this administration making your livelyhoods harder by the day??
Will you vote obama and this bunch out, or will you vote again for him and keep us in this mess, and let him transform our country into what we have never been.? many plan to vote this bunch out.?
I plan on voting the whole bunch out, but until then I might make a trip to Vegas, or Spain or maybe Mexico on the tax payer's dime. Why not, FLOTUS and her kiddos do it all the time.
I didn't vote for the dufus in 2008 and I sure as shit ain't voting for him in 2012.

The guys an abject failure as POTUS and his green agenda is one expensive experiment in wasted tax dollars.

This guy and his possee need to go.
I plan on voting the whole bunch out, but until then I might make a trip to Vegas, or Spain or maybe Mexico on the tax payer's dime. Why not, FLOTUS and her kiddos do it all the time.

OMG! You mean the first family travels on the taxpayer dime? Why they must be the first in history to do that!

Oh, wait...

How many of you want what this administration is doing on obamacare and literally taking our freedoms from us. How many of you like the spending this administration is doing, while you struggle to pay debts, and this administration making your livelyhoods harder by the day??
Will you vote obama and this bunch out, or will you vote again for him and keep us in this mess, and let him transform our country into what we have never been.? many plan to vote this bunch out.?

I plan to vote with the majority of Americans in November. For President Obama. And if the SCOTUS removes this health care, then we will work for a truly Universal Health Care System, based on an income tax.
How many of you want what this administration is doing on obamacare and literally taking our freedoms from us. How many of you like the spending this administration is doing, while you struggle to pay debts, and this administration making your livelyhoods harder by the day??
Will you vote obama and this bunch out, or will you vote again for him and keep us in this mess, and let him transform our country into what we have never been.? many plan to vote this bunch out.?

OK, tell me, specifically, where and how I will have more money and more freedom if Mitt Romney is president.
Old rocks. If you think the majority of americans are going to vote to put this failure back in office, you are truely not thinking. I was curious to see how many would vote again to keep us in this bad situations and i guess your one of them that wants us all in this situation. You obviously don't see things clearly or you have been fooled again by obama and this bunch. Sad.
Here we go again with the vague, simplistic platitude "our freedoms". Okay then, I'll say it again, since I just LOVE seeing stuff I've typed on the screen:

What about my "freedom" to not to have to wait in the ER with my daughter behind people who flood the place because they have/can afford/can qualify for no other coverage? What about my "freedom" to not have to pay extra to businesses for products & services that cost more because that company is stuck with paying for their employees' health care? What about my "freedom" to start a business with some kind of health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition? What about my "freedom" to not pay MUCH higher medical costs in general to COVER the services provided those who can't get coverage?

I wonder how many people who shout about their "freedoms" like trained seals have actually spent a few precious moments to actually think this through. I'm not a fan of Obamacare for the most part either, but this two-dimensional thinking and sloganeering is getting old.

I know y'all won't agree with this, but your freedoms do not trump mine. Shocker, huh?

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what is the American peoples choice?

Put Obama back in or put the very party whos historically failed ideas caused this HUGE economic mess.
How many of you want what this administration is doing on obamacare and literally taking our freedoms from us. How many of you like the spending this administration is doing, while you struggle to pay debts, and this administration making your livelyhoods harder by the day??
Will you vote obama and this bunch out, or will you vote again for him and keep us in this mess, and let him transform our country into what we have never been.? many plan to vote this bunch out.?

I plan to vote with the majority of Americans in November. For President Obama. And if the SCOTUS removes this health care, then we will work for a truly Universal Health Care System, based on an income tax.

And ones like me will be there to vote against you and do everything we can to keep your socialist crap out of this republic, keep 51% from paying for 49%'s shit, and vote out Obama even if it is not as conservative a candidate as we need right now
Why does the right NEVER take responsibility for what their actions cause?

That is why the American people want nothing to do with your peoples choices for president.

You dont even like them
You all hate mitt.

In a couple of months you will call him the second coming.

You people will accept anything your party tells you to accept.
How many of you want what this administration is doing on obamacare and literally taking our freedoms from us.

Human nature being what it is, there are HUGE swaths of the population who are in it for the free gubmint handouts and who have no problem taking it from the other guy.

History tells us this will probably end badly.
what is the American peoples choice?

Put Obama back in or put the very party whos historically failed ideas caused this HUGE economic mess.

Obama is one man, the Dem party is just as guilty of spending as the other. Don't try to say the Dems have spent and acted responsibly. If you do, you don't give a darn about the truth, you just like to read your own misguided words.
Your party is shoving Mitt down your throats and you will be like automitrons and be his little minnions in no time
[ame=]President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (1) - YouTube[/ame]

Look at the date on that you lying sacks of shit.
Your BLIND following of everything Bush wanted to do caused this mess.

You people have no right to blame Obama for what your party caused
Now you will all just run away and start a whole new thread soaked in your right wing lies as if you dont know the truth

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