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What on earth are you talking about?

irish and italian descent were harassed, and discriminated against, i think is what he is speaking about that were white but complete outcasts here...for a while?

I'm talking about the history of this nation.

I'm talking about how every wave of immigrants was loathed by those native sons who believed that they and they alone had the right to live here.

I'm talking about how Catholics and pretty much anyone who was not a WASP was thought of pretty much like some of us think about Mexicans today.

Perhaps you're not old enough to remember that. Perhaps you're not well read enough to know that at one time being White still wasn't pure enough for some of the racist assholes that once ran this nation.

Now you know.

You're right, I am too young to remember, as I suspect will be most people. I also read a lot of history but maybe not on the sort of issues that make me well read - it's not for me to say.

I was just wondering why you were so hostile to the OP. Now I understand. Stuff that happened before either of you were born still pisses you off and you're going to take it out on whoever happens to be within reach if they fit the perceived historical profile. Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation. Now I know.
Ravi, I don't live in Miami, I live in the heat land of America. My condolences for you, Ravi. I don't share your point of view. In all seriousness. Miami isn't exactly a shinning example of immigration or diversity. Miami is a example of foreign policy gone bad. You know what I mean. I don't think ANY Cubans should be allowed here, period, unless they immigrate legally. Well, we know how all that works, too. But I don't live 90 miles from the Mexican border, I live almost a thousand miles from it. And they don't have my permission or my sanction to be here. Sorry, Illegal aliens are a little outside of your experience. Cubanos may be Hispanic. Illegal aliens may be Hispanic, don't presume they are one and the same.
Originally posted by JBeukema
I don't try to turn this country into what my grandmother, who left (Mexico because it's a shithole and America is better) left behind and walked away from.

Sorry to break the news to you, Beukema... but your granny was a total loser in life. About as intelligent as a baboon.

Anyone who needs to immigrate to America in order to enjoy a decent standard of living is human garbage, a complete idiot with an IQ bordering on mental retardation.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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'Well, life isn't simple. If you were to move to another country, would you just abandon your culture, the very interface through which you've learned since birth to operate and interract with reality as you see it? No. Its impossible to do that. First you'd undergo culture shock upon arriving in a new country, and secondly you'd want to, in reaction to that culture shock, surround yourself with familiar aspects of your culture like music, food, people who speak the same language and can understand what your experiencing and relate and sympathize with you.'

I doubt very much that anybody in this country has asked people who come here to abandon their culture. Especially in a free society. What one does is try to learn about the culture of the country you now live in and learn to respect same. All this can be accomplished and STILL maintain your culture. It's so silly of you to think/belive that you can take people's culture at whim. As for sympathy, what has that ever accomplished??? If I go live in another country, you can bet that I will retain my 'culture' but also make sure that I respect the culture of the country that I am in. Comprendes tonto??
Ravi: I have thought about what you said. You live in Miami. That has haunted me. You see, Miami is perhaps the best example of why we need immigration reform. That is, if you like the present pre-existing Anglo centric culture model. Cubans have used and abused the immigration system to the Nth degree, which coincidentally, happens to be what Latin Americans (primarily Mexicans) are also doing. I don't think we owe it to anyone to just bypass the immigration system based on ANYTHING anymore, let alone if they think we owe it to them. Let's leave that to the majority of American to decide, not a few rag tag grubby bunch of a Latinos refugees with a chip on their shoulder. Enough is enough! We don't owe them a damned thing.
Originally posted by SW2SILVER
Let's leave that to the majority of American to decide, not a few rag tag grubby bunch of a Latinos refugees with a chip on their shoulder. Enough is enough! We don't owe them a damned thing.

Yeah, right... king of all the super patriotic american clowns in the world.

America doesn't owe Mexico anything... just half of its land mass!!!
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LOL, Beukema...

But let's be reasonable here... when a typo is your best argument you might just as well admit you have no argument at all...

But I deserved it anyway...

I was too hard on your mexican granny the other day : )
Originally posted by JBeukema
I don't try to turn this country into what my grandmother, who left (Mexico because it's a shithole and America is better) left behind and walked away from.

Your words not mine.
José;1400921 said:
Originally posted by SW2SILVER
Let's leave that to the majority of American to decide, not a few rag tag grubby bunch of a Latinos refugees with a chip on their shoulder. Enough is enough! We don't owe them a damned thing.

Yeah, right... king of all the super patriotic american clowns in the world.

America doesn't owe Mexico anything... just half of its land mass!!!

As a Texan and having my 3rd great grandfather and 2nd great grandfather as well as half a dozen great uncles risk life and limb to defeat Santa Anna and successfully win the rights to this great state as well New Mexico, Arizona, Nebraska, California, Utah and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma I can firmly attest that we do not owe Mexico a damn thing!!

If they want this land back.. then they'll have to fight for it.
Do cite where I said she is a mexican ;)

You should really consider suicde.

You're an idiot, but I'm sure you already know that. You implied she was Mexican by your, she left Mexico because America was better statement. If the woman was American then why the hell would she leave it (since it's better) and move to Mexico, only to move back to America. Doesn't make since. But then I'm sure you'll tell us she was from Africa or some other such bullshit.

Bottom line is your credibility is much like your intellect. .. nonexistent.
Do cite where I said she is a mexican ;)

You should really consider suicde.

You're an idiot, but I'm sure you already know that. You implied she was Mexican by your, she left Mexico because America was better statement. If the woman was American then why the hell would she leave it (since it's better) and move to Mexico, only to move back to America.
She renounced her Mexican citizenship and lived the rest of her life again American. She might have been a Mexican by birth, but she was an American by choice.
José;1400921 said:
Originally posted by SW2SILVER
Let's leave that to the majority of American to decide, not a few rag tag grubby bunch of a Latinos refugees with a chip on their shoulder. Enough is enough! We don't owe them a damned thing.

Yeah, right... king of all the super patriotic american clowns in the world.

America doesn't owe Mexico anything... just half of its land mass!!!

Yeah, right. How is that, exactly? Don't be silly, if Mexico had a valid legal claim to ANY land north of the Rio Grande, they can take it to the United Nations and state a claim. Notice they aren't doing that. Mexico was founded by Europeans. They made up the whole concept of Mexico. The native populace didn't give a shit what Spaniards called "IT". So, who stole what from who is a moot point here in the 21st century, Mexicans can still immigrate legally. It won't hurt them AND IT MAKES THEM LEGITIMATE. No, bubba, we STILL don't owe them anything. But YOU got some 'splainin to do, Lucy.
I am an Anglo, American born. In a area almost a thousand miles from the border.I have owned a home for over 15 years in an area the has become, mostly "Hispanic". I can't tell Illegal from legal anymore. I was a block from my HOME, and a Hispanic kid dressed like a gang banger said: YOU ARE IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD! My question is, What does that mean? Agnost, yer pretty damned smart. Tell me, what did I do that was WRONG? Besides just being Anglo and existing among the holier-than thou Hispanics? Don't ask me what I did, because, it doesn't matter. Nothing Anglos do seems to matter, either way.

Guess you probably aren't old enough remember when the only White people who were White enough to satisfy the KLAN (and KLAN-Lite types) were other WASPS, right?

Now suddenly it's all about we Whites creating a White fraternal brotherhood?

Not a fucking chance, Anglo.

Much of the rest of the White race remembers when we were your untermench, too. I, for example, have been in more fights with Anglos punks who hated me for my race than any other ethnic.

So you're on your own kid.

Maybe your grand fucking pu-pah or Wizard or whatever the fuck those KKK WASP creeps worship can protect your Anglo ass.

You Anglos racists rejected the rest of the White race and most of us honkeys won't easily forget or forgive it, either.

Crap! I accidentally pos repped you when I meant to neg rep you!

I hate when that happens.
You can be American by choice now?

I thought you had to jump through citizenship hoops. So...if all those illegals "choose" to be American, do they magically become...American?
And I'd really like to know, if there are "Americans by choice"...who are the "Americans by force"? Are there poor souls out there we are forcing to be American?
I started this board. Like over week ago. A couple of "Mexican American" children (dressed in gang garb, no less) questioned my presence in THEIR neighborhood. Think about that: I have been in their "hood" before they were f*cking born. Their inherent racism, and the fact they stereotyped me, implies so much, it is mind boggling. THAT, was my point. I don't mind living with Hispanic Latino Illegal aliens. It might have been a beautiful experience, until I realized what a bunch of narcissistic tribal territorial hypocrites they really are. THAT was my subtle point. They hate us. i don't feel much love for them as a result. Now, I don't care what idiots neg rep me. If YOU don't live with these jersk, shut up and try it. You won't like it either. The fact remains, and it stays. None of you Pollyannas can make it go away. Notice, we don't get too many Hispanic Illegal aliens posting on this board? They don't care about common consensus or common sense, for that matter. Neg rep away, I will still be here in the morning, as long as these pricks are here and they haven't killed me yet.

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