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I started this board. Like over week ago. A couple of "Mexican American" children (dressed in gang garb, no less) questioned my presence in THEIR neighborhood. Think about that: I have been in their "hood" before they were f*cking born. Their inherent racism, and the fact they stereotyped me, implies so much, it is mind boggling. THAT, was my point. I don't mind living with Hispanic Latino Illegal aliens. It might have been a beautiful experience, until I realized what a bunch of narcissistic tribal territorial hypocrites they really are.
You might be confusing separate issues, though. Narcissistic, tribal teenage pricks will always be around - legal or illegal; Latino or not - as long as they don't have parents who give a crap about them and have nothing better to do. Immigration doesn't have much impact on either of those things.
I think they oughta kick out all you Polocks, Italians, Germans,Britrash...especially Britrash... Ukranians ,Jews, Swiss, Japaneez, French,............Kick all of you bastards back to where you came from to commit genocide on " Them thar savage injunz"
With Bible, Bottle and Musket, of course.
Civilized ,witch burning, white children of Jesus.
I think they oughta kick out all you Polocks, Italians, Germans,Britrash...especially Britrash... Ukranians ,Jews, Swiss, Japaneez, French,............Kick all of you bastards back to where you came from to commit genocide on " Them thar savage injunz"
With Bible, Bottle and Musket, of course.
Civilized ,witch burning, white children of Jesus.

WOW, I am stunned by your devastating logic, Gomer. I bet Costa Rica is chock full of self righteous intellectuals like you, that must be why it such a shinning example of arts and sciences, let alone a political/economic powerhouse. The free world looks to you for asinine sarcastic cheap shots, sweet pea. Problem solved!
Centrism'sVoice;1404341You might be confusing separate issues said:
Centrism: Thank you for not being patronizing. But, I think I have a pretty good grasp of the situation. The immediate children of illegal aliens don't like to be around non-Hispanics. They are being taught hate, either subconsciously or directly, against Americans. This is like mentioning the 900 LB. Gorilla in the room. We can't bring that up on this board, it seems far fetched. But, I see it regularly. That is why post on this issue. Because THAT galls me no end. They hate us. They revile us. They despise us. The impression I get is they think we are weak, we are communists, effete gay weirdos losers they can just...ignore. You can't get that across on the Internet, just how arrogant they act as a group. I know they are individuals, but they sure don't act that way.
I hope you are old and won't have to experience to much of the future. If you are young, the future won't be kind to you.

An Older and More Diverse Nation by Midcentury
The nation will be more racially and ethnically diverse, as well as much older, by midcentury, according to projections released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Minorities, now roughly one-third of the U.S. population, are expected to become the majority in 2042, with the nation projected to be 54 percent minority in 2050. By 2023, minorities will comprise more than half of all children.

In 2030, when all of the baby boomers will be 65 and older, nearly one in five U.S. residents is expected to be 65 and older. This age group is projected to increase to 88.5 million in 2050, more than doubling the number in 2008 (38.7 million).

Similarly, the 85 and older population is expected to more than triple, from 5.4 million to 19 million between 2008 and 2050.

By 2050, the minority population — everyone except for non-Hispanic, single-race whites — is projected to be 235.7 million out of a total U.S. population of 439 million. The nation is projected to reach the 400 million population milestone in 2039.

The non-Hispanic, single-race white population is projected to be only slightly larger in 2050 (203.3 million) than in 2008 (199.8 million). In fact, this group is projected to lose population in the 2030s and 2040s and comprise 46 percent of the total population in 2050, down from 66 percent in 2008.

Meanwhile, the Hispanic population is projected to nearly triple, from 46.7 million to 132.8 million during the 2008-2050 period. Its share of the nation’s total population is projected to double, from 15 percent to 30 percent. Thus, nearly one in three U.S. residents would be Hispanic.

The black population is projected to increase from 41.1 million, or 14 percent of the population in 2008, to 65.7 million, or 15 percent in 2050.

The Asian population is projected to climb from 15.5 million to 40.6 million. Its share of the nation’s population is expected to rise from 5.1 percent to 9.2 percent.

Among the remaining race groups, American Indians and Alaska Natives are projected to rise from 4.9 million to 8.6 million (or from 1.6 to 2 percent of the total population). The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population is expected to more than double, from 1.1 million to 2.6 million. The number of people who identify themselves as being of two or more races is projected to more than triple, from 5.2 million to 16.2 million.

Other highlights:

In 2050, the nation’s population of children is expected to be 62 percent minority, up from 44 percent today. Thirty-nine percent are projected to be Hispanic (up from 22 percent in 2008), and 38 percent are projected to be single-race, non-Hispanic white (down from 56 percent in 2008).
The percentage of the population in the “working ages” of 18 to 64 is projected to decline from 63 percent in 2008 to 57 percent in 2050.
The working-age population is projected to become more than 50 percent minority in 2039 and be 55 percent minority in 2050 (up from 34 percent in 2008). Also in 2050, it is projected to be more than 30 percent Hispanic (up from 15 percent in 2008), 15 percent black (up from 13 percent in 2008) and 9.6 percent Asian (up from 5.3 percent in 2008).
Read More.......
US Census Press Releases
You might be confusing separate issues, though. Narcissistic, tribal teenage pricks will always be around - legal or illegal; Latino or not - as long as they don't have parents who give a crap about them and have nothing better to do. Immigration doesn't have much impact on either of those things.

Centrism: Thank you for not being patronizing. But, I think I have a pretty good grasp of the situation. The immediate children of illegal aliens don't like to be around non-Hispanics. They are being taught hate, either subconsciously or directly, against Americans. This is like mentioning the 900 LB. Gorilla in the room. We can't bring that up on this board, it seems far fetched. But, I see it regularly. That is why post on this issue. Because THAT galls me no end. They hate us. They revile us. They despise us. The impression I get is they think we are weak, we are communists, effete gay weirdos losers they can just...ignore. You can't get that across on the Internet, just how arrogant they act as a group. I know they are individuals, but they sure don't act that way.
It's not hard to understand why the children of illegals don't want to be around non-Hispanics, but I doubt it's because they're consciously taught to hate them. In reality, they don't need such lessons. Think about their situation. The parents are scared to death of running into any non-Latino, because they think if they do they'll be fingered for deportation. Kids aren't stupid, so they pick up on this fear. As with most people, it's not a big step for fear to turn into hate. What they need are homes with relatives who are legal residents, and who will give them things to do that literally keep them off the streets.
It's not hard to understand why the children of illegals don't want to be around non-Hispanics, but I doubt it's because they're consciously taught to hate them. In reality, they don't need such lessons. Think about their situation. The parents are scared to death of running into any non-Latino, because they think if they do they'll be fingered for deportation. Kids aren't stupid, so they pick up on this fear. As with most people, it's not a big step for fear to turn into hate. What they need are homes with relatives who are legal residents, and who will give them things to do that literally keep them off the streets.

I don't have much pity for people that make poor decisions based on nothing more than a thin delusion they didn't think they would get caught. And the fact that they paranoid? That is what a guilty conscious does. There is a cure for that. Immigrate legally, then they don't have that fear hanging over their heads constantly. But I don't see how that is any one's fault but their own, don't you? Their children, well, I can feel some empathy for. They are the innocent ones caught up in this tug of war between American Culture and their parent's culpability ignoring international immigration law. Who is the bad guy here? I think Illegal aliens are. Those "poor" people sneak in America are responsible for dragging their own children into this, as if these kids were hedges or a shield against the law or fairness. What kind of person does THAT to their own flesh and blood? To be honest, the children of illegals might as well be in Mexico with their own, and stop playing games HERE. It might be better for us all.
It's not hard to understand why the children of illegals don't want to be around non-Hispanics, but I doubt it's because they're consciously taught to hate them. In reality, they don't need such lessons. Think about their situation. The parents are scared to death of running into any non-Latino, because they think if they do they'll be fingered for deportation. Kids aren't stupid, so they pick up on this fear. As with most people, it's not a big step for fear to turn into hate. What they need are homes with relatives who are legal residents, and who will give them things to do that literally keep them off the streets.

I don't have much pity for people that make poor decisions based on nothing more than a thin delusion they didn't think they would get caught. And the fact that they paranoid? That is what a guilty conscious does. There is a cure for that. Immigrate legally, then they don't have that fear hanging over their heads constantly. But I don't see how that is any one's fault but their own, don't you? Their children, well, I can feel some empathy for. They are the innocent ones caught up in this tug of war between American Culture and their parent's culpability ignoring international immigration law. Who is the bad guy here? I think Illegal aliens are. Those "poor" people sneak in America are responsible for dragging their own children into this, as if these kids were hedges or a shield against the law or fairness. What kind of person does THAT to their own flesh and blood? To be honest, the children of illegals might as well be in Mexico with their own, and stop playing games HERE. It might be better for us all.

Get off the high horse, our government doesnt follow its own laws.
I don't have much pity for people that make poor decisions based on nothing more than a thin delusion they didn't think they would get caught. And the fact that they paranoid? That is what a guilty conscious does. There is a cure for that. Immigrate legally, then they don't have that fear hanging over their heads constantly. But I don't see how that is any one's fault but their own, don't you?
No argument here.
Their children, well, I can feel some empathy for. They are the innocent ones caught up in this tug of war between American Culture and their parent's culpability ignoring international immigration law. Who is the bad guy here? I think Illegal aliens are.
I agree with that, too. Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that the kids are here - which is why I suggested moving them to live with legal relatives.
Do cite where I said she is a mexican ;)

You should really consider suicde.

You're an idiot, but I'm sure you already know that. You implied she was Mexican by your, she left Mexico because America was better statement. If the woman was American then why the hell would she leave it (since it's better) and move to Mexico, only to move back to America.
She renounced her Mexican citizenship and lived the rest of her life again American. She might have been a Mexican by birth, but she was an American by choice.

So now you admit she was Mexican. Make up your mind!
I started this board. Like over week ago. A couple of "Mexican American" children (dressed in gang garb, no less) questioned my presence in THEIR neighborhood. Think about that: I have been in their "hood" before they were f*cking born. Their inherent racism, and the fact they stereotyped me, implies so much, it is mind boggling. THAT, was my point. I don't mind living with Hispanic Latino Illegal aliens. It might have been a beautiful experience, until I realized what a bunch of narcissistic tribal territorial hypocrites they really are. THAT was my subtle point. They hate us. i don't feel much love for them as a result. Now, I don't care what idiots neg rep me. If YOU don't live with these jersk, shut up and try it. You won't like it either. The fact remains, and it stays. None of you Pollyannas can make it go away. Notice, we don't get too many Hispanic Illegal aliens posting on this board? They don't care about common consensus or common sense, for that matter. Neg rep away, I will still be here in the morning, as long as these pricks are here and they haven't killed me yet.

I think your experience has more to do with wanna be gangbangers then immigration, illegal or otherwise. Race might have been a factor to those children, but don't paint the whole Hispanic community with their brush. Gang culture results in this kind of attitude/action. I think you would get the same attitude from any teenage punks with this kind of warped moral background. White, black, hispanic or asian.

Regarding the learning of English by immigrants, I love immigration and immigrants, they're part of the reason this country has become so great. With that said, it is one of my pet peeves when immigrants don't feel as though they need to learn English. My own grandparents are guilty of this.
Because of my job (and location), I get many who come into my office and feel as though I should speak Spanish. But I felt this way before I had this job and I'll tell you why. Learning the host country's language is paramount for assimilation into the mainstream which is very important for cohesiveness in a country that does not share race, ethnicity or religion. Language is really the only remaining common thread in the woven fabric that makes us a nation. Our common laws and ideals can make us a country, but they are not what a nation is defined as. We have so much division already, I feel it is very important to hold on to the unifying characteristic of language.
Notice, we don't get too many Hispanic Illegal aliens posting on this board?

Eso es porque no pueden leer o escribir Inglés. Que apenas pueden hablar.


That's because they can't read or write English. They can barely speak it.
The Facts: 1st generation-Spanish 2nd generation-English and Spanish 3rd generation-English
The Facts: 1st generation-Spanish 2nd generation-English and Spanish 3rd generation-English

That explains the exponential growth in the Spanish speaking media. All those fine folks I see jabbering away in Espanol in Wal-Mart, they will all switch to Anglo by 2020? Like they are on a time table, like the media switched from analog to digital? Actually, I see that they are doing just the opposite. Because, they don't have to. They call that, "diversity" nowadays. I need a f*cking Spanish-English interpreter to tell my neighbor to stop filling the dumpster up ever two days with construction debris, human remains or animal parts, they are that god damned ignorant of American culture. Sorry to tell you, but, they actual need to be FORCED to used common sense. And they NEED to be forced to acclimate, like child that won't eat their broccoli. They hate it and they won't do it otherwise.
In the last 15 years, I have noticed how pronounced the numbers of panhandlers and homeless people have become. The numbers of these people has increased to the point it is hard to ignore them. But, the odd thing about that: so to has the number of illegal aliens risen along with the dispossessed homeless American poor. Coincidence? It’s odd, to see homeless Americans, holding signs begging for work/food near areas so overcrowded with illegal aliens. The obvious disparity in that is so obvious, it makes me wonder. We have our own poor, destitute in need of assistance. We have our own home grown American criminals, too. Why, on God’s green earth, do some of you feel the need to import more poverty and crime to add to this mess? Why give Illegals sanctuary to “illegal aliens”? WHY? They contribute nothing positive in my opinion, but they sure as hell add to our problems. Most Mexican “immigrants” are not fleeing oppression, or death squads. They sneak in, simply because they can. There really isn’t much more to the issue to than that. And when the times get tough, they bail like rats leaving a sinking ship. THAT isn’t immigration, that is chaotic trespassing . I boggles my mind, why some of these nice folks that support illegal aliens don’t seem to grasp that. No, they put those PC blinkers on, and curse the darkness. I am the candle, that little glimmer of honesty and truth in the darkness. Do you folks care about ALL the poor, or do you pick and choose what issue or what group deserves empathy based on some groupthink conformity? What do you base your viewpoint on? Let me tell you, we poor Americans are here, don't ignore us. Don't sell us out for cheap and fleeting profit.
I am an Anglo, American born. In a area almost a thousand miles from the border.I have owned a home for over 15 years in an area the has become, mostly "Hispanic". I can't tell Illegal from legal anymore. I was a block from my HOME, and a Hispanic kid dressed like a gang banger said: YOU ARE IN THE WRONG NEIGHBORHOOD! My question is, What does that mean? Agnost, yer pretty damned smart. Tell me, what did I do that was WRONG? Besides just being Anglo and existing among the holier-than thou Hispanics? Don't ask me what I did, because, it doesn't matter. Nothing Anglos do seems to matter, either way.

It would certainly piss this not-so-very-liberal liberal off if that happened to me, too.

Of course I'm not an Anglo, I'm an American, so perhaps that makes a difference, too.
Race seems to be the litmus test nowadays, if you are Anglo, you are stereotyped as the villain. It seems that careful scrutiny is given to any Anglo that objects to illegal aliens, but that same moral scrutiny isn't applied to Hispanics that "immigrate" without bothering to ask us "Americans" permission. Oh, I'm an Anglo, alright. My wonderful illegal alien Hispanic Mexican neighbors won't let me forget it, either. THAT was my point, bubba. Of course, you knew that, right?

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