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Questions for Christians?

Thanks ram, looking back, my third question was stupid, alot of people don't listen to God.

But you addressed it directly. Good answers.
I've been told by some Christians that you get judged yourself and go to heaven after death with your spirit.

In Islam its physical resurrection with your body and Paradaise will be in a form

I dont believe judgment occurs until the resurrection. When we die we await the resurrection in paradise or prison. It was there that Christ went after His death but before His resurrection so that the Gospel could be preached to the dead. That the captives would hear the message of liberty.

The bible says Jesus "descended into Hell"

When Christ died He received the key to the gate of death. Before Christ, those that believed in God, died but were not resurrected. Christ was the first to be resurrected. They had to wait for Christ to break the barrier of death.

So they went to a place referred to as Abraham's bosom. There were 2 levels, separated by a deep chasm between Abraham's side and Hades on the other. Neither group had their physical bodies but were recognizable. They spoke to each other.
Read Luke 16: 19-31 for a better explanation.

When Christ died He took the key to the gate and went to Abraham's bosom to retrieve the faithful. He proclaimed who he was to those in Hades. The graves that opened during the earthquake while Christ was on the cross, were the graves that contained the physical remains of those in Abraham's bosom. When they returned with Christ, they were in their physical bodies, which were repaired and glorified.

A Rabbi from the temple was returning to the temple and saw them. He estimated about 10,000 of them, including 2 brothers who had been priests, that had died and were recently buried.
The Rabbi ran to the temple with the news. The High priests ordered the two formally dead men be brought to the temple and they were interrogated separately. ( I'll bet those High priests just shit their pants. ) Both accounts were the same. Jesus came and got them.
The 10,000, remained on earth for 40 days and were presented to God by Jesus as a first fruit offering when they finally ascended to Heaven.

Because Christ has already risen, now when the faithful die, instead of Abraham's bosom, we go directly to the Father, in the same form that the dead in the bosom were in before Christ arrived.

The same process of being reunited with our clay exterior will be repeated though.
Christ is going to appear in the clouds to remove His followers from the earth before the shit hits the fan. And the graves of those who died in Christ will open and we will be reunited with our repaired, glorified bodies. And for good reason.
We will be coming back to earth with Christ, shortly thereafter for the battle at Har Megiddo. And we will stay here on earth to rule and reign with our brother, Jesus, for eternity.

As to Judgement. Once repentance for sin has occurred, the sin no longer exists. Simply put, write down a sin you have committed on a piece of paper. Then dip the paper in a can of red paint. If Satan can't see that sin, he cannot demand God be just, concerning that sin. It is permanently covered by the blood of Christ. You will not be judged for your sins by God, because your sins no longer exist.

UNLESS......you have been judging others. You will be judged according to the extent you have placed judgement on others. God can't stress enough to judge not, lest you be judged. Paul wouldn't even judge himself. Other people's actions are none of our business. That is between them and God.
So a word of caution, if you just have to judge other people's actions, do it in the manner that you would wish to be judged. Don't want judged? Don't judge. It is that easy.

Sin cannot enter Heaven, so if you are standing in Heaven after death it is because you have NO sin. You will be attending your coronation upon arrival.

The Bema Judgement:
What you will be judged on at that time is your good works. If those good works were done for Christ's sake, you will be crowned accordingly. Those good works we do here on earth, for our own edification, ( look at me, I did good) will not be counted. Your ranking in God's government will be decided on those good works done in the name of the Lord.
A believer in Christ with no good works will still go to Heaven, but there will be no treasures stored up there for him.

Remember the rich man in Hades? He is still there. Along with all those that have died without accepting the blood of Christ to cleanse them.
1,000 years after Christ and we return to earth to set up God's kingdom right here, Christ will hold court. Those that have died covered in their sins with have to account for their actions. Avoid this judgement at all costs.

There are no prophesies left that need to be fulfilled, before Christ can return.
We are the only generation on earth that has been able to say that.
Luke 21:28

and sorry this post is so long.......
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First of all let's please keep this clean...

When Christians bring up the crucifixion of Jesus, is that the reason they are forgiven from sin? So you automatically are sinless?

Also if Jesus was god in flesh why would people disagree with God? Many people disagreed with him and why did they kill God?

So angels came to take Gods soul to parsdaisie when he was killed?

That doesn't sound like God to me im sorry

If Mohammad is the man God sent to fix everything all the other prophets got wrong, and the Qur'an is the Word of God in it's purest form, why doesn't everyone follow the pedophile?
“A great misconception prevails as to the age at which Aisha was taken in marriage by the Prophet. Ibn Sa‘d has stated in the Tabaqat that when Abu Bakr [father of Aisha] was approached on behalf of the Holy Prophet, he replied that the girl had already been betrothed to Jubair, and that he would have to settle the matter first with him. This shows that Aisha must have been approaching majority at the time. Again, the Isaba, speaking of the Prophet’s daughter Fatima, says that she was born five years before the Call and was about five years older than Aisha. This shows that Aisha must have been about ten years at the time of her betrothal to the Prophet, and not six years as she is generally supposed to be. This is further borne out by the fact that Aisha herself is reported to have stated that when the chapter [of the Holy Quran] entitled The Moon, the fifty-fourth chapter, was revealed, she was a girl playing about and remembered certain verses then revealed. Now the fifty-fourth chapter was undoubtedly revealed before the sixth year of the Call. All these considerations point to but one conclusion, viz., that Aisha could not have been less than ten years of age at the time of her nikah, which was virtually only a betrothal. And there is one report in the Tabaqat that Aisha was nine years of age at the time of nikah. Again it is a fact admitted on all hands that the nikah of Aisha took place in the tenth year of the Call in the month of Shawwal, while there is also preponderance of evidence as to the consummation of her marriage taking place in the second year of Hijra in the same month, which shows that full five years had elapsed between the nikah and the consummation. Hence there is not the least doubt that Aisha was at least nine or ten years of age at the time of betrothal, and fourteen or fifteen years at the time of marriage.” [4] (Bolding is mine.)


1. The famous classical historian of Islam, Ibn Jarir Tabari, wrote in his ‘History’:

“In the time before Islam, Abu Bakr married two women. The first was Fatila daughter of Abdul Uzza, from whom Abdullah and Asma were born. Then he married Umm Ruman, from whom Abdur Rahman and Aisha were born. These four were born before Islam.” [5]

Being born before Islam means being born before the Call.

2. The compiler of the famous Hadith collection Mishkat al-Masabih, Imam Wali-ud-Din Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Khatib, who died 700 years ago, has also written brief biographical notes on the narrators of Hadith reports. He writes under Asma, the older daughter of Abu Bakr:

“She was the sister of Aisha Siddiqa, wife of the Holy Prophet, and was ten years older than her. … In 73 A.H. … Asma died at the age of one hundred years.” [6]

(Go here to see an image of the full entry in Urdu.)

This would make Asma 28 years of age in 1 A.H., the year of the Hijra, thus making Aisha 18 years old in 1 A.H. So Aisha would be 19 years old at the time of the consummation of her marriage, and 14 or 15 years old at the time of her nikah. It would place her year of birth at four or five years before the Call.

3. The same statement is made by the famous classical commentator of the Holy Quran, Ibn Kathir, in his book Al-bidayya wal-nihaya:

“Asma died in 73 A.H. at the age of one hundred years. She was ten years older than her sister Aisha.” [7]
First of all let's please keep this clean...

When Christians bring up the crucifixion of Jesus, is that the reason they are forgiven from sin? So you automatically are sinless?

Also if Jesus was god in flesh why would people disagree with God? Many people disagreed with him and why did they kill God?

So angels came to take Gods soul to parsdaisie when he was killed?

That doesn't sound like God to me im sorry

Dear BIK: Without intending to, I think your questions align with the three persons of God that are distinct yet one; these are NOT the same, and that is why it can be confusing to call all these 'God'

1. First God as Creator or Source of all Life/Universe is the level where you say God is infinite with no beginning and no end
2. Second, God's universal laws of truth and justice (word of God) are what is embodied in "Jesus" as the incarnation we can know on our limited/finite earthly level of man
We embody and embrace the spirit of Jesus in our hearts when we accept and recognize authority by conscience for the laws, whether the Divine laws of the church in religious scriptures or Natural laws of the gentiles through civil laws, science, sociology/psychology etc.
3. Third God's love and divine grace bring peace and healing among all of us on earth through the "Holy Spirit" where this heavenly peace is called the Kingdom of God, paradise, world peace, etc.

So if you first identify which level of God you are addressing, it is less confusing.

Anything to do with Jesus is the process of JUSTICE becoming incarnate in man, our laws being filled and followed in the spirit of truth and justice, with loving mercy and forgiveness to bring correction, not more retribution judgment and punishment. Christ Jesus in the NT is about restorative justice (not retributive justice as in the OT).

This is a distinct level from "God the Father in Heaven" which is greater than our level, at which we can connect to God through Jesus by Conscience. In Christ, even though these levels of God, man and Jesus joining the two are DISTINCT, they are ONE in harmony, Jesus representing God's perfect will, so that through reconciliation our free will becomes aligned with God's will.

So During that process of reconciliation, yes, we will ask and make mistakes and go against God's will while we are learning what works with it and what is out of balance and harmony.

That is why forgiveness in Christ is so important, so we can reconcile even after we make mistakes in judgment because we are learning.

As for what atones for sin, it is important to distinguish divine forgiveness or grace from God which is not earned but offered unconditionally; and then what follows from that is the earthly corrections and restitution for any wrongs we commit against neighbors on that level.

These are NOT to be confused. You do NOT earn God's grace by how good you are, only by asking help to forgive do you receive this, no matter how much has gone wrong, the more that is forgiven the more is given in return to heal and make whole so justice is restored.

And on the earthly level, forgiveness on the spiritual level DOES NOT WIPE OUT debts or damages our neighbors may hold us to for what we do wrong. We still owe it to our neighbors to fix what is required to amend relationships on a practical level, even though the spiritual forgiveness is free on that level. Does this make sense?

What Jesus did is that with his sacrifice, he did not owe for any past sins as other people carry debts/sins/karma from past generations we are repeating. So when his sacrifice is forgiven, the debt is paid FORWARD not backward. So all people who forgive then receive this extra grace that heals the damages and grants us strength and ability to make good on debts in the physical world also. Instead of answering injustice with more revenge, we correct the mistakes of the past and invest in building a better future, in healing and restoring relationships and bringing lasting peace on earth first individually then collectively.

So by forgiving and correcting in the spirit or name of Christ Jesus, or Restorative Justice, we BREAK the cycle of abuse/suffering repeated from the past, and bring peace instead.
So this abundance multiplies and the happiness is spread instead of more suffering.

Teh sacrifice of Christ represents this process on a spiritual level, collectively over time for all humanity. When we go through the steps in our lives and relationships, we can call it the recovery process, the steps of grief and healing, the steps of forgiveness, etc. One level is divine, for all humanity collectively, the other level is what we experience on earth locally.

The point of having faith in Christ as joining us with God is that both levels are ONE.
What we accomplish individually in our own relations is a direct reflection of all humanity.
Both levels are governed by the same spirit of loving truth and justice with mercy. That is what it means for Christ to be the central level joining man on earth with God in heaven.

Jesus is on both levels at once, both God's perfect will on a divine level beyond man;
and manifested in our world and consciousness as Justice and Truth in our hearts, mind and conscience. So that our physical lives world and relationships are governed in that spirit.
Even though we as humans are finite and separated, collectively we are joined as one in harmony, which is what it means for the Holy Spirit to be received and uniting all people.
If Mohammad is the man God sent to fix everything all the other prophets got wrong, and the Qur'an is the Word of God in it's purest form, why doesn't everyone follow the pedophile?

In order to follow Mohammad's teachings, we would respect
the Jewish Torah
the Muslim Quran
the Christian Scriptures
So anyone who does that, that is the Churched tribe under the Sacred laws or scriptures.

not everyone is of this fold.

There are others in the fold of the Secular Gentiles under Natural laws.
Some of these are the Constitutionalists, the Buddhists, the secular humanists,
social scientists, etc.

As long as you are following the spirit of truth and justice with loving mercy and forgiveness and compassion for all humanity, then no matter what tribe of which fold you ascribe to, "we will all get along." Only if you do NOT forgive conflicts or issues you have from others from the past, and if you PROJECT these onto other relations, then we have conflicts.

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