Questions For Evolutionists.

Two simple questions for Religious Evolutionists:

1) How did the earliest organisms reproduce before they evolved sexual organs?

2) If the earliest organisms were able to reproduce without sexual organs, then why was there a need for them (sexual organs) to evolve in the first place?

The very first chapter of the Bible openly discusses the two sexes matter-of-factly. It not only discusses that two sexes existed from the beginning but discusses the purpose of sexual relations between a man (he) and a woman (she).

Early organisms reproduced by binary fission. But it has it's downfall in that, if there is a genetic mutations, that mutation will be passed irreparably to each succeeding generation.
Sexual reproduction introduced the combining of two gene polls merging. So a defective chromosome (generic mutation) has a spare gene.
For me personally, the Bible is all I require.

Now post your proof that life ** poofed ** onto the scene by pure happenstance. I realize that you have faith that it did. Now prove it.
All I need is some elementary elements, a source of energy (like the sun) and 1 billion years to run the experiment.

You'll have proof when the experiment finishes.
Why bother? You don't have any science background and you're a Bible literalist.
And explain how any of that is wrong. Many of the idiots who buy the religion of evolution have science backgrounds, so how on earth did their degree help them?
All I need is some elementary elements, a source of energy (like the sun) and 1 billion years to run the experiment.

You'll have proof when the experiment finishes.
So you have no proof. That confirms my suspicions.

By the way ... where did the sun come from? Hurry ... refer to one of your religious "science" texts.
Lots of evidence of Intelligent Design.

When I look at a car engine, I know instinctively that it was designed by an intelligent individual. When I look at the far more intricate eyeball or living cell, I also know instinctively that it was designed by an intelligent mind. That's just common sense.
Is that also proof that COVID was created in a lab by intelligent design?
Why bother? You don't have any science background and you're a Bible literalist.
Even a bible realist can't answer the question that every upstart child asked in sunday school, and was rebuked because theologians didn't have an answer.
And explain how any of that is wrong. Many of the idiots who buy the religion of evolution have science backgrounds, so how on earth did their degree help them?
You could say the same of lawyers. Look how many of Trumps lawyers, whose law degrees didn't stop them from committing crimes.
So you have no proof. That confirms my suspicions.

By the way ... where did the sun come from? Hurry ... refer to one of your religious "science" texts.
After the big bang plus 1/1,000th of a second, it was all basic science. Starting with the elementary particles.
Actually ... yes. It was created by intelligent (albeit evil) minds.
And what of smallpox, the black plague, whooping cough, and the literally thousands of bacterial and viral diseases that predated man even knowing they existed, thus couldn't have created any of them.
Look to the bible, and tell me, who did Cain marry? And where did his wife come from?
Look to the Bible very closely and find that God created male and female on the 6th day, simultaneously. He created "them."

God rested on the 7th day.

Adam was "formed" (not created) on the 8th day (8 meaning new beginning). From Adam, he formed Eve. This was not a simultaneous creation. Creation is not the same as formation. God "formed" Adam from the dust of the earth.

Cain was cast out of Eden and sent east to the land of Nod where he took a wife. So Cain, a product of Adam who was formed on the 8th day took a wife from among the humans that were "created" on the 6th day.
And what of smallpox, the black plague, whooping cough, and the literally thousands of bacterial and viral diseases that predated man even knowing they existed, thus couldn't have created any of them.
God's original creation was perfect. There was no sickness. Adam's fall from grace corrupted God's perfect creation.
After the big bang plus 1/1,000th of a second, it was all basic science. Starting with the elementary particles.
Ah yes. "The Big Bang." I was wondering when that imaginative hypothesis would rear is comedic head.
Adam was "formed" (not created) on the 8th day (8 meaning new beginning). From Adam, he formed Eve. This was not a simultaneous creation. Creation is not the same as formation. God "formed" Adam from the dust of the earth.

Check your references

(Genesis 1:1–2:4), God on the sixth day of Creation created all the living creatures and, “in his own image,” man both “male and female.” God then blessed the couple, told them to be “fruitful and multiply,” and gave them dominion over all other living

That says Adam was created on the 6th day.

On that seventh day, “God ceased from the work that God had done,” and on the eighth God made humanity a partner in creation (Genesis 2:1).
Check your references

(Genesis 1:1–2:4), God on the sixth day of Creation created all the living creatures and, “in his own image,” man both “male and female.” God then blessed the couple, told them to be “fruitful and multiply,” and gave them dominion over all other living

That says Adam was created on the 6th day.

On that seventh day, “God ceased from the work that God had done,” and on the eighth God made humanity a partner in creation (Genesis 2:1).
doesn't change what I said God made all mankind.
doesn't change what I said God made all mankind.
I believe your interpretation to be the correct one. That Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 tell similar stories, not as a repeat, but one of mankinds creation on earth, and the other of his work in the Garden of Eden. And both occurring simultaneously on the 6th day.
So you're saying there's an intelligence guiding and informing the selection process...awesome

In the barnyard ... of course ... this is what's called "artificial selection" ... we select for the best wool ... or mutton ... ask the farmer and usually they'll be glad to tell you about about what they're selecting for ...

Reproductive capacities is what nature selects for ... not intelligence ... the mutation that allows better reproduction need only occur once, after so many generations this mutation will dominate the entire population ... and we're clear how this happens on the molecular level ... how DNA unzips and mRNA forms against the exposed surfaces, how tRNA brings in amino acid units and strings them together as proteins ... including reproductive hormones ...

Evolution is just a theory ... a hypothesis ... a belief system designed to make money ... a scientific way to make better wool ...

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