Questions For Evolutionists.

Because of selection. Selection forced that efficiency. Less efficient models get weeded out. By nonrandom selection.
Decade After Decadent Decade, Generation After Degenerate Generation

America has been evolving backwards. That comes from higher powers selecting for cowardice, stupidity, and slavishness. The belief that those powers are benevolent, or at least that they are actually more powerful (as in The Wizard of Oz) lets them get away with this designed decline.
For me personally, the Bible is all I require.

Now post your proof that life ** poofed ** onto the scene by pure happenstance. I realize that you have faith that it did. Now prove it.
One Step Beyond

The life force always existed, but it didn't always exist in this universe. Theism is against individualism; it is a monarchy. It was said by his flunkies that a king ruled by divine right; that preached slavishness was effective because it is a direct result of believing in divinity itself.
Lots of evidence of Intelligent Design.

When I look at a car engine, I know instinctively that it was designed by an intelligent individual. When I look at the far more intricate eyeball or living cell, I also know instinctively that it was designed by an intelligent mind. That's just common sense.

The answer is self-design. Any other answer elevates a being above all others, which idea was propagated by those who themselves wanted to rule all others.
By the time of Adam and Eve Sumer had written language, agriculture, irrigation and sailboats.
Escapist Academic Intellectualism

Sumeria also had Jews, who invented all that, which is confirmed by the fact that their IQs have been tested as higher than normal. But they got exploited, and reacted by dropping out and running away.

Also, because of their experience from nerd-bashing, they quit creating useful things and wasted their intelligence on quibbling over religious doctrine. They became the only ancient tribe that actually had a doctrine, with long and complicated explanations for every word and sentence in their Book.
One Step Beyond

The life force always existed, but it didn't always exist in this universe. Theism is against individualism; it is a monarchy. It was said by his flunkies that a king ruled by divine right; that preached slavishness was effective because it is a direct result of believing in divinity itself.
Interesting opinion. Based on what, exactly?

The answer is self-design. Any other answer elevates a being above all others, which idea was propagated by those who themselves wanted to rule all others.
Are you saying that the little, single-celled life forms that ** abracadabra ** ** poofed ** into the universe for no apparent reason were already intelligent enough to start forming themselves? Your faith is great, my friend.
Escapist Academic Intellectualism

Sumeria also had Jews, who invented all that, which is confirmed by the fact that their IQs have been tested as higher than normal. But they got exploited, and reacted by dropping out and running away.

Also, because of their experience from nerd-bashing, they quit creating useful things and wasted their intelligence on quibbling over religious doctrine. They became the only ancient tribe that actually had a doctrine, with long and complicated explanations for every word and sentence in their Book.
I'm speaking of a thousand years before the Jews.
You will need to define successful, as bigger is not always better, and advantages in one environment, could be liabilities in another.

I did ... for domestic sheep, it's either better wool or better tasting mutton ... and I think selecting for house cats that don't bite would be a good idea ... nature selects for reproduction: 6 children that survive to breed themselves is more successful than 3 children that survive to breed ... or an algae cell that divides in half the time ... whatever improves reproduction ...
Look to the bible, and tell me, who did Cain marry? And where did his wife come from?

"As for Cain, when the mourning for his brother was ended, he took his sister Luluwa and married her, without leave from his father and mother; for they could not keep him from her, by reason of their heavy hearts." -- 2 Adam and Eve 1:6

This left Abel's sister, Aklemia, alone until Seth grew to manhood ...
"As for Cain, when the mourning for his brother was ended, he took his sister Luluwa and married her, without leave from his father and mother; for they could not keep him from her, by reason of their heavy hearts." -- 2 Adam and Eve 1:6

This left Abel's sister, Aklemia, alone until Seth grew to manhood ...
Sorry...why are any traits "selected" in a random Universe?

The universe is not random ... or we wouldn't need the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics ...

We're talking about inherited traits right? ... the two daughter algae cells are identical to the parent cell ... that's not random ...

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