Questions for Tea Partiers

Yet another stellar post from willow... wow.

it's true though, he claims to be an independent thinker after he posts 20 questions that include all liberalorrhoidal talking points. who the hell does he think he's kidding? you obviously.

So sorry. Didn't mean to make obvious your cowardice. You just keep doing the only things you know how to:

Insult anyone with the audacity to ask you about issues.
Change the subject
Cut & Run.

Poor baby. Get picked on a lot in high school didja? Didn't exactly come out summa? It's okay. At least you have a nice cat.

Here. Tell ya what. You just let me know which of these issues are "Liberal":

Military presence and spending
Defense of Marriage v Gay Rights
Gun control
Tax subsidies and breaks
PAC & Lobbyist influence on government

So only the Liberals are concerned with those things? Danm! Well then screw the TP, I want someone in charge who at least considers these legitimate political issues!

You may now continue dodging, insulting, changing the subject or just Cut & Run :)

Don't bother. Crusader is an asshole and a moron, and Willow is... well Willow is just Willow. I think you nailed her down pretty well. :lol::lol::lol:
Oh, let me make it simple and understandable for the Independents and Moderates. I tune right out at the very mention of certain key phrases, for example: ManMade Global Warming, Fossil Fuels, Obama's a Moderate, "I'm an Independent"

Okay, let's see if we can find the ignorant whackjob in the crowd.

I have never said nor do I believe that Global Warming is Man-Made or even factual. Frankly, I'm just not convinced of it. Seems to be plenty of reason for both arguments.

I think Obama sucks and is one of the worst presidents we've had in my lifetime.

Btw, I'm pro-gun ownership, anti-union, a business owner who thinks American businesses get screwed by both Reps and Dems, Christian, a vet who believes in strong defense, think ObamCare is danm near criminal, hate Pelosi and Reed (but then again, also Boehner and Cantor) and you know - all that "Liberal" stuff...

Hmmm. I forgot about the other whackjob tactic. If you're a weak little puss with no strength or conviction, label the other side and project views onto them that you don't even know they have.

So let's see. We've had about 20 replies from Tea Partiers. 16 of them never addressed and issue and were really, just plain whackjob weakness. California Girl and Full Auto expressed intelligent posts that addressed issues. RightWinger suggested these were legitmate issues (Must be a Lib!).
Willow claimed that taxes, spending, defense, gun ownership and abortion are all just liberal talking points. Nola really said nothing at all - which seems to him operating a full capacity.

Okay thanks. You guys make it easy to see what the majority of the Tea party is like.
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The people rallied from all spectrums with one common theme.

Fiscal sanity. That alone is the unifying quality.

Thanks. You sound more like the people I met irl at the party. That does seem to be the unifying thread but when you read what posters here write, it seems many have no clue as to where the TP stands on a lot of issues. Or they just "know" that anyone disagreeing or asking questions is somehow intolerable (see above).

So of the 20 issues above, are there any others that you think the TP would have as it's platform? It seems to me that eliminating government agencies is one. While I agree with the concept, I do differ in which ones I would target. Whatcha think?

Is it really fiscal sanity or radically downsize government. It seems to me to be the latter because if it we fiscal sanity you would agree to some pretty reasonable revenue enhancements.

How ever those weren't agreed to which leads me to believe the real agenda is to radically downsize government.
The people rallied from all spectrums with one common theme.

Fiscal sanity. That alone is the unifying quality.

Thanks. You sound more like the people I met irl at the party. That does seem to be the unifying thread but when you read what posters here write, it seems many have no clue as to where the TP stands on a lot of issues. Or they just "know" that anyone disagreeing or asking questions is somehow intolerable (see above).

So of the 20 issues above, are there any others that you think the TP would have as it's platform? It seems to me that eliminating government agencies is one. While I agree with the concept, I do differ in which ones I would target. Whatcha think?

Is it really fiscal sanity or radically downsize government. It seems to me to be the latter because if it we fiscal sanity you would agree to some pretty reasonable revenue enhancements.

How ever those weren't agreed to which leads me to believe the real agenda is to radically downsize government.

Well you know, in the OP I mentioned going to one of their parties (people were much more sane and civil there). Radically downsizing government was a big topic of discussion and although I wasn't in total agreement with them, there is a VERY legitimate point to this idea. Example: The Rural Electrification Bureau. Establish in like 1920 or something to make sure folks out in the country got that new, cool thing - electricity. Well, I think we're pretty much past that one now. But guess what? We still spend millions running this thing every year. WTF??? NPR would be another example of something I would cut funding to.

So while I happen to disagree with some of them on dumping say, the CIA, I have to agree that we have so much redundancy and waste, there is lots of room for cuts.
I think we all want fiscal sanity. I think there are the few who want the radical fiscal approach, where as it's Main Street America that just get cut off at the knees but not Corporate America. I can't support that approach, I like a balanced approach much better.
And yes, dump Obamacare BUT run away health care cost MUST be addressed!
See why I have no patience for Independents or Moderates?

Yeah you're right. All we do is decide every election anyway. So the first two responses are?

Dodges? Implied insults? Any answers to any direct questions on issues? Not yet.

Seems like anger and pouting can get you guys momentum for a while but eventually at least a tad of substance would be helpful.

Here, let me reverse the situation. Ask me my view on any issue or subject. I will answer directly and specifically. Us darn Independents are like that!

I don't see any agencies on your list that I would eliminate although I do have a list. You go first!

6. The list a government agencies you would eliminate is also quite varied. EPA? CIA? USDA? FAA? I don't find any of those UnConstitutional and although I know there is waste and inefficiency, would keep them all. I can explain my reasoning and if you disagree, guess what? That doesn't mean you're "an ignorant statists libtard socialist!" or whatever. But I'm curious as to how extensive a list you have.
My friend asked what I thought afterward (he was obviously in recruiting mode) and I ended up on this and two other boards.
So I'd like to get some clarification from Tea Partiers as there seems to be a lot of conflicting or even self-contradictng posts.
1. One poster claims the ONLY thing the TP is concerned about is the budget. I don't find this credible. What say you?

I agree with the TP. The democrats require ever increased spending to maintain their base.

2. Lots of you claim you want to return to a Constitutional government. The problem I have is that you all seem to believe that only your interpretation of the Constitution is the right one. Ex: I asked about owning a machine gun, RPG or Nuke under the 2nd Amendment. Three TP's who agreed with each other all responded. They gave three different responses and reasons why. Then they all claimed the USC never needs to be interpreted. Connect those dots.

EDIT - I missed this one. Interpretation of original intent. Not "It means whatever we want it to mean and we'll bend it into a pretzel to force it to mean that".

3. Do you believe Obama is a Kenyan? Muslim? Really?

Kenyan? no...but I thought it was strange he refused to produce a birth certificate for years. I did wonder what he was hiding.

He says he is a Christian. I say I'm a Christian.

Do you believe I'm a Christian?

So, to answer your question, no man truly knows what lies in another man's heart.

4. Would you overturn Roe v Wade?

Yes, it's bad law. It should be decided by the states.

5. Would you close all our foreign military bases? Most? Some? None? THis is an area you guys seem pretty diverse on.

I definitely think we should consider it. We can't afford to be the world police.

6. The list a government agencies you would eliminate is also quite varied. EPA? CIA? USDA? FAA? I don't find any of those UnConstitutional and although I know there is waste and inefficiency, would keep them all. I can explain my reasoning and if you disagree, guess what? That doesn't mean you're "an ignorant statists libtard socialist!" or whatever. But I'm curious as to how extensive a list you have.

I'd like to see every Federal Agency that is duplicated by state governments looked at.

For example, the U.S. Department of Education. What do they do that the states can't do without them?

7. So. Can I go get my Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher now? They had cannons back in the FF's day! How about mounting a .50 cal on my upstairs porch overlooking the street? My own personal nuke?

A grenade is an explosive, a cannon is artillery, you can already buy a .50 cal machine gun legally, a nuclear weapon is a WMD. Any more questions?

8. Health Care. Hmm. I think ObamaCare sucks balls. What would you do about healtch care for the poor? Anything? Nothing? Soylent Green?

Obamacare is a monstrosity...we have healthcare for the's bankrupting us.

9. Gay Marriage. Will it make you gay? Do you not care?

I oppose it. So does Obama, so there we agree. Civil Unions.

10. Gays in Military. Will our troops become sissies?

I oppose it. I'll dig up the thread if you are interested in reading my reasoning.

11. Taxes. Flat tax? Fair tax? Thumb tax?

We need to simplify the tax code.

12. Do you think Michelle Bachmann was correct when she said the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to abolish slavery?

Some of them did. Some worked tirelessly to continue slavery.

13. Do you think Sarah Palin is unfairly attacked by the Media?

Yes, but I also think she wasn't prepared to be Vice President and that she shouldn't have quit as Governor of Alaska...I won't vote for her.

14. Do you think FOX is too liberal? Fair and unbiased? Has a Conservative agenda?

I watch a lot of Fox News. I think the news side of Fox is fair, but they bring you news that the more liberal news outlets ignore. The opinion side has a conservative agenda.

15. Do you think any of our problems are in part, the fault of Bush?

Definitely, Bush was a spender, as was the Republican controlled congress.

16. How about that water-boarding!

If it will save American lives, water-board them.

17. Was the debt ceiling thing all the Dems fault?

Define "debt ceiling thing". The spending was both sides fault. The failure to do what needed to be done was on Obama and the Democrats.

18. Do you think Job Creators like Big Oil and MNE's should get special tax breaks or subsidies that other companies do not? Why?

No. I think we can do away with a lot of subsidies.

19. Is America a Christian Nation? What does that mean?

Again, what does that mean? 76% of the population of the U.S. self identifies as Christian.

20. How about PAC and lobbyist contributions? Keep em secret?

You'll need to be more specific here.

These are some of the things where you guys seem to have more diversity of views. I've seen TP's who have as much disdain for Bush as Obama - well almost. There are TP's who don't care what gays do or where. Others want to send them to camps to get cured by God. It's all over the place.
So you can just go with Yes or No but I came here to learn about you guys and so far, I've found out I'm a Liberal because I don't think carrying an M-4 into my local pub is a good idea. LOTS of tongue in cheek here folks - btw, if you guys didn't get so instantly pissed off at everyone who disagreed with you, you would get much more attentive ears. Have a little humor!

Edit - For the record, I'm not a formal tea party member. These views are mine.
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Thanks. You sound more like the people I met irl at the party. That does seem to be the unifying thread but when you read what posters here write, it seems many have no clue as to where the TP stands on a lot of issues. Or they just "know" that anyone disagreeing or asking questions is somehow intolerable (see above).

So of the 20 issues above, are there any others that you think the TP would have as it's platform? It seems to me that eliminating government agencies is one. While I agree with the concept, I do differ in which ones I would target. Whatcha think?

Is it really fiscal sanity or radically downsize government. It seems to me to be the latter because if it we fiscal sanity you would agree to some pretty reasonable revenue enhancements.

How ever those weren't agreed to which leads me to believe the real agenda is to radically downsize government.

Well you know, in the OP I mentioned going to one of their parties (people were much more sane and civil there). Radically downsizing government was a big topic of discussion and although I wasn't in total agreement with them, there is a VERY legitimate point to this idea. Example: The Rural Electrification Bureau. Establish in like 1920 or something to make sure folks out in the country got that new, cool thing - electricity. Well, I think we're pretty much past that one now. But guess what? We still spend millions running this thing every year. WTF??? NPR would be another example of something I would cut funding to.

So while I happen to disagree with some of them on dumping say, the CIA, I have to agree that we have so much redundancy and waste, there is lots of room for cuts.

True but if you don't believe in any revenue increase, strong defense and a balanced budget you can get there without eliminating all or most entitlements. Now if you are like Ron Paul and also want to cut defense you can get there and keep Medicare. In Ron's case I would guess he wants to cut Medicare and futher cut taxes.

So either they are delusional (which I doubt) or the agenda is to significantly reduce government and I am not talking about waste.
I moved to Nevada from Houston a while back. Houston is great. It is also mostly Conservative. Not Conservative like I see today but more like Reagan / Bush era Conservative. I liked that.
So when we got here, a new friend invited me to one of these Tea Party meetings. It was actually a Tea Party in that they served tea but it might have been accurately called a Tea Soda & Beer Party. It was nice and seemed as social as political. Lots of people who knew each other and hated Obama - whom they all seemed to actually believe is both Kenyan and Muslim.
My friend asked what I thought afterward (he was obviously in recruiting mode) and I ended up on this and two other boards.
So I'd like to get some clarification from Tea Partiers as there seems to be a lot of conflicting or even self-contradictng posts.
1. One poster claims the ONLY thing the TP is concerned about is the budget. I don't find this credible. What say you?
2. Lots of you claim you want to return to a Constitutional government. The problem I have is that you all seem to believe that only your interpretation of the Constitution is the right one. Ex: I asked about owning a machine gun, RPG or Nuke under the 2nd Amendment. Three TP's who agreed with each other all responded. They gave three different responses and reasons why. Then they all claimed the USC never needs to be interpreted. Connect those dots..
3. Do you believe Obama is a Kenyan? Muslim? Really?
4. Would you overturn Roe v Wade?
5. Would you close all our foreign military bases? Most? Some? None? THis is an area you guys seem pretty diverse on.
6. The list a government agencies you would eliminate is also quite varied. EPA? CIA? USDA? FAA? I don't find any of those UnConstitutional and although I know there is waste and inefficiency, would keep them all. I can explain my reasoning and if you disagree, guess what? That doesn't mean you're "an ignorant statists libtard socialist!" or whatever. But I'm curious as to how extensive a list you have.
7. So. Can I go get my Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher now? They had cannons back in the FF's day! How about mounting a .50 cal on my upstairs porch overlooking the street? My own personal nuke?
8. Health Care. Hmm. I think ObamaCare sucks balls. What would you do about healtch care for the poor? Anything? Nothing? Soylent Green?
9. Gay Marriage. Will it make you gay? Do you not care?
10. Gays in Military. Will our troops become sissies?
11. Taxes. Flat tax? Fair tax? Thumb tax?
12. Do you think Michelle Bachmann was correct when she said the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to abolish slavery?
13. Do you think Sarah Palin is unfairly attacked by the Media?
14. Do you think FOX is too liberal? Fair and unbiased? Has a Conservative agenda?
15. Do you think any of our problems are in part, the fault of Bush?
16. How about that water-boarding!
17. Was the debt ceiling thing all the Dems fault?
18. Do you think Job Creators like Big Oil and MNE's should get special tax breaks or subsidies that other companies do not? Why?
19. Is America a Christian Nation? What does that mean?
20. How about PAC and lobbyist contributions? Keep em secret?

These are some of the things where you guys seem to have more diversity of views. I've seen TP's who have as much disdain for Bush as Obama - well almost. There are TP's who don't care what gays do or where. Others want to send them to camps to get cured by God. It's all over the place.
So you can just go with Yes or No but I came here to learn about you guys and so far, I've found out I'm a Liberal because I don't think carrying an M-4 into my local pub is a good idea. LOTS of tongue in cheek here folks - btw, if you guys didn't get so instantly pissed off at everyone who disagreed with you, you would get much more attentive ears. Have a little humor!

I am a tea party member

1. Yes--the majority of the tea parties primary concern is the deficit--and our run a way federal government borrowing and spending too much.
2. We're not allowed to own WMD or Nukes in this country--so you probably made your second question up. If you're asking about gun ownership--YES we believe in the 2nd amendment of the US constitution.
3. The overwhelming majority of the tea party movement believe that Barack Obama is a US citizen and was born in Hawaii.
4. There are pro-life democrats--pro-life republicans--pro-life independents--and pro-life tea party members--just as there are pro-choice democrats--pro-choice republicans--pro-choice independents--and pro-choice tea party members.
5. Close the ones we no longer need. Germany for a start--but other party members may disagree with me.
6. Close non-essential agencies--and especially the ones that duplicate each others work. In one group we have 16 different government funded agencies duplicating each others work. There is so much waste in the Federal Government spending it could probably balance the budget in itself. I imagine it's in the billions each and every month.
7. Is not a question--it's a statement from you.
8. Health care for the poor is already taken care of through Medicade programs.
9. You asked--Will gay marriage make someone gay? Answer NO.
10. Gays in the military? Gays have been in the military for decades and it hasn't bothered anyone.- ( I think you were trying to ask about don't ask--don't tell--LOL)
11. Flat tax
12. Which founding fathers was Michelle Bachmann talking about?
13. There has never been a female conservative woman who has been so viciously attacked as Sarah Palin. They not only went after her--but her kids too.
14. Fox News--provides both points of view--unlike the liberal main stream media and MSNBC> Where there's a conservative--there will be a liberal.
15. Yes--Bush's spending didn't help--he spent 1.6 BILLION dollars a day--and Barack Obama is spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day.
16. I agree with enhanced interrogation procedures--and waterboarding if necessary to save innocent lives--which helped to discover the location of Osama Bin Laden.
18. I do not believe in any corporate welfare--including Obama's favorite--General Electric who made 18.4 BILLION dollars last year and didn't pay a penny in Federal taxes on it.
19. Yes the overwhelming majority of citizens in this country are Christians--Da duh.
20. How about Obama disclosing the PAC money he has received from lobbyists first? No I don't agree with them--but now you're getting hypocritical-

Did that answer all of your thumb-sucking questions? OF COURSE there is diversity in such a large group of people. BUT--the main number ONE concern that we all share is fiscal responsibilty--and in that you won't find a 1/8" difference amoung us.
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See why I have no patience for Independents or Moderates?

Yeah you're right. All we do is decide every election anyway. So the first two responses are?

Dodges? Implied insults? Any answers to any direct questions on issues? Not yet.

Seems like anger and pouting can get you guys momentum for a while but eventually at least a tad of substance would be helpful.

Here, let me reverse the situation. Ask me my view on any issue or subject. I will answer directly and specifically. Us darn Independents are like that!

You don't decide anything! That's your vanity and need to be stroked and I'm here to tell you you can go stroke yourself
See why I have no patience for Independents or Moderates?

Yeah you're right. All we do is decide every election anyway. So the first two responses are?

Dodges? Implied insults? Any answers to any direct questions on issues? Not yet.

Seems like anger and pouting can get you guys momentum for a while but eventually at least a tad of substance would be helpful.

Here, let me reverse the situation. Ask me my view on any issue or subject. I will answer directly and specifically. Us darn Independents are like that!

I don't see any agencies on your list that I would eliminate although I do have a list. You go first!

6. The list a government agencies you would eliminate is also quite varied. EPA? CIA? USDA? FAA? I don't find any of those UnConstitutional and although I know there is waste and inefficiency, would keep them all. I can explain my reasoning and if you disagree, guess what? That doesn't mean you're "an ignorant statists libtard socialist!" or whatever. But I'm curious as to how extensive a list you have.

Sure! I have two lists. The first is what I would just plain dump, the second, I would restructure.
•Administrative Conference of the United States
•African Development Foundation
•Agricultural Marketing Service
•American Battle Monuments Commission
•Broadcasting Board of Governors
•Commission of Fine Arts
•Commission on International Religious Freedom
•Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
•Federal Consulting Group (does anyone really want advice on how to run their biz from the fed???)
•Federal Executive Boards
•Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
•Federal Interagency Committee on Education
•Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy
•Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
•Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
•Government National Mortgage Association
•Millennium Challenge Corporation
•National Indian Gaming Commission
•Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board
•Overseas Private Investment Corporation
•Rural Utilities Service

2. Restructure
I would put the NSA, DIA, CIA, DHS and FBI all under one roof.
I would cut defense (in phases) by over 50%. Take 10% and put it into the intelligence services. We have a new kind of enemy now.

That would be just a start....
My friend asked what I thought afterward (he was obviously in recruiting mode) and I ended up on this and two other boards.
So I'd like to get some clarification from Tea Partiers as there seems to be a lot of conflicting or even self-contradictng posts.
1. One poster claims the ONLY thing the TP is concerned about is the budget. I don't find this credible. What say you?

I agree with the TP. The democrats require ever increased spending to maintain their base.

2. Lots of you claim you want to return to a Constitutional government. The problem I have is that you all seem to believe that only your interpretation of the Constitution is the right one. Ex: I asked about owning a machine gun, RPG or Nuke under the 2nd Amendment. Three TP's who agreed with each other all responded. They gave three different responses and reasons why. Then they all claimed the USC never needs to be interpreted. Connect those dots.

EDIT - I missed this one. Interpretation of original intent. Not "It means whatever we want it to mean and we'll bend it into a pretzel to force it to mean that".

3. Do you believe Obama is a Kenyan? Muslim? Really?

Kenyan? no...but I thought it was strange he refused to produce a birth certificate for years. I did wonder what he was hiding.

He says he is a Christian. I say I'm a Christian.

Do you believe I'm a Christian?

So, to answer your question, no man truly knows what lies in another man's heart.

4. Would you overturn Roe v Wade?

Yes, it's bad law. It should be decided by the states.

5. Would you close all our foreign military bases? Most? Some? None? THis is an area you guys seem pretty diverse on.

I definitely think we should consider it. We can't afford to be the world police.

6. The list a government agencies you would eliminate is also quite varied. EPA? CIA? USDA? FAA? I don't find any of those UnConstitutional and although I know there is waste and inefficiency, would keep them all. I can explain my reasoning and if you disagree, guess what? That doesn't mean you're "an ignorant statists libtard socialist!" or whatever. But I'm curious as to how extensive a list you have.

I'd like to see every Federal Agency that is duplicated by state governments looked at.

For example, the U.S. Department of Education. What do they do that the states can't do without them?

7. So. Can I go get my Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher now? They had cannons back in the FF's day! How about mounting a .50 cal on my upstairs porch overlooking the street? My own personal nuke?

A grenade is an explosive, a cannon is artillery, you can already buy a .50 cal machine gun legally, a nuclear weapon is a WMD. Any more questions?

8. Health Care. Hmm. I think ObamaCare sucks balls. What would you do about healtch care for the poor? Anything? Nothing? Soylent Green?

Obamacare is a monstrosity...we have healthcare for the's bankrupting us.

9. Gay Marriage. Will it make you gay? Do you not care?

I oppose it. So does Obama, so there we agree. Civil Unions.

10. Gays in Military. Will our troops become sissies?

I oppose it. I'll dig up the thread if you are interested in reading my reasoning.

11. Taxes. Flat tax? Fair tax? Thumb tax?

We need to simplify the tax code.

12. Do you think Michelle Bachmann was correct when she said the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to abolish slavery?

Some of them did. Some worked tirelessly to continue slavery.

13. Do you think Sarah Palin is unfairly attacked by the Media?

Yes, but I also think she wasn't prepared to be Vice President and that she shouldn't have quit as Governor of Alaska...I won't vote for her.

14. Do you think FOX is too liberal? Fair and unbiased? Has a Conservative agenda?

I watch a lot of Fox News. I think the news side of Fox is fair, but they bring you news that the more liberal news outlets ignore. The opinion side has a conservative agenda.

15. Do you think any of our problems are in part, the fault of Bush?

Definitely, Bush was a spender, as was the Republican controlled congress.

16. How about that water-boarding!

If it will save American lives, water-board them.

17. Was the debt ceiling thing all the Dems fault?

Define "debt ceiling thing". The spending was both sides fault. The failure to do what needed to be done was on Obama and the Democrats.

18. Do you think Job Creators like Big Oil and MNE's should get special tax breaks or subsidies that other companies do not? Why?

No. I think we can do away with a lot of subsidies.

19. Is America a Christian Nation? What does that mean?

Again, what does that mean? 76% of the population of the U.S. self identifies as Christian.

20. How about PAC and lobbyist contributions? Keep em secret?

You'll need to be more specific here.

These are some of the things where you guys seem to have more diversity of views. I've seen TP's who have as much disdain for Bush as Obama - well almost. There are TP's who don't care what gays do or where. Others want to send them to camps to get cured by God. It's all over the place.
So you can just go with Yes or No but I came here to learn about you guys and so far, I've found out I'm a Liberal because I don't think carrying an M-4 into my local pub is a good idea. LOTS of tongue in cheek here folks - btw, if you guys didn't get so instantly pissed off at everyone who disagreed with you, you would get much more attentive ears. Have a little humor!

Edit - For the record, I'm not a formal tea party member. These views are mine.

Aw hell, and I was just about to compliment you for being the most direct Tea Poster I'd ever seen. Still a good post though...

Oh, on the PACs. Bills have been presented a couple times to force Congress to reveal where they get all their money from. It's been shot down, mostly by Repubs and also by.......... Ron Paul.
See why I have no patience for Independents or Moderates?

Yeah you're right. All we do is decide every election anyway. So the first two responses are?

Dodges? Implied insults? Any answers to any direct questions on issues? Not yet.

Seems like anger and pouting can get you guys momentum for a while but eventually at least a tad of substance would be helpful.

Here, let me reverse the situation. Ask me my view on any issue or subject. I will answer directly and specifically. Us darn Independents are like that!

You don't decide anything! That's your vanity and need to be stroked and I'm here to tell you you can go stroke yourself

LOL! Yeah. YOU'RE informed. Of course sweetie. The Independents never decide elections. You just keep telling yourself that.
Except the mid-terms. FOX loved repeating how Independents decided those.
Oh, and the '08 elections.
And the '06 elections.
And so on...
But it's cool! You've posted 10 times and never discussed a single issue directly. Tea Partier, right? :lol:
I'll bite. Even if this is a little biased. I'm new to this board and want to leave because the name calling is beyond ridiculous. So any real discussion is hard to find.

I'm an independent/Ron Paul supporter by the way.

1. No, TP is worried about other things.

2. I at least want our interpretation to at least be in the same ball park. Sarbanes Oxley is about protecting investors and no power of Congress is even close to explaining how they have that power.

In a lawful sense, the constitution is meant to be interpreted by judges. However, the end all power goes to the people so they are allowed to usurp that. That means every one should be vocal and force more common sense into interpretation.

3. No

4. Debatable. I certainly wouldn't worry about it right now.

5. All.

6. Most of these agencies could be done at the state level. No reason to give a central government that is easily corrupted that much power.

I need a comprehensive list to give my opinion, so I have no official position on these. I would need more time to think about/talk about it/study it before I formed a true position.

7. ?

8. Not a federal government/Congress power. Could be done at the state/county/city/local/citizen level.

9. Equal rights wins.

10. Equal rights wins.

11. Needs to be done. I really like the fair tax. But same position as 6.

12. Don't care.

13. Don't care

14. Don't care

15. Every one makes mistakes so everyone in the US is at fault.

16. Don't torture

17. Every one makes mistakes so everyone in the US is at fault.

18. Federal government shouldn't be concerned about anything corporate wise unless it is breaking rights. You can worry about all of this at the state level.

19. Don't care

20. Get rid of a ton of federal power, worry about this later on the state level.

I moved to Nevada from Houston a while back. Houston is great. It is also mostly Conservative. Not Conservative like I see today but more like Reagan / Bush era Conservative. I liked that.
So when we got here, a new friend invited me to one of these Tea Party meetings. It was actually a Tea Party in that they served tea but it might have been accurately called a Tea Soda & Beer Party. It was nice and seemed as social as political. Lots of people who knew each other and hated Obama - whom they all seemed to actually believe is both Kenyan and Muslim.
My friend asked what I thought afterward (he was obviously in recruiting mode) and I ended up on this and two other boards.
So I'd like to get some clarification from Tea Partiers as there seems to be a lot of conflicting or even self-contradictng posts.
1. One poster claims the ONLY thing the TP is concerned about is the budget. I don't find this credible. What say you?
2. Lots of you claim you want to return to a Constitutional government. The problem I have is that you all seem to believe that only your interpretation of the Constitution is the right one. Ex: I asked about owning a machine gun, RPG or Nuke under the 2nd Amendment. Three TP's who agreed with each other all responded. They gave three different responses and reasons why. Then they all claimed the USC never needs to be interpreted. Connect those dots..
3. Do you believe Obama is a Kenyan? Muslim? Really?
4. Would you overturn Roe v Wade?
5. Would you close all our foreign military bases? Most? Some? None? THis is an area you guys seem pretty diverse on.
6. The list a government agencies you would eliminate is also quite varied. EPA? CIA? USDA? FAA? I don't find any of those UnConstitutional and although I know there is waste and inefficiency, would keep them all. I can explain my reasoning and if you disagree, guess what? That doesn't mean you're "an ignorant statists libtard socialist!" or whatever. But I'm curious as to how extensive a list you have.
7. So. Can I go get my Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher now? They had cannons back in the FF's day! How about mounting a .50 cal on my upstairs porch overlooking the street? My own personal nuke?
8. Health Care. Hmm. I think ObamaCare sucks balls. What would you do about healtch care for the poor? Anything? Nothing? Soylent Green?
9. Gay Marriage. Will it make you gay? Do you not care?
10. Gays in Military. Will our troops become sissies?
11. Taxes. Flat tax? Fair tax? Thumb tax?
12. Do you think Michelle Bachmann was correct when she said the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to abolish slavery?
13. Do you think Sarah Palin is unfairly attacked by the Media?
14. Do you think FOX is too liberal? Fair and unbiased? Has a Conservative agenda?
15. Do you think any of our problems are in part, the fault of Bush?
16. How about that water-boarding!
17. Was the debt ceiling thing all the Dems fault?
18. Do you think Job Creators like Big Oil and MNE's should get special tax breaks or subsidies that other companies do not? Why?
19. Is America a Christian Nation? What does that mean?
20. How about PAC and lobbyist contributions? Keep em secret?

These are some of the things where you guys seem to have more diversity of views. I've seen TP's who have as much disdain for Bush as Obama - well almost. There are TP's who don't care what gays do or where. Others want to send them to camps to get cured by God. It's all over the place.
So you can just go with Yes or No but I came here to learn about you guys and so far, I've found out I'm a Liberal because I don't think carrying an M-4 into my local pub is a good idea. LOTS of tongue in cheek here folks - btw, if you guys didn't get so instantly pissed off at everyone who disagreed with you, you would get much more attentive ears. Have a little humor!
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2. Lots of you claim you want to return to a Constitutional government. The problem I have is that you all seem to believe that only your interpretation of the Constitution is the right one. Ex: I asked about owning a machine gun, RPG or Nuke under the 2nd Amendment. Three TP's who agreed with each other all responded. They gave three different responses and reasons why. Then they all claimed the USC never needs to be interpreted.

I’d like to hear a response as well, particularly the bolded. And if the Constitution need never be interpreted, how do they justify their own interpretation? And by what authority?
The people rallied from all spectrums with one common theme.

Fiscal sanity. That alone is the unifying quality.

That’s less edifying than saying nothing at all.
1. Protect the Constitution

From whom? Or what? That makes no legal, historical, or Constitutional sense.

1. This is a non-position. Obviously, you don't mean the document itself. So what I would guess you mean is your interpretation of it. This is an area that I have a problem with. It's like people trying to ram Islam down my throat. I've already got my own religion thanks.

Here. Tell ya what. You just let me know which of these issues are "Liberal":

Well, they’re all liberal. For example:


More for schools and infrastructure, less for war and corporate welfare.


There is no ‘right’ to an abortion, but there is a right to privacy.

Military presence and spending

Many liberals have gone ‘libertarian,’ not only out of Iraq and Afghanistan, but out of Japan and Germany as well.

Defense of Marriage v Gay Rights

Marriage is in no need of ‘defense,’ gays already have their rights, it’s a matter of getting rid of laws that violate those rights.

Gun control

A non-issue for liberals; they see Heller/McDonald as settled law. Next.


Illegal, un-Constitutional.

Tax subsidies and breaks

It depends on who is being subsidized and who is getting the breaks. But for the most part they support some type of reform/simplification.

PAC & Lobbyist influence on government

They understand that for the most part these enjoy First Amendment protection, and that the best way to combat both is through an informed and involved electorate.
Yeah you're right. All we do is decide every election anyway. So the first two responses are?

Dodges? Implied insults? Any answers to any direct questions on issues? Not yet.

Seems like anger and pouting can get you guys momentum for a while but eventually at least a tad of substance would be helpful.

Here, let me reverse the situation. Ask me my view on any issue or subject. I will answer directly and specifically. Us darn Independents are like that!

You don't decide anything! That's your vanity and need to be stroked and I'm here to tell you you can go stroke yourself

LOL! Yeah. YOU'RE informed. Of course sweetie. The Independents never decide elections. You just keep telling yourself that.
Except the mid-terms. FOX loved repeating how Independents decided those.
Oh, and the '08 elections.
And the '06 elections.
And so on...
But it's cool! You've posted 10 times and never discussed a single issue directly. Tea Partier, right? :lol:

You're incorrect--independents do decide elections and right now independents are running away from Obama as fast as they can and are joining tea party groups across this nation--and we saw their power in 2010--when it looked like Custer's last stand for democrat politicians.

In fact 40% of the tea party movement in this country consists of independents and democrats.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

$2 million tea-partiers.jpg
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See why I have no patience for Independents or Moderates?

Yeah you're right. All we do is decide every election anyway. So the first two responses are?

Dodges? Implied insults? Any answers to any direct questions on issues? Not yet.

Seems like anger and pouting can get you guys momentum for a while but eventually at least a tad of substance would be helpful.

Here, let me reverse the situation. Ask me my view on any issue or subject. I will answer directly and specifically. Us darn Independents are like that!

You don't decide anything! That's your vanity and need to be stroked and I'm here to tell you you can go stroke yourself

Quote from Stephanie (A Republican) on another thread:

"We absolutely have to have the independents or we lose, the smart conservatives and tea party people know this and they will act on it. We are not going to put up someone who can win the primary but lose the general,"

The italicized part is the truth. The bolded kinda leaves you out :lol:
Yeah you're right. All we do is decide every election anyway. So the first two responses are?

Dodges? Implied insults? Any answers to any direct questions on issues? Not yet.

Seems like anger and pouting can get you guys momentum for a while but eventually at least a tad of substance would be helpful.

Here, let me reverse the situation. Ask me my view on any issue or subject. I will answer directly and specifically. Us darn Independents are like that!

You don't decide anything! That's your vanity and need to be stroked and I'm here to tell you you can go stroke yourself

Quote from Stephanie (A Republican) on another thread:

"We absolutely have to have the independents or we lose, the smart conservatives and tea party people know this and they will act on it. We are not going to put up someone who can win the primary but lose the general,"

The italicized part is the truth. The bolded kinda leaves you out :lol:

100% correct.

But social conservative republicans always--inevitiably--because they are deliberately asked about their PERSONAL opinion on gay marriage--abortion, etc. turn off independents. I doubt many will be swayed by this--but we have much bigger fish to fry--that concentrating on personal behavior that can never be changed by Washington D.C. IOW--Washington D.C cannot legislate that everyone is straight--LOL

And if I were running for political office--I would refuse to answer questions along these lines--simply because it is "my" personal opinion--it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the crisis we are in right now-nor does it affect the majority of this nation-and it's nothing that I would be able to change anyway.

And why Conservatives get so STUCK on social issues is beyond me.
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I moved to Nevada from Houston a while back. Houston is great. It is also mostly Conservative. Not Conservative like I see today but more like Reagan / Bush era Conservative. I liked that.
So when we got here, a new friend invited me to one of these Tea Party meetings. It was actually a Tea Party in that they served tea but it might have been accurately called a Tea Soda & Beer Party. It was nice and seemed as social as political. Lots of people who knew each other and hated Obama - whom they all seemed to actually believe is both Kenyan and Muslim.
My friend asked what I thought afterward (he was obviously in recruiting mode) and I ended up on this and two other boards.
So I'd like to get some clarification from Tea Partiers as there seems to be a lot of conflicting or even self-contradictng posts.
1. One poster claims the ONLY thing the TP is concerned about is the budget. I don't find this credible. What say you?
2. Lots of you claim you want to return to a Constitutional government. The problem I have is that you all seem to believe that only your interpretation of the Constitution is the right one. Ex: I asked about owning a machine gun, RPG or Nuke under the 2nd Amendment. Three TP's who agreed with each other all responded. They gave three different responses and reasons why. Then they all claimed the USC never needs to be interpreted. Connect those dots..
3. Do you believe Obama is a Kenyan? Muslim? Really?
4. Would you overturn Roe v Wade?
5. Would you close all our foreign military bases? Most? Some? None? THis is an area you guys seem pretty diverse on.
6. The list a government agencies you would eliminate is also quite varied. EPA? CIA? USDA? FAA? I don't find any of those UnConstitutional and although I know there is waste and inefficiency, would keep them all. I can explain my reasoning and if you disagree, guess what? That doesn't mean you're "an ignorant statists libtard socialist!" or whatever. But I'm curious as to how extensive a list you have.
7. So. Can I go get my Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher now? They had cannons back in the FF's day! How about mounting a .50 cal on my upstairs porch overlooking the street? My own personal nuke?
8. Health Care. Hmm. I think ObamaCare sucks balls. What would you do about healtch care for the poor? Anything? Nothing? Soylent Green?
9. Gay Marriage. Will it make you gay? Do you not care?
10. Gays in Military. Will our troops become sissies?
11. Taxes. Flat tax? Fair tax? Thumb tax?
12. Do you think Michelle Bachmann was correct when she said the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to abolish slavery?
13. Do you think Sarah Palin is unfairly attacked by the Media?
14. Do you think FOX is too liberal? Fair and unbiased? Has a Conservative agenda?
15. Do you think any of our problems are in part, the fault of Bush?
16. How about that water-boarding!
17. Was the debt ceiling thing all the Dems fault?
18. Do you think Job Creators like Big Oil and MNE's should get special tax breaks or subsidies that other companies do not? Why?
19. Is America a Christian Nation? What does that mean?
20. How about PAC and lobbyist contributions? Keep em secret?

These are some of the things where you guys seem to have more diversity of views. I've seen TP's who have as much disdain for Bush as Obama - well almost. There are TP's who don't care what gays do or where. Others want to send them to camps to get cured by God. It's all over the place.
So you can just go with Yes or No but I came here to learn about you guys and so far, I've found out I'm a Liberal because I don't think carrying an M-4 into my local pub is a good idea. LOTS of tongue in cheek here folks - btw, if you guys didn't get so instantly pissed off at everyone who disagreed with you, you would get much more attentive ears. Have a little humor!

I am a tea party member

1. Yes--the majority of the tea parties primary concern is the deficit--and our run a way federal government borrowing and spending too much.
2. We're not allowed to own WMD or Nukes in this country--so you probably made your second question up. If you're asking about gun ownership--YES we believe in the 2nd amendment of the US constitution.
3. The overwhelming majority of the tea party movement believe that Barack Obama is a US citizen and was born in Hawaii.
4. There are pro-life democrats--pro-life republicans--pro-life independents--and pro-life tea party members--just as there are pro-choice democrats--pro-choice republicans--pro-choice independents--and pro-choice tea party members.
5. Close the ones we no longer need. Germany for a start--but other party members may disagree with me.
6. Close non-essential agencies--and especially the ones that duplicate each others work. In one group we have 16 different government funded agencies duplicating each others work. There is so much waste in the Federal Government spending it could probably balance the budget in itself. I imagine it's in the billions each and every month.
7. Is not a question--it's a statement from you.
8. Health care for the poor is already taken care of through Medicade programs.
9. You asked--Will gay marriage make someone gay? Answer NO.
10. Gays in the military? Gays have been in the military for decades and it hasn't bothered anyone.- ( I think you were trying to ask about don't ask--don't tell--LOL)
11. Flat tax
12. Which founding fathers was Michelle Bachmann talking about?
13. There has never been a female conservative woman who has been so viciously attacked as Sarah Palin. They not only went after her--but her kids too.
14. Fox News--provides both points of view--unlike the liberal main stream media and MSNBC> Where there's a conservative--there will be a liberal.
15. Yes--Bush's spending didn't help--he spent 1.6 BILLION dollars a day--and Barack Obama is spending 4.3 BILLION dollars a day.
16. I agree with enhanced interrogation procedures--and waterboarding if necessary to save innocent lives--which helped to discover the location of Osama Bin Laden.
18. I do not believe in any corporate welfare--including Obama's favorite--General Electric who made 18.4 BILLION dollars last year and didn't pay a penny in Federal taxes on it.
19. Yes the overwhelming majority of citizens in this country are Christians--Da duh.
20. How about Obama disclosing the PAC money he has received from lobbyists first? No I don't agree with them--but now you're getting hypocritical-

Did that answer all of your thumb-sucking questions? OF COURSE there is diversity in such a large group of people. BUT--the main number ONE concern that we all share is fiscal responsibilty--and in that you won't find a 1/8" difference amoung us.

Good post. I was not being hypocritical on Q 20. What makes you think so? Do you think I support Obama? If so, you're wrong. So where's the hypocrisy?

So let's discuss a bit - or would that be too juvenile?

Constitution. I was using the RPG thing as an example showing that the USC needs to be interpreted. The overwhelming majority of Tea Partiers seem to think they have some kind of inside scoop on this and everyone else is wrong.
Flat tax. Always sounds good but how would it work?
Bachmann. First she said "the Founding Fathers who fought tirelessly to abolish slavery." Then just added "The FF's like John Quincy Adams who fought...". Well both of those are just plain stupid. The FF's were slave owners, slave traders, slave torturers and slave exocutioners. Oh, and JQ Adams was like 7 year old at the time so she's wrong about him being a FF too.
Palin. Here I disagree with you. She deserved everything she got. No doubt about it. First she dragged the fam around to exploit them. Then she took her kid's teen-age pregnancy and exploited that - the woman went out of her way to mention this often. Then she whined that the press was.... exploiting her family. Yeah okay. Fight to get in the national political spotlight and see if that, and saying a LOT of really stupid sh1t won't come and bite you on the ass.
Tax breaks & Subsidies. I agree with you I think but apparently the only company you feel worth mentioning is GE who made $18B. Which I agree with, btw. But what about the GOP's oil buddies who made five times that? Feel the same way about them? I do.

In any case, it's good to see a TP who has more to offer on the issues than "You must be a Liberal for asking!". Maybe you think you guys are easy to understand but there is some confusion out here.
You don't decide anything! That's your vanity and need to be stroked and I'm here to tell you you can go stroke yourself

LOL! Yeah. YOU'RE informed. Of course sweetie. The Independents never decide elections. You just keep telling yourself that.
Except the mid-terms. FOX loved repeating how Independents decided those.
Oh, and the '08 elections.
And the '06 elections.
And so on...
But it's cool! You've posted 10 times and never discussed a single issue directly. Tea Partier, right? :lol:

You're incorrect--independents do decide elections and right now independents are running away from Obama as fast as they can and are joining tea party groups across this nation--and we saw their power in 2010--when it looked like Custer's last stand for democrat politicians.

In fact 40% of the tea party movement in this country consists of independents and democrats.

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um dude. You realize I said that Independents DO decide the elections, right? That I pointed out that we did in the last several elections - including the mid-terms? It was CrusaderFrank who claimed that Independents do not decide elections.

However, I will comment on your claim that 40% of TP's are Indies and Dems. Indies? Sure why not. Lots of former Republicans went Indie after Bush. He was a train wreck. Dems? Not. Well, okay that nice 80 year old couple from Alabama.

Let's see: Any Dems here Tea Partiers? Of course not. The Dems have been diametrically opposed to everything the TP candidates discuss, for over 40 years.

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