Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
Yeah, neat picture. So what?

Does evidence cause you pain?
Haven’t seen any. Where’s that blue breath from the girl? Hahahaha loser no observation no evidence!! Check mate

Haven’t seen any.

Of course not. What do the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors know about sensors compared
to SSDD and jc456?

...once you have a single...that is ONE...just one SINGLE piece of observed, measured data which establishes a coherent relationship between the absorption of IR by a gas, and warming in the atmosphere...Just one? We both know that you don't..

We have all seen this mantra that you chant repeatedly. I suppose it is how you self sooth yourself when you can't answer questions directed at you.

I have answered your question hundreds of times, in dozens of ways. You refuse to acknowledge or discuss those answers, and simply go back to chanting.

So I will keep my answer short and sweet.

The first law of thermodynamics. Energy cannot be created or destroyed.

More radiation energy goes into the bottom of the atmosphere than comes out at the top. Where did the energy go?

So the answer, once again, is do not have a single piece of observed, measured evidence that establishes a coherent link between the absorption of IR by a gas and warming in the atmosphere...which would explain the literally millions of hours of experiment, testing, and commercial application done by engineers which show us that IR can not warm the air...

And if you can't find the energy, chalk it up to an accounting error...something we are unaware of....not magical absorption and multiplication of energy by a trace gas in the atmosphere.
Here is another conundrum for people who don't believe in the accepted form of the SLoT. I asked this once before, but SSDD declined to answer.

Suppose a cold gas is next to a warm solid surface. The molecules of the cold gas must hit the warm surface. This is an example of energy moving from a colder substance to a warmer substance.

Of course more thermal energy goes from the surface toward the gas than the gas to the surface, thus preserving the well understood form of the SloT.

If for some idiotic reason the molecules of the cold gas are forbidden from moving toward the warm surface, how will the surface lose thermal energy to the gas?

The accepted form of the second law is the one that I keep posting for you wack jobs..if a form of the second law which said that energy can move spontaneously from cool to warm were accepted, then that is what the 2nd law would say.
He isn't alone. jc456 idolizes him and even parrots his words. I'm sure SSDD respects jc a lot too.

JC is clueless. Sometimes JC says something that completely disagrees with SSDD's idiocy
and needs to have his face rubbed in the contradiction before he notices and reverts to agreeing.
post one

cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.

All the sensor observed was its own amount and rate of temperature change...which was then converted to an electrical signal which was then translated into an image...the diagram is a fanciful opinion of "something" that might or might not be happening...what IS happening is that the sensor is measuring its internal temperature change....nothing more.

cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.

You think that drawing is a measured observation? You think that statement says anything other than that the sensor is doing anything other than measuring its own temperature change and converting that change to an image?
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?

They wrote an entire book on it and you still don't have any idea what is happening, or how the sensor works...the only thing the sensor "observes" is the amount and rate of its own temperature change...that is what is being observed, measured, and converted into an image.....Where in that book did you get that the sensor is "observing" anything other than its own temperature?

Fooled by instrumentation again...and why? because you have no idea what the instrumentation is actually measuring... And there is no actual observation or measurement of the sort of energy movement your line drawing is opinion based on unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable models. All that can actually be determined by the sensor array is heat gain, heat loss, or no temperature change.
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux.

I agree.

Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Quick, notify the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition, that their picture on page 106
shows energy moving back and forth between the sensor and the object.
Tell them your feelings about the lack of evidence.
Please post their response.

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it rather than simply posting a drawing based on an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable model?
JC is clueless. Sometimes JC says something that completely disagrees with SSDD's idiocy
and needs to have his face rubbed in the contradiction before he notices and reverts to agreeing.
post one

cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.

All the sensor observed was its own amount and rate of temperature change...which was then converted to an electrical signal which was then translated into an image...the diagram is a fanciful opinion of "something" that might or might not be happening...what IS happening is that the sensor is measuring its internal temperature change....nothing more.

All the sensor observed was its own amount and rate of temperature change..

Based on net exchange of energy.
cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.

You think that drawing is a measured observation? You think that statement says anything other than that the sensor is doing anything other than measuring its own temperature change and converting that change to an image?

You think that drawing is a measured observation?

You think the Handbook Of Modern Sensors posted a picture of energy flowing in both directions, in error?
Please, correct them, post their response.

Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?

They wrote an entire book on it and you still don't have any idea what is happening, or how the sensor works...the only thing the sensor "observes" is the amount and rate of its own temperature change...that is what is being observed, measured, and converted into an image.....Where in that book did you get that the sensor is "observing" anything other than its own temperature?

Fooled by instrumentation again...and why? because you have no idea what the instrumentation is actually measuring... And there is no actual observation or measurement of the sort of energy movement your line drawing is opinion based on unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable models. All that can actually be determined by the sensor array is heat gain, heat loss, or no temperature change.

They wrote an entire book on it and you still don't have any idea what is happening

They wrote an entire book on it and it backs up my claims and refutes your claims. Weird.

Maybe you should go through the rest of the book and copy and paste any part that
doesn't conflict with your "one way only" flow of energy?

And there is no actual observation or measurement of the sort of energy movement your line drawing depicts...

My line drawing? LOL!
Sorry, that belongs to the experts you cited, The Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition.

it is opinion based on unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable models.

In that case, so is yours.
Unfortunately, for you, you're all alone in your claim.
Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux.

I agree.

Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Quick, notify the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition, that their picture on page 106
shows energy moving back and forth between the sensor and the object.
Tell them your feelings about the lack of evidence.
Please post their response.

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it rather than simply posting a drawing based on an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable model?

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it

If you had actual evidence, you think you might have posted it?
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
Yeah, neat picture. So what?

Does evidence cause you pain?
Haven’t seen any. Where’s that blue breath from the girl? Hahahaha loser no observation no evidence!! Check mate

Haven’t seen any.

Of course not. What do the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors know about sensors compared
to SSDD and jc456?

I guess that cold doesn't radiate at warm and they don't know how their own product works? I can't answer for them since I am not them. I know what I see, and when the girl breathes out there is no blue cloud out of her mouth basically voiding the fact that the device is measuring cold photons whatever those are, but I'll use your language for ease of discussion. Yet again, no observation has been achieved. Again, the sensor is reading the energy flowing from the device to the cold. Warm to cold as it is written and observed.
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux.

I agree.

Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Quick, notify the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition, that their picture on page 106
shows energy moving back and forth between the sensor and the object.
Tell them your feelings about the lack of evidence.
Please post their response.

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it rather than simply posting a drawing based on an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable model?

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it

If you had actual evidence, you think you might have posted it?
he has evidence, the fact you don't have any.
Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux.

I agree.

Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Quick, notify the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition, that their picture on page 106
shows energy moving back and forth between the sensor and the object.
Tell them your feelings about the lack of evidence.
Please post their response.

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it rather than simply posting a drawing based on an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable model?
You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
Yeah, neat picture. So what?

Does evidence cause you pain?
Haven’t seen any. Where’s that blue breath from the girl? Hahahaha loser no observation no evidence!! Check mate

Haven’t seen any.

Of course not. What do the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors know about sensors compared
to SSDD and jc456?

I guess that cold doesn't radiate at warm and they don't know how their own product works? I can't answer for them since I am not them. I know what I see, and when the girl breathes out there is no blue cloud out of her mouth basically voiding the fact that the device is measuring cold photons whatever those are, but I'll use your language for ease of discussion. Yet again, no observation has been achieved. Again, the sensor is reading the energy flowing from the device to the cold. Warm to cold as it is written and observed.

I guess that cold doesn't radiate at warm

You guess wrong.

I can't answer for them since I am not them.

You think they're wrong. Send them an email.
Explain your reasoning. When they admit their error, post it here.

I know what I see, and when the girl breathes out there is no blue cloud out of her mouth

Send the manufacturer of that camera an email. Ask them why?
Post their response here.

Again, the sensor is reading the energy flowing from the device to the cold.

Again, as you posted earlier, energy flows in both directions.
Net flux = Influx − Efflux
Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux.

I agree.

Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Quick, notify the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition, that their picture on page 106
shows energy moving back and forth between the sensor and the object.
Tell them your feelings about the lack of evidence.
Please post their response.

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it rather than simply posting a drawing based on an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable model?

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it

If you had actual evidence, you think you might have posted it?
he has evidence, the fact you don't have any.

"Evidence" that he can't get anyone to agree with. Not even the Handbook he initially cited. Priceless.
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux.

I agree.

Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Quick, notify the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition, that their picture on page 106
shows energy moving back and forth between the sensor and the object.
Tell them your feelings about the lack of evidence.
Please post their response.

If they had actual evidence, you think they might have shown it rather than simply posting a drawing based on an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable model?

Of course, SSDD, all alone in his correctness.
Even the Handbook of Modern Sensors doesn't understand sensors as well as SSDD.
He should publish a book!!!
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.

You think that drawing is a measured observation? You think that statement says anything other than that the sensor is doing anything other than measuring its own temperature change and converting that change to an image?

You think that drawing is a measured observation?

You think the Handbook Of Modern Sensors posted a picture of energy flowing in both directions, in error?
Please, correct them, post their response.
sure you do, you posted it as observed to me! Are you withdrawing your post then? I asked you for observed image and you gave me that drawing. I knew it wasn't observations of anything, yet you continued to post it three times I believe. hmmmmmmm yeah I think you thought it was observed, you're far too smart to think it was a drawing of a how it's supposed to work.
Yeah, neat picture. So what?

Does evidence cause you pain?
Haven’t seen any. Where’s that blue breath from the girl? Hahahaha loser no observation no evidence!! Check mate

Haven’t seen any.

Of course not. What do the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors know about sensors compared
to SSDD and jc456?

I guess that cold doesn't radiate at warm and they don't know how their own product works? I can't answer for them since I am not them. I know what I see, and when the girl breathes out there is no blue cloud out of her mouth basically voiding the fact that the device is measuring cold photons whatever those are, but I'll use your language for ease of discussion. Yet again, no observation has been achieved. Again, the sensor is reading the energy flowing from the device to the cold. Warm to cold as it is written and observed.

I guess that cold doesn't radiate at warm

You guess wrong.

I can't answer for them since I am not them.

You think they're wrong. Send them an email.
Explain your reasoning. When they admit their error, post it here.

I know what I see, and when the girl breathes out there is no blue cloud out of her mouth

Send the manufacturer of that camera an email. Ask them why?
Post their response here.

Again, the sensor is reading the energy flowing from the device to the cold.

Again, as you posted earlier, energy flows in both directions.
Net flux = Influx − Efflux
Again, as you posted earlier, energy flows in both directions.

yep positive energy in and negative energy flux for the out Ohms law. your magical photons are not coming from the ice cream
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux.

I agree.

Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Quick, notify the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition, that their picture on page 106
shows energy moving back and forth between the sensor and the object.
Tell them your feelings about the lack of evidence.
Please post their response.
And isn’t observed. provide an actual snap shot rather than a drawing?

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