Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect

cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Isn’t what you think as mentioned before! LOL derp

You said, "net flow".

SSDD says no such thing.
Sorry but net flow was explained . Thanks

I agree.
SSDD doesn't. You're welcome.
He isn’t here. But thanks for making my point
What is weird is to be wrong and also be 150 years behind.

And to be so alone in his beliefs.
He isn't alone. jc456 idolizes him and even parrots his words. I'm sure SSDD respects jc a lot too.

JC is clueless. Sometimes JC says something that completely disagrees with SSDD's idiocy
and needs to have his face rubbed in the contradiction before he notices and reverts to agreeing.
post one

cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Isn’t what you think as mentioned before! LOL derp

You said, "net flow".

SSDD says no such thing.
Sorry but net flow was explained . Thanks

I agree.
SSDD doesn't. You're welcome.
He isn’t here. But thanks for making my point

I'm glad your point was disagreeing with SSDD.
He isn't alone. jc456 idolizes him and even parrots his words. I'm sure SSDD respects jc a lot too.

JC is clueless. Sometimes JC says something that completely disagrees with SSDD's idiocy
and needs to have his face rubbed in the contradiction before he notices and reverts to agreeing.
post one

cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail
Isn’t what you think as mentioned before! LOL derp

You said, "net flow".

SSDD says no such thing.
Sorry but net flow was explained . Thanks

I agree.
SSDD doesn't. You're welcome.
He isn’t here. But thanks for making my point

I'm glad your point was disagreeing with SSDD.
Except I didn’t but you’re welcome
JC is clueless. Sometimes JC says something that completely disagrees with SSDD's idiocy
and needs to have his face rubbed in the contradiction before he notices and reverts to agreeing.
post one

cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.

cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind. It isn’t observed
You said, "net flow".

SSDD says no such thing.
Sorry but net flow was explained . Thanks

I agree.
SSDD doesn't. You're welcome.
He isn’t here. But thanks for making my point

I'm glad your point was disagreeing with SSDD.
Except I didn’t but you’re welcome

You don't remember saying net flux?
You seem more forgetful than usual.

Does that worry you?
cooler object receives from the device net flow is toward the cold object through the sensor.

Questions.....RE: The Greenhouse Effect
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
Sorry but net flow was explained . Thanks

I agree.
SSDD doesn't. You're welcome.
He isn’t here. But thanks for making my point

I'm glad your point was disagreeing with SSDD.
Except I didn’t but you’re welcome

You don't remember saying net flux?
You seem more forgetful than usual.

Does that worry you?
Well there is a flow out of the device and in that’s net flow, warm in warm out
Post observed


Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain
I agree.
SSDD doesn't. You're welcome.
He isn’t here. But thanks for making my point

I'm glad your point was disagreeing with SSDD.
Except I didn’t but you’re welcome

You don't remember saying net flux?
You seem more forgetful than usual.

Does that worry you?
Well there is a flow out of the device and in that’s net flow, warm in warm out

Well there is a flow out of the device and in that’s net flow, warm in warm out

Net flow means subtracting one flow from the other.
Thanks for admitting it.

Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

Sensor observed it.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
Yeah, neat picture. So what?

Does evidence cause you pain?
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.
Sensor saw negative flux flow towards the cold object . Fail


Looks to me like waves are going in both directions.
You’re blind

You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
Yeah, neat picture. So what?

Does evidence cause you pain?
Haven’t seen any. Where’s that blue breath from the girl? Hahahaha loser no observation no evidence!! Check mate
You don't see arrows going both ways between the target and the sensor? DERP!
It’s a picture. How is that observed? Explain

Yes, the sensor observes the net thermal flux.
They wrote an entire book about the sensors that observe.
Is English your second language?
“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell. It is the mathematical difference between influx and efflux. Net flux = Influx − Efflux. Similar to influx and efflux, net flux is reported as a rate.Jan 3, 2014”

I gave my explanation as this relates to.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux

You don't have to tell me, you have to explain to SSDD that he's wrong.

“Definition: Net flux represents the amount of substance moved in or out of the cell.

In or out. Doesn’t say in and out. Just saying. Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Net flux = Influx − Efflux.

I agree.

Still waiting on observation. Pictures aren’t evidence.

Quick, notify the publishers of the Handbook of Modern Sensors, Third Edition, that their picture on page 106
shows energy moving back and forth between the sensor and the object.
Tell them your feelings about the lack of evidence.
Please post their response.

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