Questions Rebels Use to Tell Sunni From Shiite

Since Guno seems to be obsessed with this constantly, could Guno actually be a Muslim trying to cause trouble between the Christians and the Jews. After all, supposedly he lives here in the U.S. and sees that the Christians and the Jews get along quite well and you will find many of them close friends with each other. Meanwhile, this happens to be the Middle East forum, and Guno is so silent about what is happening to innocent people in the Middle East at the present time. Perhaps it doesn't bother Guno to see both Christians and Muslims being murdered by the carload in some of the Middle East countries as long as he can get in his shtick about the Christians. How does Guno think he would fare if those Sunni extremists got a hold of him? Would they care what religion he is if he isn't a Sunni in order to do him in like they are doing to others? Regardless, it appears that he has no sympathy for what is happening to the unfortunate people in Syria and Iraq. Guno is like Johnny-One-Note.

Guno is just an asshole.

Guno is meshugenah. In other words, he is loco en la cabeza. Here in the present innocent people are being murdered because of their religious beliefs in Syria and Iraq, and Johnny-One-Note Guno is still stuck on the same old, same old. Maybe he should just get a sandwich board that states his silly nonsense and walk up and down the main street of his town.

Funny how the christer goyim try to use Yiddish words :lol:

Jews Grow Wary Of Christian Intentions

As Philo-Semitism Rises, Jews Grow Wary Of Christian Intentions - Daniel Sieradski
Guno is just an asshole.

Guno is meshugenah. In other words, he is loco en la cabeza. Here in the present innocent people are being murdered because of their religious beliefs in Syria and Iraq, and Johnny-One-Note Guno is still stuck on the same old, same old. Maybe he should just get a sandwich board that states his silly nonsense and walk up and down the main street of his town.

Funny how the christer goyim try to use Yiddish words :lol:

Jews Grow Wary Of Christian Intentions

As Philo-Semitism Rises, Jews Grow Wary Of Christian Intentions - Daniel Sieradski

Notice how Guno is so dense.. The readers realize that even a Puerto Rican or someone from Hong Kong can use the Internet and look up Yiddish words like Goyim. One thing for sure, Guno is certainly not Yeshiva material. Perhaps Madrassa material. The great Chassidic Rebbe from Brooklyn would tell Guno to stop masquerading as a Jew.
Imagine having to live among these savages if you are a non Sunni.

Questions Rebels Use to Tell Sunni From Shiite

BAGHDAD — Whether a person is a Shiite or a Sunni Muslim in Iraq can now be, quite literally, a matter of life and death.

As the militant group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, has seized vast territories in western and northern Iraq, there have been frequent accounts of fighters’ capturing groups of people and releasing the Sunnis while the Shiites are singled out for execution.

ISIS believes that the Shiites are apostates and must die in order to forge a pure form of Islam. The two main branches of Islam diverge in their beliefs over who is the true inheritor of the mantle of the Prophet Muhammad. The Shiites believe that Islam was transmitted through the household of the Prophet Muhammad. Sunnis believe that it comes down through followers of the Prophet Muhammad who, they say, are his chosen people.

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Medieval savages.

christians were certainly medieval savages but have evolved.

Several hundred years ago.

These assholes are doing what the Jews and Christians stopped doing in the 18th Century.
I have studied the Qur'an and I cannot understand how Sunnis and Shiites could kill each other without fear of offending their God. Their Holy Book clearly states that believers (Muslims) who intentionally kill other believers are condemned to hell. Even those who kill other believers by mistake are subjected to penalties. The following is from the Qur'an (M.H. Shakir Translation):

[4.92] And it does not behoove a believer to kill a believer except by mistake, and whoever kills a believer by mistake, he should free a believing slave, and blood-money should be paid to his people unless they remit it as alms; but if he be from a tribe hostile to you and he is a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (suffices), and if he is from a tribe between whom and you there is a convenant, the blood-money should be paid to his people along with the freeing of a believing slave; but he who cannot find (a slave) should fast for two months successively: a penance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

[4.93] And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement.

I thought that all those who followed the teachings of the Qur'an and observed the Five Pillars of Faith were considered to be Muslims. I know that the Sunnis and Shiites disagree on some things, such as Muhammad's successor, but these disagreements do not change the fact that they are all Muslims. Yet, in spite of this they seem to be letting political and minor ideological differences trump the specific commands of the Qur'an. I don't get it.
What you don't understand is that this is literally a blood feud. Shiite prophets were killed by Sunnis. All Shiites across the world mark the anniversary by getting into a mourning frenzy and then beating themselves to a bloody pulp with sharp objects. These processions happen in public where thousands march in the streets, sometimes there is a drum beat in the background so the crowd lashes themselves in unison. I have witnessed this many times, it is truly unforgettable and highlights the cult-like savagery and evil in Islam.

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I have studied the Qur'an and I cannot understand how Sunnis and Shiites could kill each other without fear of offending their God. Their Holy Book clearly states that believers (Muslims) who intentionally kill other believers are condemned to hell. Even those who kill other believers by mistake are subjected to penalties. The following is from the Qur'an (M.H. Shakir Translation):

[4.92] And it does not behoove a believer to kill a believer except by mistake, and whoever kills a believer by mistake, he should free a believing slave, and blood-money should be paid to his people unless they remit it as alms; but if he be from a tribe hostile to you and he is a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (suffices), and if he is from a tribe between whom and you there is a convenant, the blood-money should be paid to his people along with the freeing of a believing slave; but he who cannot find (a slave) should fast for two months successively: a penance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

[4.93] And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement.

I thought that all those who followed the teachings of the Qur'an and observed the Five Pillars of Faith were considered to be Muslims. I know that the Sunnis and Shiites disagree on some things, such as Muhammad's successor, but these disagreements do not change the fact that they are all Muslims. Yet, in spite of this they seem to be letting political and minor ideological differences trump the specific commands of the Qur'an. I don't get it.
What you don't understand is that this is literally a blood feud. Shiite prophets were killed by Sunnis. All Shiites across the world mark the anniversary by getting into a mourning frenzy and then beating themselves to a bloody pulp with sharp objects. These processions happen in public where thousands march in the streets, sometimes there is a drum beat in the background so the crowd lashes themselves in unison. I have witnessed this many times, it is truly unforgettable and highlights the cult-like savagery and evil in Islam.

Many religious traditions include some form of sharpening the mind/faith by subjecting the body to 'punishment.' Every year there are some in the Philippines who literally crucify themselves in emulation of Christ. Several Buddhist traditions hone meditative discipline by beating adherents with sticks while in meditation. The rabbi who wears thick glasses because he ruined his eyesight through endless nights pouring over the Torah is respected for it. Christian monks of various denomination take vows of poverty, silence, and of course abstinence. Step off the fastest bullet train and enter the station in an ultra-modern city like Seoul and you'll still see monks begging for alms. Their families probably live in palatial apartments nearby. Often in the past and even today, in Japan Yamabushi stand under freezing waterfalls to sharpen concentration and conquer the power of physical pain to distract from the spiritual path. And in many, many folk and animist traditions all over the world and throughout time it has been thus. Not evil, just human.
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Jews Grow Wary Of Christian Intentions

Or maybe they grow weary of moronic assholes like you smearing their good name.

Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel

Yes, millions and millions of fundamentalists may “support” Israel (not Jews, mind you, who they rightly consider to be dangerously secular) but their support, such as it is, is meaningless. :eusa_whistle:

And remember in 2006 the fundamentalist goyim leader sticking his pig snout in Israels business and being told to fuck off by the Jewish nation?

WASHINGTON — The White House sharply criticized Christian broadcaster and former Republican presidential candidate Pat Robertson on Friday for suggesting that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s stroke was divine punishment for “dividing God’s land.”

White House blasts Robertson - US news - Life | NBC News

"On January 11, Israel responded by announcing that Robertson would be banned from involvement in a project to build a Christian tourist attraction and pilgrimage site near the Sea of Galilee known as the Christian Heritage Center. The plan had called for Israel leasing 35 acres (140,000 m2) of land to a group of evangelicals (including Robertson) for free to create several tourist attractions and pilgrimage sites in exchange for the evangelicals raising 50 million dollars in funding. A spokesman for the Tourism Ministry commented, "We cannot accept these statements, and we will not sign any contracts with Mr. Robertson

Why ? Because only JEWS matter on Israel,not the goyim. :eusa_whistle:
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Jews Grow Wary Of Christian Intentions

Or maybe they grow weary of moronic assholes like you smearing their good name.

Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel
Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive » Christian Fundamentalists Are Irrelevant: Only Jews Matter On Israel

Yes, millions and millions of fundamentalists may “support” Israel (not Jews, mind you, who they rightly consider to be dangerously secular) but their support, such as it is, is meaningless. :eusa_whistle:

And remember in 2006 the fundamentalist goyim leader sticking his pig snout in Israels business and being told to fuck off by the Jewish nation?

WASHINGTON — The White House sharply criticized Christian broadcaster and former Republican presidential candidate Pat Robertson on Friday for suggesting that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s stroke was divine punishment for “dividing God’s land.”

White House blasts Robertson - US news - Life | NBC News

"On January 11, Israel responded by announcing that Robertson would be banned from involvement in a project to build a Christian tourist attraction and pilgrimage site near the Sea of Galilee known as the Christian Heritage Center. The plan had called for Israel leasing 35 acres (140,000 m2) of land to a group of evangelicals (including Robertson) for free to create several tourist attractions and pilgrimage sites in exchange for the evangelicals raising 50 million dollars in funding. A spokesman for the Tourism Ministry commented, "We cannot accept these statements, and we will not sign any contracts with Mr. Robertson

Why ? Because only JEWS matter on Israel,not the goyim. :eusa_whistle:

You will have to excuse Guno. He is an asino pazzo who tries so hard to make trouble between the Christians and the Jews. Maybe Guno should get up at some Interfaith Council meetings and blabber to them there. Meanwhile, Guno, do you think you can pay attention to what is going on in the rest of the Middle East, or don't these dead bodies piling up faze you at all?
I have studied the Qur'an and I cannot understand how Sunnis and Shiites could kill each other without fear of offending their God. Their Holy Book clearly states that believers (Muslims) who intentionally kill other believers are condemned to hell. Even those who kill other believers by mistake are subjected to penalties. The following is from the Qur'an (M.H. Shakir Translation):

[4.92] And it does not behoove a believer to kill a believer except by mistake, and whoever kills a believer by mistake, he should free a believing slave, and blood-money should be paid to his people unless they remit it as alms; but if he be from a tribe hostile to you and he is a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (suffices), and if he is from a tribe between whom and you there is a convenant, the blood-money should be paid to his people along with the freeing of a believing slave; but he who cannot find (a slave) should fast for two months successively: a penance from Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise.

[4.93] And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement.

I thought that all those who followed the teachings of the Qur'an and observed the Five Pillars of Faith were considered to be Muslims. I know that the Sunnis and Shiites disagree on some things, such as Muhammad's successor, but these disagreements do not change the fact that they are all Muslims. Yet, in spite of this they seem to be letting political and minor ideological differences trump the specific commands of the Qur'an. I don't get it.
What you don't understand is that this is literally a blood feud. Shiite prophets were killed by Sunnis. All Shiites across the world mark the anniversary by getting into a mourning frenzy and then beating themselves to a bloody pulp with sharp objects. These processions happen in public where thousands march in the streets, sometimes there is a drum beat in the background so the crowd lashes themselves in unison. I have witnessed this many times, it is truly unforgettable and highlights the cult-like savagery and evil in Islam.

Many religious traditions include some form of sharpening the mind/faith by subjecting the body to 'punishment.' Every year there are some in the Philippines who literally crucify themselves in emulation of Christ. Several Buddhist traditions hone meditative discipline by beating adherents with sticks while in meditation. The rabbi who wears thick glasses because he ruined his eyesight through endless nights pouring over the Torah is respected for it. Christian monks of various denomination take vows of poverty, silence, and of course abstinence. Step off the fastest bullet train and enter the station in an ultra-modern city like Seoul and you'll still see monks begging for alms. Their families probably live in palatial apartments nearby. Often in the past and even today, in Japan Yamabushi stand under freezing waterfalls to sharpen concentration and conquer the power of physical pain to distract from the spiritual path. And in many, many folk and animist traditions all over the world and throughout time it has been thus. Not evil, just human.

"Rabbis stressing their eyes, monks begging for alms, Japanese standing under a freezing waterfall" Ha ha ha. Talk about being desperate. Wow.

And you are comparing those to the annual self flagellation ceremonies with blood flowing in the streets, by tens of millions of Shiites? By using these false comparisons to justify savagery on such a scale, you are portraying the mentality leads humanity down the rabbit hole. At some point you have to call it exactly what it is.
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What you don't understand is that this is literally a blood feud. Shiite prophets were killed by Sunnis. All Shiites across the world mark the anniversary by getting into a mourning frenzy and then beating themselves to a bloody pulp with sharp objects. These processions happen in public where thousands march in the streets, sometimes there is a drum beat in the background so the crowd lashes themselves in unison. I have witnessed this many times, it is truly unforgettable and highlights the cult-like savagery and evil in Islam.

Many religious traditions include some form of sharpening the mind/faith by subjecting the body to 'punishment.' Every year there are some in the Philippines who literally crucify themselves in emulation of Christ. Several Buddhist traditions hone meditative discipline by beating adherents with sticks while in meditation. The rabbi who wears thick glasses because he ruined his eyesight through endless nights pouring over the Torah is respected for it. Christian monks of various denomination take vows of poverty, silence, and of course abstinence. Step off the fastest bullet train and enter the station in an ultra-modern city like Seoul and you'll still see monks begging for alms. Their families probably live in palatial apartments nearby. Often in the past and even today, in Japan Yamabushi stand under freezing waterfalls to sharpen concentration and conquer the power of physical pain to distract from the spiritual path. And in many, many folk and animist traditions all over the world and throughout time it has been thus. Not evil, just human.
"Rabbis stressing their eyes, monks begging for alms, Japanese standing under a freezing waterfall" Ha ha ha. Talk about being desperate. Wow.

And you are comparing those to the annual self flagellation ceremonies with blood flowing in the streets, by tens of millions of Shiites? By using these false comparisons to justify savagery on such a scale, you are portraying the mentality leads humanity down the rabbit hole. At some point you have to call it exactly what it is.

I don't believe I claimed any direct equivalencies. I believe I made my point rather clear. And yes, I did notice the examples you chose not to dispute, for what it's worth.

You don't need to feel threatened or defensive, I was just making a larger point. Take it as you will.

p.s. Ever stand naked under a waterfall high on a mountain in the winter for a while? A little self-flagellation might be a nice relief in comparison.
Many religious traditions include some form of sharpening the mind/faith by subjecting the body to 'punishment.' Every year there are some in the Philippines who literally crucify themselves in emulation of Christ. Several Buddhist traditions hone meditative discipline by beating adherents with sticks while in meditation. The rabbi who wears thick glasses because he ruined his eyesight through endless nights pouring over the Torah is respected for it. Christian monks of various denomination take vows of poverty, silence, and of course abstinence. Step off the fastest bullet train and enter the station in an ultra-modern city like Seoul and you'll still see monks begging for alms. Their families probably live in palatial apartments nearby. Often in the past and even today, in Japan Yamabushi stand under freezing waterfalls to sharpen concentration and conquer the power of physical pain to distract from the spiritual path. And in many, many folk and animist traditions all over the world and throughout time it has been thus. Not evil, just human.
"Rabbis stressing their eyes, monks begging for alms, Japanese standing under a freezing waterfall" Ha ha ha. Talk about being desperate. Wow.

And you are comparing those to the annual self flagellation ceremonies with blood flowing in the streets, by tens of millions of Shiites? By using these false comparisons to justify savagery on such a scale, you are portraying the mentality leads humanity down the rabbit hole. At some point you have to call it exactly what it is.

I don't believe I claimed any direct equivalencies. I believe I made my point rather clear. And yes, I did notice the examples you chose not to dispute, for what it's worth.

You don't need to feel threatened or defensive, I was just making a larger point. Take it as you will.

p.s. Ever stand naked under a waterfall high on a mountain in the winter for a while? A little self-flagellation might be a nice relief in comparison.
I've jumped in a cold natural spring in the middle of winter in Colorado after skiing, when it was younger. Northern Europeans are famous for swimming in freezing water. Supposed to have health benefits.

Yes, your other examples do happen. But I'm glad that you agree they are very isolated segments who engage in this behavior, not part of the expected traditions and rituals of the religion, and nowhere near the scale or barbarity of the annual Shiite self flagellation.
I've jumped in a cold natural spring in the middle of winter in Colorado after skiing, when it was younger.

You were there when Colorado was younger? Damn, just how old are you? I guess that cold water thing really must have some benefits to health and longevity!

I've jumped in a cold natural spring in the middle of winter in Colorado after skiing, when it was younger.

You were there when Colorado was younger? Damn, just how old are you? I guess that cold water thing really must have some benefits to health and longevity!

LOL. I was younger and we were a group of horny guys, we had heard that there were hot bikini clad ski bunnies hanging around those natural springs, so naturally, we headed there. Needless to say, our "bravery" and insanity of swimming in near freezing temperatures didn't impress any of the women. But I have to admit it was the best cure for our hardons.

Little did we know that decades later we would be compared to Shiites cutting their own bodies up in a bloody frenzy, by some anonymous member in the USMB. Ha ha ha.

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