Questions you'd like to ask Trump.

How come the **************** is still allowed to do damage?
Why have you not terminated the Deep State?....why have you not terminated the military industrial complex?...why have you not terminated the CIA?

....and why have not arrested 98% of the political class including Hillary.
Why haven't you sent every Business Visa back home to make their country great for once?
Why do you still tolerate Obama holdovers? And why; with all the evidence of deep state operatives subverting the power of our duly elected president; haven't you declared martial law; and removed these threats to our republic?
There's nothing I'd want to ask him. He'd just lie anyway.

I'd drink with the guy (if he drank), but I'd never trust a word that came out of his mouth.
Why didn't you make Trey Gowdy AG?

When does he plan on resigning?


James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
"What drives you to work so hard for the right people?"
"How the hell did that goon Jared land your hot ass daughter?"

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