QUICK! Ben Carson is Guest Hosting Hannity's radio show RIGHT NOW!

well Erik, you'll be one paying for all the rest who don't so hope you get your wish

Not to worry, we all will.
Now we won't. You will because you want it.

No, you will, too.

Suck it.
You are clueless, Do you really think the people are going to allow this? Do you really think the ANY Senator or House member that has any interest in keeping their political career will vote in favor of this nonsense?
ACA was passed because it was politically safe to do. The term was not up for over a year. So the dems rammed it through. However, as we saw, the dems lost the House because people DID NOT forget.
Now ACA was just a pin prick compared to a single payer system. It's a political dirty bomb. Anyone that touches it is DEAD( politically)....
Sorry, you have to clean up your own wet dream.


You gotta be kidding me. Are you really pretending that 2012 didn't happen??
Ha! You are rendering an opinion about a person who has the capcity of intelligence as the past 5 generations of your family.
You've got some nerve.
Hey asshole, you couldn't even FIND Johns Hopkins University.
Oh....Just to piss you off. I umpire now. And because we are in control of the field, dugouts and stands, I get to have removed any whiny little twat who's screaming about calls every 30 seconds if I deem them disruptive, We stop the game until they leave.

When you can no longer play....and you suck ass as a coach....you umpire. Look at you....all proud of yourself.
I get PAID.....Shit for brains.
I least I only sucked as a coach, You suck ass as a human being.
Look fucko, we can do this all night long. I am never at a loss for words. And you will LOSE every time. I have no limits where I will go.
So quit while you're losing.

Where we gonna go? I'm up for a ride. Get as dark as you can, loser boy.

You get paid to be a prick. All umpires are natural pricks.

Hey.....look here. I found a cell phone. Is it yours? Let's see..........

Yep...it's yours. It says you have a dozen missed calls. Muahhhhhhhhaaahhhhaaaa
Nice try. You'll have to do much better than that..
You didn't find that phone. It's your Cricket Wireless pay as you go POS.
Better run to the bodega across the street and buy one of those prepaid cards..

Silly nutter....most umpires aren't funny. You really fail at funny

Yo blue! I know they call home plate a "dish"......but that doesn't mean that it doesn't have corners.
Call me Blue and I toss you out of the game. Yer outta here.
Big bad O-care isn't going anywhere. You wingers lost that fight in November of 2012.

That's what they said about prohibition, too....
Bad laws are revoked or amended all the time.

I believe this law will get amended...

...making it something wingnuts are gonna hate even more.
All you lefties care about is free shit on someone else's dime.
All of you are parasites.
Well then, Carson is a parasite who got free stuff off of hard working conservatives, (liberals don't work of course), so how can you support him and not violate conservative principles?
Nothing I said needs to be changed. He was being irresponsible.

I fuck with you daily.....and it has been easy.
Ha! You are rendering an opinion about a person who has the capcity of intelligence as the past 5 generations of your family.
You've got some nerve.
Hey asshole, you couldn't even FIND Johns Hopkins University.
Oh....Just to piss you off. I umpire now. And because we are in control of the field, dugouts and stands, I get to have removed any whiny little twat who's screaming about calls every 30 seconds if I deem them disruptive, We stop the game until they leave.

When you can no longer play....and you suck ass as a coach....you umpire. Look at you....all proud of yourself.

"the capacity of intelligence as the past five generations of my family"? Is that English?

'What with the SECOND health care worker who is now infected in the USA I'd say you should be pretty busy coming up with smart ass remarks.

Just keep on doin what you do.

Making us feel pity for such a numb nutz bastard as you.

The pandemic has begun thanks to Obama and his lies.

He MAY have sealed the fate of the USA.

And he may have wanted exactly something like this to happen all along.

He couldn't be more dangerous if he were merely incompetent.

He is consistently doing the wrong thing instead of the right thing.

He is laughing at yOU, lone laugher.

He thinks you are his sex flunkie.

And you have certainly warmed to the job.

Go hop the WH fence and see if you can get some 'face' time with Obama.

Big bad O-care isn't going anywhere. You wingers lost that fight in November of 2012.

That's what they said about prohibition, too....
Bad laws are revoked or amended all the time.

I believe this law will get amended...

...making it something wingnuts are gonna hate even more.
All you lefties care about is free shit on someone else's dime.
All of you are parasites.
Well then, Carson is a parasite who got free stuff off of hard working conservatives, (liberals don't work of course), so how can you support him and not violate conservative principles?

No one can grow up as dumb as you without being lied to.
Nothing I said needs to be changed. He was being irresponsible.

I fuck with you daily.....and it has been easy.
Ha! You are rendering an opinion about a person who has the capcity of intelligence as the past 5 generations of your family.
You've got some nerve.
Hey asshole, you couldn't even FIND Johns Hopkins University.
Oh....Just to piss you off. I umpire now. And because we are in control of the field, dugouts and stands, I get to have removed any whiny little twat who's screaming about calls every 30 seconds if I deem them disruptive, We stop the game until they leave.

When you can no longer play....and you suck ass as a coach....you umpire. Look at you....all proud of yourself.

"the capacity of intelligence as the past five generations of my family"? Is that English?

'What with the SECOND health care worker who is now infected in the USA I'd say you should be pretty busy coming up with smart ass remarks.

Just keep on doin what you do.

Making us feel pity for such a numb nutz bastard as you.

The pandemic has begun thanks to Obama and his lies.

He MAY have sealed the fate of the USA.

And he may have wanted exactly something like this to happen all along.

He couldn't be more dangerous if he were merely incompetent.

He is consistently doing the wrong thing instead of the right thing.

He is laughing at yOU, lone laugher.

He thinks you are his sex flunkie.

And you have certainly warmed to the job.

Go hop the WH fence and see if you can get some 'face' time with Obama.


2 cases. 1 death.

322 million Americans.

And you call that a pandemic?

You are batshit crazy if you think that is the case. Just batshit crazy.
More Ben Carson!

That Republican clown car won't drive itself, you know. It needs Carson behind the wheel.
I love it when Republicans try to compare Carson's qualifications to Obamas. Obama served eight years in the Illinois senate and four years in the US senate

Carson's qualifications are that he bad mouthed Obama in public

No, maybe we'll see that a reasonably well educated World renowned Neurosurgeon with very little political experience can do a better job of POTUS-ing than a Harvard, Columbia U. transplant from Kenya, Indonesia and all subversive Marxist and Jihadist checkpoints along the way, who announced his hatred of colonial Western powers and then conned his way into becoming the leader of the biggest and baddest 'colonial' Western power of them all.

You are scared out your ass that Ben Carson as POTUS will show the world that a Black man CAN be a good President and that Obama is just a sign of the decrepitness of the Liberal mind.

You guys have the wrong hard wiring to be trusted with great power.

You chose obama. You voted for Obama. You supported him through thick and thin as he busily shat upon the USA and everywhere in the USA he could.

You you ate every feces log he dropped.

You have no idea how to choose a POTUS candidate like a responsible adult.

You choose like irresponsible children.

Well ben carson will shame you and expose YOUR incompetence at even the basics of citizenship.


You are being relegated to the Children's section where you belong.

Ben Carson for VEEP..

You for getting screwed in the ass by dogs.
Nothing I said needs to be changed. He was being irresponsible.

I fuck with you daily.....and it has been easy.
Ha! You are rendering an opinion about a person who has the capcity of intelligence as the past 5 generations of your family.
You've got some nerve.
Hey asshole, you couldn't even FIND Johns Hopkins University.
Oh....Just to piss you off. I umpire now. And because we are in control of the field, dugouts and stands, I get to have removed any whiny little twat who's screaming about calls every 30 seconds if I deem them disruptive, We stop the game until they leave.

When you can no longer play....and you suck ass as a coach....you umpire. Look at you....all proud of yourself.

"the capacity of intelligence as the past five generations of my family"? Is that English?

'What with the SECOND health care worker who is now infected in the USA I'd say you should be pretty busy coming up with smart ass remarks.

Just keep on doin what you do.

Making us feel pity for such a numb nutz bastard as you.

The pandemic has begun thanks to Obama and his lies.

He MAY have sealed the fate of the USA.

And he may have wanted exactly something like this to happen all along.

He couldn't be more dangerous if he were merely incompetent.

He is consistently doing the wrong thing instead of the right thing.

He is laughing at yOU, lone laugher.

He thinks you are his sex flunkie.

And you have certainly warmed to the job.

Go hop the WH fence and see if you can get some 'face' time with Obama.


2 cases. 1 death.

322 million Americans.

And you call that a pandemic?

You are batshit crazy if you think that is the case. Just batshit crazy.

Label this: "Famous-last-words-eventually-to-be-eaten-by-the-stupid-ass-short-sighted-childish-Liberal-partisan-speaker."
Why is it that types like mojo only want to talk about race?

Well, that and dogs. So he's got two favorite things.
More Ben Carson!

That Republican clown car won't drive itself, you know. It needs Carson behind the wheel.

Can you say it with me?

Carson for VEEP!

Carson for VEEP!

Any naysayers are kuntz.
Why is it that types like mojo only want to talk about race?

Where did I play the race card you lying, race-baiting bitch?

Did I try to solve White America's guilt complex by talking up Dr. Ben's candidacy and electing him to the 2nd highest office in the land without his having a clue of what he is doing and being dead set against the USA and everything we stand for...

Like YOU did for Obama in 2008 and 2012?

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