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Quick question for those of you who aren't black

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

I think women suck. They benefitted more than blacks from AA and yet they vote Republican? Fuck them too. I hope you guys take AA away.

AA is for quitters.
You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

A. We have historically NOT discriminated against Hawaiians in this country. ......

That is untrue.
Why do you love blacks so much?

Again, I would understand if you want to approach the world without hate or something like that. But if you aren't black, and you are continually proclaiming your love of blacks, you are just engaging in virtue signaling, you are just announcing that you have drank the kool aid.
Black people are as American as Apple pie

Interesting you should compare the two. Did you know that both were brought to America by white Europeans?

The only apple native to North America is the crab apple.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

A. We have historically NOT discriminated against Hawaiians in this country.
B. I'm glad you aren't a racist. That's very white of you.
C. I would be ok with AA going away today. I still think it's necessary but enough time has gone by and since Republicans won, I think these liberal programs that they object to go away. Voters need to see the difference between parties. If Republicans don't do away with AA I would consider them pussies. LOL

Did you know 95% of DA's are white men? That's a problem and not fair to blacks. In fact it's not fair to any of us that Ivanka and Don Jr. can get away with criminal fraud just because they have money.

Manhattan DA reportedly dropped felony fraud case against Trump's kids after donation from Trump's lawyer

Us middle class whites understand the system is rigged for the rich. We get that but we can't seem to see that the system is also rigged for whites. You know the DA that let Ivanka off? He locks up blacks a lot more than he does whites even for the same crime. You don't see that's a problem? Maybe if he locked up Hawaiians you would.

A. LMFAO. Yeah, except, you know, for that period when the USA took over the Hawaiian's homeland and banned the speaking of their native language in said homeland and used the sneaky implementation of what, to the Hawaiians, amounted to revolutionary new property laws to swindle most of the land owners out of their territory. Yeah, other than the decimation of Hawaiian culture and the nearly complete theft of Hawaiian wealth and land, it's been practically a free fuckin ride.

But nah, in my lifetime, I have rarely felt discriminated against due to my ethnicity (and even then, not since my childhood years when, ironically, I did get jumped a couple times on Kill Haole Day's because I'm pretty fair skinned), at least in any way about which I might be offended. I suspect that some of the girls who've turned me down over the years have been swayed by racial preference, but when it comes to matters of sexual attraction, I'm not one to use hang-ups as evidence of character flaws.

The funny thing is, it was pointless for you to even bother airing this misconception. I didn't point out that I'm Hawaiian to gain oppression points. Personally, I find the act of self-identifying as an oppressed victim for social currency to be among the most loathsome and cowardly forms of self deprecation known to humanity. I simply pointed it out because you literally asked what I am if not a man and not white.

B. IS it very white of me, though? I'm pretty sure the new mantra for your party is that only whites can be racist, and all whites are inherently racist by virtue of benefitting from a white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. Essentially, racist, according to the new left, has become merely a synonym for white. So how could NOT being racist be white, also? You need to go confer with your people and get this shit figured out. Present a united front. Lock-step. The Democrat way!

C. The republicans ARE pussies. They pretend not to like the social programs because not liking the social programs is part of what gets them elected. In reality, though, those social programs provide economic power to whatever party is currently running the government, and I've seen nothing to convince me that republicans lust after power any less than democrats. They ain't gonna do shit about AA.

As far as DA's, this is the same as CEO's and Government Officials. The left needs to stop just showing the total numbers of what race/gender goes where and then making the leap to, "Must be oppression!" without examining any other factors than the total counts. You've got individual cases where black people were turned down for that spot when they were clearly the most qualified? Show me and I'll be outraged right along with you. But don't just say that it MUST be racism without actually showing me -ANYTHING- causal.

I actually think that this is where a lot of these conversations break down between the left and the right. The right refuses to capitulate to the white supremacist culture narrative without being shown how it's white supremacy that leads to these final counts, and the left not only thinks that the final tallies alone are lop-sided enough to just assume cause, but then thinks that the right is simply refusing to accept the narrative AT ALL. Well, I can't speak for all of 'em, but a lot of people I know who disagree with that white supremacy narrative are plenty open minded, they're just not willing to accept something as fact without being shown evidence that it IS fact, not simply that it COULD BE fact.

And yeah, anybody who applies the law unevenly based on race or economic status shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the levers of power, obviously. This goes both for people who are doing so because they believe their race is superior and should be given that consideration, and for people who are doing so out of some misguided notion that they're balancing the scales of oppression or history or whatever dumb shit dead people did that we've decided to try and balance out retroactively.
Nice post and points
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

A. We have historically NOT discriminated against Hawaiians in this country. ......

That is untrue.
Not2bsubjagated was intelligent enough to explain that to me not just say it isn’t so like a retard aka unkotare

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