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Quick question for those of you who aren't black

I'm white and I've never had any of this white privilege. What I have had is missed opportunities at promotions because the company had to advance women and minorities over white men - and they freely admitted it!

There are a lot of lazy ass whites out there and white liberals do hate whites. Why else would they rally around the likes of Bernie Sanders or that pathological lying hypocrite Hitlery Clinton?

Every generation rebels. Okay, I got that. I once rebelled by acting like a elephant I saw at the zoo... I was five or so back then. By the time you're in high school and nearing voting age, you should have your excrement together.

White kids do hate white culture, but it's because we have a lack of leadership and people willing to stand up to the left. That's still no excuse to destroy the gene pool and exterminate your own.
Whites like you really do shock me with your hypocricy. How many years did you deny that whites were privileged? And so to level the playing field we implemented Affirmative Action and now you whites who denied blacks were being unfairly passed over for jobs because of racism, are now claiming that affirmative action hurt you. Sorry, but if you didn't admit that white privilege helped you before you are going to have a hard time convincing me that affirmative action is hurting you.

And sorry but companies only have to make room for 14% of their work force to be black. They don't have to be 50% of the workforce because they only make up 14% of the population. So a company to be compliant only has to have 14% of their workforce be black. That leaves 86% of the company wide open for you.

I'm opposed to any kind of hiring schemes that take away from an employer their choice to pick who they want for any given job - even when it does not benefit me.

That's why I tell white people today that if you don't get out there and make things happen, nobody is going to "give" you a job. And just because you're black, nobody owes you a job. Other people have come here from other countries with less than even what slaves had when they were set free and they built communities of their own.

Despite the FACT that I was laid off my first full time job (which was in a union) and spent a winter in a mobile home with two other guys with no water or electricity, I'm not blaming blacks nor anyone else - not even so - called "illegal aliens" when the employer hires them. If you can do the job better and cheaper, someone will hire you.

I just don't see any white privilege. If the government, which is Hell bent on destroying the family unit (regardless of what race you came from) is what you call white privilege, maybe you got a point. The government wants whites on drugs for non-existent conditions (like ADD / ADHD) and then when they ask for help as teens, the government is more likely to force whites onto pain killers, SSRIs, etc.

Mothers keep their "babies" living at home, fully dependent upon mommy while they go through their teens, 20s, 30s and beyond. The white people of today (for the most part) have never had to sacrifice, work, produce, do without or worry about where the next bite of food that goes into their mouth was coming from. The white race has become the laziest, most worthless, sorriest sons of bitches on the face of the earth, bar none. They don't have white privilege and blacks have been given all kinds of opportunities over the last twenty five or so years.

Blacks are fighting whites, whites complaining about it and NEITHER of you are right. NEITHER of you own anything. Even Faux News is not something whites have any say in... it's major stockholders are a globalist on the Council on Foreign Relations named Rupert Murdoch and a Saudi Prince. So, if you just get X number of jobs based on your race, thank God they do that much for you. It's not the white that is locking you out. He has no more to say about it than nomads in Mongolia.
Well maybe you just can’t do business with the government if you aren’t diverse. Small business excluded.

Trump wouldn’t enforce it but Hillary would have.

I think it’s ok if affirmative action goes away. Blacks and women didn’t show up for Hillary so I hope you guys do away with it. They don’t think there’s a difference between the two parties. Prove them wrong

You got the wrong guy. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils and if the Libertarians would give us a candidate that could tie his shoes, I might be swayed to vote for him... or her.
I wanted to apologize for earlier for calling you poor white trash by the way. I don’t know you. You seem alright for a racist retard right wing loon. Lol

Thanks. That's the best compliment I've gotten this week. I think I'll wait til I know something good about you before deciding what you should be called.
Why do you love blacks so much?

Again, I would understand if you want to approach the world without hate or something like that. But if you aren't black, and you are continually proclaiming your love of blacks, you are just engaging in virtue signaling, you are just announcing that you have drank the kool aid.
Black people are as American as Apple pie
Is your son in law like Ben Carson?

No, my son in Law is apolitical.
I'm just happy you have a black son in law. I like to think about the first day you found out. Must have been one of the ________ days of your life. LOL
Seriously considering being the least hung in the family?

If I had a black son in law I would hope for 2 things

1. He doesn't leave her, which statistically he will.

2. That my grand kid becomes a great athlete, which he probably won't.

Most studies conducted on interracial marriages conclude that same race marriages tend to last longer.

Marriages that took place between African American men and white women had twice the potential of ending up in divorce in comparison to marriages involving a white man and a white woman.

Is Interracial Marriage More Likely to End in Divorce?

Sorry, statistics don’t mean shit.
You’re right. See you November 9th
If I had a black son in law I would hope for 2 things

1. He doesn't leave her, which statistically he will.

2. That my grand kid becomes a great athlete, which he probably won't.

Most studies conducted on interracial marriages conclude that same race marriages tend to last longer.

Marriages that took place between African American men and white women had twice the potential of ending up in divorce in comparison to marriages involving a white man and a white woman.

Is Interracial Marriage More Likely to End in Divorce?

Sorry, statistics don’t mean shit.

Can you please complete this sentence?

I'm just happy you have a black son in law. I like to think about the first day you found out. Must have been one of the ________ days of your life.

The only reason I'm enjoying this is because you are a Republican/Conservative.

I have some really great days. I’m 62 and have had so many really great days in my life it would hardly be called the best. I have 5 daughters, is it better than the day they were born? No. Is it better than the day I married their mother? No. Will the day that my daughter actually marries him be better than the day he proposed? Yes. So many days to rank I’ll just have to put them all under the heading of “greatest days”. It ranks among the untold hundreds of greatest days.

Since you seem to insist:

“Must have been one of the greatest days of your life.”

I'll tell you when all that stupid racist bullshit goes out the window. The day you have a grandchild. Then you will feel foolish for ever "hating" black people because your own flesh and blood will be black. A person you would throw yourself in front of a car for. Am I right?

In fact we all have black in us. So anyone who hates blacks hates themselves.

And once I realized the guy was a good man, I'd feel bad for ever having negative feelings about the guy just because he's black.
we all have ''black in us''????
You do realize if you go back far enough we all have a common ancestor. It’s pretty much a scientific fact Africans most resemble what that ancestor looked like. Us Asians and whites are a mutation. If it makes you feel better you can say we are more evolved
Sorry, statistics don’t mean shit.

Can you please complete this sentence?

I'm just happy you have a black son in law. I like to think about the first day you found out. Must have been one of the ________ days of your life.

The only reason I'm enjoying this is because you are a Republican/Conservative.

I have some really great days. I’m 62 and have had so many really great days in my life it would hardly be called the best. I have 5 daughters, is it better than the day they were born? No. Is it better than the day I married their mother? No. Will the day that my daughter actually marries him be better than the day he proposed? Yes. So many days to rank I’ll just have to put them all under the heading of “greatest days”. It ranks among the untold hundreds of greatest days.

Since you seem to insist:

“Must have been one of the greatest days of your life.”

I'll tell you when all that stupid racist bullshit goes out the window. The day you have a grandchild. Then you will feel foolish for ever "hating" black people because your own flesh and blood will be black. A person you would throw yourself in front of a car for. Am I right?

In fact we all have black in us. So anyone who hates blacks hates themselves.

And once I realized the guy was a good man, I'd feel bad for ever having negative feelings about the guy just because he's black.
we all have ''black in us''????
You do realize if you go back far enough we all have a common ancestor. It’s pretty much a scientific fact Africans most resemble what that ancestor looked like. Us Asians and whites are a mutation. If it makes you feel better you can say we are more evolved
...as I've stated in other threads, there couldn't just be ''one'' human ancestor
life expectancy was very low just back a few decades.....there had to be multiple ''tribes''/groups of proto-humans/humans for the population to be able to grow
....now it is possible these all were located in Africa
At the end of the day, I don't think as the other poster did that you are a moron. I think you know, instinctively, right from wrong.

But, you look at a guy and think, but he's a really good guy. But the bottom line is, your instincts are telling you that IF this couple has a child, it will not be white AND, most likely, it will be brought up to hate, loathe and despise white culture. Adding insult to injury, the whites sabotaging themselves makes it almost justifiable to watch your culture sink into the pages of history and destroy a part of you with it.


a. It won't be brought up to hate whites. That's silly. That's like saying white liberals hate whites. We don't hate anything. We understand white priviledge.

b. White kids hate white culture. That's why they act like black kids. Every generation rebels.

c. If white women want to date blacks, they better find a good one because most likely no good white man will ever want them after they are done having fun.

I'm white and I've never had any of this white privilege. What I have had is missed opportunities at promotions because the company had to advance women and minorities over white men - and they freely admitted it!

There are a lot of lazy ass whites out there and white liberals do hate whites. Why else would they rally around the likes of Bernie Sanders or that pathological lying hypocrite Hitlery Clinton?

Every generation rebels. Okay, I got that. I once rebelled by acting like a elephant I saw at the zoo... I was five or so back then. By the time you're in high school and nearing voting age, you should have your excrement together.

White kids do hate white culture, but it's because we have a lack of leadership and people willing to stand up to the left. That's still no excuse to destroy the gene pool and exterminate your own.

I'm white and I experience the privilege every day. How employers treat me, how police treat me, neighbors, people in retail. Maybe you are poor white trash? They probably don't feel privileged either.

If you are not a manager or you didn't climb the corporate ladder as far as you wanted, please don't blame blacks or women. And look at it this way. How many blacks and women got screwed over before you got screwed over? For at least 100 years. So I am hardly going to feel sorry for a few loser whites who got "screwed" by affirmative action.

My god you guys can't stand it when blacks cried about REAL discrimination that they were facing and you hated AA being implemented. Now, fast forward a couple decades and here you are being bigger snowflakes than blacks were and you've experienced NOTHING compared to them.

If you don't like your job, go get another one. Remember the Republicans always say YOU are responsible for YOU. Stop blaming blacks and women for your lot in life. It's pathetic.

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.
Can you please complete this sentence?

I'm just happy you have a black son in law. I like to think about the first day you found out. Must have been one of the ________ days of your life.

The only reason I'm enjoying this is because you are a Republican/Conservative.

I have some really great days. I’m 62 and have had so many really great days in my life it would hardly be called the best. I have 5 daughters, is it better than the day they were born? No. Is it better than the day I married their mother? No. Will the day that my daughter actually marries him be better than the day he proposed? Yes. So many days to rank I’ll just have to put them all under the heading of “greatest days”. It ranks among the untold hundreds of greatest days.

Since you seem to insist:

“Must have been one of the greatest days of your life.”

I'll tell you when all that stupid racist bullshit goes out the window. The day you have a grandchild. Then you will feel foolish for ever "hating" black people because your own flesh and blood will be black. A person you would throw yourself in front of a car for. Am I right?

In fact we all have black in us. So anyone who hates blacks hates themselves.

And once I realized the guy was a good man, I'd feel bad for ever having negative feelings about the guy just because he's black.
we all have ''black in us''????
You do realize if you go back far enough we all have a common ancestor. It’s pretty much a scientific fact Africans most resemble what that ancestor looked like. Us Asians and whites are a mutation. If it makes you feel better you can say we are more evolved
...as I've stated in other threads, there couldn't just be ''one'' human ancestor
life expectancy was very low just back a few decades.....there had to be multiple ''tribes''/groups of proto-humans/humans for the population to be able to grow
....now it is possible these all were located in Africa

There is no evidence that all men sprang from a single source. Even in biblical accounts there were pre-Adamites and that is corroborated by pre-Adamic Babylonians as an example.

Now that they have Scott Kelly's DNA changing just by virtue of being in space, it casts a lot of doubt to using that as a standard for definitive proof as to the origins of man.
Can you please complete this sentence?

I'm just happy you have a black son in law. I like to think about the first day you found out. Must have been one of the ________ days of your life.

The only reason I'm enjoying this is because you are a Republican/Conservative.

I have some really great days. I’m 62 and have had so many really great days in my life it would hardly be called the best. I have 5 daughters, is it better than the day they were born? No. Is it better than the day I married their mother? No. Will the day that my daughter actually marries him be better than the day he proposed? Yes. So many days to rank I’ll just have to put them all under the heading of “greatest days”. It ranks among the untold hundreds of greatest days.

Since you seem to insist:

“Must have been one of the greatest days of your life.”

I'll tell you when all that stupid racist bullshit goes out the window. The day you have a grandchild. Then you will feel foolish for ever "hating" black people because your own flesh and blood will be black. A person you would throw yourself in front of a car for. Am I right?

In fact we all have black in us. So anyone who hates blacks hates themselves.

And once I realized the guy was a good man, I'd feel bad for ever having negative feelings about the guy just because he's black.
we all have ''black in us''????
You do realize if you go back far enough we all have a common ancestor. It’s pretty much a scientific fact Africans most resemble what that ancestor looked like. Us Asians and whites are a mutation. If it makes you feel better you can say we are more evolved
...as I've stated in other threads, there couldn't just be ''one'' human ancestor
life expectancy was very low just back a few decades.....there had to be multiple ''tribes''/groups of proto-humans/humans for the population to be able to grow
....now it is possible these all were located in Africa

Initially the tribe was one tribe. One group of monkeys turned into humans and then eventually those humans branched off into asians, mexicans, arabs, greeks, germans, etc....

At least I think so. Is it possible one group of monkeys in one part of the world evolved into asian monkeys and another completely different group of monkeys became black people and then a completely different monkey clan turned into whites?

I am always fascinated with language. How did Asian humans come up with that language? Didn't one group of humans come up with the original language and then all the other different languages are just spinoffs? Amazing that Asian humans came up with that language which isn't anything like ours.
I have some really great days. I’m 62 and have had so many really great days in my life it would hardly be called the best. I have 5 daughters, is it better than the day they were born? No. Is it better than the day I married their mother? No. Will the day that my daughter actually marries him be better than the day he proposed? Yes. So many days to rank I’ll just have to put them all under the heading of “greatest days”. It ranks among the untold hundreds of greatest days.

Since you seem to insist:

“Must have been one of the greatest days of your life.”

I'll tell you when all that stupid racist bullshit goes out the window. The day you have a grandchild. Then you will feel foolish for ever "hating" black people because your own flesh and blood will be black. A person you would throw yourself in front of a car for. Am I right?

In fact we all have black in us. So anyone who hates blacks hates themselves.

And once I realized the guy was a good man, I'd feel bad for ever having negative feelings about the guy just because he's black.
we all have ''black in us''????
You do realize if you go back far enough we all have a common ancestor. It’s pretty much a scientific fact Africans most resemble what that ancestor looked like. Us Asians and whites are a mutation. If it makes you feel better you can say we are more evolved
...as I've stated in other threads, there couldn't just be ''one'' human ancestor
life expectancy was very low just back a few decades.....there had to be multiple ''tribes''/groups of proto-humans/humans for the population to be able to grow
....now it is possible these all were located in Africa

Initially the tribe was one tribe. One group of monkeys turned into humans and then eventually those humans branched off into asians, mexicans, arabs, greeks, germans, etc....

At least I think so. Is it possible one group of monkeys in one part of the world evolved into asian monkeys and another completely different group of monkeys became black people and then a completely different monkey clan turned into whites?

I am always fascinated with language. How did Asian humans come up with that language? Didn't one group of humans come up with the original language and then all the other different languages are just spinoffs? Amazing that Asian humans came up with that language which isn't anything like ours.
I would think there would need be multiple ''tribes'' for a species to populate and survive?........or do you mean the same species with many tribes over a wide area?
..or ''many'' proto-humans born in one tribe ??
...we will never know?

a. It won't be brought up to hate whites. That's silly. That's like saying white liberals hate whites. We don't hate anything. We understand white priviledge.

b. White kids hate white culture. That's why they act like black kids. Every generation rebels.

c. If white women want to date blacks, they better find a good one because most likely no good white man will ever want them after they are done having fun.

I'm white and I've never had any of this white privilege. What I have had is missed opportunities at promotions because the company had to advance women and minorities over white men - and they freely admitted it!

There are a lot of lazy ass whites out there and white liberals do hate whites. Why else would they rally around the likes of Bernie Sanders or that pathological lying hypocrite Hitlery Clinton?

Every generation rebels. Okay, I got that. I once rebelled by acting like a elephant I saw at the zoo... I was five or so back then. By the time you're in high school and nearing voting age, you should have your excrement together.

White kids do hate white culture, but it's because we have a lack of leadership and people willing to stand up to the left. That's still no excuse to destroy the gene pool and exterminate your own.

I'm white and I experience the privilege every day. How employers treat me, how police treat me, neighbors, people in retail. Maybe you are poor white trash? They probably don't feel privileged either.

If you are not a manager or you didn't climb the corporate ladder as far as you wanted, please don't blame blacks or women. And look at it this way. How many blacks and women got screwed over before you got screwed over? For at least 100 years. So I am hardly going to feel sorry for a few loser whites who got "screwed" by affirmative action.

My god you guys can't stand it when blacks cried about REAL discrimination that they were facing and you hated AA being implemented. Now, fast forward a couple decades and here you are being bigger snowflakes than blacks were and you've experienced NOTHING compared to them.

If you don't like your job, go get another one. Remember the Republicans always say YOU are responsible for YOU. Stop blaming blacks and women for your lot in life. It's pathetic.

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?
I'm white and I've never had any of this white privilege. What I have had is missed opportunities at promotions because the company had to advance women and minorities over white men - and they freely admitted it!

There are a lot of lazy ass whites out there and white liberals do hate whites. Why else would they rally around the likes of Bernie Sanders or that pathological lying hypocrite Hitlery Clinton?

Every generation rebels. Okay, I got that. I once rebelled by acting like a elephant I saw at the zoo... I was five or so back then. By the time you're in high school and nearing voting age, you should have your excrement together.

White kids do hate white culture, but it's because we have a lack of leadership and people willing to stand up to the left. That's still no excuse to destroy the gene pool and exterminate your own.

I'm white and I experience the privilege every day. How employers treat me, how police treat me, neighbors, people in retail. Maybe you are poor white trash? They probably don't feel privileged either.

If you are not a manager or you didn't climb the corporate ladder as far as you wanted, please don't blame blacks or women. And look at it this way. How many blacks and women got screwed over before you got screwed over? For at least 100 years. So I am hardly going to feel sorry for a few loser whites who got "screwed" by affirmative action.

My god you guys can't stand it when blacks cried about REAL discrimination that they were facing and you hated AA being implemented. Now, fast forward a couple decades and here you are being bigger snowflakes than blacks were and you've experienced NOTHING compared to them.

If you don't like your job, go get another one. Remember the Republicans always say YOU are responsible for YOU. Stop blaming blacks and women for your lot in life. It's pathetic.

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.
I'm white and I experience the privilege every day. How employers treat me, how police treat me, neighbors, people in retail. Maybe you are poor white trash? They probably don't feel privileged either.

If you are not a manager or you didn't climb the corporate ladder as far as you wanted, please don't blame blacks or women. And look at it this way. How many blacks and women got screwed over before you got screwed over? For at least 100 years. So I am hardly going to feel sorry for a few loser whites who got "screwed" by affirmative action.

My god you guys can't stand it when blacks cried about REAL discrimination that they were facing and you hated AA being implemented. Now, fast forward a couple decades and here you are being bigger snowflakes than blacks were and you've experienced NOTHING compared to them.

If you don't like your job, go get another one. Remember the Republicans always say YOU are responsible for YOU. Stop blaming blacks and women for your lot in life. It's pathetic.

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

A. We have historically NOT discriminated against Hawaiians in this country.
B. I'm glad you aren't a racist. That's very white of you.
C. I would be ok with AA going away today. I still think it's necessary but enough time has gone by and since Republicans won, I think these liberal programs that they object to go away. Voters need to see the difference between parties. If Republicans don't do away with AA I would consider them pussies. LOL

Did you know 95% of DA's are white men? That's a problem and not fair to blacks. In fact it's not fair to any of us that Ivanka and Don Jr. can get away with criminal fraud just because they have money.

Manhattan DA reportedly dropped felony fraud case against Trump's kids after donation from Trump's lawyer

Us middle class whites understand the system is rigged for the rich. We get that but we can't seem to see that the system is also rigged for whites. You know the DA that let Ivanka off? He locks up blacks a lot more than he does whites even for the same crime. You don't see that's a problem? Maybe if he locked up Hawaiians you would.
I'm white and I experience the privilege every day. How employers treat me, how police treat me, neighbors, people in retail. Maybe you are poor white trash? They probably don't feel privileged either.

If you are not a manager or you didn't climb the corporate ladder as far as you wanted, please don't blame blacks or women. And look at it this way. How many blacks and women got screwed over before you got screwed over? For at least 100 years. So I am hardly going to feel sorry for a few loser whites who got "screwed" by affirmative action.

My god you guys can't stand it when blacks cried about REAL discrimination that they were facing and you hated AA being implemented. Now, fast forward a couple decades and here you are being bigger snowflakes than blacks were and you've experienced NOTHING compared to them.

If you don't like your job, go get another one. Remember the Republicans always say YOU are responsible for YOU. Stop blaming blacks and women for your lot in life. It's pathetic.

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

I think women suck. They benefitted more than blacks from AA and yet they vote Republican? Fuck them too. I hope you guys take AA away.
I'm white and I've never had any of this white privilege. What I have had is missed opportunities at promotions because the company had to advance women and minorities over white men - and they freely admitted it!

There are a lot of lazy ass whites out there and white liberals do hate whites. Why else would they rally around the likes of Bernie Sanders or that pathological lying hypocrite Hitlery Clinton?

Every generation rebels. Okay, I got that. I once rebelled by acting like a elephant I saw at the zoo... I was five or so back then. By the time you're in high school and nearing voting age, you should have your excrement together.

White kids do hate white culture, but it's because we have a lack of leadership and people willing to stand up to the left. That's still no excuse to destroy the gene pool and exterminate your own.

I'm white and I experience the privilege every day. How employers treat me, how police treat me, neighbors, people in retail. Maybe you are poor white trash? They probably don't feel privileged either.

If you are not a manager or you didn't climb the corporate ladder as far as you wanted, please don't blame blacks or women. And look at it this way. How many blacks and women got screwed over before you got screwed over? For at least 100 years. So I am hardly going to feel sorry for a few loser whites who got "screwed" by affirmative action.

My god you guys can't stand it when blacks cried about REAL discrimination that they were facing and you hated AA being implemented. Now, fast forward a couple decades and here you are being bigger snowflakes than blacks were and you've experienced NOTHING compared to them.

If you don't like your job, go get another one. Remember the Republicans always say YOU are responsible for YOU. Stop blaming blacks and women for your lot in life. It's pathetic.

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I have gone through affirmative action, preferential hiring schemes, racial quotas, etc. AND have watched employers give preference to nonwhites and especially non-white males most of my life. It was a part of my generation.

Well, today most of it is balanced out and there is no need for it, so the transgender, foreigner, women, and nutjob classifications of human beings all want to become a collective group entitled to the job based upon their difference - whether inherent (like race or physical handicap) or something that is externally manufactured (transgender, atheist, gay, Muslim, etc.)

Like the blacks when it first happened to me, I made a lot of stink about it. Hell, I went on radio, tv and newspapers. Then, when I get into doing my own thing, I realize the absurdity of using the government to guarantee you a lifestyle. Employers don't go into business to guarantee you a job. And, one of the great hallmarks of our Republic is the guarantee of private property. It is the employer's inherent Right to discriminate.

Today, even the whites who deny white privilege thinks the government owes them a job. After more than a quarter of a century of bitching and saying the job should belong to whomever the employer gives it to and who is the most qualified, whites wail about so - called "illegal aliens." The whites chant this idiotic mantra, "they're stealing our jobs." And not just any whites! No sir. These are the children of the whites who, a couple of decades earlier were saying that we should not have racial quotas. Jobs should go to the best qualified of the employer's choice. Now they want to hide behind the law - a civil misdemeanor at that in some vain effort to get the government to force employers to hire Americans... and it never ends.

Who should get the job? The woman, the gay dude, the transgender, the Muslim, the handicapped guy, the atheist, the Jew, or a flute player that emigrated from India? The law cannot guarantee the blacks a job based on their race and everybody is in on the game of petitioning the government for special treatment.
I'm white and I experience the privilege every day. How employers treat me, how police treat me, neighbors, people in retail. Maybe you are poor white trash? They probably don't feel privileged either.

If you are not a manager or you didn't climb the corporate ladder as far as you wanted, please don't blame blacks or women. And look at it this way. How many blacks and women got screwed over before you got screwed over? For at least 100 years. So I am hardly going to feel sorry for a few loser whites who got "screwed" by affirmative action.

My god you guys can't stand it when blacks cried about REAL discrimination that they were facing and you hated AA being implemented. Now, fast forward a couple decades and here you are being bigger snowflakes than blacks were and you've experienced NOTHING compared to them.

If you don't like your job, go get another one. Remember the Republicans always say YOU are responsible for YOU. Stop blaming blacks and women for your lot in life. It's pathetic.

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

You should see my earlier post on this thread.

But, again, the government can create opportunities, but they should never impose on an employer to hire ANYONE - whether that's racist or not.

You have the advantage in this country of getting a basic education at taxpayer expense

The government can create programs to help poor to go to college and make loans to those who want to create their own business (like the SBA)

All groups now have the advantage of hiring whomever they please. The Chinese built entire communities in the U.S. while being locked out. The super rich among the blacks could invest in their own people - there are BILLIONS to invest. Oprah Winfrey, BET's Robert Johnson (both BILLIONAIRES) along with Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Earvin Magic Jonhson have enough money to generate a good paying job for every black person in America IF they invested in their own race. A few elite black people in the U.S. have enough to start their own country.
You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

I think women suck. .....

You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

A. We have historically NOT discriminated against Hawaiians in this country.
B. I'm glad you aren't a racist. That's very white of you.
C. I would be ok with AA going away today. I still think it's necessary but enough time has gone by and since Republicans won, I think these liberal programs that they object to go away. Voters need to see the difference between parties. If Republicans don't do away with AA I would consider them pussies. LOL

Did you know 95% of DA's are white men? That's a problem and not fair to blacks. In fact it's not fair to any of us that Ivanka and Don Jr. can get away with criminal fraud just because they have money.

Manhattan DA reportedly dropped felony fraud case against Trump's kids after donation from Trump's lawyer

Us middle class whites understand the system is rigged for the rich. We get that but we can't seem to see that the system is also rigged for whites. You know the DA that let Ivanka off? He locks up blacks a lot more than he does whites even for the same crime. You don't see that's a problem? Maybe if he locked up Hawaiians you would.

You have tunnel vision. You see America as white and black. The whites do not consider the Jews as white because their religion and culture (traditionally) are at odds with white people. Once you add in the Asians, Hispanics, Indians, and the women who find white males to be "deplorable," Your figures don't hold water. Here is a good example:

On the United States Supreme Court:

Jews - 3

Catholics - 6

Women - 3

Black - 1

Hispanic - 1

Communist - 1

At least five are left of center

Total number of White, Anglos Saxon Protestants - 0

Until 1967 that body had been predominantly white Christian males... and now you have diversity. So, within a half a century, the WASPs have exactly ZERO representation in the highest Court of the United States. That's down to ZERO representation in a mere half a century.
You know, you should ask questions before making presumptions.

If you want to call me white trash, that is your prerogative. But since you interjected my personal life into it, I'll tell you this:

I grew up so poor that I lived in one town where, at school, we had outhouses instead of toilets; a coal burning stove in the middle of the room. Grades were 1 thru 6 in one room and grades 6 -12 in the other room.

At home we had no running water and we used mud between the logs as insulation during the winter. The old man used to beat the Hell out of me, my mother, and my brother. My family was poor, uneducated, and behind the times even for the era I came up in. We didn't have electricity, phone, tv or any damn thing else. Many times I was damn lucky to have a pair of shoes to put on my feet.

At 14 I left and went out on my own. I lived under the stars wining and dining on crackers and beans. And so, my very first jobs, I had my age (not old enough to have a regular job) plus a lack of education, no family support system and affirmative action working against me.

Having all of that working against me (and bear in mind I didn't even have running water until 1982) I managed to go to school, get an education, and to get there I did stuff your ass couldn't handle if people held a gun to your head.

Today, my home is paid for. My car is paid for. Last time I checked my credit score was 803. I owe less than $500 on a credit card and just keep the account open to keep my credit going. If I want to go to Outback tonight, I'm good to go. So, if you think I'm white trash, you're welcome to your opinion, but I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that I have more education and have worked jobs that you can't dream of doing. And along the way, I had to work hard.

I don't blame a damn soul. And there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth alive today that had it any worse (some as bad, but none worse) in getting where I am today. I don't owe the government nor anyone else. I literally picked up by the boot-straps and went with it. I went from living under the stars to a tent and from a tent to a boarding house... on to a mobile home and from there being able to buy houses.

The only "privilege" I had was the opportunity to do what I did without a lot of government intervention.

All kinds of races, colors and creeds have come to America and made it. There is only two kinds of people out there moaning the blues about "white privilege." Neither of those kinds had any worse than I did.
Well there’s only one kind of person crying about affirmative action. Racist losers unhappy that blacks and women are able to get ahead of them.

Maybe your boss was just being nice telling you the black got the job because of aa

I just saw a piece on how the trumps should have been prosecuted but they donated to the DA and got off. That same DA puts twice as many blacks behind bars for the same offenses. You may not realize your white privilege but it exists not matter how poor you are.

I love telling whites who hate immigrants this story. My father came here and white told him to go back to Greece. Don’t come here and steal our jobs. Today his son, my brother, is a vp of a Fortune 500. We aren’t stealing your jobs we are competing and winning

For the record, I am against affirmative action, and I've never lost a job to another person, I'm not racist or sexist, and I'm not even white.

Your generalization doesn't hold.

Can you demonstrate that you understand why AA was implemented in the first place?

You would have to understand that white men weren't hiring blacks or women for the longest time. Not because they couldn't do the job but because they were discriminating against them. You're ok with that?

What are you if not a man or white?

I'm actually Hawaiian.

I can concede that there was a time where the culture was racist enough and white people controlled enough of the total income opportunities to lock minorities out of good jobs pretty effectively. However, with our current demographic breakdown, our current culture, and our current antidiscrimination laws, I don't see how AA's initial mission is particularly relevant to my opinion of it in today's context.

A. We have historically NOT discriminated against Hawaiians in this country.
B. I'm glad you aren't a racist. That's very white of you.
C. I would be ok with AA going away today. I still think it's necessary but enough time has gone by and since Republicans won, I think these liberal programs that they object to go away. Voters need to see the difference between parties. If Republicans don't do away with AA I would consider them pussies. LOL

Did you know 95% of DA's are white men? That's a problem and not fair to blacks. In fact it's not fair to any of us that Ivanka and Don Jr. can get away with criminal fraud just because they have money.

Manhattan DA reportedly dropped felony fraud case against Trump's kids after donation from Trump's lawyer

Us middle class whites understand the system is rigged for the rich. We get that but we can't seem to see that the system is also rigged for whites. You know the DA that let Ivanka off? He locks up blacks a lot more than he does whites even for the same crime. You don't see that's a problem? Maybe if he locked up Hawaiians you would.

A. LMFAO. Yeah, except, you know, for that period when the USA took over the Hawaiian's homeland and banned the speaking of their native language in said homeland and used the sneaky implementation of what, to the Hawaiians, amounted to revolutionary new property laws to swindle most of the land owners out of their territory. Yeah, other than the decimation of Hawaiian culture and the nearly complete theft of Hawaiian wealth and land, it's been practically a free fuckin ride.

But nah, in my lifetime, I have rarely felt discriminated against due to my ethnicity (and even then, not since my childhood years when, ironically, I did get jumped a couple times on Kill Haole Day's because I'm pretty fair skinned), at least in any way about which I might be offended. I suspect that some of the girls who've turned me down over the years have been swayed by racial preference, but when it comes to matters of sexual attraction, I'm not one to use hang-ups as evidence of character flaws.

The funny thing is, it was pointless for you to even bother airing this misconception. I didn't point out that I'm Hawaiian to gain oppression points. Personally, I find the act of self-identifying as an oppressed victim for social currency to be among the most loathsome and cowardly forms of self deprecation known to humanity. I simply pointed it out because you literally asked what I am if not a man and not white.

B. IS it very white of me, though? I'm pretty sure the new mantra for your party is that only whites can be racist, and all whites are inherently racist by virtue of benefitting from a white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. Essentially, racist, according to the new left, has become merely a synonym for white. So how could NOT being racist be white, also? You need to go confer with your people and get this shit figured out. Present a united front. Lock-step. The Democrat way!

C. The republicans ARE pussies. They pretend not to like the social programs because not liking the social programs is part of what gets them elected. In reality, though, those social programs provide economic power to whatever party is currently running the government, and I've seen nothing to convince me that republicans lust after power any less than democrats. They ain't gonna do shit about AA.

As far as DA's, this is the same as CEO's and Government Officials. The left needs to stop just showing the total numbers of what race/gender goes where and then making the leap to, "Must be oppression!" without examining any other factors than the total counts. You've got individual cases where black people were turned down for that spot when they were clearly the most qualified? Show me and I'll be outraged right along with you. But don't just say that it MUST be racism without actually showing me -ANYTHING- causal.

I actually think that this is where a lot of these conversations break down between the left and the right. The right refuses to capitulate to the white supremacist culture narrative without being shown how it's white supremacy that leads to these final counts, and the left not only thinks that the final tallies alone are lop-sided enough to just assume cause, but then thinks that the right is simply refusing to accept the narrative AT ALL. Well, I can't speak for all of 'em, but a lot of people I know who disagree with that white supremacy narrative are plenty open minded, they're just not willing to accept something as fact without being shown evidence that it IS fact, not simply that it COULD BE fact.

And yeah, anybody who applies the law unevenly based on race or economic status shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the levers of power, obviously. This goes both for people who are doing so because they believe their race is superior and should be given that consideration, and for people who are doing so out of some misguided notion that they're balancing the scales of oppression or history or whatever dumb shit dead people did that we've decided to try and balance out retroactively.

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