'QUID PRO QUO': Top State Dept. official offered key posts for altering Clinton emails, say FBI file

It shows coordination between the State Department and the FBI. Even the DISCUSSION regarding a request to declassify e-mails / documents - classified that Hillary is NOT even legally allowed to have in her possession - especially if DURING an FBI investigation is ;out of bounds' / 'inappropriate' to say the LEAST.

So your argument is that the secretary of state shouldn't have classified information?

Or that there was a pissing contest three years after she left about whether something shoudl be classified?
It shows coordination between the State Department and the FBI. Even the DISCUSSION regarding a request to declassify e-mails / documents - classified that Hillary is NOT even legally allowed to have in her possession - especially if DURING an FBI investigation is ;out of bounds' / 'inappropriate' to say the LEAST.

So your argument is that the secretary of state shouldn't have classified information?

Or that there was a pissing contest three years after she left about whether something shoudl be classified?

whatchutalknboutwillis .. easy is the epitome of a pissing contest
Or that there was a pissing contest three years after she left about whether something shoudl be classified?
Once Hillary left the State Department she no longer legally had the authority to have classified materials in her possession. FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that the FBI DID find classified in her possession and that she DID send/receive classified. The WH itself even declared some of the classified found on her computer was SO classified that it would not be released under any condition because it would cause grave danger to the US national security. THAT is the definition of TOP SECRET information. THAT is also an admission that Hillary BROKE THE LAW!


We have seen in the media since all this Hillary mess began several instances of military / ex-military personnel be charged with crimes for far less than what Hillary has done. Hell, General Patraeus was charged and found guilty for FAR LESS.

The issue is no longer IF Hillary broke the law - that has been un-questionably PROVEN, except in the denial-embracing Libs' minds.

This new piece of evidence is just FURTHER proof, as they are discussing the CLASSIFIED INFO Hillary has in her possession.
whatchutalknboutwillis .. easy is the epitome of a pissing contest
WHAT 'pissing contest, Siete? That is what YOU and other liberals are engaged in. The law is CLEAR! After she left the State Department it was ILLEGAL for her to have any classified information / material in her possession....PERIOD! She DID! She broke the law...PERIOD! There is nothing more to argue. There is no way to get around it.

Forget she was using an UN-Authorized, UN-Approved, UN-Encrypted Server to house TOP SECRET / SECRET information.

Forget she LIED about her servers, her devices, her encryption, the information she had, the classifications of the material she had, about 'not' sending / receiving classified info, about her 'not' violating the FOIA / Federal Records Act by NOT handing over all State Dept-related documents - all LIES FBI Director Comey exposed during his testimony, lies that earned Hillary 1 x 'FALSE', 1 x 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 x 'PINOCCHIOS' from 3 different Fact-Check sites.


The only 'pissing contest' is the one Libs are still engaged in trying desperately to argue Hillary did NOT break the law...which she most certainly DID!

This election is a low point in this country's history as the Democratic party is running a KNOWN CRIMINAL for President, and the current DNC Presidential administration - from the office of the President to the DOJ to the State Department to the FBI - has facilitated her crimes and enabled her in order for her to run for President.
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As Nov.8th draws near and the reality of a major loss for the Trumpsters looms........Many such smear attempts will be made. A drowning person will grasp at even a straw.
As Nov.8th draws near and the reality of a major loss for the Trumpsters looms........Many such smear attempts will be made. A drowning person will grasp at even a straw.
What you falsely continue to call 'smear attempts' have been proven to be exposed CRIMES. The mountain of repeated OPINION from the left is still out-weighted by the mountain of EVIDENCE.
As Nov.8th draws near and the reality of a major loss for the Trumpsters looms........Many such smear attempts will be made. A drowning person will grasp at even a straw.
So will a lying, thieving criminal trying to prevent herself from going to jail.

Obama, 2008: "Hillary Clinton will SAY anything and DO anything to get elected..."
This proves Hillary committed perjury, had classified, & the Obama administration has protected her.
Where is the fucking indictment then shit for brains? Your distortion of the FACTS are derived from too many shit sundaes partaken by yourself while masturbating! BTW, the FBI agent who wrote the those notes in question suggesting a quid pro quo is under investigation for supplanting his notes with those improper suggestions! But you never get tired of spreading your partisan horseshit from Faux News, et al, do you?
What you falsely continue to call 'smear attempts' have been proven to be exposed CRIMES. The mountain of repeated OPINION from the left is still out-weighted by the mountain of EVIDENCE.[/QUOTE]

Ah, the term "proven" is a bit of an overstretch, don't you think? LOL
GOP calls mount for State Department Under-Secretary For Management Patrick Kennedy's resignation after FBI revelations

'Republicans pressured the State Department on Monday to remove Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy after newly released FBI records showed he offered a "quid pro quo" with federal authorities during the Hillary Clinton email probe.

Documents revealed claims that Kennedy tried to horse-trade with the FBI, offering additional slots for the bureau overseas if they would de-classify a particular email from Clinton’s server marked “SECRET.” The files also revealed he repeatedly tried to “influence” the bureau’s decision when his offer was denied, even taking his plea up the chain of command. The allegation of a "quid pro quo" was first reported by Fox News on Saturday.'

"The FBI documents show that Under-Secretary of State Patrick Kennedy made the request for altering classification as part of a 'quid pro quo,' in other words a deal....This is felony corruption. Under-Secretary Kennedy needs to resign."

Gop Calls Mount For Patrick Kennedy's Resignation After Fbi Revelations
Obama, 2008: "Hillary Clinton will SAY anything and DO anything to get elected..."

A truthful statement for most politicians......Whereas, Trump, will say and do anything to screw up his own campaign...LOL
No Crime, My ASS! BUSTED!

The President, The DOJ, The State Department, and the FBI - all in it together to protect Hillary!

'QUID PRO QUO': Top State Dept. official offered key posts for altering Clinton emails, say FBI files

'A senior State Department official proposed a “quid pro quo” to convince the FBI to strip the classification on an email from Hillary Clinton’s server – and repeatedly tried to “influence” the bureau’s decision when his offer was denied, even taking his plea up the chain of command, according to newly released FBI documents.'

the FBI interview summaries and notes, known as 302s, contained allegations of a quid pro quo. Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who initially told Fox News of the claim, called it a “flashing red light of potential criminality.”

Documents published Monday morning confirm the account. Notes from an interview with an unnamed FBI official reveal the State Department Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy tried to horse-trade with the FBI, offering additional slots for the bureau overseas if they would de-classify a particular email marked “SECRET.

According to the documents, an unnamed individual said he was “pressured” to “change the classified email to unclassified.”

“[Redacted] indicated he had been contacted by PATRICK KENNEDY, Undersecretary of State, who had asked his assistance in altering the email’s classification in exchange for a ‘quid pro quo,’” the 302 states. “[Redacted] advised that in exchange for marking the email unclassified, STATE would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more Agents in countries where they are presently forbidden.”

'Quid Pro Quo': Fbi Files Show Top State Official Tried To 'Influence' Bureau On Clinton Emails

One of the biggest criminal cover-ups continues to unravel!
And her followers won't give a shit. Its truly disgusting. The biggest case of Stockholm Syndrome ever.
Ah, the term "proven" is a bit of an overstretch, don't you think? LOL


It was illegal for her to have classified in her possession. She Did. That's a CRIME!

The FBI Director testified she had classified, committed perjury, and violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act because the FBI found 'thousands' of work-related documents she had not turned in as she was required to do by the law.

So, again, NO - it is not an 'overstretch' at all. it is FACT.
The FBI Director testified she had classified, committed perjury, and violated the FOIA

So the republican Comey actually chose to not indict Clinton on a whim? Did that "assertion" of yours hurt when you pulled it out of your anus?
The FBI Director testified she had classified, committed perjury, and violated the FOIA
So the republican Comey actually chose to not indict Clinton on a whim?
YOU claim that, I don't.

Again, it's really simple, nat - so simple even YOU should be able to follow / understand it.
Once Hillary left the State Department she could not LEGALLY have classified information in her possession. She did. She broke the law. What do you NOT understand?
Right wingers, there's no "there" there.......The nitwit Kennedy should be fired for incompetence but the impact on Clinton is your lame attempt to make a conspiracy out of nothing provable...except, of course, in the eyes of that famous pundit, Hannity.
Nat, focus, dear - you are dodging / not answering the question:

When Hillary left the State Department it became ILLEGAL for her to have classified material in her possession. She did. She broke the law. WHAT do you NOT understand about that simple fact?
Section 793 of the Penal Code, Subsection (f)
‘Whoever being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note or information relating to the national defense ‘... through gross negligence...permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust or to be lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed ... having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust or lost or stolen or abstracted…”

1. Hillary Clinton did NOT have 'lawful possession' of classified. When she left the State department she no longer had the LEGAL AUTHORITY to have classified, especially SECRET / TOP SECRET / COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION, in her possession. This was a violation of the law!

2. '...through gross negligence': Hillary was using an UN-AUTHORIZED, UN-ENCRYPTED server to store classified information she ILLEGALLY had in her possession. If not an INTENTIONAL crime then it had to be 'GROSS NEGLIGENCE' which was a CRIME! Take your pick.

3. '...permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust': Hillary ILLEGALLY gave ACCESS to the illegal classified information in her possession to 1) Her personal IT aide who did not have a security clearance, 2) to her lawyer, who had no security clearance and was ILLEGALLY walking around with the classified information on a memory stick, 3) to a 'mom&pop' IT company who did not have the required level of security clearance to have access to the information and who ILLEGALLY kept the classified servers/material in their BATHROOM instead of a govt-approved SCIF as required by the law.

4. '...or destroyed': Hillary's aides ILLEGALLY smashed / destroyed phones/ PCs etc , in violation of US law regarding the legal process for destroying classified material.

So it is completely remarkable...yet not unbelievable considering Liberals...that anyone can attempt to make the argument that Hillary did NOT break the law.

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