'QUID PRO QUO': Top State Dept. official offered key posts for altering Clinton emails, say FBI file

it never happened.
Cause Libs say so.

Maybe YOU can answer this, Jill, since none of your fellow Libs want to touch it with a 10-foot pole:

When Hillary left the State Department it was from that point on ILLEGAL for Hillary to have classified information in her possession. She DID. That is a Crime. What are Liberals missing about that 1 simple fact?
It is hilarious to observe Democrats lie, when the same source was so cherished when it revealed truth about the GOP...


wikileaks - we doctor only Democratic corruption, or something like that.

Get real. Assange is on to the main problem in the US today, a problem that has tried to off him multiple times = Zionism, and their puppet in this election is Parkinson's Hillary.
Maybe they'll care that Hillary paid a 'political terrorist' on her payroll $1,610.34 to create a disruption / violence at a Trump Rally. (She really should avoid putting the names of such people on her books).
Why do you morons believe all that distorted/doctored/fake shit from Putin and Assange? Seriously, why?
No, because the FBI says so. The retired FBI agent who brought it up is now under investigation. There was no "quid pro quo".

So the retired FBI agent who stands to potentially be charged with a crime for this if it turns out to be true says it ISN'T true and that makes it believable? Got it.
Why do you morons believe all that distorted/doctored/fake shit from Putin and Assange? Seriously, why?
I believe the Director of the FBI who testified that Hillary broke the law.
Really? Then why didn't he prosecute her?
The Director of the FBI does not have the authority to Prosecute anyone on his own. Didn't community college teach you any of this? Evidently what you know about the govt, the Constitution, the judicial system, etc could fit in a thimble.
Once Hillary left the State Department she no longer legally had the authority to have classified materials in her possession. FBI Director Comey testified to Congress that the FBI DID find classified in her possession and that she DID send/receive classified. The WH itself even declared some of the classified found on her computer was SO classified that it would not be released under any condition because it would cause grave danger to the US national security. THAT is the definition of TOP SECRET information. THAT is also an admission that Hillary BROKE THE LAW!

NO, it's admission that the method of classifying information is dysfunctional, and there was no criminal intent on the part of Mrs. Clinton.

I'm still waiting for you to tell me what nefarious scheme she had to want this information after she no longer really had a need for it.
The Director of the FBI does not have the authority to Prosecute anyone on his own. Didn't community college teach you any of this? Evidently what you know about the govt, the Constitution, the judicial system, etc could fit in a thimble.

But the p oint is, he didn't recommend an indictment. He pretty much exonerated her of wrongdoing.

You know, which is the oppossite of what you do when you think someone did something wrong.
GOP calls mount for State Department Under-Secretary For Management Patrick Kennedy's resignation after FBI revelations

'Republicans pressured the State Department on Monday to remove Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy after newly released FBI records showed he offered a "quid pro quo" with federal authorities during the Hillary Clinton email probe.

Documents revealed claims that Kennedy tried to horse-trade with the FBI, offering additional slots for the bureau overseas if they would de-classify a particular email from Clinton’s server marked “SECRET.” The files also revealed he repeatedly tried to “influence” the bureau’s decision when his offer was denied, even taking his plea up the chain of command. The allegation of a "quid pro quo" was first reported by Fox News on Saturday.'

"The FBI documents show that Under-Secretary of State Patrick Kennedy made the request for altering classification as part of a 'quid pro quo,' in other words a deal....This is felony corruption. Under-Secretary Kennedy needs to resign."

Yes, we need to make bureaucratic dick-measuring contests a felony. You get right on that.

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