Quietly and/or Loudly Wanting Trump To Fail

All you wanted was and example of someone wanting him to fail. That post wants him to fail to the point of being glad he was given the opportunity to fail the whole country in an emergency like this, when we needed real leadership. I am no fan of trump, but I am thankful the CDC and other machinery of government have not been active attacked as he has other necessary machinery of government, only neglected. It is going to be rough without sound leadership, but the machine will respond, even with him riding in the cab, if he will just stay on script being fed by the different parts of the machine.
No, it doesn't.

This is what post #7 says...
  1. It first identifies DECADES worth of failure and not-readiness/unfitness from the subject
  2. The poster clearly states that he's praying that failure WOULDN'T happen, despite the subject's personal failings
  3. The poster understands that failure is LIKELY from this particular subject, despite the poster's best intentions & wishes
At no point in time does this poster state, or suggest, WANTING the subject to fail. Quite the opposite.

Only a partisan hack, or someone totally dishonest would put something so asinine forward.
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All you wanted was and example of someone wanting him to fail. That post wants him to fail to the point of being glad he was given the opportunity to fail the whole country in an emergency like this, when we needed real leadership. I am no fan of trump, but I am thankful the CDC and other machinery of government have not been active attacked as he has other necessary machinery of government, only neglected. It is going to be rough without sound leadership, but the machine will respond, even with him riding in the cab, if he will just stay on script being fed by the different parts of the machine.
No, it doesn't.

Sound like an example to me. You challenge question was bogus. You and I both know there are extremist out there in the real world and even of the hard left posters here, that want him to fail (thinking it would make him easier to defeat), without having to sight examples for your intellectual entertainment of school room debate. You were just trying to put her on the spot, knowing, sighting a news article would be hard to come up with, if wasn't already saved. and would read as if from a crazy person if read. Those people are out there, but they are on the fringes, just as much as those that turn a blind eye to everything he does or says, as he can do no wrong. I'm not one of either of those groups. They do not matter any more than the 35% core supporters of his. This election will be a move closer to the center, not the far left, as in No to Bernie and No to trump. We will get through this pandemic, It certainly will hurt him to a an extent, but the majority closer to the center that matters, does not want to see him fail, we all just happened to be here to witness it live and know we were endangered by it and that many will die because of it.
Sound like an example to me. You challenge question was bogus. You and I both know there are extremist out there in the real world and even of the hard left posters here, that want him to fail (thinking it would make him easier to defeat), without having to sight examples for your intellectual entertainment of school room debate. You were just trying to put her on the spot, knowing, sighting a news article would be hard to come up with, if wasn't already saved. and would read as if from a crazy person if read. Those people are out there, but they are on the fringes, just as much as those that turn a blind eye to everything he does or says, as he can do no wrong. I'm not one of either of those groups. They do not matter any more than the 35% core supporters of his. This election will be a move closer to the center, not the far left, as in No to Bernie and No to trump. We will get through this pandemic, It certainly will hurt him to a an extent, but the majority closer to the center that matters, does not want to see him fail, we all just happened to be here to witness it live and know we were endangered by it and that many will die because of it.
You, and others, clearly have VIVID imaginations...clearly.

Quietly and/or Loudly Wanting Trump To Fail
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

I am unaware of anyone who has hoped for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. Right wingers often make that claim, but I haven't seen it. Do you have a link?

Im sorry but I think you are missing my point. I didn't say that people are hoping for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. My point is that we shouldn't be rooting for Trump to fail or being happy when he is failing since his failure means our failure, his success is our success when it comes to this pandemic.
No one is ‘rooting’ for Trump to fail; no one is ‘happy’ that Trump has failed.

Indeed, Trump’s presidency failed long before the advent of the C19 crisis.

And a majority of Americans are frustrated because it comes as no surprise that Trump has failed to address the crisis – the consequence of Trump’s inexperience and incompetence.

The voters made a mistake electing Trump president – a mistake the voters will correct this November, and appropriately so.
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

I am unaware of anyone who has hoped for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. Right wingers often make that claim, but I haven't seen it. Do you have a link?

Im sorry but I think you are missing my point. I didn't say that people are hoping for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. My point is that we shouldn't be rooting for Trump to fail or being happy when he is failing since his failure means our failure, his success is our success when it comes to this pandemic.
No one is ‘rooting’ for Trump to fail; no one is ‘happy’ that Trump has failed.

Indeed, Trump’s presidency failed long before the advent of the C19 crisis.

And a majority of Americans are frustrated because it comes as no surprise that Trump has failed to address the crisis – the consequence of Trump’s inexperience and incompetence.

The voters made a mistake electing Trump president – a mistake the voters will correct this November, and appropriately so.
The voters actually elected Hilary. The electoral college elected Drumpf.
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

I am unaware of anyone who has hoped for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. Right wingers often make that claim, but I haven't seen it. Do you have a link?

Im sorry but I think you are missing my point. I didn't say that people are hoping for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. My point is that we shouldn't be rooting for Trump to fail or being happy when he is failing since his failure means our failure, his success is our success when it comes to this pandemic.
No one is ‘rooting’ for Trump to fail; no one is ‘happy’ that Trump has failed.

Indeed, Trump’s presidency failed long before the advent of the C19 crisis.

And a majority of Americans are frustrated because it comes as no surprise that Trump has failed to address the crisis – the consequence of Trump’s inexperience and incompetence.

The voters made a mistake electing Trump president – a mistake the voters will correct this November, and appropriately so.
The voters actually elected Hilary. The electoral college elected Drumpf.
We ain't in a popular vote system. Live with it.
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

I am unaware of anyone who has hoped for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. Right wingers often make that claim, but I haven't seen it. Do you have a link?

Im sorry but I think you are missing my point. I didn't say that people are hoping for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. My point is that we shouldn't be rooting for Trump to fail or being happy when he is failing since his failure means our failure, his success is our success when it comes to this pandemic.
No one is ‘rooting’ for Trump to fail; no one is ‘happy’ that Trump has failed.

Indeed, Trump’s presidency failed long before the advent of the C19 crisis.

And a majority of Americans are frustrated because it comes as no surprise that Trump has failed to address the crisis – the consequence of Trump’s inexperience and incompetence.

The voters made a mistake electing Trump president – a mistake the voters will correct this November, and appropriately so.
The voters actually elected Hilary. The electoral college elected Drumpf.
We ain't in a popular vote system. Live with it.
I am living with it. Now youre going to have live with the fact you supported that horses ass.
I am unaware of anyone who has hoped for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. Right wingers often make that claim, but I haven't seen it. Do you have a link?

Im sorry but I think you are missing my point. I didn't say that people are hoping for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. My point is that we shouldn't be rooting for Trump to fail or being happy when he is failing since his failure means our failure, his success is our success when it comes to this pandemic.
No one is ‘rooting’ for Trump to fail; no one is ‘happy’ that Trump has failed.

Indeed, Trump’s presidency failed long before the advent of the C19 crisis.

And a majority of Americans are frustrated because it comes as no surprise that Trump has failed to address the crisis – the consequence of Trump’s inexperience and incompetence.

The voters made a mistake electing Trump president – a mistake the voters will correct this November, and appropriately so.
The voters actually elected Hilary. The electoral college elected Drumpf.
We ain't in a popular vote system. Live with it.
I am living with it. Now youre going to have live with the fact you supported that horses ass.
Im sorry but I think you are missing my point. I didn't say that people are hoping for Trump's failure at the expense of the country. My point is that we shouldn't be rooting for Trump to fail or being happy when he is failing since his failure means our failure, his success is our success when it comes to this pandemic.
No one is ‘rooting’ for Trump to fail; no one is ‘happy’ that Trump has failed.

Indeed, Trump’s presidency failed long before the advent of the C19 crisis.

And a majority of Americans are frustrated because it comes as no surprise that Trump has failed to address the crisis – the consequence of Trump’s inexperience and incompetence.

The voters made a mistake electing Trump president – a mistake the voters will correct this November, and appropriately so.
The voters actually elected Hilary. The electoral college elected Drumpf.
We ain't in a popular vote system. Live with it.
I am living with it. Now youre going to have live with the fact you supported that horses ass.
View attachment 313311
Not sure why you posted that. I for damn sure am not a Drumpf supporter and I am not a Dem.
This is what post #7 says...
  1. It first identifies DECADES worth of failure and not-readiness/unfitness from the subject
  2. The poster clearly states that he's praying that failure WOULDN'T happen, despite the subject's personal failings
  3. The poster understands that failure is LIKELY from this particular subject, despite the poster's best intentions & wishes
At no point in time does this poster state, or suggest, WANTING the subject to fail. Quite the opposite.

Only a partisan hack, or someone totally dishonest would put something so asinine forward.
In red I see my mis-read of the word "wouldn't" for the word "would". You are correct. It is definitely not an example of someone wanting him to fail. I retract and apologize for wasting our time in the thread. Time for a smoke break, while I clean my no line trifocals sir.
Who said anything about wanting the country to fail? I said fuck that incompetent fuckup Drumpf. If he goes to sleep for a thousand years we will be better off for it no matter who takes over for him.

Since Trump is the President of this country and what happens to him does effect the rest of us......yeah, it does mean exactly that.

Besides, go back & reread the OP...….she's talking about the country not your nemesis

Trump is not the country dumb ass.

No but he is the President and leader.....much to your sorrow dumbass

But again, as I've said to the other dumbasses here...….go back & reread the OP. It has little to do with him or his position...…...it has everything to do with how people like you wanting the COUNTRY to fail in order to make that orange man bad

Again, Pointing out Trump's failures is not wishing for the country to fail.

I think for me it would be cool one day to hear some of Trump's biggest detractors say that they are rooting for him and his medical staff's success with this virus. It would be good for the country's unity in my opinion regardless of what that could mean for his reelection. I get it's hard for people to separate politics sometimes but i'll watch MSNBC and CNN and it's pretty rare to hear someone on there be in his corner in that sort of way even if they didn't vote for him and even if they don't like him as a person. I have a lot of personal opinions and criticisms about Trump, but I genuinely want him and his staff to succeed in fighting this outbreak.
It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to hope this administration is successful in addressing the crisis while also advocating Trump be voted out of office.

Trump’s failure with regard to C19 manifests in his incessant lying about the virus – lying about the outbreak being ‘contained,’ lying about the seriousness of the situation, and lying about the virus being a ‘hoax.’

Trump has been completely dishonest with the American people concerning the outbreak, and he should be held accountable as a consequence.
I wonder how many elderly have died as a direct result of Drumpfs ineptitude?

New polls show effect of right-wing media's dismissive and conspiratorial coronavirus coverage - CNN

"These right-wing personalities — such as Fox News' Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and talk radio host Rush Limbaugh — told their audiences that news coverage of the virus was hysterical and aimed at hurting Trump politically. The often-dismissive messaging from Fox News hosts was notable, given that the viewers who make up the network's audience skew older and are, thus, more vulnerable to the disease."
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I hope I draw a winning lottery ticket. I'm still going to go to work today because I know that's fairly unlikely, until they make me start working from home.

No, Trump isn't the cause of this pandemic, but he IS responsible for slashing the organs of government and calling it a "hoax" and comparing it to a flu for months, we are now caught woefully unprepared for the virus.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral.

No, what was immoral was all the people who sat back and watched him throw kids into concentration camps, promote racism, make a mockery of presidency, attack hard working people TRYING to keep us safe as "The Deep State out to Get Me!", and all said NOTHING about this because "Well, at least the Stock Market is doing good!"

These were largely the same kinds of people who ignored when Bush lied about Iraq and let people drown in Katrina, but finally turned on him when their 401K's crashed and their mortgages ended up underwater.

We said from the beginning he was unfit for the job, you all said, "Nah, it'll be fine!" and now.. it isn't.

We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

Again, going back to my Lottery Ticket analogy. Hope is great, but it's not a plan.

Three years ago, I knew Trump would fuck this up. It was only a matter of time. So I spent the last three years paying down all my debts (Done) and building up a nest egg separate from the Stock Market. For the moment, my business has come to a complete halt, because no one wants to go out or do anything. Hopefully, that will change in a few weeks, but I am ready if it doesn't.

The problem is, if it were Bush or Obama in charge right now, I'd be a lot less worried. These guys respected professionals and let them do their jobs. Trump has been spending the last four years trashing professionals. This job requires empathy. Trump is a complete narcissist and incapable of empathy.
We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too.
I'm no fan of Trump either, but this ugliness isn't exactly a shock. It seems like we've gone beyond partisan politics and into raw hatred.

Sadly, this is just the way things are now. What concerns me is that it has been so long since we've been acting like this that we may not even know how to be decent and honest at this point. We may have lost those skills.

I've seen little pieces of positivity here and there, but largely what we're seeing is no surprise. I have no idea what fixes this, if anything.
There is no necessity of desiring that Trump fail. He already has, repeatedly. His only success has been, as Reagan somehow did, to create a "feel-good" sense. When America feels good, it does well. It could feel good for genuine reasons or for false ones; that's a choice.
I'm no fan of Trump either, but this ugliness isn't exactly a shock. It seems like we've gone beyond partisan politics and into raw hatred.

Um, yeah, we hate Trump because we knew he was this level of evil and incompetent.

Kind of like when we all warned not to let Drunk Uncle Bob drive the car, and then said, "We told you so" when he wrapped it around a lamp post.


Sadly, this is just the way things are now. What concerns me is that it has been so long since we've been acting like this that we may not even know how to be decent and honest at this point. We may have lost those skills.

I've seen little pieces of positivity here and there, but largely what we're seeing is no surprise. I have no idea what fixes this, if anything.

People are dying, Stormy Mac is upset people are being mean.

Nice to see you still have your priorities, buddy.

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