Quietly and/or Loudly Wanting Trump To Fail

We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too.
I'm no fan of Trump either, but this ugliness isn't exactly a shock. It seems like we've gone beyond partisan politics and into raw hatred.

Sadly, this is just the way things are now. What concerns me is that it has been so long since we've been acting like this that we may not even know how to be decent and honest at this point. We may have lost those skills.

I've seen little pieces of positivity here and there, but largely what we're seeing is no surprise. I have no idea what fixes this, if anything.
Let me ask you this, should we look to Trump as our example of non-partisanship, bi-partisanship and unity? Is that who Americans should model in this regard?

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Bitching and whining from the cheap seats never won a game...........Only those on the field win or lose the game.............

So all of you whining continuously to the point of needing a barf bag..............from the Nose bleed sections need to GROW UP..............

Actions were taken early on........trying to limit this.........being done while the Impeachment was going on..

On January 31st they were declaring an emergency.....in the Senate they were arguing for more witnesses in Impeachment..............Wasn't til another week that any committees were called for this virus........even though a State of Emergency was declared...

HERE............TAKE A LOOK.

The 1st case came to the u.s. on the 21st.............Travel bans and quarantines ordered here.....while the BS Impeachment Trial was the focus of the Nation.

This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

holding secret meetings about the coronavirus heading this way & what to do about it, behind closed doors within a SCIF inside the HHS, without allowing actual experts in on those meetings was probably the biggest fuck up & it just spiraled downward with amazing speed.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

You know the drill from the looney left, defeat Trump at any cost.
When this doesn't work what's next. Enemy democrats must have another attack planned.

Not to worry, if they don't find something they'll make it up.

is that your 'hunch'? :lmao:
It's an example of attacking the President............the Character Assassination of Trump that has gone on for 3 years..................ending in a Senate Trial right when this thing hit........as I've documented...

Now the Media called it Wuhan ......Foreign........even KungFlu mockingly............But if the President says WUHAN Flu..........or does a Travel Ban it is Racist or Xenophobia............which I've already shown that information.

How is this supposed to help our nation with the Lies and Smear campaign during a Pandemic?
Nobody attacked him. Quoting him and/or describing his behavior and what he's done is not an attack.

If that's the case, then you seriously ought to reconsider your support of him.

journalists that actually have a backbone & asking tough questions to get truthful facts is 'attacking' trump who calls them 'nasty'.
knowing who & what donny has been for the past 40 years, i have been praying something like this wouldn't happen precisely because he is totally incapable of handling it.
Self defeating wish. Knowing his history of leadership, honesty, integrity since he has been in office (all bad) I was hoping nothing serious would come up, knowing he would blow it. We just need to get by till January when amateur hour will be over.
You were losing big time before this outbreak........and crash.......

I've pointed out Biden WHO is WINNING your primaries............lying..........I guess if you could vote for Hillary the liar........you could vote for Biden the Liar..............

Trump has done as well as can be expected.........none of these clowns could have done better......unless they were filling up a hot air baloon..................

Now.....the exponential problem is here.........it is up to the people to use common sense and end it early .....hopefully...........but given the crowds looking for TP...........we are about to get HAMMERED.

perhaps if he didn't get rid of the pandemic response team that obama put in place after the ebola crisis in 2018, we would be in better shape. donny is an instant gratification guy - always in the moment with absolutely no forethought about the future. he says & acts on impulse - just like a child. we know why he fired that team.... cause it was the black man who appointed them.
Bitching and whining from the cheap seats never won a game...........Only those on the field win or lose the game.............

So all of you whining continuously to the point of needing a barf bag..............from the Nose bleed sections need to GROW UP..............

Actions were taken early on........trying to limit this.........being done while the Impeachment was going on..

On January 31st they were declaring an emergency.....in the Senate they were arguing for more witnesses in Impeachment..............Wasn't til another week that any committees were called for this virus........even though a State of Emergency was declared...

HERE............TAKE A LOOK.

The 1st case came to the u.s. on the 21st.............Travel bans and quarantines ordered here.....while the BS Impeachment Trial was the focus of the Nation.

This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

holding secret meetings about the coronavirus heading this way & what to do about it, behind closed doors within a SCIF inside the HHS, without allowing actual experts in on those meetings was probably the biggest fuck up & it just spiraled downward with amazing speed.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Yep. When I hear see all the Trump lovers on this board saying his response to this virus was beautiful, I start pouring through the multiple press conferences they held warning the American people about the virus threat. The weeks leading up to last Wednesday night when government agencies were mobilized to enable states to respond to the coming virus outbreak......oh wait...yeah, that didn't happen. That was Trump following the Democrats around to Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina ranting about how it would soon be gone with warmer weather and this was just the latest Democrat hoax.
Bitching and whining from the cheap seats never won a game...........Only those on the field win or lose the game.............

So all of you whining continuously to the point of needing a barf bag..............from the Nose bleed sections need to GROW UP..............

Actions were taken early on........trying to limit this.........being done while the Impeachment was going on..

On January 31st they were declaring an emergency.....in the Senate they were arguing for more witnesses in Impeachment..............Wasn't til another week that any committees were called for this virus........even though a State of Emergency was declared...

HERE............TAKE A LOOK.

The 1st case came to the u.s. on the 21st.............Travel bans and quarantines ordered here.....while the BS Impeachment Trial was the focus of the Nation.

This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

holding secret meetings about the coronavirus heading this way & what to do about it, behind closed doors within a SCIF inside the HHS, without allowing actual experts in on those meetings was probably the biggest fuck up & it just spiraled downward with amazing speed.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Yep. When I hear see all the Trump lovers on this board saying his response to this virus was beautiful, I start pouring through the multiple press conferences they held warning the American people about the virus threat. The weeks leading up to last Wednesday night when government agencies were mobilized to enable states to respond to the coming virus outbreak......oh wait...yeah, that didn't happen. That was Trump following the Democrats around to Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina ranting about how it would soon be gone with warmer weather and this was just the latest Democrat hoax.

The Lies continue............He said we might catch a break in April with Warmer weather.....

But of course ......your side long ago stop caring about the Truth.
This is what post #7 says...
  1. It first identifies DECADES worth of failure and not-readiness/unfitness from the subject
  2. The poster clearly states that he's praying that failure WOULDN'T happen, despite the subject's personal failings
  3. The poster understands that failure is LIKELY from this particular subject, despite the poster's best intentions & wishes
At no point in time does this poster state, or suggest, WANTING the subject to fail. Quite the opposite.

Only a partisan hack, or someone totally dishonest would put something so asinine forward.

just an FYI - i am female.
Bitching and whining from the cheap seats never won a game...........Only those on the field win or lose the game.............

So all of you whining continuously to the point of needing a barf bag..............from the Nose bleed sections need to GROW UP..............

Actions were taken early on........trying to limit this.........being done while the Impeachment was going on..

On January 31st they were declaring an emergency.....in the Senate they were arguing for more witnesses in Impeachment..............Wasn't til another week that any committees were called for this virus........even though a State of Emergency was declared...

HERE............TAKE A LOOK.

The 1st case came to the u.s. on the 21st.............Travel bans and quarantines ordered here.....while the BS Impeachment Trial was the focus of the Nation.

This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

Hand picked BS..........where he is trying to calm the situation instead of a panic............

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary

Highlights of CDC’s Response
  • CDC established a COVID-19 Incident Management System on January 7, 2020. On January 21, CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center to better provide ongoing support to the COVID-19 response.
  • The U.S. government has taken unprecedented steps with respect to travel in response to the growing public health threat posed by this new coronavirus:
    • Foreign nationals who have been in China, Iran, the United Kingdom, Ireland and any one of 26 European countries within the past 14 days cannot enter the United States.
    • U.S. citizens, residents, and their immediate family members who have been any one of those countries within in the past 14 days can enter the United States, but they are subject to health monitoring and possible quarantine for up to 14 days.
    • People at higher risk of serious COVID-19 illness avoid cruise travel and non-essential air travel.
    • Additionally, CDC has issued the following additional specific travel guidance related to COVID-19.
  • CDC has issued clinical guidance, including:
  • CDC has deployed multidisciplinary teams to support state health departments case identification, contact tracing, clinical management, and public communications.
  • CDC has worked with federal partners to support the safe return of Americans overseas who have been affected by COVID-19.
  • An important part of CDC’s role during a public health emergency is to develop a test for the pathogen and equip state and local public health labs with testing capacity.
    • CDC developed an rRT-PCR test to diagnose COVID-19.
    • As of the evening of March 15, 89 state and local public health labs in 50 states and the District of Columbia have successfully verified and are currently using CDC COVID-19 diagnostic tests.
    • Combined with other reagents that CDC has procured, there are enough testing kits to test more than 75,000 people.
    • Commercial manufacturers are now producing their own tests.
  • CDC has grown the COVID-19 virus in cell culture, which is necessary for further studies, including for additional genetic characterization. The cell-grown virus was sent to NIH’s BEI Resources Repositoryexternal icon for use by the broad scientific community.
  • CDC also is developing a serology test for COVID-19.

Calm the situation? Wow, we have very differing views on what constitutes calm. Here's an example from right up road from me about a month ago.
Trump rallies in New Hampshire on eve of Democratic primary

Now this is all very good information and I have no doubt that the CDC took this seriously...albeit a little late. But I'm not seeing where the CDC urgency translated into the cattle prod that should have been stuck up Trump's butt. Again, he campaigned and didn't take it seriously. And testing? The first batch that came out of the CDC were defective, so there goes that narrative.

Again..........just TDS and lies............You purposely put up him saying the heat killing the virus.........What he is saying is that Flues are Seasonal..........While the Coronavirus is new.......and they are not sure if Heat and humidity affect it.........They are NORMALLY SEASONAL.....And when our summer comes........the Southern Hemisphere gets the virus for their winter.....

Late........10 days after the 1st case an Emergency was declared and a team assembled for this action..........Travel bans same time............A ban that has been said by many to buy us time.......In regards to the test kits..........the MEDIA AND BIDEN LIED about WHO offering the kits...............I've already posted that............................

You just can't STOP LYING........and you are doing damage to this country with your LIES...........I can back my shit up bro.

You're not backing anything up. Just invoking your Trump Defense Syndrome. Honestly, see a chiropractor. That bending over backwards isn't good for your spine.
His bullshit it contained right in the article I linked. Face it, he fucked up. And that's because he's incompetent.

Trump says Coronavirus will be gone by April when the weather gets warmer
"The president continued to suggest the Coronavirus outbreak, which has claimed 1,000 lives as of Monday, will be gone by April. He told the crowd that "in theory" once the weather warms up Coronavirus, which he referred to as "the virus," will "miraculously" go away. Trump did not offer any scientific explanation to back up his claim".

Oh yeah, and Snopes has already pointed out that Biden's claim isn't true....but Trump's administration DID refuse to take advantage of those test kits. More time wasted in campaign mode.
Bitching and whining from the cheap seats never won a game...........Only those on the field win or lose the game.............

So all of you whining continuously to the point of needing a barf bag..............from the Nose bleed sections need to GROW UP..............

Actions were taken early on........trying to limit this.........being done while the Impeachment was going on..

On January 31st they were declaring an emergency.....in the Senate they were arguing for more witnesses in Impeachment..............Wasn't til another week that any committees were called for this virus........even though a State of Emergency was declared...

HERE............TAKE A LOOK.

The 1st case came to the u.s. on the 21st.............Travel bans and quarantines ordered here.....while the BS Impeachment Trial was the focus of the Nation.

This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

Hand picked BS..........where he is trying to calm the situation instead of a panic............

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Summary

Highlights of CDC’s Response
  • CDC established a COVID-19 Incident Management System on January 7, 2020. On January 21, CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center to better provide ongoing support to the COVID-19 response.
  • The U.S. government has taken unprecedented steps with respect to travel in response to the growing public health threat posed by this new coronavirus:
    • Foreign nationals who have been in China, Iran, the United Kingdom, Ireland and any one of 26 European countries within the past 14 days cannot enter the United States.
    • U.S. citizens, residents, and their immediate family members who have been any one of those countries within in the past 14 days can enter the United States, but they are subject to health monitoring and possible quarantine for up to 14 days.
    • People at higher risk of serious COVID-19 illness avoid cruise travel and non-essential air travel.
    • Additionally, CDC has issued the following additional specific travel guidance related to COVID-19.
  • CDC has issued clinical guidance, including:
  • CDC has deployed multidisciplinary teams to support state health departments case identification, contact tracing, clinical management, and public communications.
  • CDC has worked with federal partners to support the safe return of Americans overseas who have been affected by COVID-19.
  • An important part of CDC’s role during a public health emergency is to develop a test for the pathogen and equip state and local public health labs with testing capacity.
    • CDC developed an rRT-PCR test to diagnose COVID-19.
    • As of the evening of March 15, 89 state and local public health labs in 50 states and the District of Columbia have successfully verified and are currently using CDC COVID-19 diagnostic tests.
    • Combined with other reagents that CDC has procured, there are enough testing kits to test more than 75,000 people.
    • Commercial manufacturers are now producing their own tests.
  • CDC has grown the COVID-19 virus in cell culture, which is necessary for further studies, including for additional genetic characterization. The cell-grown virus was sent to NIH’s BEI Resources Repositoryexternal icon for use by the broad scientific community.
  • CDC also is developing a serology test for COVID-19.

Calm the situation? Wow, we have very differing views on what constitutes calm. Here's an example from right up road from me about a month ago.
Trump rallies in New Hampshire on eve of Democratic primary

Now this is all very good information and I have no doubt that the CDC took this seriously...albeit a little late. But I'm not seeing where the CDC urgency translated into the cattle prod that should have been stuck up Trump's butt. Again, he campaigned and didn't take it seriously. And testing? The first batch that came out of the CDC were defective, so there goes that narrative.

Again..........just TDS and lies............You purposely put up him saying the heat killing the virus.........What he is saying is that Flues are Seasonal..........While the Coronavirus is new.......and they are not sure if Heat and humidity affect it.........They are NORMALLY SEASONAL.....And when our summer comes........the Southern Hemisphere gets the virus for their winter.....

Late........10 days after the 1st case an Emergency was declared and a team assembled for this action..........Travel bans same time............A ban that has been said by many to buy us time.......In regards to the test kits..........the MEDIA AND BIDEN LIED about WHO offering the kits...............I've already posted that............................

You just can't STOP LYING........and you are doing damage to this country with your LIES...........I can back my shit up bro.

You're not backing anything up. Just invoking your Trump Defense Syndrome. Honestly, see a chiropractor. That bending over backwards isn't good for your spine.
His bullshit it contained right in the article I linked. Face it, he fucked up. And that's because he's incompetent.

Trump says Coronavirus will be gone by April when the weather gets warmer
"The president continued to suggest the Coronavirus outbreak, which has claimed 1,000 lives as of Monday, will be gone by April. He told the crowd that "in theory" once the weather warms up Coronavirus, which he referred to as "the virus," will "miraculously" go away. Trump did not offer any scientific explanation to back up his claim".

Oh yeah, and Snopes has already pointed out that Biden's claim isn't true....but Trump's administration DID refuse to take advantage of those test kits. More time wasted in campaign mode.

Might catch a break.........in April.........Seasonality is yet to be determined.

Now please continue with your disinformation campaign............
Bitching and whining from the cheap seats never won a game...........Only those on the field win or lose the game.............

So all of you whining continuously to the point of needing a barf bag..............from the Nose bleed sections need to GROW UP..............

Actions were taken early on........trying to limit this.........being done while the Impeachment was going on..

On January 31st they were declaring an emergency.....in the Senate they were arguing for more witnesses in Impeachment..............Wasn't til another week that any committees were called for this virus........even though a State of Emergency was declared...

HERE............TAKE A LOOK.

The 1st case came to the u.s. on the 21st.............Travel bans and quarantines ordered here.....while the BS Impeachment Trial was the focus of the Nation.

This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

holding secret meetings about the coronavirus heading this way & what to do about it, behind closed doors within a SCIF inside the HHS, without allowing actual experts in on those meetings was probably the biggest fuck up & it just spiraled downward with amazing speed.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Yep. When I hear see all the Trump lovers on this board saying his response to this virus was beautiful, I start pouring through the multiple press conferences they held warning the American people about the virus threat. The weeks leading up to last Wednesday night when government agencies were mobilized to enable states to respond to the coming virus outbreak......oh wait...yeah, that didn't happen. That was Trump following the Democrats around to Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina ranting about how it would soon be gone with warmer weather and this was just the latest Democrat hoax.

The Lies continue............He said we might catch a break in April with Warmer weather.....

But of course ......your side long ago stop caring about the Truth.

Again, just can't stop the gymnastics huh? :)
Ok, I'll give you an 8. You've constantly failed to stick the landing.

Here's the record of an internal tele-briefing the CDC held. The first one I can find a complete record of. Where was the sense of urgency? The multiple press conferences? You know what was happening in the White House? It was being squashed by the likes of the worst of the worst that Trump has surrounded himself with.

Transcript for the CDC Telebriefing Update on COVID-19 | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC
Bitching and whining from the cheap seats never won a game...........Only those on the field win or lose the game.............

So all of you whining continuously to the point of needing a barf bag..............from the Nose bleed sections need to GROW UP..............

Actions were taken early on........trying to limit this.........being done while the Impeachment was going on..

On January 31st they were declaring an emergency.....in the Senate they were arguing for more witnesses in Impeachment..............Wasn't til another week that any committees were called for this virus........even though a State of Emergency was declared...

HERE............TAKE A LOOK.

The 1st case came to the u.s. on the 21st.............Travel bans and quarantines ordered here.....while the BS Impeachment Trial was the focus of the Nation.

This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

holding secret meetings about the coronavirus heading this way & what to do about it, behind closed doors within a SCIF inside the HHS, without allowing actual experts in on those meetings was probably the biggest fuck up & it just spiraled downward with amazing speed.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Yep. When I hear see all the Trump lovers on this board saying his response to this virus was beautiful, I start pouring through the multiple press conferences they held warning the American people about the virus threat. The weeks leading up to last Wednesday night when government agencies were mobilized to enable states to respond to the coming virus outbreak......oh wait...yeah, that didn't happen. That was Trump following the Democrats around to Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina ranting about how it would soon be gone with warmer weather and this was just the latest Democrat hoax.

The Lies continue............He said we might catch a break in April with Warmer weather.....

But of course ......your side long ago stop caring about the Truth.

he gave out bad info for weeks. he also lied when he said he knew nothing about the pandemic response team being dismantled & he directly CONtradicted his scientists & experts about 'shaking hands ' & never would have gotten tested - even though he was in contact with an infected person - possible shedding those germs hiself, putting others in danger including his wife & kid until he was shamed into it. dismissing the experts & relying on his 'hunch' was the utmost in irresponsibility. he was stellar in his pivot - in 24 hrs, he went from ' we have tremendous control ' over the virus to ' it's highly contagious ' & ' i knew it was a pandemic b4 they officially announced it ' to ' this virus snuck up on us '

bullshit - we knew for months it was coming & nothing was done for weeks except for cancelling flights from china. ooooOOOoooo that had more to do with his disdain for the chinese than anything else. his next stable genius act was a payroll tax cut? really?
Bitching and whining from the cheap seats never won a game...........Only those on the field win or lose the game.............

So all of you whining continuously to the point of needing a barf bag..............from the Nose bleed sections need to GROW UP..............

Actions were taken early on........trying to limit this.........being done while the Impeachment was going on..

On January 31st they were declaring an emergency.....in the Senate they were arguing for more witnesses in Impeachment..............Wasn't til another week that any committees were called for this virus........even though a State of Emergency was declared...

HERE............TAKE A LOOK.

The 1st case came to the u.s. on the 21st.............Travel bans and quarantines ordered here.....while the BS Impeachment Trial was the focus of the Nation.

This is not a bitch from the cheap seats. This is calling out abject incompetence. If you'd like a run down, here you go.
Is This Timeline of Trump's Coronavirus Responses Accurate?

Notice the big gap in responses from Feb 2nd to Feb 24th. What do you think was going on in that time space? Mobilizing government to enable states to respond? Showing leadership? Nope...just campaign slogans. That's three wasted weeks.

holding secret meetings about the coronavirus heading this way & what to do about it, behind closed doors within a SCIF inside the HHS, without allowing actual experts in on those meetings was probably the biggest fuck up & it just spiraled downward with amazing speed.

Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources

Yep. When I hear see all the Trump lovers on this board saying his response to this virus was beautiful, I start pouring through the multiple press conferences they held warning the American people about the virus threat. The weeks leading up to last Wednesday night when government agencies were mobilized to enable states to respond to the coming virus outbreak......oh wait...yeah, that didn't happen. That was Trump following the Democrats around to Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina ranting about how it would soon be gone with warmer weather and this was just the latest Democrat hoax.

The Lies continue............He said we might catch a break in April with Warmer weather.....

But of course ......your side long ago stop caring about the Truth.

Again, just can't stop the gymnastics huh? :)
Ok, I'll give you an 8. You've constantly failed to stick the landing.

Here's the record of an internal tele-briefing the CDC held. The first one I can find a complete record of. Where was the sense of urgency? The multiple press conferences? You know what was happening in the White House? It was being squashed by the likes of the worst of the worst that Trump has surrounded himself with.

Transcript for the CDC Telebriefing Update on COVID-19 | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

More lies.....I have put up data showing the actions time and time again......Your side was a little busy trying to sell a Fake Impeachment.......and your side said XENOPHOBIA when he tried to stop the thread.

You are just on spin........and nothing more.....your purpose is daily attacks and nothing more.......
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.
Trump has failed regardless of what anyone wants.

They are hopping from. potential solution to potential solution. They had no plan & wasted months saying is was nothing to be concerned about.

I laugh my ass off of those who want to say we should not want Trump to fail when this is exactly what Republicans said about Obama.

Fuck Republicans. Fuck Trump. We need a real leader to get us through this situation. Trump is not it.
There is a difference between pointing out his abject failures and wanting him to fail.

There are a lot of pathetic threads along a similar vein. Claiming Dems are fomenting panic, or that the media is, accusing Dems of politicizing the pandemic, basically finding fault with others or deflecting blame all with one thing in mind. Protecting Dear Leader.from being held accountable for failing to do those things that were under his control early on. But he chose to pretend this was not going to be a crisis because he didn't want it to be one.
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

rush limbaugh when bush the 2nd became president; "liberals WANT him to fail! and if Bush fails the COUNTRY FAILS! THAT is how it WORKS! So LIBERALS want the WHOLE COUNTRY TO FAIL!"

dittoheads: "that's true! completely true!"

rush limbaugh when Obama became president "I want him to fail! but that doesn't mean I want the country to fail! they are 2 different things. But liberals will LIE to you and tell you by wanting Obama to fail you want the country to fail! THAT is how EVIL liberals are!"

dittoheads: "that's true! absolutely true!"

you cons are truly stupid

which would be forgivable if you weren't such evil human scum.
Let me ask you this, should we look to Trump as our example of non-partisanship, bi-partisanship and unity? Is that who Americans should model in this regard?
No, not even close.

I think we should look at him as a model for how we should NOT behave, and understand that he is a SYMPTOM. I think we should realize that the last thing we want to do is emulate him or behave like him, and act in the opposite manner, because we are better than that and are capable of rising above it for the good of the country.

And clearly, we are CHOOSING not to do that. Rolling in mud with pigs is a waste of time. You only get just as dirty, and the pig likes it. And here we are.
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Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

rush limbaugh when bush the 2nd became president; "liberals WANT him to fail! and if Bush fails the COUNTRY FAILS! THAT is how it WORKS! So LIBERALS want the WHOLE COUNTRY TO FAIL!"

dittoheads: "that's true! completely true!"

rush limbaugh when Obama became president "I want him to fail! but that doesn't mean I want the country to fail! they are 2 different things. But liberals will LIE to you and tell you by wanting Obama to fail you want the country to fail! THAT is how EVIL liberals are!"

dittoheads: "that's true! absolutely true!"

you cons are truly stupid

which would be forgivable if you weren't such evil human scum.

I voted for president Obama, his reelection was my first presidential vote. I think you are making the mistake that showing hope for a president's efforts means that you agree with all aspects, policies, traits, and actions of that president, it doesn't. Yes there were people on the right who wanted Obama to fail, and there are people on the left who want Trump to fail. The point of my OP was that wanting a president to fail in a time of crisis, such as right now with coronavirus, is wrong.
Full disclosure I did not vote for Donald Trump for president and i'm not sure I will in November either, but when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic we should not be hoping for him to fail or cheering on bad news if it negatively impacts Trump in my opinion. Trump is not the cause of the pandemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and the medical staff that is working with him, praying for wisdom. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner.

I've seen it a few times now on here and also from celebrities, pundits, politicians, and others unfortunately too. People hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or sinks the economy so that is hurts his reelection is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral. We as a nation should be rooting for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good learnings from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly happy or loudly happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

rush limbaugh when bush the 2nd became president; "liberals WANT him to fail! and if Bush fails the COUNTRY FAILS! THAT is how it WORKS! So LIBERALS want the WHOLE COUNTRY TO FAIL!"

dittoheads: "that's true! completely true!"

rush limbaugh when Obama became president "I want him to fail! but that doesn't mean I want the country to fail! they are 2 different things. But liberals will LIE to you and tell you by wanting Obama to fail you want the country to fail! THAT is how EVIL liberals are!"

dittoheads: "that's true! absolutely true!"

you cons are truly stupid

which would be forgivable if you weren't such evil human scum.

I voted for president Obama, his reelection was my first presidential vote. I think you are making the mistake that showing hope for a president's efforts means that you agree with all aspects, policies, traits, and actions of that president, it doesn't. Yes there were people on the right who wanted Obama to fail, and there are people on the left who want Trump to fail. The point of my OP was that wanting a president to fail in a time of crisis, such as right now with coronavirus, is wrong.

You are way too level headed for this board, my friend.

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