Quirks, nervous ticks, habits


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Anyone have one or know of someone that has one?

I always know when Sister In Law is back from wherever she went because the first second she walks in the door, I can hear her all the way into my room at the back of the house.

"Ooooooh. Oooooooh. Ahhhhhh. Ooooooh". Big sighs, with sound. Doesn't matter if she is carrying bags of groceries or just lugging her purse. Always the same thing. Ooooh. Oooooh. Ahhhhhhh. And pretty loud.

I get a nervous tick now and then in my left eyebrow. Starts in my forehead..like a bug is crawling downwards...then my eyebrow starts jumping.

Hubby picks at his hair and scalp in one spot and doesn't even know it.
Restless leg sydrome. I do that too. I also used to chew the inside of my mouth.
My old Papa would cuss up a storm all day long. Even if you just looked like you were doing something wrong....
I resemble that remark. Everyone in this house cusses and doesn't even think about it. But we don't in public. At least thats something.
Anyone have one or know of someone that has one?

I always know when Sister In Law is back from wherever she went because the first second she walks in the door, I can hear her all the way into my room at the back of the house.

"Ooooooh. Oooooooh. Ahhhhhh. Ooooooh". Big sighs, with sound. Doesn't matter if she is carrying bags of groceries or just lugging her purse. Always the same thing. Ooooh. Oooooh. Ahhhhhhh. And pretty loud.

I get a nervous tick now and then in my left eyebrow. Starts in my forehead..like a bug is crawling downwards...then my eyebrow starts jumping.

Hubby picks at his hair and scalp in one spot and doesn't even know it.

Maybe because my neighbor teaches French at our high-school, she needs to repeatedly jerk her head so fast, in a quick shake, when talking to anyone, to release tension, is why I have to turn away. I have often wondered if she does this at school in front of the class or when she is around the neighborhood, talking to adults. I have avoided asking her why she does that, or if she even knows why, as I would run the risk of possibly embarrassing her and I respect her too much, to run that risk. She is so friendly and fun. I just roll with it. None of my business unless she makes it so.

Now, my little habit is twirling my hair. I just love to twirl my hair. :lol: It's one way of keeping my hands busy.
Oh, I do that too. left side only. Twirl, twirl, twirl. :lol:
I twirl my thumbs when riding in the car with my husband, completely unaware until he reaches over and places his hand over mine and tells me to stop.....it bothers him....and I'm not even aware that I'm doing it..
For the past 3+ years, I have had a habit of rubbing my wrists and enclosing fingers with each hand. Back and forth, rub rub, back and forth, rub rub. I do it even when not hurting and only notice when someone asks if my hands hurt. SOmetimes I say yes..something I'm like..huh?
I don't know what it is but I seem unable to control it:

Every time I see or hear Barack Obama both arms fly straight out toward the TV, fists clinch into balls and my middle fingers freeze in an upward position. Changing the channel or cutting the TV off seem to fix the situation until the next episode occurs.

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