Quizz World War 11


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
Hello, I propose a quiz on World War II, I want to ask questions for a while but if someone also wants to ask it would be nice too.

Thank you

Soldiers clear a street of German defenders in Brest, France, August 1944

Give me the name of the infantery division ?
WTF is an "infantery" division? Is it a division filled with infants?

As far as the answer to your question? The US VIII Corps.


A Lt. Col delivers a speech to the personnel of the 8th Evacuation Hospital

during celebrations of Jefferson's Birthday, 13 April 1944.

Give me the name of the Lt. Colonel ?


A Lt. Col delivers a speech to the personnel of the 8th Evacuation Hospital

during celebrations of Jefferson's Birthday, 13 April 1944.

Give me the name of the Lt. Colonel ?

The answer was : Lt. Col. Wray Blackford :(

Four American soldiers

Are studying a group of German road signs on Boulevard Rochebonne in the French town of Poincaré in Paramé, a suburb of Saint - Malo.

Give me the name of the Infantry division of the American Army?
Was the US army still segregated?

More then 2,5 million Black Americans, men and women volunteered during the Second World War.
They served in the Army, Air Force, Navy, in the Marine Corps and Coast Guard.
in all these units, they were victims of discrimination and segregation.
They served their country with honor and made a valuable contribution to the war effort.
Still segregated. There were black ships, the Navy began allowing "visiting" sailors. My father placed Truman the best of his life for desegregating the military. Imagine being on a ship or in battle KNOWING others allies could have been with you but for the color of their skin?
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Was the US army still segregated?

More then 2,5 million Black Americans, men and women volunteered during the Second World War.
They served in the Army, Air Force, Navy, in the Marine Corps and Coast Guard.
in all these units, they were victims of discrimination and segregation.
They served their country with honor and made a valuable contribution to the war effort.
That's daft. 2.5 million registered for the draft, less than1 million served and only one division actually saw combat in Italy, the rest were relegated to support roles.
Efforts for the Second World War have been made in various ways and from different people known or not...

An important factor ensuring AmericaAca,!a,,cs ultimate victory over the Axis Powers in World War II was the overwhelming and unwavering support of the Home Front. Contributing much to creating and maintaining that Home Front support were Walt Disney films. Meanwhile, morale-boosting Disney-designed insignia that soon appeared on planes, trucks, flight jackets, and other military equipment accomplished the same for American and Allied forces.

During the war Disney made films for every branch of the U.S. government. Typical of the films was the 1943 Aca,!A"The Spirit of Aca,!a,,c43,Aca,!A? produced at the request of the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, Jr. The film depicted Donald Duck dealing with federal income taxes and pointing out the benefit of paying his taxes in support of the American war effort.

At the NavyAca,!a,,cs request, the Disney Studios also produced, in just three months, some 90,000 feet of training film to educate sailors on navigation tactics. Disney animators also worked closely with Hollywood producer Frank Capra and created what many consider to be the most brilliant animated maps to appear in a series of seven highly successful Aca,!A"Why We FightAca,!A? films.

During the war, over 90 percent of Disney employees were devoted to the production of training and propaganda films. In all, the Disney Studios produced some 400,000 feet of film representing some 68 hours of continuous film. Included among the films produced was Aca,!A"Der FuehrerAca,!a,,cs Face,Aca,!A? again featuring Donald Duck. It won the Oscar as the best animated film for 1943.

Perhaps the importance of the Disney Studios to the war effort is best demonstrated by the fact that the U.S. Army deployed troops to protect the facilities, the only Hollywood studio accorded such treatment.

During World War I, while serving as a Red Cross ambulance driver, Walt Disney embellished his ambulance and other vehicles with drawings and cartoon figures. Thus, he came to appreciate the importance of humorous insignia to unit morale and esprit-de-corps. It is not surprising, therefore, that during World War II Disney artists often used their talents to design military insignia and emblems.

For example, in 1942 the Navy asked Disney to design an emblem appropriate for its new fleet of Navy torpedo boats known as Aca,!A"mosquito boats.Aca,!A? In response, Disney provided its famous emblem of a mosquito riding a torpedo, which soon adorned all of the newly constructed PT boats. t the request of the China Defense Supplies organization, the Disney Studios also designed a winged tiger flying through a large V for victory for the world famous Aca,!A"Flying Tigers.Aca,!A? By warAca,!a,,cs end, the Disney Studios had produced over 1,200 insignias for both the U.S. Army and Navy, as well as Allied units, without ever charging a fee.

Walt Disney Goes to War
Disney Insignia from World War II - USNI News

Four American soldiers View attachment 155451

Are studying a group of German road signs on Boulevard Rochebonne in the French town of Poincaré in Paramé, a suburb of Saint - Malo.

Give me the name of the Infantry division of the American Army?
The answer was 83rd US Infantry Division.

If anyone is interested in playing come tell me otherwise I would make threads in the military category.:)

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