R says if abortion is legal, rape should be too

He has a long history of this kind crap -http://thetippingpoint.bangordailynews.com/2014/02/25/state-politics/maine-rep-lawrence-lockmans-deacades-long-history-of-extremism/

His latest -

Republican Lawmaker Apologizes For Saying Men Should Be Able To Rape Women If Abortion Is Legal

"If a woman has [the right to an abortion], why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman?" Lockman wrote. "At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual freedom doesn’t [in most cases] result in anyone’s death."

Lockman released a statement Wednesday in which he said he regrets his comments.

"I have always been passionate about my beliefs, and years ago I said things that I regret," the statement read. "I hold no animosity toward anyone by virtue of their gender or sexual orientation, and today I am focused on ensuring freedom and economic prosperity for all Mainers."

Its okay thought cuz he apologized. This time.

With his nasty mouth and hatred for human beings, my bet is that he has a bright future in national politics. Hell, next thing we'll hear is a ground swell of support for a run at the White House.

Apologies don't and shouldn't be allowed to negate what we say. If we allow it to then no one should be trusted since they can just take everything back or apologise.
Please, if we are going to kick people out for every stupid thing they say there wouldn't be anyone left

And really, that would be fine with me IF you people held BOTH parties responsible for the ugly, stupid crap they say...but that is isn't the case with a lot of you who are democrat

so these threads are nothing more but smears because its getting close to elections

Leave it to Huffpufferpost to post something like this, they left/liberals can't run on Obama's record the majority DISAPPROVES of it , so here comes the rape thing again, the war on womeeen, etc

it's so transparent
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He has a long history of this kind crap -http://thetippingpoint.bangordailynews.com/2014/02/25/state-politics/maine-rep-lawrence-lockmans-deacades-long-history-of-extremism/

His latest -

Republican Lawmaker Apologizes For Saying Men Should Be Able To Rape Women If Abortion Is Legal

"If a woman has [the right to an abortion], why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman?" Lockman wrote. "At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual freedom doesn’t [in most cases] result in anyone’s death."

Lockman released a statement Wednesday in which he said he regrets his comments.

"I have always been passionate about my beliefs, and years ago I said things that I regret," the statement read. "I hold no animosity toward anyone by virtue of their gender or sexual orientation, and today I am focused on ensuring freedom and economic prosperity for all Mainers."

Its okay thought cuz he apologized. This time.

With his nasty mouth and hatred for human beings, my bet is that he has a bright future in national politics. Hell, next thing we'll hear is a ground swell of support for a run at the White House.

Apologies don't and shouldn't be allowed to negate what we say. If we allow it to then no one should be trusted since they can just take everything back or apologise.
Nor should statements made 20+ years ago have any real impact today in your carrier. Particularly if those comments are nothing more than a shitty analogy.

this is one of the reasons that we cant get a single decent individual in office anywhere - the base requirement for the job is that you never said anything stupid or done something that was asinine. IOW, you have not actually lived outside of a bubble for your whole life.

We have ALL said asinine things in the past let alone actually done some really stupid shit. That was in the past - let it go.

Many of Obama's appointees (and Obama himself in his book) have made some outrageous statements in there pasts. Did that make them unqualified? No, it just meant that they made some outrageous statements. If they start pushing those policies now then we can and should remove them from office. Otherwise, who gives a rats ass.
Wow!!! A politician said something dumb....

It happens every day...thing is....D pols get away with it, Rs do not. HYPOCRISY!

Hell every thing that comes out of the mouths of some Ds is dumb...

Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Big Ears
and so many more.....
I don't think what this guy said was dumb so much as extremely logical (and logic usually winds up pissing people off because of the cold unfeeling rationality.) By making abortion legal (making murder legal in effect) then lesser crimes too should be made legal as with rape. Depending how you think of abortion the statement either makes sense or doesn't. As with arguements for making marijuana legal cite how alcohol already is. Same thing.
Oh wow, they dug this up all the way back from 1990. :rolleyes:

Who fucking cares...
It's called desperation, while the people they support have said worse...but I have to ask where is their outcry against their own? (Gee MOM! They did it too)...It doesn't exist thus their duplicity for political bent. I worry when outrageous statements are made say from Obama in his past, and he is now making it policy.
Oh wow, they dug this up all the way back from 1990. :rolleyes:

Who fucking cares...
It's called desperation, while the people they support have said worse...but I have to ask where is their outcry against their own? (Gee MOM! They did it too)...It doesn't exist thus their duplicity for political bent. I worry when outrageous statements are made say from Obama in his past, and he is now making it policy.

they still support a man who was accused of rape, was impeached for having sex with a woman the same age as his daughter and then lying and covering it up and they have the nerve to bring up someone who SAY'S something about rape...it's pathetic and nothing more but dirty politics from their side
I don't think what this guy said was dumb so much as extremely logical (and logic usually winds up pissing people off because of the cold unfeeling rationality.) By making abortion legal (making murder legal in effect) then lesser crimes too should be made legal as with rape. Depending how you think of abortion the statement either makes sense or doesn't. As with arguements for making marijuana legal cite how alcohol already is. Same thing.
That does not make it any less dumb.

Of course, it is only dumb BECAUSE he is a public official and they should understand that such statements are a no go. It is not dumb because the comparison is necessarily not logical but because the message is not a good one to state in the public.

He made these statements while advocating for a pro life group. If he thought such statements were going to win others to his point of view on such a polarized subject then he is rather sorely mistaken.
oh how cute, A Republican lawmaker...

Never heard of the idiot but he's evidently a State or even city council since they don't anything about it in the title, but I guess we are suppose to give a crap

here comes the smears and dirty politics...Obama is tanking in everything with the Amercian people, so expect this type of BS

Sadly we living in Maine have to pay attention to women-hating morons like this.

He seriously needs an asskicking from some man whose women was recently raped.
oh how cute, A Republican lawmaker...

Never heard of the idiot but he's evidently a State or even city council since they don't anything about it in the title, but I guess we are suppose to give a crap

here comes the smears and dirty politics...Obama is tanking in everything with the Amercian people, so expect this type of BS

Sadly we living in Maine have to pay attention to women-hating morons like this.

He seriously needs an asskicking from some man whose women was recently raped.

Well my dear, you all in that STATE voted for him so don't pawn him off on the rest of us

which is what the Op and Hufferpuffer post was trying to do...Make it seem like he speaks for ALL REPUBLICANS
we know game
Note to Republicans

Stop talking about rape. I mean forever. Don't talk about the subject

Every time you do, you end up apologizing
Note to Republicans

Stop talking about rape. I mean forever. Don't talk about the subject

Every time you do, you end up apologizing

note to rightwinger,

They did. That is why the left needed to pull a quote up from 25 YEARS AGO. They are lacking any outrageous statements made recently to use as red meat to feed the rabid base.
Where do you think national level creeps like this come from?

If we care about out fellow human beings, yes, we should give a crap.

Since when did liberals get off their high horses and judge people? They love sexual perverts and criminals, so why not both together?

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