R-Wers ask: "Why doesn't Sanders defend Venezuela"?

I didn't realize Greece was such an industrial powerhouse. What, with all that manufacturing of oranges, grapes, tomatoes, olives and of course figs.

But then I wasn't educated in US public schools.

Someone should tell the ECB of Greece's manufacturing success, immediately!

God you're an idiot1

You should do research before you post, especially if you are going to call someone an idiot. Live animals and food only make up 12% of Greece's exports.

Greece main exports are mineral fuels (37 percent of the total exports); manufactured goods (13 percent) and food and live animals (12 percent). Others include: chemicals (9 percent); machinery and equipment (7 percent); miscellaneous products (6 percent) and crude materials except fuel (4 percent).

Greece Exports | 2001-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News
We weren't talking about exports.
The OP was telling me that figs were manufactured products and I was telling him that although I am a Greek citizen, I did not realize the strength of Greece manufacturing sector.

It's called ridicule, and exports are not necessarily just manufactured products btw.

I don't suffer fools gladly, especially self-righteous ones (the OP).

The OP specifically mentions the process a fig has to go through in order to be exported, so yeah, the conversation was about exports.
I see I'm dealing with two fools now.

Yeah, OK, figs are manufactured products. Sheesh!

No, is English your third language? The OP mentioned that figs going through the process of being cleaned, packaged, etc. before the export process. You then said that if figs are a manufactured good, then that makes Greece a manufacturing powerhouse! Well, sadly you didn't do your research, and food and animal live stock is only 12% of Greece's exports (mentioned directly by the OP), so even if they were a manufactured good, that wouldn't make much of a difference, as Greece has many other goods that are a lot higher on the list in exports than figs.

English is my first language, Greek my second and Czech my third. You have no cover for your idiotic "contribution",to my ridicule of the OP, nary a fig leaf regardless of what languages you might have mastered.

Again, I don't suffer fools gladly.
"Health care in Australia is provided by both private and government institutions."

Sort of just like the United States, right?

Per capita health care cost in Australia is about $6K.......ours is about $10K........Amazing.
It's far more intelligent than expecting the government to provide a decent education. That has already proven to be an abject failure.

So, when Germany provides FREE college education, those German are really just a bunch of illiterates?
NO, moron ...Venezuela is much more akin to a plutocracy or oligarchy than democratic socialist style of government.

Why don't you dimwits want to admit that MOST of our allies, in flourishing countries DO employ democratic socialism......????? At best its because you don't want to admit it....and at worst because you're too dumb to comprehend.
I didn't say it was a democratic socialist country. Clean the shit out of your eyes. Democracy isn't compatible with socialism, only libtards would believe that.

Democracy is highly compatible with socialism. All Democracy means is that the power resides in the People.

If the People want a public school system, which is socialist, then they can democratically have it.
You just lost your argument. Once government owns it, the people don't. Public school isn't anymore socialist than the military or police. Your liberalized definition means every government program is socialist. So every country is socialist. It might be a wet dream but it isn't true.

I would have to agree that every government program is socialist. However, that doesn't mean every country is 100% socialist. All countries are socialist to some degree - some more than others. The extent to which government provides goods and services and controls the economy is the extent of their socialism. The more socialist they are, the shittier their economies are.
If every government is socialist every country is socialist. We the people could throw anyone out of power anytime we wanted. That can't happen in socialist countries. For one, disarming the masses is a must. Arms keep us a free people.

Are you saying that Sweden or Finland cannot elect a different government?
I characterized what you said perfectly. He said 'we do not refuse anyone a free education' you said 'that's why our school system sucks.

He also said "True, and we DO have a "socialistic" public school system......from K-12."

Just admit you're a lying douche bag piece of shit.

So you do or do not want poor kids educated regardless of the parents' ability to pay?

Sure, I'm perfectly willing to contribute to charity schools if I am freed from the obligation of paying for the failed socialist government run system we now have.

Relying on the whims of charity is idiocy.

It's far more intelligent than expecting the government to provide a decent education. That has already proven to be an abject failure.

Name one country in modern history that has a top notch educational system that is completely disconnected from the government.
Democracy is highly compatible with socialism. All Democracy means is that the power resides in the People.

If the People want a public school system, which is socialist, then they can democratically have it.
You just lost your argument. Once government owns it, the people don't. Public school isn't anymore socialist than the military or police. Your liberalized definition means every government program is socialist. So every country is socialist. It might be a wet dream but it isn't true.

I would have to agree that every government program is socialist. However, that doesn't mean every country is 100% socialist. All countries are socialist to some degree - some more than others. The extent to which government provides goods and services and controls the economy is the extent of their socialism. The more socialist they are, the shittier their economies are.
If every government is socialist every country is socialist. We the people could throw anyone out of power anytime we wanted. That can't happen in socialist countries. For one, disarming the masses is a must. Arms keep us a free people.

Saying government programs are socialist is not the same as saying government is socialist. When the government provides a good or service, that program is socialist. There is simply no debating that. However, that same government can enforce property rights and avoid regulation. Virtually all modern governments are a mixture of socialism and capitalism. The all enforce property rights to some degree or another, and they allow private business to operate to one extent or another. However, the all provide goods and services to some extent, and they regulate private businesses to some extent. It's not an either/or situation.
That's where I disagree. You say they allow .... In a free country we allow the government to exist and function for our needs. Government doesn't allow us to be in business or own property. There are rules but a good reason must be given to deny anybody what others enjoy.

Even if we did "allow" it exist, that doesn't mean it doesn't regulate business and restrict property rights. This country is hardly free, even though we "allow" the government to exist.
He also said "True, and we DO have a "socialistic" public school system......from K-12."

Just admit you're a lying douche bag piece of shit.

So you do or do not want poor kids educated regardless of the parents' ability to pay?

Sure, I'm perfectly willing to contribute to charity schools if I am freed from the obligation of paying for the failed socialist government run system we now have.

Relying on the whims of charity is idiocy.

It's far more intelligent than expecting the government to provide a decent education. That has already proven to be an abject failure.

Name one country in modern history that has a top notch educational system that is completely disconnected from the government.

What do you imagine that would prove? The fact is that countries that give parents more control over how education money is spent have better outcomes that countries where bureaucrats make all the decisions.
Sanders has only defended democratic left-wing governments. As with the Sandinistas.
On another thread, the usual, poorly educated right wing dimwits, are all salivating as to why Bernie Sanders does not defend the failures of Venezuela's so-called socialism.

The question is stupid, infantile, biased.......and IRRELEVANT.

Sanders does NOT want to emulate Venezuela......Venezuela's failures are not a result of socialism, but a result of a one-source economy...OIL.......To compare Venezuelan socialism to the concept of overall socialism, reminds me of moronic right wingers who earlier this week compared NEW Mexican protesters as "illegal Mexicans"...

The reality is (or should be0 simple.......Sanders wants for the US to emulate the type of socialism that other capitalistic countries employ....and employ well in servicing the needs of their respective populations.

Counties that have done an exceptional job of combining capitalistic economic precepts with socially responsible socialistic priorities, include: GERMANY, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA, the U.K., and FRANCE. (there are many others, of course.)

If some right wingers want to honestly compare Sanders' democratic socialism to Venezuela, they are showing their stupidity and biases based on poor education.
Venezuela is a socialists dream...
I've seen some posts that point out that Venezuela was once the workers paradise and the modern socialist model while oil prices were high but I never saw a post that asked Sanders to defend Venezuela economic policies. As a matter of fact you can bet Sanders won't defend Venezuela or Cuba. The freaking hypocrite depends on corporate America making the big bucks so that his socialist friends can confiscate more money. If there are no more rich who do you rob to feed the poor? The short answer is that neo hypocrites like Sanders ain't got a freaking clue and under their agenda everyone in America would be equally poor and miserable except the socialist elite who make the rules.
It's far more intelligent than expecting the government to provide a decent education. That has already proven to be an abject failure.

So, when Germany provides FREE college education, those German are really just a bunch of illiterates?

LOL typical liberal stupidity, do you really thing its free? Put a bag over your head in shame for being willing to let other people pay your bills lib.

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